Postgraduate tuition of Guangxi University for Nationalities

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What is the tuition fee for graduate students of Guangxi University for Nationalities? This question is a common concern of every graduate student who plans to apply for Guangxi University for Nationalities. The tuition fee of Guangxi University for Nationalities and the tuition fee for postgraduate entrance examination of Guangxi University for Nationalities are a concept. Today's edition of the school for postgraduate entrance examination is the tuition fee data of Guangxi University for Nationalities from the official website of the Graduate School of Guangxi University for Nationalities, To help you solve the problem of how much the tuition is for graduate students in Guangxi University for Nationalities (including the tuition for in-service graduate students in Guangxi University for Nationalities).

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Postgraduate tuition of Guangxi University for Nationalities

The tuition fee for academic degree and master's degree is 8000 yuan/year
Except 14950 yuan/year for professional degree master students, 13000 yuan/year for others
1、 Length of schooling and learning methods
The length of schooling of Translation (0551) is 2.5 years, and that of other disciplines (categories and fields) is 3 years. The learning mode is full-time.
2、 Tuition standard
The tuition fees for academic masters are 8000 yuan/year; The tuition fee for professional master's degree students is 13000 yuan per year except for 14950 yuan per year for translation and art.
3、 Conditions, procedures and time of application
1. All disciplines (categories and fields) of the University do not admit candidates with the same academic level.
2. Mental health education (045116) only enrolls candidates whose undergraduate majors belong to the psychology category (the first four undergraduate major codes are 0711).
3. The conditions, time, method and time of application shall be in accordance with the Administrative Regulations on Enrollment of Postgraduates in 2021 issued by the Ministry of Education. Please log in to the "China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network" within the specified period( )Register. You can apply to our school at registration points all over the country. Registration includes online registration and online confirmation (on-site confirmation). All candidates who take part in the postgraduate entrance examination must register online, and confirm online reporting information and collect their own images and other relevant electronic information online or at the site of the application site, and pay the application fee as required. In principle, fresh undergraduate graduates should choose the registration point designated by the provincial education enrollment and examination management department where the school is located to handle online registration and online confirmation (on-site confirmation) procedures; Other candidates (including legal, public management, library and information, tourism management and other professional degree candidates) should choose the registration point designated by the provincial education, enrollment and examination management department where their jobs or residence are located to handle online registration and online confirmation (on-site confirmation) procedures.
4、 Examination subjects
For specific examination subjects and requirements, please refer to the Catalogue of Specialities for Enrollment of Postgraduate Students in Guangxi University for Nationalities in 2021.
5、 Adjustment, re examination and admission
The measures for adjustment, reexamination and admission shall be implemented in accordance with the Measures for Adjustment, Reexamination and Admission of Postgraduates of Guangxi University for Nationalities in 2021, and the details shall be subject to the announcement.
6、 Reward and subsidy policy
Our school has established a graduate student award and subsidy system of national scholarship, academic scholarship, national grant and related supporting policies and measures.
(1) Scholarship 1. National postgraduate scholarship, selected once a year, award standard: 20000 yuan per master; 2. The academic scholarship for graduate students is selected once a year, and the award standard is 6000 yuan/person for the first prize, 4000 yuan/person for the second prize, and 2000 yuan/person for the third prize.
(2) Financial aid National financial aid for postgraduates, with the funding standard of 6000 yuan/year for master's degree.
(3) You can apply for a national student loan according to relevant conditions. (4) The school has student work study, student management assistant, part-time counselor and other posts, and the post remuneration standard is based on the specific situation of the post.
7、 Others
(1) Candidates who enjoy the policy of care for ethnic minorities according to regulations (i.e. candidates who apply for admission to the enrollment unit of the second district and are targeted for employment in the ethnic autonomous regions announced by the State Council after graduation); Or ethnic minority on-the-job candidates whose work units and household registration are in the ethnic autonomous regions announced by the State Council, and whose targeted employment units are the original units), must truthfully fill in the ethnic minority identity when registering online, and choose the type of application as "targeted employment". For in-service candidates who enjoy the policy of caring for ethnic minorities, they must submit: ethnic minority household registration certificate or household registration book (head of household, parents, candidate page); The labor contract signed by the examinee's work unit and the examinee, and the supporting materials of social security payment and salary payment for the examinee.
(2) According to the regulations of the university, graduate students who have completed all the courses specified in the training plan, passed the examination, completed the required credits, and passed the defense of their dissertations are granted graduation and issued graduation certificates.
(3) There are two types of postgraduate enrollment in our university: targeted employment and non targeted employment. Before enrollment, the targeted employment postgraduate must sign a tripartite targeted employment agreement with the enrollment unit and the employer respectively to obtain employment in accordance with the relevant provisions of the agreement; Non targeted postgraduates will be employed according to the two-way choice between themselves and the employer. Personnel files of non targeted employment candidates must be transferred to our school within the specified time.
(4) Our school conducts teaching and training of graduate students in Xiangsihu Campus, Siyuanhu Campus and Wuming Campus. The accommodation is arranged by the school and the expenses are borne by the school itself.
(5) In the past three years, the self appointed questions can be downloaded free of charge in the "Download Center - Past True Questions" column on the website of our graduate school. Our school does not hold any pre exam classes.
(6) Candidates should pay attention to browsing our graduate school website and research mobile phone network at all stages, and our school will publish all kinds of relevant enrollment information on the website in a timely and detailed manner.
(7) The examinees and other relevant personnel who violate the examination management regulations and examination venue discipline in the postgraduate examination enrollment and affect the fairness and impartiality of the examination shall be severely punished in accordance with the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examination (Order No. 33 of the Ministry of Education). Students at school shall be punished by their school according to relevant regulations until they are expelled from school; For on-the-job candidates, their units will be notified, and they will be given party discipline or political discipline punishment depending on the circumstances. The fact that the examinee violates or cheats in the postgraduate entrance examination will be recorded in the National Education Examination Candidate Integrity File, and the relevant information will be reported to the school or unit where the examinee is located, and recorded in the examinee's personnel file as an important reference for their future study and employment. In case of any inconsistency between the Articles of Association and the documents of the Ministry of Education, the latter shall prevail.
School name: Guangxi University for Nationalities
School code: 10608
Address: Room 404, Science and Technology Building, No. 188, East University Road, Nanning, Guangxi
Post code: 530006
Contact: Mr. He, Mr. Liu Tel.: 0771 - 3262606

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The tuition fees for graduate students of Guangxi Minzu University are 8000 yuan/year for academic master's students, and the tuition fees for professional master's students are paid in a lump sum, not paid annually, and different majors are also different. Postgraduates generally have to study for 2-3 years.

How much is the tuition for graduate students of Guangxi University for Nationalities
The tuition fee for academic master's degree is 8000 yuan/year, while that for professional master's degree is paid in a lump sum, not annually, and varies from major to major. The upper limit of tuition fees for academic masters has been set nationwide. In 2013, the Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Education jointly issued the Opinions on Improving the Investment Mechanism of Postgraduate Education, which proposed that from the autumn semester of 2014, tuition fees should be charged to all newly enrolled postgraduates included in the national postgraduate enrollment plan. In principle, each graduate student should not exceed 8000 yuan per year.

2. How many years do domestic graduate students usually have to study
Master graduate students can be divided into academic master graduate students and professional master graduate students. Therefore, there are differences in the length of schooling between the two types, which are related to the major. How to divide it is described in detail below. Generally, academic postgraduates have three years of schooling, professional postgraduates have two years of schooling, and good schools have three years of schooling. There are special circumstances. Different schools have different requirements for graduate students. At present, there are three kinds of graduate students: two years, two and a half years, and three years. They can apply for early or delayed graduation. Therefore, the graduation time is not fixed, and specific analysis is required.