Graduate School of North China University of Science and Technology

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This website summarizes a large number of graduate enrollment information of the Graduate School of North China University of Science and Technology, so that students who take the postgraduate examination can understand what is necessary for the Graduate School of North China University of Science and Technology and the advantageous majors when choosing schools and majors. The summary information of the Graduate School of North China University of Science and Technology for students is as follows, For you to understand the graduate majors and departments of North China University of Science and Technology Graduate School of North China University of Science and Technology Problems.

 Graduate School of North China University of Science and Technology
1、 Training objectives
Cultivate love for the motherland, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, support the socialist system, abide by discipline and law, have a good moral character, have a sense of social responsibility to serve the country and the people, master the solid basic theory and systematic professional knowledge of safety science and engineering and other disciplines, have an innovative spirit, and be able to engage in safety supervision, emergency rescue The ability of occupational hazard supervision and safety engineering technology and management, and high-level applied professionals with good professional quality.
2、 Application conditions
Those who apply for the national postgraduate entrance examination must meet the following conditions:
(1) Citizens of the People's Republic of China.
(2) Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have good moral character, and abide by discipline and law.
(3) The physical condition meets the physical examination requirements stipulated by the state and the enrollment unit.
(4) The academic level of candidates must meet one of the following conditions:
1. Newly graduated undergraduates with nationally recognized academic qualifications (including graduates from ordinary universities, adult universities, and adult higher education held by ordinary universities), self-taught examinations, and online education can graduate undergraduates at that time. Candidates must obtain a nationally recognized undergraduate diploma before September 1 of the year when they are admitted, or their admission qualification will be invalid.
2. Personnel with a nationally recognized bachelor's degree.
3. Persons who have obtained a nationally recognized higher vocational college graduation degree for 2 years or more (from graduation to September 1 of the year of admission, the same below), as well as undergraduate graduates with nationally recognized degrees, and who meet the specific academic requirements of the recruitment unit for candidates according to the training objectives of the unit, shall apply for the examination as those with the same academic qualifications as undergraduate graduates.
4. Personnel who have obtained master's or doctor's degrees.
Graduate students in school must obtain the consent of their training unit before applying for the examination.
3、 Years of study
The full-time professional degree and master's degree system of our school is 3 years.
4、 Online registration
(1) Time of online forecast name
From September 24 to September 27, 2018, 9:00-22:00 every day.
(2) Online registration time
From October 10 to October 31, 2018, 9:00-22:00 every day.
(3) Online registration requirements
1. Candidates should log into the "China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network" (public website: , Education website: , hereinafter referred to as "Research and Recruitment Network"), browse the application instructions, and apply according to the requirements of the Ministry of Education, provincial education recruitment and examination institutions, application sites and our online announcement. During the registration period, the examinee can modify the online registration information or fill in the registration information again, but one examinee can only keep one valid registration information. The registration information shall not be modified after the deadline.
2. Those who apply for the examination of our school with the same educational level shall truthfully fill in the learning situation and provide authentic materials.
3. Candidates should accurately fill in the rewards and punishments they have received, especially truthfully fill in the punishments they have received for violation of discipline and cheating in the national education examinations such as the entrance examination for ordinary and adult colleges and universities, the national postgraduate entrance examination, and the self-study examination for higher education. The consequences of fraud shall be borne by the examinee.
4. During the registration period, online verification will be carried out on the examinee's educational background (student status) information, and the examinee can view the verification results of educational background (student status) online. Candidates can also log into the "China Higher Education Student Information Network" (website: )Query your education (student status) information. Candidates who fail to pass the verification of academic credentials (student status) shall go to the authoritative certification authority for academic credentials in time to complete the verification of academic credentials (student status) within the specified time.
5. Candidates who enjoy the ethnic minority care policy according to the regulations must truthfully fill in the ethnic minority identity when registering online and apply for targeted employment in ethnic minority areas.
6. Candidates should carefully understand and choose to fill in the application form in strict accordance with the application conditions and relevant policy requirements. If subsequent on-site confirmation, examination, reexamination or admission cannot be carried out due to non-compliance with the application conditions and relevant policy requirements, the consequences shall be borne by the examinee himself.
7. Candidates should accurately fill in their online registration information and provide authentic materials as required. If the examinee is unable to take the exam, retest or enroll due to the wrong or false information filled in the online report, the consequences shall be borne by the examinee himself.
5、 On site confirmation
In principle, fresh undergraduate graduates should choose the registration point of the province (district, city) where they study to go through online registration and on-site confirmation procedures; Individual examinees should choose the registration point designated by the provincial education recruitment and examination institution where the enrollment unit is located to handle online registration and on-site confirmation procedures; Other candidates (including candidates for business administration, public administration, tourism management, engineering management and other professional degrees) should choose the registration point designated by the provincial education, enrollment and examination institution where their work or residence is located to handle online registration and on-site confirmation procedures.
(1) On site confirmation time
According to the time required by the provincial education recruitment and examination institutions.
(2) On site confirmation requirements
1. Candidates should check and confirm their online registration information at the designated place of the registration site within the specified time, and will not make up for it after the deadline.
2. Candidates shall submit their resident ID cards, academic certificates (new undergraduate graduates hold student cards) and online registration numbers for on-site confirmation, which shall be checked by the staff of the registration point. Candidates who apply for the master's enrollment plan of "retired college student soldiers" shall also submit their "Approval for enlistment" and "Retirement Certificate".
3. All candidates should carefully check and confirm their online registration information. The registration information will not be modified after being confirmed by the examinee, and all consequences caused by the examinee's filling errors will be borne by him/herself.
4. Candidates shall pay registration fees as required.
5. Candidates should cooperate in collecting their own images and other relevant electronic information according to the provisions of the registration site.
6、 Preliminary test
(1) Candidates should log in to the "Research Recruitment Network" with their online username and password from December 14 to December 24, 2018 to download and print the "Examination Permit" by themselves. The Examination Permit shall be printed on A4 white paper, and the front and back sides shall not be altered or written during use. Candidates can participate in the preliminary and second examinations with the downloaded and printed "Admission Card" and resident ID card.
(2) The initial examination time of 2019 national postgraduate entrance examination is from December 22 to 23, 2018 (8:30-11:30 a.m. and 14:00-17:00 p.m. every day).
(3) For the preliminary examination subjects and their reference books, please refer to the major catalog of 2019 postgraduate enrollment of the university. The preliminary examination subjects are all written examinations. Candidates must go to the examination room designated by the registration point for examination. The preliminary examination subjects of our school are as follows:
On the morning of December 22, 101 Ideological and political theories
204 PM on December 22 English 2
December 23, 302, Math 2
In the afternoon of December 23, 801 Safety System Engineering or 802C Language Programming or 803 Structural Mechanics (1) or 804 Introduction to Earth Science
7、 Retest
1. Our school will determine the list of reexamination candidates according to the basic reexamination requirements (national line in Area A) and the number of professional admission quotas for the relevant subject categories determined by the Ministry of Education that year.
2. The qualification examination of candidates will be conducted in the second interview stage. The original and copies of ID card, entrance examination permit, graduation card (student card and academic transcript provided by new students), degree card and other certificates must be held during the re examination.
3. The second interview includes written examination, additional examination with the same academic level and interview (including oral English test). Please refer to the website of the Graduate Department of the university for the subjects, time, place and content of the second examination.
4. Candidates who meet the reallocation policy must be admitted through the reallocation system of China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network. Our school will adhere to the principle of comprehensive assessment of morality, intelligence and physique, measure the comprehensive quality of candidates and determine the list of candidates to be admitted. Please refer to the website of the Graduate Department of the University for admission policy.
8、 Physical examination
The physical examination of candidates in the second interview stage must be carried out in the hospital designated by our school. The physical examination standards shall be implemented in accordance with the Guiding Opinions on Physical Examination for Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities issued by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and the China Disabled Persons' Federation, and the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education and the General Office of the Ministry of Health on Issues Related to Cancellation of Hepatitis B Test in Physical Examination for Enrollment of Ordinary College Students issued by the General Office of the Ministry of Education and the General Office of the Ministry of Health. Those who fail to pass the physical examination will not be accepted by our school.
9、 Admission
The college will select the best candidates according to the enrollment plan of the year, the results of the first and second examinations, the ideological and political quality, the moral assessment and the physical and mental health status of the candidates in accordance with the relevant national and provincial regulations. The admission test was taken in the autumn of 2019.
10、 Tuition
1. The tuition fee for our 2019 master's degree is 5000 yuan per student per year, free of accommodation fees.
2. Postgraduate scholarship
Academic scholarship setting for the first academic year: the academic scholarship for graduate students whose scores account for the top 30% of the total enrollment evaluation is 8000 yuan per student per year, and 6000 yuan per student for other graduate students per year; The academic scholarships for the second and third academic years are set at four levels. According to the comprehensive evaluation of graduate students' academic achievements, scientific research achievements and other factors, the maximum amount of each student is 12000 yuan per year, and the minimum amount is 6000 yuan. Candidates who apply for the first year of our school enjoy first class scholarship.
3. National grants for graduate students
The national grant standard for master's degree is 6000 yuan per student per year.
4. Tutor research subsidy
Not less than the national grant, 6000 yuan per student per year.
5. The school also has the post of "Three Assistants" for graduate students and the "Graduate Innovation Achievement Fund" to effectively improve the treatment of graduate students and encourage graduate students to produce more innovative and high-level academic achievements.
11、 Violation handling
Any candidate who violates or cheats in the national postgraduate entrance examination shall be severely punished in accordance with the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examination (Decree No. 33 of the Ministry of Education), and all consequences arising therefrom shall be borne by the candidate himself.
contact information:
School code: 11104
School name: North China University of Science and Technology
School address: No. 467, College Street, Yanjiao National High tech Zone, Sanhe, Hebei
Postal code: 065201
Tel: 010-61590653
Contact: Mr. Zhang
Website of Graduate Department:
mail box:

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