Southwest University Agronomy and Seed Industry Major 2022 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Destination Data Summary

Published on: February 24, 2023 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli
 Southwest University Agronomy and Seed Industry Major 2022 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Destination Data Summary

Southwest University Agronomy and Seed Industry Major 2022 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Destination Data Summary The content is as follows. For more information about postgraduate entrance examination, please pay attention to the update of our website! Please collect this website, or download our postgraduate entrance exam APP and postgraduate entrance exam WeChat official account (there are many free postgraduate entrance exam resources to receive, and if you have various postgraduate entrance exam questions, you can also directly add our website's postgraduate sister WeChat to answer questions for free throughout the whole process, so as to help you take the postgraduate entrance exam and strive to get into the ideal graduate school as soon as possible.)

Southwest University Agronomy and Seed Industry Major 2022 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Data Summary Text

The data of the postgraduate entrance examination adjustment source of Southwest University is the summary of the postgraduate entrance examination adjustment team. The postgraduate entrance examination adjustment data is very valuable to the students who are preparing to adjust. We also have services such as the postgraduate entrance examination adjustment score, the adjustment source and the postgraduate entrance examination adjustment nanny class. If you need to query more big data of postgraduate entrance examination adjustment, you can add the student's Wechat on our page, Or WeChat search the 【 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Dispatch Center 】 applet to query. The data of the postgraduate entrance examination adjustment source of Southwest University is the summary of the postgraduate entrance examination adjustment team. The postgraduate entrance examination adjustment data is very valuable to the students who are preparing to adjust. We also have services such as the postgraduate entrance examination adjustment score, the adjustment source and the postgraduate entrance examination adjustment nanny class. If you need to query more big data of postgraduate entrance examination adjustment, you can add the student's Wechat on our page, Or WeChat search the 【 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Dispatch Center 】 applet to query.
Major name Agronomy and seed industry
Name of institution Number of admitted reallocators
Shanxi Agricultural University two hundred and fifty-seven
Hebei Agricultural University one hundred and seventy-eight
Heilongjiang University one hundred and sixty-eight
Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University one hundred and thirty
Gansu Agricultural University one hundred and thirteen
Anhui Agricultural University one hundred and two
Qingdao Agricultural University ninety-four
yunnan agricultural university seventy-six
tianjin agricultural university seventy-three
Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University seventy
yangzhou university sixty-five
Jiangxi Agricultural University forty-eight
qinghai university forty-eight
Southwest University forty-five
Shandong Agricultural University forty-three
Inner Mongolia Agricultural University forty-two
Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology thirty-nine
Henan Agricultural University thirty-seven
Henan University of Science and Technology thirty-seven
Changjiang University thirty-six
Xinjiang Agricultural University thirty-six
Foshan University of Science and Technology thirty-five
Guangxi University thirty-four
Hunan Agricultural University thirty-three
Anhui University of Science and Technology thirty-three
Tarim University thirty-two
Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University thirty-one
Central South Forestry University thirty
China Agricultural University thirty
heilongjiang bayi agricultural university thirty
yulin university twenty-nine
Xuzhou Medical University twenty-eight
Zhongkai College of Agricultural Engineering twenty-two
South China Agricultural University twenty-one
Chongqing Three Gorges University twenty
Guangdong Ocean University twenty
Shanghai Normal University nineteen
Jilin Agricultural University eighteen
Sichuan Agricultural University seventeen
ludong university sixteen
Southwest University for Nationalities sixteen
Tibet Agriculture and Animal Husbandry College sixteen
Henan Normal University fourteen
Beijing Agricultural University thirteen
Lanzhou University twelve
Southwest University of Science and Technology eleven
yunnan normal university eleven
Shihezi University seven
Chengdu University six
Southwest Forestry University six
Huazhong Agricultural University four
changchun university four
Beihua University four
Hebei North University two
Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities two
Yantai University two
total two thousand three hundred and sixty-five

Southwest University

The above adjustment information for postgraduate entrance examination in Southwest University is only a part of the examples of the adjustment information in the public account of "Graduate Entrance Examination and Graduate Examination Adjustment Center" and the "Graduate Entrance Examination and Graduate Adjustment Center Applet". Because the system restricts the updated information for postgraduate entrance examination and graduate adjustment in Southwest University, please go to our public account and applet for screening and viewing, and you can also subscribe. The Graduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Center also has the score line of adjustment over the years, the destination of adjustment volunteers, and the source of graduate entrance examination adjustment students of Southwest University, which is very valuable.

The adjustment information of Southwest University's postgraduate entrance examination comes from our adjustment applet. Updated information, WeChat search [Graduate School Entrance Examination Adjustment Center] public account In the menu, you can use the [Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Applet] for free to view [Southwest University's most reallocation information] [Southwest University's reallocation score] [Southwest University's reallocation source] [Southwest University's reallocation destination] And other valuable data.


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