Postgraduate tuition of Xi'an International Studies University

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How much is the tuition fee for graduate students in Xi'an International Studies University? This question is a common concern of every student who plans to apply for the postgraduate exam in Xi'an International Studies University. The tuition fee of Xi'an International Studies University and the tuition fee for postgraduate entrance exam in Xi'an International Studies University are a concept. Today's editor of the school for postgraduate entrance exam is the tuition data of Xi'an International Studies University compiled from the official website of Xi'an International Studies University Graduate School, To help you solve the problem of tuition fees for graduate students in Xi'an International Studies University (including the tuition fees for in-service graduate students in Xi'an International Studies University).

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Xi'an International Studies University Postgraduate Tuition Text:

6、 Length of schooling, tuition fees and reward system

1. Our academic master's degree system is 3 years; Professional degrees: Master of Journalism, Master of Education, Master of Tourism Management for 2 years, and other professional degrees for 3 years.

2. All postgraduate students shall pay tuition fees in accordance with national regulations.

3. Our school has established a diversified award and subsidy system through the establishment of excellent student source scholarship, national scholarship, national grant, academic scholarship, student loan, three assistant posts and other systems, so as to create good learning and living conditions for graduate students to successfully complete their studies. Specific standards shall be implemented in accordance with relevant regulations of the state and our school.
Length of schooling
Academic master's degree: 3 years; Professional degrees: Master of Journalism, Master of Education, Master of Tourism Management, Master of International Business, Master of Finance for 2 years, and other professional degrees for 3 years.
All postgraduate students shall pay tuition fees in accordance with national regulations.

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The tuition fees for postgraduate students of Xi'an International Studies University are 8000 yuan/year for academic postgraduate students, and the tuition fees for professional masters are paid in a lump sum, not paid annually, and different majors are also different. Postgraduates generally have to study for 2-3 years.

How much is the tuition of Xi'an International Studies University graduate students
The tuition fee for academic master's degree is 8000 yuan/year, and that for professional master's degree is paid in a lump sum, which is not paid annually, and different majors are also different. The upper limit of tuition fees for academic masters has been set nationwide. In 2013, the Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Education jointly issued the Opinions on Improving the Investment Mechanism of Postgraduate Education, which proposed that from the autumn semester of 2014, tuition fees should be charged to all newly enrolled postgraduates included in the national postgraduate enrollment plan. In principle, each graduate student should not exceed 8000 yuan per year.

2. How many years do domestic graduate students usually have to study
Master graduate students can be divided into academic master graduate students and professional master graduate students. Therefore, there are differences in the length of schooling between the two types, which are related to the major. How to divide it is described in detail below. Generally, academic postgraduates have three years of schooling, professional postgraduates have two years of schooling, and good schools have three years of schooling. There are special circumstances. Different schools have different requirements for graduate students. At present, there are three kinds of graduate students: two years, two and a half years, and three years. They can apply for early or delayed graduation. Therefore, the graduation time is not fixed, and specific analysis is required.