2022 Harbin University of Science and Technology postgraduate enrollment directory

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[Postgraduate Entrance Examination School okaoyan. com] provides you with information about the graduate enrollment directory of Harbin Institute of Technology in 2022. The following is the graduate enrollment directory and enrollment brochure of Harbin Institute of Technology. Here you can learn about the majors of the graduate enrollment directory of Harbin Institute of Technology and the requirements for graduate enrollment of Harbin Institute of Technology. For details, please download the attachment and check the major directory of Harbin Institute of Technology.

Click to download: Postgraduate Enrollment Brochure+Enrollment Catalog of Harbin Institute of Technology in 2022 general provisions

Article 1 These Articles of Association are formulated in accordance with the Administrative Provisions on the Enrollment of National Postgraduates in 2023 (Teaching Letter [2022] No. 3) issued by the Ministry of Education and the relevant provisions of Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Education and Heilongjiang Enrollment and Examination Institute, and in combination with the actual situation of graduate enrollment of the school.

Article 2 Our school enrolls postgraduate students, aiming to cultivate love for the motherland, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, support the socialist system, observe discipline and law, have good moral character, have a sense of social responsibility to serve the country and the people, master the solid basic theory and systematic professional knowledge of the discipline, have the spirit and ability of innovation, and engage in scientific research, teaching High level academic professionals with management and other working abilities, and high-level applied professionals with strong ability to solve practical problems, be able to undertake professional technology or management work, and have good professional quality.

Article 3 The enrollment of master's students in our university follows the principle of recruiting students on demand, comprehensively measuring, selecting the best and preferring to be deficient rather than abusive.

Article 4 The national postgraduate entrance examination is divided into two stages: the preliminary examination and the second examination. Both the preliminary examination and the second examination are important components of the postgraduate entrance examination. The initial examination is organized by the state, and the second examination is organized by our school.

Article 5 The learning methods of master's students are divided into full-time and part-time. Full time and part-time postgraduate examination enrollment shall follow the same policies and standards according to the unified national requirements.

There are two types of postgraduate enrollment: non targeted employment and targeted employment. Postgraduates with non targeted employment shall be employed according to the two-way choice between themselves and the employer; Postgraduates with targeted employment will be employed according to targeted contracts.

Chapter II Enrollment Plan and Schooling System

Article 6 Our school plans to enroll 1658 full-time graduate students, including 122 students who are recommended to be exempted, 10 candidates for "individual examination", and 7 special plans for "retired college student soldiers"; It is planned to enroll 47 part-time postgraduate students.

The number of students enrolled in each specialty in the 2023 specialty directory is for reference only, and the specific number of students enrolled will be determined according to the enrollment plan issued by the country. If the actual number of recommended students is less than the plan, the remaining places will be used for general recruitment.

Article 7 The educational system of our master's degree students is generally 3 years, and the maximum length of study in school is 4 years. Master's degree in law (law) and translation is 2 years, and the longest length of study in school is 3 years.

Chapter III Tuition Standards and Incentive Policies

Article 8 The tuition standard for full-time academic degree master students of our university is 8000 yuan per student per academic year; The tuition standard for full-time professional master degree graduates is 9000 yuan per student per academic year; The tuition fee for part-time business administration (1251) is 14000 yuan per student per year; The tuition for part-time engineering management (1256) is 12000 yuan per student per year.

Article 9 The standard of "national grants" for full-time non targeted master's postgraduates is 6000 yuan per year, which is paid in ten months each year.

Article 10 The award standard of "National Scholarship" for full-time master's postgraduates is 20000 yuan per year.

Article 11 Standards of full-time academic scholarship for master's postgraduates: 10000 yuan per student per year for the first grade of master's degree, the first class scholarship (the participants are the recommended graduate students free of examination), and 8000 yuan per student per year for the second class scholarship (the participants are the graduate students in the unified examination, which is determined according to the top 30% of the total scores of the primary and secondary examinations of each specialty); Scholarship for second and third year masters, 8000 yuan per student per year (no more than 30% of the number of graduate students in this grade).

Article 12 The standard of full-time academic grants for master's postgraduates: 5000 yuan (not more than 10% of the number of postgraduates in this grade) per student for the second and third grades of master's degree, and 3000 yuan (not more than 30% of the number of postgraduates in this grade) per student for the second grade of master's degree. An academic scholarship is not a scholarship.

Article 13 The post allowance for "teaching assistant, research assistant and management assistant" shall not be more than 500 yuan per month, and shall be paid for 5 months per semester. If the standard workload is less than the full month, it shall be paid according to the actual completion ratio.

Article 14 In accordance with the Measures for the Implementation of the National Student Loan of Harbin University of Science and Technology, provide the full-time graduate students with financial difficulties with the national student loan, and ensure that qualified graduate students can obtain the national student loan in time to successfully complete their graduate studies.

Chapter IV Registration

Article 15 School code: 10214

Article 16 Persons who apply for the National Entrance Examination for Postgraduates must meet the following conditions:

(1) Citizens of the People's Republic of China.

(2) Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have good moral character, and abide by discipline and law.

(3) The physical condition meets the physical examination requirements stipulated by the state and the enrollment unit.

(4) The academic level of candidates must meet one of the following conditions:

1. Newly graduated undergraduates with nationally recognized academic qualifications (including graduates from ordinary colleges and universities, adult colleges and universities, adult higher education held by ordinary colleges and universities), self-study examinations and online education can graduate undergraduates at that time. Candidates must obtain a nationally recognized undergraduate diploma or the Certificate of Foreign Academic Degrees issued by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education before entering the university in the year of admission, or their admission qualification will be invalid.

2. Personnel with a nationally recognized bachelor's degree.

3. Persons who have obtained a nationally recognized higher vocational college diploma for at least 2 years (from graduation to the date of admission, the same below) or more, as well as undergraduate graduates with a nationally recognized diploma, shall apply for the examination as those with the same academic qualifications as those with undergraduate degrees.

4. Personnel who have obtained master's or doctor's degrees.

Graduate students in school must obtain the consent of their training unit before applying for the examination.

Article 17 Those who register to take part in the national postgraduate entrance examination for the following professional degrees shall be subject to the following provisions.

(1) Those who apply for the admission examination for master's degree in law (non law) must meet the following conditions:

1. Meet the requirements in Article 16.

2. The major studied before applying for the exam is not a law major (graduates of law [code 0301] in the undergraduate specialty catalogue law category of ordinary colleges and universities, graduates of law at the junior college level and graduates of law in the form of self-study exam are not allowed to apply for the exam).

(2) Those who apply for the admission examination for master's degree in law (law) must meet the following conditions:

1. Meet the requirements in Article 16.

2. The major studied before applying for the examination is law (only graduates of law [code 0301] in the law category of the undergraduate specialty catalog of ordinary colleges and universities, graduates of law at the junior college level and graduates of law in the form of self-study examination can apply for the examination), and those who have obtained the second degree of law can apply for the professional degree of law (law).

(3) Those who apply for the postgraduate entrance examination for business administration [code: 125100], engineering management [code: 125601] and project management [code: 125602] in master of engineering management must meet the following conditions:

1. Meet the requirements of Article 16 (1), (2) and (3).

2. Personnel with more than 3 years of work experience after graduation from the university; Or those who have obtained a national recognized diploma from a higher vocational college or a university undergraduate course, meet the relevant academic requirements of the enrollment unit, have the same academic qualifications as those of a university undergraduate course and have more than 5 years of work experience; Or those who have more than 2 years of work experience after obtaining a master's or doctoral degree.

The relevant examination and enrollment policies for postgraduates of master of business administration are also implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Opinions of the Ministry of Education on Further Regulating the Education of Postgraduates of Master of Business Administration (Jiao Yan [2016] No. 2).

3. On the job targeted employment personnel.

Article 18 The applicants for the individual examination must meet the following conditions:

(1) Conform to the requirements of Article 16 (1), (2) and (3).

(2) After obtaining a nationally recognized undergraduate degree, the employee has worked continuously for more than 4 years, has excellent business, has published research papers (technical reports) or has become a backbone of business, and has returned to the original unit for targeted employment with the consent of the examinee's unit and the recommendation of two experts with senior professional and technical titles; Or those who have worked for more than 2 years after obtaining a master's degree or a doctor's degree, have excellent business, and return to the original unit for targeted employment with the consent of the unit where the candidate works and the recommendation of two experts with senior professional and technical titles.

Article 19 Candidates who have the qualification to recommend exemption from the examination must log into the "National Information Disclosure and Management Service System for Postgraduate Candidates Recommending Exemption from the Examination" (website: https://yz.chsi.com.cn/tm )Fill in the application form and participate in the second interview. Those who have been accepted by our university as exempt candidates shall not apply for admission to the postgraduate examination of that year, otherwise their eligibility for exemption will be cancelled.

Article 20 Registration includes online registration and online confirmation. All candidates who take part in the postgraduate entrance examination must register online, confirm online reporting information, collect their own images and other relevant electronic information online, and pay the application fee as required.

Individual candidates should choose Harbin University of Science and Technology for online registration and online confirmation.

(1) Online registration requirements

1. Online registration time is 9:00-22:00 from October 5 to October 25, 2022. The online forecast name is from September 24 to September 27, 2022, from 9:00 to 22:00 every day.

2. Candidates should log into the "China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network" (public website: https://yz.chsi.com.cn, education website: https://yz.chsi.cn , hereinafter referred to as "Research Recruitment Network"), browse the application instructions, and apply according to the online announcement requirements of the Ministry of Education, provincial education recruitment and examination institutions, application sites and application units. During the registration period, the examinee can modify the online registration information or fill in the registration information again, but one examinee can only keep one valid registration information. The registration information shall not be modified after the deadline.

3. Candidates can only fill in one major of one enrollment unit when registering. After the preliminary examination is over and the Ministry of Education announces the basic requirements for the examinees to enter the re examination, the examinees can learn about the adjustment methods, planned balance and other information of the enrollment units through the "Research Recruitment Network" adjustment service system, and fill in multiple adjustment applications in parallel and on their own many times according to relevant regulations.

4. Candidates who apply for the "retired college student soldier" special master's graduate enrollment plan should be college students who are enlisted and retired from active service, and who meet the requirements for master's graduate application (college students refer to full-time general undergraduate and junior college students (including higher vocational education), graduate students, second bachelor's degree graduates, current students, and new students, As well as regular college (higher vocational) graduates, current students and new students enrolled in adult colleges, the same below]. When registering, candidates should choose to fill in the special plan for retired college student soldiers, and fill in their enrollment information before enlistment, as well as relevant information such as enlistment and retirement.

5. Candidates should carefully understand and select the application form in strict accordance with the application conditions and relevant policy requirements. If the subsequent online confirmation, examination (including preliminary examination and reexamination) or admission cannot be carried out due to non-compliance with the application conditions and relevant policy requirements, the consequences shall be borne by the examinee himself.

6. The examinee shall truthfully fill in the learning situation and provide authentic materials as required. Candidates should accurately fill in their online registration information and provide authentic materials as required. If the examinee is unable to take the exam (including the preliminary exam and the second exam) or enroll due to the wrong or false information filled in the online report, the consequences shall be borne by the examinee himself.

7. Candidates should accurately fill in the rewards and punishments they have received, especially truthfully fill in the punishments they have received for discipline violation and cheating in the national education examinations such as the entrance examinations for ordinary and adult colleges and universities, the national postgraduate entrance examinations, and the self-study examinations for higher education. Those who practice fraud will be dealt with seriously in accordance with the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examination and the Interim Measures for Handling Violations of Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities.

(2) Online confirmation requirements

1. All examinees (excluding those who have been exempted) shall check and confirm their online registration information online or at the designated place of the registration site within the specified time, and will not make up for it after the deadline. The online confirmation time shall be determined and announced by each provincial education enrollment and examination institution according to the national enrollment work arrangement and the local application organization.

2. For online confirmation, candidates should submit their resident ID cards, academic degree certificates (new undergraduate graduates should hold student cards) and online registration numbers, which should be checked by the staff of the registration point. Candidates who apply for the master's enrollment plan of "retired college student soldiers" shall also submit their "Approval for enlistment" and "Retirement Certificate".

3. All candidates should carefully check and confirm their online registration information. The registration information will not be modified after being confirmed by the examinee, and all consequences caused by the examinee's filling errors will be borne by him/herself.

4. Candidates shall pay registration fees as required.

5. Candidates should cooperate in collecting their own images and other relevant electronic information according to the provisions of the registration site.

Article 21 Candidates should log in to the "Research Recruitment Network" with their online report user names and passwords about ten days before the exam and download and print the "Admission Card" by themselves. The Examination Permit shall be printed on A4 white paper, and the front and back sides shall not be altered or written during use. Candidates can take the first and second examinations with downloaded and printed "Admission Card" and valid resident ID card.

Article 22 When registering, the examinee must sign the Letter of Commitment for the Examinee's Integrity Examination and comply with relevant agreements and requirements.

Chapter V Preliminary Examination

Article 23 The time for the first examination of the national postgraduate entrance examination in 2023 is from December 24 to 25, 2022 (8:30-11:30 in the morning and 14:00-17:00 in the afternoon).

Article 24 Candidates shall attend the examination at the designated place according to the requirements of the selected registration site.

Article 25 For details of the self designed subjects and examination syllabus for the preliminary examination of our university, please refer to the Regulations on Enrollment of Postgraduates in Harbin Institute of Technology in 2023 published on the website of the Graduate Department.

Chapter VI Re examination and Dispensing

Article 26 A volunteer candidate who enters our school for the second round examination shall not be lower than the basic requirements for the first round examination results in the first district designated by the Ministry of Education.

Article 27 The work method for the re examination adjustment of our university will be announced on the website of our graduate office before the re examination (early April).

Article 28 A competitive reexamination shall be carried out. The competitive reexamination proportion, as well as the weight of the preliminary and reexamination results, shall be announced by each college before the reexamination according to the professional characteristics and the source of students.

Article 29 Candidates who apply for the examination with the same educational level must take two additional major courses of their major when they take the second examination. Candidates with the same academic qualifications who apply for Master of Law (non law), Master of Business Administration and Master of Engineering Management may not take additional examinations.

Article 30 The ideological and political theory examinations for the Master of Accounting, the Master of Business Administration and the Master of Engineering Management shall be conducted in the reexamination, and the results shall be included in the total scores of the reexamination.

Article 31 The foreign language listening and speaking tests shall be conducted in the second round examination, which shall be organized by the College of Admission, and the results shall be included in the total scores of the second round examination.

Article 32 When our school deems it necessary, we can retest the candidates.

Chapter VII Admission

Article 33 According to the 2023 postgraduate enrollment plan issued by the superior department, the examinees' scores in the initial and second examinations, their usual academic performance, ideological and political quality, moral assessment, and physical and mental health, our school selects the best candidates to determine the proposed enrollment list.

Article 34 Admission categories are divided into non targeted employment and targeted employment.

(1) The personnel files of non targeted employment master students must be transferred to Harbin University of Science and Technology, and the "two-way choice" between graduates and employers shall be adopted when graduation.

(2) The personnel files of the targeted employment master students do not need to be transferred to Harbin University of Science and Technology, and they must return to the targeted unit for employment after graduation. Before being admitted, the postgraduate of targeted employment must sign a targeted training agreement with our university and the employer.

Article 35 The physical examination of candidates shall be organized by the enrollment unit after the candidates are proposed to be admitted. According to the requirements of the Guiding Opinions on Physical Examination for Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Jiao Tong [2003] No. 3) issued by the Ministry of Education, the former Ministry of Health and the China Disabled Persons' Federation, and in accordance with the provisions of the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education and the General Office of the Ministry of Health on Relevant Issues of Cancelling the Examination of Hepatitis B Items for Enrollment of Students in Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Jiao Tong [2010] No. 2) and relevant regulations of the university, The specific time, place, method and requirements will be announced on the website of our graduate office. Those who fail the physical examination will be disqualified from admission.

Article 36 The application information confirmed by the examinee shall not be modified at the admission stage, and those whose application qualifications do not meet the requirements shall not be admitted.

Article 37 Freshmen shall report for duty on time. Those who fail to report on time must apply for leave from the school with justifiable reasons and relevant certificates and obtain the consent of the school. Those who fail to report within two weeks without reason will be disqualified.

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions

Article 38 The Articles of Association shall be implemented from the date of promulgation. In case of national policy adjustment, the latest document shall prevail and the Graduate Office shall be responsible for interpretation.

Contact Information of Graduate Admissions Office of Harbin University of Technology

Mailing address: No. 52, Xuefu Road, Nangang District, Harbin

Graduate Admissions Office of Harbin University of Science and Technology (Room E1319, main teaching building)

Tel: 0451-86390155

mail box: sszsb@hrbust.edu.cn

Postal code: 150080

1、 School Profile:
Harbin University of Science and Technology was formed by the merger of Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Electrical Engineering and Harbin Institute of Technology under the former Ministry of Machinery Industry in 1995. In 1998, it was transferred to Heilongjiang Province, and implemented a management system jointly built by the central and local governments, with the focus on local areas. In 2008, It is one of the ten high-level universities identified as the key construction in the construction plan of Heilongjiang Province as a strong province in higher education. The former three universities were founded in the 1950s. After 70 years of development, the university has become a "double first-class" university construction university in Heilongjiang Province, which focuses on engineering, combines science with engineering, coordinates the development of nine disciplines including economics, management, philosophy, literature, law, education and art, and has strong school running strength and distinctive characteristics. It is the largest science and engineering university in the province. In 2003, it was awarded "Excellent School for Undergraduate Teaching Evaluation" by the Ministry of Education. In 2008, it was approved by the Ministry of Education to implement the "National Innovative Experiment Plan for College Students". In 2011, it was selected as one of the first batch of universities in the "Central and Western Basic Capacity Building Project". In the same year, it was awarded the honorary title of "National Graduate Employment Typical Experience University" by the Ministry of Education, and was approved as "Outstanding Engineer Education and Training Program University" by the Ministry of Education. In 2015, it became a university jointly built by the People's Government of Heilongjiang Province and the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense. In 2018, it was selected as a domestic "double first-class" university construction university in Heilongjiang Province, and the "engineering" discipline entered the ESI top 1% discipline ranking list for the first time in the world; In 2020, the discipline of "material science" will be ranked among the top 1% disciplines in the ESI world.
The university has 4 school districts in total, of which there are 3 school districts in the east, west and south of Harbin, and Rongcheng Campus of Harbin Institute of Technology in Rongcheng City, Shandong Province. The school covers a total area of 1.632 million square meters and 983000 square meters of teaching infrastructure. The library has a collection of 2.56 million books, 1.122 million e-books, 160000 Chinese and foreign language journals, and 26 document databases. At present, there are 877 graduate tutors, including 2 national level talents, 9 distinguished professors of "Longjiang Scholars", 5 young scholars of "Longjiang Scholars", 19 provincial leading talent echelons, 1 national level teacher, 17 provincial level teachers, and 1 provincial level curriculum and ideological construction teacher; There are 438 doctoral students and 3919 master students.
The school has 12 postgraduate training units; There are 8 first level disciplines authorized for doctoral degrees, and 28 second level disciplines authorized for doctoral degrees can be set; 22 first level disciplines authorized for master's degree, and 98 second level disciplines authorized for master's degree can be set; 15 professional master's degree authorization categories and 25 professional master's degree authorization fields; 1 national key discipline, 5 national defense characteristic disciplines, 10 provincial key first level disciplines, and 5 domestic first-class disciplines in Heilongjiang Province; Postdoctoral research stations are set up in seven disciplines, namely electrical engineering, instrument science and technology, material science and engineering, mechanical engineering, management science and engineering, business administration, and computer science and technology. It has formed a disciplinary pattern with complete categories, reasonable structure, prominent features and obvious advantages.
In the fourth round of national discipline evaluation, five first level disciplines, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science and technology, business administration, management science and engineering, were rated B, ranking top 30% in the country; Marxist theory, instrument science and technology were rated B-level; Materials Science and Engineering, Control Science and Engineering, and Software Engineering were rated C+; Mathematics, chemical engineering and technology were rated C and C respectively. In terms of discipline construction, it has made phased progress, ranking in the forefront of provincial universities.
Adhering to the school running policy of combining the connotation construction with the extension development, the university has continuously expanded the channels of international exchanges and cooperation. It has established long-term and stable cooperative relations with 71 high-level universities and scientific research institutions outside China in more than 20 countries in Europe, the Americas and the Asia Pacific region, and actively carried out substantive cooperation such as joint student training, academic exchanges of teachers and cooperative scientific research, Continuously improve the school running level and comprehensive strength of the school.
Since its establishment 70 years ago, the school has trained 200000 outstanding talents for the national manufacturing industry. Many graduates have become the technical and leadership backbone of large and medium-sized enterprises and related fields. The school is known as the "cradle of modern engineers" by the society and the "Whampoa Military Academy" of wire and cable industry by enterprises (industries). Facing the future, Harbin University of Science and Technology will take "stabilizing the scale of running a school, improving the quality of running a school, strengthening the characteristics of running a school, and consolidating the foundation of a high-level teaching and research university" as the basic development idea. It will unite efforts, deepen reform, and be down-to-earth to build the school into a high-level teaching and research university that is satisfied by the people, recognized by the society, and proud of the majority of teachers, students, and alumni.
2、 Selection method
(1) Direct doctoral research: It refers to the selection of outstanding fresh undergraduate graduates who have obtained the qualification of recommending graduate students to study without examination, and the recruitment of graduate students who directly study for doctoral degrees. The selection shall be carried out in accordance with the school's annual Regulations on Accepting and Recommending Postgraduates Exempted from Examination.
(2) Postgraduate and doctoral linked study: refers to the way of selecting the best doctoral candidates among the first year postgraduate students who have completed the required courses in our school, achieved excellent results, and have strong innovation spirit and scientific research ability.
(3) Application assessment: full-time master graduates within 6 years of master's enrollment, or sophomores who have reached the criteria for early graduation can apply for doctoral candidates through application assessment.
(4) Public recruitment: refers to the recruitment method of selecting doctoral students through examinations.
The application category of direct doctoral, master doctoral and application assessment candidates must be non directional.
3、 Selection process
The enrollment of doctoral candidates in Harbin University of Science and Technology in 2021 will be carried out in two stages. The first stage will carry out the enrollment of candidates for direct doctoral research, master doctoral continuous study and application assessment. The second stage will carry out the enrollment of candidates for master doctoral continuous study, application assessment and public enrollment. The enrollment brochures in the second stage will be formulated according to the remaining enrollment plans in the first stage of each training unit.
4、 Application conditions
(1) We support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have the correct political direction, love the motherland, and are willing to serve the socialist modernization drive. We are law-abiding and upright.
(2) Persons who have graduated from a master's degree or have obtained a master's degree; Graduates of the current master's degree (must graduate or obtain a master's degree before entering the university at the latest); Persons who have obtained a bachelor's degree for more than 6 years (including 6 years, from the date of obtaining the bachelor's degree to the date of admission of doctoral students) and have reached the same academic level as master graduates (hereinafter referred to as "persons with the same academic level").
(3) Physical and mental health, the age is generally not more than 45 years old (there is no limit to the age of applying for orienteering training).
(4) There must be written recommendation from 2 professors (or experts with equivalent professional and technical titles) in the professional field of the subject (including 1 doctoral supervisor).
(5) Personnel with the same academic level must also meet the following requirements when applying for the doctoral examination: two academic papers (the first author) have been published on the journals of Class B and above recognized by the university in the subject, specialty or similar research fields; Or a national authorized invention patent (the first inventor); Or won the third prize (ranking first), second prize (ranking top three), first prize (rated personnel) and above of the provincial science and technology award.
(6) In addition to meeting the above (1), (3) and (4) conditions, the candidates for the master's degree and doctoral degree must also meet the following requirements: the first year non targeted postgraduate students of our school have completed the required courses, no courses are required to be retaken, and their scores are excellent; Have strong innovation spirit and scientific research ability; The score of CET-4 has reached 425 (including 425) or above, or other languages have passed the corresponding national foreign language test.
(7) In addition to meeting the above (1), (3) and (4) conditions, applicants for the application assessment system must also meet the following requirements: 1. fresh graduates (including early graduates); 2. Full time master graduates within 6 years of master's enrollment; 3. Have solid basic theories and specialized knowledge of the subjects studied, and have achieved excellent academic achievements and scientific research achievements.
(8) Direct doctoral research refers to the selection of outstanding fresh undergraduate graduates who have obtained the qualification of recommending graduate students to study without examination and enroll them as direct doctoral candidates. The selection shall be carried out in accordance with the school's annual Regulations on Accepting and Recommending Postgraduates Exempted from Examination.
(9) The application category of direct doctoral, master doctoral and application assessment candidates must be non directional.
5、 Phase I registration and application process
(1) Candidates for master and doctoral linked study and application assessment must register online.
1. Registration website: China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network( http://yz.chsi.com.cn/bsbm/
2. Application - examination and master doctoral candidates registration time: January 18, 2021 to March 8, 2021
3. The registration time of the public candidates will be notified separately.
4. See Annex 1 for the enrollment specialty directory.
(2) On March 9-10, 2021, candidates will submit their application materials to the College of Admission. After the College's review, they will report to the Graduate Office on March 11:
1. Brief online registration information form for doctoral degree graduates (printed after registration on China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network);
2. Two expert recommendations (Annex 2);
3. Table of Ideological and Political Information (Annex 3);
4. Physical examination form (Annex 4, hospitals above county level);
5. Transcript of master's degree over the years;
6. Original and copy of ID card;
7. The original and photocopy of the transcript of the corresponding national foreign language examination;
8. Original and photocopy of bachelor's and master's diplomas and degree certificates;
9. Other relevant materials that can reflect my academic level and ability.
(3) From March 11, 2021 to March 14, 2021, the Graduate Office will review the candidate materials and inform the Admissions College of the list of qualified candidates.
(4) From March 15 to 29, 2021, the college will be assessed and the selection results will be publicized.
The degree evaluation sub committee of each enrollment college shall organize an evaluation team of at least 5 doctoral supervisors or professors. The evaluation process shall be strictly recorded and filed, and the comprehensive evaluation results shall be given on the basis of comprehensive evaluation of applicants' ideological and moral character, foreign language proficiency, academic achievements, especially scientific research ability and scientific potential. The selection results will be publicized on the college website for 5 days.
(5) On March 30, 2021, the College of Admission will submit the following materials to the Graduate Office (E1319):
1. List of postgraduate assessment team for postgraduate continuous study, application and assessment (Annex 5)
2. Summary Sheet of Candidates' Scores for Recommended Postgraduate and Doctoral Continuous Study, Application and Assessment (Annex 6)
6、 Admitted candidates will enter in September 2021
Those who have the following circumstances will be disqualified: (1) Those who are overdue for 2 weeks without reason and do not report; (2) The new graduates have not obtained the corresponding degree and diploma recognized by the state at the time of admission; (3) Within three months after enrollment, the student status files or personnel files of non targeted candidates have not been submitted to the school or the submitted files are incomplete.
7、 Tuition Standards and Non targeted Doctoral Scholarship
Tuition: 10000 yuan/year/student, 3-year schooling;
National grant: 13000 yuan/year/student, 3 years in total;
Academic scholarship: subject to the latest revision of the school's issuance document at the time of enrollment.
8、 Other instructions
(1) Unit code: 10214
(2) Please pay attention to the website of our Graduate Office for details of enrollment( http://graduate.hrbust.edu.cn/
(3) Candidate consultation
relevant departments Consulting telephone mail box
Graduate Division 0451-86390151,
Teacher Yan
College of Mechanical Power Engineering 0451-86390523,
Teacher Zhang
School of Materials Science and Engineering 0451-86392515,
Teacher Zhang
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0451-86391608,
Teacher Yu
College of Computer Science and Technology 0451-86390645,
Miss Sun
College of Measurement and Control Technology and Communication Engineering 0451-86392307,
Miss Wu
School of Economics and Management 0451-86392233,
Miss Wang
College of Science 0451-86390788,
Teacher Zhang
(4) Enrollment Plan
The enrollment plan for 2021 announced in the catalog is the expected number of people, and the actual number of people recruited is subject to the enrollment plan of the Ministry of Education. The order of admission is: ① direct doctoral research; ② Master and doctoral consecutive study ③ application assessment; ④ Open recruitment.
(5) In principle, it is not allowed to change the tutor while the doctor is studying.
Annex: 1. Professional Catalog of Harbin University of Science and Technology in 2021
Graduate Department January 15, 2021
Attachment【 Annex 1 Professional Catalog of Harbin University of Science and Technology for Doctoral Candidates in 2021.pdf 】5911 downloads
Attachment【 Annex 2 Expert Recommendation.doc 】383 downloads
Attachment【 Annex 3 Ideological and Political Information Table.doc 】305 downloads
Attachment【 Attachment 4 Physical Examination Form.doc 】271 downloads
Attachment【 Annex 5 List of Assessment Team for College's Postgraduate Candidates in 2021.doc 】481 downloads
Attachment【 Annex 6 Summary of Scores of Candidates Recommended by the College for Continuous Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies and Application for Assessment. xls 】Downloaded 400 times

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 Public account for postgraduate entrance examination of Harbin University of Science and Technology  Official account of Graduate School Entrance Examination School

2022 Harbin University of Science and Technology Graduate Enrollment Catalog Full Text

90% of the students visited: The True Postgraduate Examination Question of Harbin University of Science and Technology Graduate School of Harbin University of Technology Enrollment Manual of Harbin University of Technology Contact information of Harbin Institute of Technology Re examination for postgraduate entrance examination of Harbin University of Science and Technology Score query of Harbin University of Science and Technology Postgraduate major of Harbin University of Technology Harbin University of Science and Technology Graduate Entrance Examination Score Graduate Supervisor of Harbin University of Technology Ranking of Harbin University of Science and Technology Bibliography of Harbin Institute of Technology Experience of postgraduate entrance examination in Harbin University of Science and Technology Postgraduate Entrance Examination Report of Harbin University of Science and Technology Problems of Postgraduate Entrance Examination in Harbin University of Science and Technology

Because the number of professional graduate students in Harbin Institute of Technology is limited, the number of students willing to do postgraduate tutoring is uncertain. Please add our consultant's WeChat for consultation and confirmation, and book graduate students in advance to avoid missing the one-on-one tutoring and training opportunities for graduate students.

Harbin University of Science and Technology Postgraduate Examination Major Directory:

College of Mechanical Power Engineering

School of Materials Science and Engineering

School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

College of Computer Science and Technology

College of Automation

College of Measurement and Control Technology and Communication Engineering

School of Economics and Management

College of Science

College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering

School of Foreign Languages

College of Marxism

college of art

Higher Education Research and Teaching Quality Assessment Center

College of Architecture and Engineering

law school

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