2022 Anhui University of Engineering Graduate Enrollment Catalog

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[Graduate Entrance Examination School okaoyan. com] provides you with information about the postgraduate enrollment directory of Anhui University of Engineering in 2022. The following is the postgraduate enrollment directory and enrollment brochure of Anhui University of Engineering. Here you can learn about the majors of the postgraduate enrollment directory of Anhui University of Engineering and the requirements for postgraduate enrollment of Anhui University of Engineering. For details, please download the attachment and check the major directory of Anhui Engineering University.

Click to download: Anhui University of Engineering Graduate Enrollment Brochure+Enrollment Catalog in 2022 1、 School Profile
Anhui University of Engineering is a provincial multidisciplinary university dominated by engineering and a key construction university in Anhui Province. It is also a construction university of the basic capacity construction project (Phase II) of universities in central and western China. It is located in the national open city of Wuhu. In 2015, it was approved as the first batch of pilot colleges for comprehensive reform of colleges and universities in Anhui Province, in 2016, it was approved as the pilot unit for innovation autonomy reform of colleges and universities in Anhui Province to systematically promote comprehensive innovation reform, and in 2019, it was approved as a doctoral degree awarding unit for project establishment in Anhui Province.
The total building area of the school is 720000 square meters, and the total value of teaching and scientific research equipment is 443 million yuan. At present, there are more than 20000 full-time undergraduate students, more than 2100 graduate students (including overseas students), and more than 1600 teaching staff, including more than 550 people with senior professional and technical titles. The university employs a group of well-known scholars at home and abroad, including academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering, as part-time professors, introduces high-level talents as discipline leaders, more than 90 people have won the titles of talent projects and famous teachers (teams) at or above the provincial level, 71 people have won awards in teaching competitions for teachers at or above the provincial level, and gradually built a team with rich teaching experience and high academic level Teaching and research team with strong scientific research ability.
The university has 16 secondary colleges, including the Mechanical Engineering College, which was approved by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council to grant master's degree in 2003. At present, there are 17 primary disciplines for postgraduate enrollment: mechanical engineering, material science and engineering, control science and engineering, electrical engineering, textile science and engineering, environmental science and engineering, food science and engineering Chemistry, bioengineering, applied economics, management science and engineering, design, art, software engineering, mathematics, system science, and Marxist theory; 3 independent interdisciplinary master's degree authorization points: artificial intelligence, intelligent manufacturing engineering, integrated circuit science and engineering; 11 categories of master's degree: finance, sports, social work, translation, public administration, business administration, art, electronic information, machinery, materials and chemicals, biology and medicine. In addition, there is one independent secondary discipline master's degree authorization point "Applied Mechanics and Engineering Structure" enrollment.
The university actively carries out scientific research, and has been approved more than 50 national scientific research projects and more than 300 provincial and ministerial scientific research projects in recent three years; There are 23 provincial science and technology awards, 4 provincial social science awards, 1 award of the 8th Ministry of Education Award for Outstanding Achievements in Scientific Research in Colleges and Universities (Humanities and Social Sciences), more than 530 invention patents, selected as a national intellectual property pilot university in 2020, and selected as one of the first batch of pilot units in Anhui Province to grant ownership or long-term use rights to scientific and technological achievements to scientific researchers in 2021. The discipline of control science and engineering was selected into the Anhui Provincial Summit Discipline Construction Plan. Cooperate with Anhui Evert Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. to jointly build a national and local joint engineering research center (engineering laboratory), which has 25 scientific and technological innovation platforms at or above the provincial level, including the key laboratory of the Ministry of Education for advanced perception and intelligent control of high-end equipment, the provincial collaborative innovation center for high-end equipment manufacturing in Wanjiang, and the provincial key research base for human, cultural and social sciences in design arts. The school's analysis and testing center has the qualification of a provincial food inspection agency.
The school adheres to the service orientation of "based on the local, serving Anhui, and radiating the Yangtze River Delta", and centers on the Yangtze River Delta integration strategy, constantly deepening the cooperation between the school and the local, school enterprises, and alumni in production, teaching, and research, providing services to support the construction of "three places and one district", and further promoting regional integration, school enterprise integration, and industry and education integration.
The guiding ideology of the school is clear, taking morality and talent cultivation as the fundamental task, adhering to the school running philosophy of "building the school with quality, strengthening the school with talents, and building the school with characteristics and harmony" and the education philosophy of "being honest, practical, and solid in learning", taking "rain plowing, hard work, and hard work" as the university spirit and "upholding morality, sensitive learning, being practical and innovative" as the school motto, and adhering to the principle of improving quality Build a connotative development path with characteristics as the core, actively cultivate high-quality application-oriented talents with a sense of social responsibility, innovative spirit, entrepreneurial awareness and practical ability who are fully developed in morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor, and form a school running feature of "focusing on industry, supporting industry and serving the local". The university is one of the top 50 universities with typical experience in graduate employment in China, a demonstration university of innovation and entrepreneurship education for college students in Anhui Province, a pioneer university of ideological and political construction of provincial courses, and a demonstration university of "double bases" construction at the provincial level. The quality of talent training is widely praised by the society, and the school is known as the "cradle of training engineers, designers, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs".
The university vigorously implements the strategy of "strengthening the school with talents, innovation driven, open school running, and characteristic development", and strives to forge ahead towards the goal of building a "domestic well-known, provincial first-class, high-level university with local characteristics".
2、 Enrollment specialty and enrollment plan
In 2023, our school will enroll graduate students in 17 first level discipline master degree authorization points and 11 master professional degree categories. Including 081100 Control Science and Engineering, 085400 Electronic Information, 082100 Textile Science and Engineering, 085600 Materials and Chemical Engineering, 070300 Chemistry and 135108 Art Design Enroll students in the direction of research 085404 Computer technology enrolls students in different fields. 086000 Biology and Medicine and 125200 Public Administration enroll full-time and part-time postgraduates.
Please refer to the website of the Graduate Department of our university for information about the research direction and examination subjects of each enrollment major《 Major Catalog of Anhui University of Engineering Graduate Enrollment in 2023 》The total number of students to be enrolled in the table is the number of students who have applied to Anhui Provincial Department of Education. The final total number of students to be enrolled is subject to the officially issued enrollment plan document.
In 2023, our school plans to enroll 14 candidates for the "Retired College Student Soldier Plan" (the final enrollment plan document officially issued by the Ministry of Education shall prevail).
3、 Application conditions
(1) Those who apply for the national postgraduate entrance examination must meet the following conditions:
1. Citizens of the People's Republic of China.
2. Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have good moral character, and abide by discipline and law.
3. The physical condition meets the physical examination requirements stipulated by the state and the enrollment unit.
4. The academic level of candidates must meet one of the following conditions:
(1) Newly graduated undergraduates with nationally recognized academic qualifications (including graduates from ordinary colleges and universities, adult colleges and universities, adult higher education held by ordinary colleges and universities), self-study examinations and online education can graduate undergraduates at that time. Candidates must obtain a nationally recognized undergraduate diploma or a Certificate of Foreign Academic Degrees issued by the Overseas Studies Service Center of the Ministry of Education before entering the university in the year of admission (the specific period is specified by the admission unit), otherwise the admission qualification will be invalid.
(2) A person with a bachelor's degree recognized by the state.
(3) Those who have obtained a nationally recognized higher vocational college graduation degree for two years or more (from graduation to the date of admission, the same below), as well as those who have completed undergraduate courses with a nationally recognized degree, and who meet the specific academic requirements of the recruitment unit for candidates according to the training objectives of the unit, shall apply for the examination as graduates with the same academic qualifications.
(4) Persons who have obtained master's or doctor's degrees. Graduate students in school must obtain the consent of their training unit before applying for the examination.
(2) The applicants for the postgraduate entrance examination for the master's degree in business administration and public administration must meet the following conditions:
1. Meet the requirements of items 1, 2 and 3 in (I).
2. Personnel with more than 3 years of work experience after graduation from the university; Or those who have obtained a national recognized diploma from a higher vocational college or a university undergraduate course, meet the relevant academic requirements of the enrollment unit, have the same academic qualifications as those of a university undergraduate course and have more than 5 years of work experience; Or those who have more than 2 years of work experience after obtaining a master's or doctoral degree.
The relevant examination and enrollment policies for postgraduates of master of business administration are also implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Opinions of the Ministry of Education on Further Regulating the Education of Postgraduates of Master of Business Administration (Jiao Yan [2016] No. 2).
In principle, part-time postgraduate students should recruit on-the-job targeted employment personnel.
4、 Online registration and online confirmation
Registration includes online registration and online confirmation. All candidates who take part in the postgraduate entrance examination must register online, confirm online reporting information, collect their own images and other relevant electronic information online, and pay the application fee as required.
In principle, fresh undergraduate graduates should choose the registration site designated by the provincial education recruitment and examination institution where the school is located; Individual examinees should choose the registration point designated by the provincial education recruitment and examination institution where the enrollment unit is located; Other candidates (including candidates for business administration, public administration and other professional degrees) should choose the registration point designated by the provincial education, enrollment and examination institution in the place of work or residence.
(1) Online registration requirements
one The online registration time is 9:00-22:00 from October 5 to October 25, 2022. The online forecast name is from September 24 to September 27, 2022, from 9:00 to 22:00 every day.
2. Candidates should log into the "China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network" (public website: https://yz.chsi.com.cn , Education website: https://yz.chsi.cn , hereinafter referred to as "Research Recruitment Network"), browse the application instructions, and apply according to the online announcement requirements of the Ministry of Education, provincial education recruitment and examination institutions, application sites and application units. During the registration period, candidates can modify online registration information or fill in registration information again, but each candidate can only retain one valid registration information. The registration information shall not be modified after the deadline.
3. Candidates can only fill in one major of one enrollment unit when registering. After the preliminary examination is over and the Ministry of Education announces the basic requirements for the examinees to enter the re examination, the examinees can learn about the adjustment methods, planned balance and other information of the enrollment units through the "Research Recruitment Network" adjustment service system, and fill in multiple adjustment applications in parallel and on their own many times according to relevant regulations.
4. Candidates should truthfully fill in the learning situation and provide authentic materials according to the requirements of the enrollment unit.
5. Candidates should accurately fill in the rewards and punishments they have received, especially truthfully fill in the punishments they have received for discipline violation and cheating in the national education examinations such as the entrance examinations for ordinary and adult colleges and universities, the national postgraduate entrance examinations, and the self-study examinations for higher education. Those who practice fraud will be dealt with seriously in accordance with the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examination and the Interim Measures for Handling Violations of Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities.
6. During the registration period, online verification will be carried out on the examinee's educational background (student status) information, and the examinee can view the verification results of educational background (student status) online. Candidates can log into the "China Higher Education Student Information Network" (website: https://www.chsi.com.cn )Query your education (student status) information.
Candidates who fail to pass the online verification of academic qualifications (student status) shall complete the verification of academic qualifications (student status) within the time specified by the enrollment unit.
7. Candidates who enjoy the care policy as required must fill in relevant information as required when registering online, and truthfully fill in ethnic minority identity and targeted employment in ethnic minority areas. The registration point shall conduct a preliminary examination on the qualification of relevant candidates, and the enrollment unit shall conduct a re examination before the re examination (including adjustment).
Candidates who apply to enjoy the bonus policy for the preliminary examination must fill in relevant information as required when registering online. Relevant departments shall review according to the division of responsibilities.
8. The enrollment of "High level Key Talents Program for Ethnic Minorities" shall be subject to the information confirmed by the examinees when they apply.
9. Candidates who apply for the "retired college student soldier" special master's graduate enrollment plan should be college students who have been enlisted and retired from active service, and who meet the requirements for master's graduate application (college students refer to full-time general undergraduate and junior college (including higher vocational education), graduate students, second bachelor's degree graduates, current students, and new students, As well as the graduates, current students and new entrants of ordinary colleges and universities (higher vocational colleges) enrolled by adult colleges. When registering, candidates should choose to fill in the special plan for retired college student soldiers, and fill in their enrollment information before enlistment, as well as relevant information such as enlistment and retirement.
10. Active servicemen who apply for local or military enrollment units, and local candidates who apply for military enrollment units, should carefully read and understand the relevant application requirements of the PLA and enrollment units in advance, abide by the confidentiality provisions, and fill in the application information according to the provisions. Any unclear points shall be contacted with the enrollment unit in advance.
11. Candidates should carefully understand and strictly follow the application conditions and relevant policy requirements to fill in the application form and select the application site. If the subsequent online confirmation, examination (including preliminary examination and reexamination) or admission cannot be carried out due to non-compliance with the application conditions and relevant policy requirements, the consequences shall be borne by the examinee himself.
12. Candidates should accurately fill in their online registration information and provide authentic materials as required. If the examinee is unable to take the exam (including the preliminary exam and the second exam) or enroll due to the wrong or false information filled in the online report, the consequences shall be borne by the examinee himself.
13. After successful online registration, candidates should take the initiative to understand the examination arrangements, epidemic prevention requirements and other matters by regularly consulting the provincial education and enrollment examination institutions, application sites, and the official website of the enrollment unit, and actively cooperate to complete the relevant work.
(2) Online confirmation requirements
1. All examinees (excluding those who have been exempted) shall check and confirm their online registration information within the specified time, and will not make up for it after the deadline. The online confirmation time shall be determined and announced by each provincial education enrollment and examination institution according to the national enrollment work arrangement and the local application organization.
2. Candidates should actively cooperate with the staff of the application site when confirming online. According to the needs of verification, they should submit their resident ID cards, academic degree certificates (new undergraduate graduates hold student cards) and online registration numbers as required, which should be checked by the staff of the application site.
3. All candidates should carefully check and confirm their online registration information. The registration information will not be modified after being confirmed by the examinee, and all consequences caused by the examinee's filling errors will be borne by him/herself.
4. Candidates shall pay registration fees as required.
5. Candidates should cooperate in collecting their own images and other relevant electronic information according to the provisions of the registration site.
5、 Examination of candidates' qualification
According to the policies and regulations of the Ministry of Education on postgraduate enrollment documents, our school strictly reviews the candidates' qualification in the process of postgraduate enrollment, reexamination, admission, and freshmen registration, and focuses on the verification of the information of academic qualifications (student status) filled in by the candidates. If the application information filled in by the examinee is inconsistent with the application conditions, the examination shall not be granted.
6、 Print admission card
1. Candidates should log in to the "Research Recruitment Network" with their online username and password to download and print the Admission Card (the admission card is open for printing about ten days before the exam). The Examination Permit shall be printed on A4 white paper, and the front and back sides shall not be altered or written during use. Candidates can take the first and second examinations with downloaded and printed "Admission Card" and valid resident ID card.
2. When registering, the examinee must sign the "Letter of Commitment on Examinees' Integrity" and comply with relevant agreements and requirements.
3. The examinee must properly keep his/her personal online username, password, Entrance Examination Permit, resident ID card and other documents to avoid loss caused by leakage.
7、 Date and time of initial test:
In 2023, the initial examination time of the national postgraduate entrance examination is December 24-25, 2022 (8:30-11:30 a.m. and 14:00-17:00 p.m. every day).
8、 Learning style
In principle, full-time graduate students shall study full-time at school, and part-time graduate students shall study part-time.
9、 Length of schooling
In 2023, our school will enroll full-time and part-time graduate students for 3 years
10、 Tuition
1. The tuition standard for full-time academic degree masters is 8000 yuan/student • academic year.
2. The tuition standard for full-time professional master of public administration (MPA) is 11000 yuan/student • academic year;
The tuition standard for full-time professional master of business administration (MBA) is 11000 yuan/student • academic year;
The tuition standard for full-time professional master of finance (MF) is 11000 yuan/student • academic year;
The tuition standard of full-time professional degree Master of Arts (MFA) is 11000 yuan/student • academic year;
The tuition standard for full-time masters of other professional degrees is 11000 yuan/student • academic year;
3. The tuition standard for part-time professional master of public administration (MPA) is 15000 yuan/student • academic year, and 11000 yuan/student • academic year for other majors.
4. If there is any adjustment to the tuition standard of each specialty, the price management department of Anhui Province shall prevail.
11、 Reward and subsidy system
According to national documents and school policies, our graduate student award system consists of scholarships, grants, innovative projects, etc. The specific award system includes the following:
1. Academic scholarship for master's degree
Grade First academic year Second academic year Third academic year
first-class twelve thousand ten thousand ten thousand
second ten thousand eight thousand eight thousand
Third class eight thousand six thousand six thousand
1. Candidates who wish to enroll in the first academic year enjoy second-class scholarship and above, while other candidates enjoy third class scholarship.
2. National scholarship for master's degree, reward standard: 20000 yuan/person.
3. Xinlong Scholarship, reward standard: 10000 yuan/person.
4. Dafu Scholarship, reward standard: 5000 yuan/person.
5. Anhui Heli Scholarship, award standard: 4000 yuan/person.
6. National grant for master's degree: 6000 yuan/academic year/person.
7. The business fund for master's degree students set up by the school: 3500 yuan/person.
8. The school has three positions of teaching assistant, research assistant and management assistant: 400-500 yuan/month.
9. The school sets up a subsidy fund for students with financial difficulties from families, with two levels of support: first class 1200 yuan/time, second class 1000 yuan/time.
10. The university has set up a postgraduate education innovation fund to fund postgraduate practice and scientific research innovation projects.
11. The university subsidizes graduate students to travel to famous overseas universities in the form of summer and winter camps.
Welcome to the home page of our graduate department: http://grs.ahpu.edu.cn
Unit code: 10363
Address: Beijing Middle Road, Wuhu City, Anhui Province Postal code: 241000
Contact department: Graduate Department
Tel.: 0553-2871037 E-mail: yjszs@ahpu.edu.cn
WeChat official account: Research and Recruitment Office of Anhui University of Technology

Note: In case of any change in the above matters, the regulations of the Ministry of Education shall prevail.  
S/N College name contacts contact number Contact E-mail
one College of Mechanical Engineering
(College of Artificial Intelligence)
Miss Wang
Miss Wu
0553-2215050 wahazf@ahpu.edu.cn
two School of Materials Science and Engineering Miss Zhao 0553-2871738 clxyahpu@126.com
three School of Electrical Engineering Miss Yu 0553-2871608 ahpucee_yjszs@163.com
four Textile and Clothing College Miss Xu 0553-2871264 xwz8199@mail.ahpu.edu.cn
five College of Biology and Food Engineering Teacher Zhang 0553-2871254 959914518@qq.com
six College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering Miss Xu 0553-2871026 25796834@qq.com
seven School of Economics and Management Mr. He 0553-2871242 810767268@qq.com
eight college of art Teacher Tian 0553-2871418 348819784@qq.com
nine School of Computer and Information Miss Huang 0553-2871235 527125154@qq.com
ten School of Mathematics, Physics and Finance Miss Liu 0553-2871142 to 805 610364596@qq.com
eleven College of Humanities
(Humanities Quality Education Center)
Miss Li 0553-2871273 lijie3599@ahpu.edu.cn
twelve School of Foreign Languages Miss Yang 0553-2871250 1192885092@qq.com
thirteen Physical Education Institute Teacher Zhang 0553-2871084 273044954@qq.com
fourteen College of Architecture and Engineering Miss Li 0553-2871178 to 801 1011381329@qq.com
fifteen College of Marxism Miss Han 0553-2871478 1244741854@qq.com


1、 School Profile
Anhui University of Engineering is a provincial multidisciplinary university dominated by engineering and a key construction university in Anhui Province. It is also a construction university of the basic capacity construction project (Phase II) of universities in central and western China. It is located in the national open city of Wuhu. The school started from Anhui Private Neisi Senior Vocational School in 1935, and went through the running stages of Wuhu Electrical Machinery Manufacturing School (affiliated to the former National First Ministry of Machinery Industry), Wuhu Mechanical School, Anhui Mechanical and Electrical College, Anhui Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, and was renamed Anhui University of Engineering in 2010. In 2015, it was approved as the first batch of pilot colleges for comprehensive reform of colleges and universities in Anhui Province, in 2016, it was approved as the pilot unit for innovation autonomy reform of colleges and universities in Anhui Province to systematically promote comprehensive innovation reform, and in 2019, it was approved as a doctoral degree awarding unit for project establishment in Anhui Province.
The total building area of the school is 650000 square meters, and the total value of teaching and scientific research equipment is 398 million yuan. At present, there are more than 23000 full-time undergraduate students, more than 1600 graduate students, and more than 1400 teaching staff, including more than 510 people with senior professional and technical titles. The university employs a group of well-known scholars at home and abroad, including academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering, as part-time professors, introduces high-level talents as discipline leaders, and more than 80 people have won the title of provincial talent projects and famous teachers (teams), gradually building a teaching and research team with rich teaching experience, high academic level and strong scientific research ability.
The school has 15 secondary colleges such as Mechanical Engineering College and College of Continuing Education. Relying on new engineering disciplines such as robot engineering, data science and big data technology, artificial intelligence, intelligent science and technology, the school takes the lead in setting up an artificial intelligence college in colleges and universities in Anhui Province. In terms of undergraduate training, there are more than 60 undergraduate enrollment majors covering engineering, science, culture, management, economics, law, art and other categories, including 8 national first-class specialty construction points, 14 provincial first-class specialty construction points, 15 national and provincial comprehensive reform pilot majors, 19 national and provincial outstanding talent training plan majors, and 4 majors have passed the certification of engineering education specialty; It has established a national off campus practical education base for college students; Two national first-class courses and 59 provincial first-class courses were approved; In recent three years, nearly 50 national "new engineering", "new agricultural science" and industry university research cooperation collaborative education projects have been added. In terms of postgraduate cultivation, there are 16 first level discipline master's degree authorization points, 10 professional master's degree authorization categories, 3 interdisciplinary master's degree authorization points, etc., and a provincial demonstration base for joint cultivation of postgraduate students by industry, university and research, a provincial professional degree case library, and a teaching case promotion center.
The university actively carries out scientific research, and has been approved more than 50 national scientific research projects and more than 300 provincial and ministerial scientific research projects in recent three years; There are 23 provincial science and technology awards, 4 provincial social science awards, 1 award of the 8th Ministry of Education Award for Outstanding Achievements in Scientific Research in Colleges and Universities (Humanities and Social Sciences), 449 invention patents, and in 2020, it was selected as a national intellectual property pilot university. Six disciplines including mechanical engineering were approved as provincial key disciplines, and control science and engineering disciplines were selected into the Anhui Provincial Summit Discipline Construction Plan. Cooperate with Anhui Evert Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. to jointly build a national and local joint engineering research center (engineering laboratory), with 24 provincial-level scientific and technological innovation platforms, including the key laboratory of the Ministry of Education for advanced perception and intelligent control of high-end equipment, the provincial collaborative innovation center for high-end equipment manufacturing in Wanjiang, and the provincial key research base for human, cultural and social sciences in design arts. The school's analysis and testing center has the qualification of a provincial food inspection agency.
The school adheres to the service orientation of "based on the local, serving Anhui and radiating the Yangtze River Delta", and constantly deepens the cooperation between the school and the local, school and enterprise. The College of International Engineers of Anhui University of Engineering, co founded with Wuhu City, has been officially launched. At present, we are making every effort to build a demonstration area for the reform of the talent training model with the characteristics of "internationalization, engineering, entrepreneurship, and diversification", and a science and technology incubation base integrating production, learning, research, and use. The Anpu Robot Industrial Technology Research Institute was jointly established with Wuhu City and was approved as one of the first new research and development institutions in Anhui Province; Xuancheng Industrial Technology Research Institute, Creative Industry Research Institute, Additive Manufacturing Research Institute and Artificial Intelligence Research Institute were jointly established with local governments. Undertake more than 30 decision-making consulting projects in Anhui Province and Wuhu City. Establish a comprehensive strategic cooperation relationship with Wuhu City, and carry out in-depth cooperation with Anhui Forklift, Chery Automobile, CETC Wuhu Diamond Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Jingdong Group, Baidu Company and other well-known domestic enterprises. It has established cooperation and exchange relations with more than 20 well-known universities in the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia and Taiwan, and actively carried out cooperative school running, talent training, scientific research and other activities.
The guiding ideology of the school is clear, taking morality and talent cultivation as the fundamental task, adhering to the school running philosophy of "building the school with quality, strengthening the school with talents, and building the school with characteristics and harmony" and the education philosophy of "being honest, practical, and knowledgeable", taking "rain plowing, hard work, and hard work" as the university spirit and "upholding virtue, sensitive learning, and being practical and innovative" as the school motto, and adhering to the principle of improving quality Build a connotative development path with characteristics as the core, actively cultivate high-quality application-oriented talents with a sense of social responsibility, innovative spirit, entrepreneurial awareness and practical ability who are fully developed in morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor, and form a school running feature of "focusing on industry, supporting industry and serving the local". The university is one of the top 50 universities with typical experience in graduate employment in China, a demonstration university of innovation and entrepreneurship education for college students in Anhui Province, an advanced university of ideological and political construction of provincial courses, and a demonstration university of "double bases" construction at the provincial level. It has been approved as one of the first batch of provincial entrepreneurship colleges in Anhui Province, and has won the advanced commendation for the employment of college graduates in Anhui Province for eight consecutive years, of which it has been a pacesetter for five consecutive years. The quality of talent training is widely praised by the society, and the school is known as the "cradle of training engineers, designers, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs".
The university vigorously implements the strategy of "strengthening the school with talents, innovation driven, open school running, and characteristic development", and strives to forge ahead towards the goal of building a "domestic well-known, provincial first-class, high-level university with local characteristics".
The university was approved by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council to grant master's degree in 2003. At present, there are 16 first level discipline master's degree authorization points for enrollment majors: mechanical engineering, material science and engineering, control science and engineering, electrical engineering, textile science and engineering, environmental science and engineering, food science and engineering, chemistry, bioengineering, management science and engineering Design, Fine Arts, Software Engineering, Mathematics, System Science, Marxist Theory; 3 independent interdisciplinary master's degree authorization points: artificial intelligence, intelligent manufacturing engineering, integrated circuit science and engineering; 10 master's degree categories: finance, sports, social work, translation, public management, art, electronic information, machinery, materials and chemicals, biology and medicine. In addition, there is one secondary discipline master's degree authorization point "Industrial Economics" and one independent secondary discipline master's degree authorization point "Applied Mechanics and Engineering Structure" enrollment.
2、 Enrollment major
In 2022, our school will enroll full-time master's degree students in 31 majors (21 academic degrees, 10 professional degrees), including newly added three Independent interdisciplinary master's degree 0802J1 artificial intelligence, 0802J2 intelligent manufacturing engineering and 0811J3 integrated circuit science and engineering; 081100 Control Science and Engineering, 085400 Electronic Information, 082100 Textile Science and Engineering, 085600 Materials and Chemical Engineering, 070300 Chemistry Enroll students in the direction of research Full time and part-time graduate students are recruited for the two professional degrees of biology and medicine and public management (please refer to the Major Catalog of Anhui University of Engineering Graduate Enrollment in 2022 published on the website of the Graduate Department of our university for information on the research direction and examination subjects of each enrollment major).  
III Application conditions
(1) Those who apply for the national postgraduate entrance examination must meet the following conditions:
1. Citizens of the People's Republic of China.
2. Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have good moral character, and abide by discipline and law.
3. The physical condition meets the physical examination requirements stipulated by the state and the enrollment unit.
4. The academic level of candidates must meet one of the following conditions:
(1) Newly graduated undergraduates with nationally recognized academic qualifications (including graduates from ordinary colleges and universities, adult colleges and universities, adult higher education held by ordinary colleges and universities), self-study examinations and online education can graduate undergraduates at that time. Candidates must obtain a nationally recognized undergraduate diploma or a Certificate of Foreign Academic Degrees issued by the Overseas Studies Service Center of the Ministry of Education before entering the university in the year of admission (the specific period is specified by the admission unit), otherwise the admission qualification will be invalid.
(2) A person with a bachelor's degree recognized by the state.
(3) Those who have obtained a nationally recognized higher vocational college graduation degree for two years or more (from graduation to the date of admission, the same below), as well as those who have completed undergraduate courses with a nationally recognized degree, and who meet the specific academic requirements of the recruitment unit for candidates according to the training objectives of the unit, shall apply for the examination as graduates with the same academic qualifications.
(4) Persons who have obtained master's or doctor's degrees.
Graduate students in school must obtain the consent of their training unit before applying for the examination.
(2) Those who apply for the national postgraduate entrance examination for the degree of public administration must meet the following conditions:
1. Meet the requirements of items 1, 2 and 3 in (I).
2. Personnel with more than 3 years of work experience after graduation from the university; Or those who have obtained a national recognized diploma from a higher vocational college or a university undergraduate course, meet the relevant academic requirements of the enrollment unit, have the same academic qualifications as those of a university undergraduate course and have more than 5 years of work experience; Or those who have more than 2 years of work experience after obtaining a master's or doctoral degree.
In principle, part-time postgraduate students should recruit on-the-job targeted employment personnel.  
4、 Online registration and online confirmation (on-site confirmation)
Registration includes online registration and online confirmation (on-site confirmation). All candidates who take part in the postgraduate entrance examination must register online, and confirm online reporting information and collect their own images and other relevant electronic information online or at the site of the application site, and pay the application fee as required.
In principle, fresh undergraduate graduates should choose the registration point designated by the provincial education recruitment and examination institution where the school is located to handle online registration and online confirmation (on-site confirmation) procedures; Individual examinees should choose the registration point designated by the provincial education recruitment and examination institution where the enrollment unit is located to handle online registration and online confirmation (on-site confirmation) procedures; Other candidates (including candidates for business administration, public administration, tourism management, engineering management and other professional degrees) should choose the place of work (the relevant specific requirements should be reasonably determined by the local provincial education recruitment and examination institution) or the registration point designated by the provincial education recruitment and examination institution where the residence is located to handle online registration and online confirmation (on-site confirmation) procedures.
The technical service of online registration is in the charge of the National University Student Information Consulting and Employment Guidance Center. Online confirmation (on-site confirmation) shall be organized by the provincial education enrollment and examination institutions to conduct relevant registration points.
The staff of the registration point shall notify the public security organ and cooperate with the public security organ to temporarily detain the relevant certificates when they find that the examinee has forged certificates.
(1) Online registration requirements
one Online registration time From October 5 to October 25, 2021, 9:00-22:00 every day. The online forecast name is from September 24 to September 27, 2021, from 9:00 to 22:00 every day.
2. Candidates should log into the "China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network" (public website: https://yz.chsi.com.cn, education website: https://yz.chsi.cn , hereinafter referred to as "Research Recruitment Network"), browse the application instructions, and apply according to the online announcement requirements of the Ministry of Education, provincial education recruitment and examination institutions, application sites and application units. During the registration period, the examinee can modify the online registration information or fill in the registration information again, but one examinee can only keep one valid registration information. The registration information shall not be modified after the deadline.
3. Candidates can only fill in one major of one enrollment unit when registering. After the preliminary examination is over and the Ministry of Education announces the basic requirements for the examinees to enter the re examination, the examinees can learn about the adjustment methods, planned balance and other information of the enrollment units through the "Research Recruitment Network" adjustment service system, and fill in multiple adjustment applications in parallel and on their own many times according to relevant regulations.
4. Candidates should truthfully fill in the learning situation and provide authentic materials according to the requirements of the enrollment unit.
5. Candidates should accurately fill in the rewards and punishments they have received, especially truthfully fill in the punishments they have received for discipline violation and cheating in the national education examinations such as the entrance examinations for ordinary and adult colleges and universities, the national postgraduate entrance examinations, and the self-study examinations for higher education. Those who practice fraud will be dealt with seriously in accordance with the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examination and the Interim Measures for Handling Violations of Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities.
6. During the registration period, online verification will be carried out on the examinee's educational background (student status) information, and the examinee can view the verification results of educational background (student status) online. Candidates can also log into the "China Higher Education Student Information Network" (website: https://www.chsi.com.cn )Query your education (student status) information.
Candidates who fail to pass the online verification of academic qualifications (student status) shall complete the verification of academic qualifications (student status) within the time specified by the enrollment unit.
7. Candidates who enjoy the ethnic minority care policy according to the regulations must truthfully fill in the ethnic minority identity when registering online, and apply for targeted employment in ethnic minority areas.
8. The enrollment of "High level Key Talents Program for Ethnic Minorities" shall be subject to the information confirmed by the examinees when they apply.
9. Candidates who apply for the "retired college student soldier" special master's graduate enrollment plan should be college students who have been enlisted and retired from active service, and who meet the requirements for master's graduate application (college students refer to full-time general undergraduate and junior college (including higher vocational education), graduate students, second bachelor's degree graduates, current students, and new students, As well as regular college (higher vocational) graduates, current students and new students enrolled in adult colleges, the same below]. When registering, candidates should choose to fill in the special plan for retired college student soldiers, and fill in their enrollment information before enlistment, as well as relevant information such as enlistment and retirement.
10. Active servicemen who apply for local or military enrollment units, and local candidates who apply for military enrollment units, should carefully read and understand the relevant application requirements of the PLA and enrollment units in advance, abide by the confidentiality provisions, and fill in the application information according to the provisions. Any unclear points shall be contacted with the enrollment unit in advance.
11. Candidates should carefully understand and select the application form in strict accordance with the application conditions and relevant policy requirements. If subsequent online confirmation (on-site confirmation), examination (including preliminary examination and reexamination) or admission cannot be made due to non-compliance with the application conditions and relevant policy requirements, the consequences shall be borne by the examinee himself.
12. Candidates should accurately fill in their online registration information and provide authentic materials as required. If the examinee is unable to take the exam (including the preliminary exam and the second exam) or enroll due to the wrong or false information filled in the online report, the consequences shall be borne by the examinee himself.
(2) Online confirmation (on-site confirmation) requirements
1. All examinees (excluding those who have been exempted) shall check and confirm their online registration information online or at the designated place of the registration site within the specified time, and will not make up for it after the deadline. The time of online confirmation (on-site confirmation) shall be determined and announced by each provincial education enrollment and examination institution according to the national enrollment work arrangement and the local application organization.
2. For online confirmation (on-site confirmation), candidates should submit their resident ID cards, academic degree certificates (new undergraduate graduates hold student cards) and online registration numbers, which should be checked by the staff of the registration center. Candidates who apply for the master's enrollment plan of "retired college student soldiers" shall also submit their "Approval for enlistment" and "Retirement Certificate".
3. All candidates should carefully check and confirm their online registration information. The registration information will not be modified after being confirmed by the examinee, and all consequences caused by the examinee's filling errors will be borne by him/herself.
4. Candidates shall pay registration fees as required.
5. Candidates should cooperate in collecting their own images and other relevant electronic information according to the provisions of the registration site.  
5、 Examination of candidates' qualification
According to the policies and regulations of the Ministry of Education on postgraduate enrollment documents, our school strictly reviews the candidates' qualification in the process of postgraduate enrollment, reexamination, admission, and freshmen registration, and focuses on the verification of the information of academic qualifications (student status) filled in by the candidates.  
6、 Print admission card
1. Candidates should log in to the "Research Recruitment Network" with their online username and password to download and print the "Admission Card" by themselves from December 18 to December 27, 2021. The Examination Permit shall be printed on A4 white paper, and the front and back sides shall not be altered or written during use. Candidates can take the first and second examinations with downloaded and printed "Admission Card" and valid resident ID card.
2. Candidates can participate in the initial and second examinations with the downloaded and printed Admission Card and valid resident ID card.
3. When registering, the examinee must sign the Letter of Commitment for Examinees' Integrity Examination and comply with relevant agreements and requirements.
4. The examinee must properly keep his/her personal online username, password, Entrance Examination Permit, resident ID card and other documents to avoid loss caused by leakage.
7、 Date and time of initial examination
two thousand and twenty-two Initial Examination Time of National Postgraduate Entrance Examination in December 25-26, 2021 (8:30-11:30 a.m. and 14:00-17:00 p.m. every day).
8、 Learning style
Full time postgraduates study full-time at school, while part-time postgraduates study part-time.  
9、 Length of schooling
Our school 2022 The full-time and part-time postgraduate education system enrolled in the year is 3 year  
10、 Tuition
Tuition fees shall be subject to the national and Anhui provincial documents.  
11、 Reward and subsidy system
According to national documents and school policies, our graduate student award system consists of scholarships, grants, innovative projects, etc. The specific award system includes the following:
1. Academic scholarship for master's degree
Grade First academic year Second academic year Third academic year
first-class twelve thousand ten thousand ten thousand
second ten thousand eight thousand eight thousand
Third class eight thousand six thousand six thousand
1. Candidates who wish to enroll in the first academic year enjoy second-class scholarship and above, while other candidates enjoy third class scholarship.
2. National scholarship for master's degree, reward standard: 20000 yuan/person.
3. Xinlong Scholarship, reward standard: 10000 yuan/person.
4. Dafu Scholarship, reward standard: 5000 yuan/person.
5. Anhui Heli Scholarship, award standard: 4000 yuan/person.
6. National grant for master's degree: 6000 yuan/academic year/person.
7. The business fund for master's degree students set up by the school: 3500 yuan/person.
8. The school has three positions of teaching assistant, research assistant and management assistant: 400-500 yuan/month.
9. The school sets up a subsidy fund for students with financial difficulties from families, with two levels of support: first class 1200 yuan/time, second class 1000 yuan/time.
10. The university has set up a postgraduate education innovation fund to fund postgraduate practice and scientific research innovation projects.
11. The university subsidizes graduate students to travel to famous overseas universities in the form of summer and winter camps.
Welcome to the home page of our graduate department: http://grs.ahpu.edu.cn/   
Unit code: 10363
Address: Beijing Middle Road, Wuhu City, Anhui Province Postal code: 241000
Contact department: Graduate Department
Tel.: 0553-2871037 E-mail: yjszs@ahpu.edu.cn
WeChat official account: Research and Recruitment Office of Anhui University of Technology
Note: In case of any change in the above matters, the regulations of the Ministry of Education shall prevail.

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Since the number of professional graduate students in Anhui University of Engineering is limited and the number of students willing to do postgraduate tutoring is uncertain, please add our consultant's WeChat for consultation and confirmation, so as to book graduate students in advance, so as not to miss the one-on-one tutoring and training opportunities for graduate students.

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