Xiamen University 2022 Postgraduate Reexamination Admission Work Plan

Published on: March 28, 2022 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit:
 Xiamen University 2022 Postgraduate Reexamination Admission Work Plan

Xiamen University 2022 Postgraduate Reexamination Admission Work Plan The content is as follows. For more information about postgraduate entrance examination, please pay attention to the update of our website! Please collect this website, or download our postgraduate entrance exam APP and postgraduate entrance exam WeChat official account (there are many free postgraduate entrance exam resources to receive, and if you have various postgraduate entrance exam questions, you can also directly add our website's postgraduate sister WeChat to answer questions for free throughout the whole process, so as to help you take the postgraduate entrance exam and strive to get into the ideal graduate school as soon as possible.)

Text of Xiamen University's 2022 postgraduate reexamination admission work plan

According to the spirit of relevant documents such as the National Regulations on the Administration of Postgraduate Enrollment in 2022 (Teaching Letter [2021] No. 2) and the actual situation of our school, the following scheme is proposed for the reexamination and admission of our master's graduates in 2022:
1、 Job requirements
All units should conscientiously strengthen the "Four Consciousness", stand on the height of educating people for the Party and the country, and fully understand the importance, complexity and sensitivity of doing a good job in postgraduate reexamination enrollment.
1. Ensure safety. Strictly implement the epidemic prevention and control requirements, put the life safety and health of teachers and students first, and adhere to safety first and life first. Do a good job in health monitoring, site arrangement, sanitary disinfection, simulation rehearsal, etc.
2. Ensure fairness. Effective measures should be taken to strengthen the organization and management to ensure the fairness and impartiality of the re examination. Strictly review the qualification of candidates, strictly standardize the management of the re examination process, and strictly enforce the examination discipline.
3. Ensure scientificity. According to the characteristics of each discipline, scientifically design the contents of the second round examination to ensure that the second round examination is scientific and effective. Adhere to comprehensive measurement, comprehensive evaluation and selective admission to ensure the quality of recruitment.
2、 Organizational management
1. The leading group for the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic in Xiamen University uniformly leads and organizes the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic in the whole university. The leading group for the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic in each college (research institute) is responsible for the epidemic prevention and control work of the unit, and develops the epidemic prevention and control work plan and emergency plan of the unit on the basis of strengthening scientific and accurate prevention and control. The epidemic prevention and control work in the retest shall be carried out in accordance with the Work Plan for the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia Caused by New Coronavirus Infection in Xiamen University. Clarify the epidemic prevention measures in the examination site, and do a good job in health monitoring, registration and screening of COVID-19 of interview teachers and staff. The examination place shall be uniformly disinfected to ensure environmental sanitation and good ventilation.
2. The school enrollment leading group is responsible for leading and managing the reexamination enrollment of graduate students in the whole school.
3. Each college (research institute) shall set up a leading group for postgraduate reexamination and admission led by relevant leaders, with the president as the team leader and the vice president in charge of postgraduate education as the deputy team leader, specifically responsible for the reexamination and admission of graduate students of the unit.
4. The leading group for reexamination admission of each college (research institute) is responsible for organizing and establishing several reexamination groups. The reexamination team will implement the reexamination assessment for each candidate. Members of the reexamination team gathered on site and scored offline. Each reexamination team shall be composed of not less than 5 teachers who are impartial and responsible (generally not less than 3 graduate tutors), and a team leader shall be set up.
5. In order to strengthen the inspection and supervision of reexamination admission, each college (research institute) must set up an inspection and supervision team for reexamination admission, which is composed of relevant leaders of the department. The group leader is the secretary of the Party Committee of the college, and the leader of the college responsible for discipline inspection (or other designated leaders of the college) is the deputy group leader. The group is responsible for patrolling and supervising the reexamination and admission work in the college, and participating in the patrol work of the school supervision group. Strengthen the supervision of the whole process of reexamination admission, especially the key links, key positions and key personnel, strengthen the supervision together with the technology platform provider, and improve the ability and level of technology to achieve supervision. The postgraduate reexamination inspection team of each institute shall supervise the whole process of reexamination admission by offline or reviewing videos, fill in the Record Form of Postgraduate Reexamination Inspection and Supervision of Xiamen University in 2022, and submit it to the Admissions Office for filing.
6. Each college (research institute) must hold a training meeting before the start of the reexamination and admission work. All teachers and staff involved in the reexamination and admission work should be well trained in COVID-19 epidemic prevention and examination safety, policy, business, discipline and other aspects, so as to improve the ability to use new technologies and new methods to select talents scientifically and normatively; Make them clear about work discipline and work procedures, evaluation rules and evaluation standards; We should strengthen the awareness of fairness, responsibility, business, rule of law and confidentiality of teachers who participate in the work.
7. Each hospital should earnestly implement the security and confidentiality responsibility system. Postgraduates' retest questions (including subtitles) shall be managed as state secrets before being unsealed and used; Answers and scoring references are managed as state secrets before the end of the exam, and as state secrets between the end of the exam and the end of use. It is strictly prohibited to transmit and discuss confidential matters such as test questions, reference answers and scoring references through non confidential means.
3、 Requirements and procedures for retest
All colleges (research institutes) should strictly implement the requirements for epidemic prevention and control, and do a good job in epidemic prevention and control during the re examination. Personnel screening, site arrangement, sanitation and disinfection shall be done well, and effective measures shall be taken to reduce personnel density and prevent personnel from gathering. The reexamination shall follow the requirements of staggered time and peak, and the reexamination shall be arranged by different disciplines and disciplines in time and batch.
All admitted candidates must participate in the reexamination. Candidates who have been re examined and whose department agrees not to re examine may be exempted from the examination. If the examinee has participated in the reexamination but the department thinks it is necessary to take the reexamination again, the department will notify him to take the reexamination.
(1) Re examination score and implementation rules
Each college (research institute) must hold a meeting of its own leading group for reexamination and admission work, further study and determine the reexamination score line of each specialty (or direction) of the unit, and coordinate the reexamination score line of full-time and part-time graduate students of the same professional degree under the principle that the single subject and total score are not lower than the basic score line of the corresponding discipline reexamination of the school. Each college (research institute) must study and formulate its own detailed rules for the implementation of reexamination and admission work, which should specify the examinee's initial examination results and other business requirements for entering the reexamination, as well as the specific provisions for the reexamination, adjustment, admission and other links. The colleges (research institutes) of our university generally adopt the form of difference. In principle, the proportion of one volunteer reexamination for each department is controlled between 1:1.2-1:2, and the difference reexamination proportion is determined according to the discipline characteristics, professional needs and online examinees.
Each college (research institute) shall submit the detailed rules for the implementation of reexamination admission, the scores of reexamination for each specialty (or direction), the proportion of reexamination and the list of reexamination (including the list of adjustment reexamination) to the University Admissions Office for filing in advance, and then publish them on their respective websites and strictly implement them.
(2) Re examination consulting services
Strengthen education and publicity, and strive to create an atmosphere of honest examination. Clear the examinee consultation channel, and answer questions for examinees in a timely manner. Strengthen the guidance for candidates to participate in the remote re examination, so that they know the use of the software platform, the re examination process and relevant requirements. For candidates who do not meet the requirements of remote re examination, actively coordinate the resources of the local hospital friends to provide necessary and reasonable support and help according to the application of candidates. If there is a need for school coordination, please apply to the school in advance.
(3) Re examination qualification review
Each college (research institute) shall conduct qualification examination on candidates before the re examination.
Before the retest, candidates must submit the electronic version of the following materials (the paper version of the Ideological and Political Quality and Moral Status Review Form) to each department for review (note: candidates who have not undergone or passed the qualification review will not be admitted. If the candidates are temporarily unable to provide due to the epidemic, they can make a commitment and submit it to each unit within the specified time):
1. Sign the Letter of Commitment for Integrity Reexamination with the examinee. The letter of commitment should specify the student's main responsibility for integrity examination, clearly tell what kind of situation is regarded as cheating and how to deal with cheating;
2. Submit the completed and sealed Examination Form of Ideological and Political Quality and Moral Character of Xiamen University Graduate Students to the College of Application (the form can be downloaded from the "download area" of Xiamen University Admissions Office website: https://zs.xmu.edu.cn Download; This form is generally filled in, signed and sealed by the unit where the examinee files are located; If the candidate's file is posted in the talent market by the employer, it shall be filled in, signed and sealed by the employer);
3. Graduation certificate and degree certificate (new students shall submit student cards);
4. University transcripts (stamped with the red/blue official seal of the educational administration department or the archive unit);
5. ID card;
6. Admission card;
7. The examinee's self statement (mainly including the examinee's ideological and political quality and moral performance, foreign language level, business and scientific research ability, research plan, etc.);
Candidates with equivalent academic qualifications (junior college graduates or undergraduate graduates) should also provide English proficiency certificates and certificates of achievement of 6 or more undergraduate professional courses (excluding candidates who apply for business administration [125100], tourism management [125400], engineering management [125601] and project management [125602] with equivalent academic qualifications).
During the second interview, the qualification and identity of candidates shall be strictly reviewed again. The "face recognition", "ID card recognition" and other technologies are used to comprehensively compare the "application database", "student status and education database", "population information database", "examinee examination integrity archive" and other measures, strengthen the review and verification of the identity of candidates participating in the second round examination, and strictly prevent the "substitution" of the second round examination.
(4) Content and method of retest
Each discipline and specialty shall establish an adequate retest question bank, carefully design the content of the retest, and try to use comprehensive and open competency based questions to ensure that the retest assessment is scientific, effective, fair and just. We can strengthen the comprehensive examination of the examinees' past studies, consistent performance, scientific research ability, comprehensive quality, ideological and moral integrity and other conditions through the examinees' university transcripts, scientific research achievements, expert recommendation letters and other supplementary materials.
1. The re examination mainly includes:
(1) Professional quality and ability test. The main examination contents include: innovative spirit and ability; The development potential of the major and the understanding of the development trend of the discipline; The ability of examinees to discover, analyze and solve problems by using the knowledge of the subject.
For the reexamination of master's degree candidates, it is necessary to highlight the examination of the application of professional knowledge and professional ability tendency, and strengthen the examination of practical experience and scientific research ability of candidates.
(2) Comprehensive quality and ability test. The main examination contents include: learning, scientific research, social practice or actual work performance outside the discipline; Entrepreneurship, sense of responsibility, discipline (law-abiding), collaboration and mental health; Humanistic quality; Behaviour, expression, etiquette, etc.
(3) Foreign language test. Including foreign language listening test, foreign language oral test and professional foreign language test.
(4) Ideological and political quality and moral assessment. The assessment of ideological and political quality and moral character is an important link to ensure the quality of freshmen. All colleges (research institutes) must strictly follow the principle of seeking truth from facts and do a good job in the assessment. The main examination contents include: candidates' political attitude, ideological performance, moral quality, discipline and law compliance, honesty and trustworthiness, etc. Each college (research institute) shall organize relevant teachers to interview candidates to directly understand their ideological and political situation. If necessary, they can also take the way of "correspondence" or "sending people outside" to assess the candidates' ideological and political quality and moral character.
The ideological and political theory examinations for Master of Accounting, Master of Business Administration, Master of Public Administration, Master of Tourism Management, Master of Engineering Management and Master of Audit are conducted by the enrollment unit in the second round examination, and the results are included in the total scores of the second round examination.
(5) For candidates with the same academic qualifications, in addition to the contents of the unified reexamination, they need to take two additional professional courses (Master of Law (non law), Master of Business Administration, Master of Public Administration, Master of Engineering Management or Master of Tourism Management can be exempted from the examination). The additional examination subjects are two major undergraduate courses of the major you are applying for, and shall not be the same as the preliminary examination subjects. The additional test is written.
2. Re examination method:
Network remote retest. If a written test is arranged in the second interview, the content of the written test can be assessed through remote video link (including additional tests of the same academic level and the management related joint examination of ideological and political theory); Other assessment methods such as practical (experimental) ability shall be determined by relevant disciplines.
Specific requirements: each unit can determine the score proportion of professional quality, comprehensive quality, foreign language ability and other parts according to the characteristics of the specialty, and the full score of the retest is 100 points; The weight of the re examination score is 30% - 50% of the total score (for the majors with self proposition subjects in the initial examination, the weight of the re examination of the transferred candidates is determined by the college research); The interview time of each student is generally not less than 20 minutes; Each interview team shall have at least 5 experts; Members of the reexamination assessment team must score independently on site; Record, record and video recording of each candidate's second interview (both online and on-site); In principle, the interview method, time, difficulty of test questions and performance evaluation criteria of each reexamination team in the same discipline (specialty) should be unified, and the online reexamination should use the same interview system.
(5) Re examination requirements
1. Establish and improve the collective deliberation and decision-making mechanism.
2. In the work of re examination (including written examination and interview), please strictly follow the Basic Norms for Re examination of Graduate Students in Xiamen University in terms of proposition, paper production, examination and grading. During the interview, all teachers participating in the interview are requested to strictly abide by the Code of Conduct for Graduate Re examination Staff of Xiamen University.
3. The reexamination information must be made public: the implementation rules of reexamination enrollment of each college (research institute), the number of students enrolled in the discipline or specialty, and the list of candidates participating in the reexamination (including candidates' names, candidates' numbers, scores of various subjects in the preliminary examination, etc.) will be announced to the public in advance on the website of each college (research institute) after being filed by the enrollment office of the school.
4. Strengthen technical support and security guarantee. The network remote retest must organize the retest team and examinee simulation drills in advance to ensure the safety, smoothness and stability of the retest process.
5. Establish and improve the working mechanism of "random determination of candidates're examination order", "random determination of members of the re examination expert group" and "random selection of re examination questions".
6. After the re examination, the re examination papers, examination outlines, audio and video materials shall be kept in each college (research institute) for a period of three years (one year for those who are not admitted).
The scoring records and the examinees' answers (copies kept by each hospital) shall be submitted to the University's Admissions Office for centralized custody within five working days after the completion of the reexamination, and no one is allowed to change them.
4、 Dispensing
(1) In the detailed rules for the implementation of reexamination and admission formulated by each college (research institute), the information such as the time, basic requirements, working procedures, methods of reexamination and contact number of candidates should be specified in the adjustment part. The waiting time for candidates to be transferred should be as short as possible within the time specified in the policy, and the candidates must be informed whether they accept their application for re examination after transfer within the specified time.
(2) The following basic requirements shall be observed during the dispensing and retest:
1. Meet the application conditions of the transferred major.
2. The transferred candidates must reach the national reexamination line and the basic reexamination line of our school corresponding to the original major and the transferred major at the same time.
3. The transferred major is the same or similar to the first volunteer's major, and within the same discipline category.
4. The preliminary examination subjects shall be the same or similar to the preliminary examination subjects of the transferred specialty, and the national unified proposition subjects of the preliminary examination shall be the same as the national unified proposition subjects of the transferred specialty.
5. Encourage the subjects with insufficient student resources to transfer from the candidates who apply for Xiamen University as the first volunteer.
6. Candidates who are the first to apply for the master's degree in business administration, public administration, tourism management, engineering management, accounting, and auditing can apply for mutual adjustment on the basis of meeting the requirements for the transfer in major, and meeting the basic requirements for the national preliminary examination results of the transfer out major and the transfer in major in the transfer in area, as well as the basic score line of our school's re examination, However, they shall not be transferred to other majors; Candidates from other majors are not allowed to transfer to the above majors.
The first candidate who wishes to apply for a master's degree in law (non law) may not be transferred to another major, nor may candidates in other majors be transferred to that major.
7. For the transferred candidates who apply for the same college (department, institute), the same profession, the first volunteer application unit and the same primary examination subjects, the relevant college (department, institute) should select the candidates who are the best according to their initial examination results to enter the list of candidates for the second examination. The selection conditions shall not be the chronological order in which the candidates submit their transfer applications, or the non academic standards of the candidates' units, industries, regions, school levels and categories, or other discriminatory conditions.
8. Students with the same academic level adjustment shall meet the application conditions of relevant majors.
9. The transfer students and the first volunteer candidates who apply for our school hold the same standard for the second interview.
10. The duration of each opening of the dispensing system by the department shall not be less than 12 hours.
(3) Dispensing procedure
1. Each institute (research institute) shall issue the notice of receiving the reallocation and announce the disciplines and specialties receiving the reallocation.
2. The transfer candidates (including the transfer candidates from other units and the internal transfer candidates from their own units) log in to the "National Postgraduate Enrollment Transfer Service System" to fill in the transfer volunteers and relevant information within the time specified by each institute (research institute).
3. Each college will submit the list of adjustment and retest to the Admissions Office for filing, and then send the notice of retest to the candidates who can participate in the retest in the "National Postgraduate Admissions Adjustment Service System". Candidates who receive the notice of reexamination must reply to the notice of reexamination in the system within the specified time.
4. Candidates shall participate in the reexamination according to the requirements of each hospital.
5. After preliminarily determining the list of candidates to be admitted, each college will send the notice of waiting for admission to the candidates to be admitted in the "National Master Admission Adjustment Service System". Candidates who have received the notice of waiting for admission must reply to the notice of waiting for admission in the system within the specified time.
6. If the examinee fails to complete the operation specified by the school within the specified time or terminates his/her wish at will, he/she will be deemed to have automatically given up the reexamination or proposed admission qualification.
(4) Selection rules for reallocated students
All colleges (research institutes) must formulate the selection rules for transfer candidates according to the regulations of the state and the university and the principles of fairness, justice, science and rationality, and determine the list of transfer candidates who are shortlisted for the second round examination after collective research.
5、 Admission
1. According to the enrollment plan of each specialty (or direction) and the total score of the candidates (total score=preliminary examination score ÷ 5 (or 3) × weight+re examination score (centesimal system) × weight), and in combination with the ideological and political quality and moral character of the candidates, professional quality, physical health and other factors, the candidate list is determined. If the total scores of the examinees are identical but the enrollment plan is limited, the total scores of the preliminary examination will be compared, and the ones with higher scores will be admitted; If the total score of the preliminary examination is the same again, compare the sum of the scores of the single subjects with full scores greater than 100, and the one with the highest sum of the scores will be admitted; If the sum of single subject scores with full scores greater than 100 points is the same again, then compare the sum of single subject scores with full scores equal to 100 points. Those with higher sum of scores will be admitted.
2. Each college (research institute) may, as a unit, arrange candidates for candidate admission in order according to the total scores of the candidates, and mark "Candidate 1", "Candidate 2", "Candidate 3"... in the remarks, so that the candidates in the list of candidates to be admitted can be added in order if they give up their proposed admission qualifications or win additional plans. (Note: Please remind the candidates to hold the candidate admission qualification voluntarily and cautiously. Candidate admission has great uncertainty, and there may be a situation of candidate but not admitted. The candidates themselves are responsible for the consequences of losing the opportunity to transfer because they choose to wait for the candidate admission quota. At the same time, in the process of candidate admission, if the candidate with the highest ranking has been transferred to other schools, our school will skip the candidate and proceed with the candidate admission in sequence.)
3. Those who fail the re examination (below 60 points) will not be admitted. Those who fail to pass the ideological and political quality and moral assessment or the physical examination will not be admitted. Those who fail in any additional examination subject (below 60 points) with the same educational level will not be admitted. The current undergraduate graduates and those who can take the self-study examination and online education will be eligible for graduation at that time. Those who have not obtained the undergraduate diploma recognized by the state at the time of admission will have no admission qualification.
4. Postgraduates of targeted employment shall sign targeted employment contracts with our university and employers before being admitted. The problems arising from the candidates' application for the master's degree and their units shall be handled by the candidates themselves. Our school will not be responsible for the failure of the candidates to take the second examination or admission.
5. Each college (research institute) shall hold a meeting of the leading group of reexamination admission work within five working days after the completion of the reexamination work to determine the proposed enrollment list, and submit the list to the University Admissions Office for review. The list of postgraduate candidates to be admitted is finally determined after being approved by Fujian Provincial Education Examination Institute and the Ministry of Education.
6. Admission information must be made public: the list of candidates to be admitted by each college (research institute) (including candidates' names, candidate numbers, preliminary examination results, re examination results, total scores and other information, and the re examination results and admission results shall be kept to two decimal places.) After being filed by the school admission office, it shall be published to the public on the website of each college (research institute). The relevant information of the candidates who participate in the special plan, enjoy the bonus points or care policies for the preliminary examination shall be explained when the list of candidates is announced.
6、 Physical examination
Candidates shall submit a physical examination report to the college within two weeks after obtaining the qualification for admission. Our school does not organize the examinees to have a centralized physical examination. The examinees are required to go to the hospital with Grade II Grade A qualification and above for physical examination (the validity of the physical examination report is subject to the time of re examination, which is valid within three months). Physical examination items include: internal medicine, surgery, blood pressure, vision, color discrimination, hearing, smell (this item shall be selected according to the needs of professional learning), liver function, urine routine, chest film. The standard of physical examination shall refer to the requirements of the Guidance on Physical Examination for Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Jiao Tong [2003] No. 3) issued by the Ministry of Education, the former Ministry of Health and the China Disabled Persons' Federation, and shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education and the General Office of the Ministry of Health on Cancelling the Examination of Hepatitis B Items for Enrollment of Ordinary College Students (Jiao Tong [2010] No. 2).
7、 Supervision and reconsideration
1. Our postgraduate enrollment work is subject to the supervision of the school's discipline inspection and supervision department. If there is any violation of discipline in the enrollment work of our university's master students, you can report it to the discipline inspection and supervision department of the university at 0592-2186219.
2. Implement the two-level reexamination patrol system of the school and the hospital. The school leaders, the Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Graduate School, the Admission Office, the Examination Center, the Supervision Office and other units form a number of school inspection teams. During the reexamination, the school and college inspection teams will go deep into each department to supervise each link of the reexamination.
3. Implement the responsibility system and accountability system. All personnel involved in the reexamination and admission work shall be conscientious and responsible, strictly confidential, conscientiously maintain the fairness and justice of the reexamination and admission work, and investigate the responsibility of the staff who practice favoritism and fraud.
4. Implement the information disclosure system. Information such as the basic score of the re examination, the re examination work method, and the re examination results should be announced in a timely manner.
5. Implement the challenge system. Teachers and staff who have immediate relatives or stakeholders to take the entrance examination for master students this year should actively avoid taking part in the reexamination of master students.
6. Implement the reconsideration system. The channels for complaint, appeal and supervision shall be unblocked. The time limit for accepting complaints and appeals shall be specified. If the complaints and appeals are verified after investigation, the leading group for postgraduate reexamination admission of each college (research institute) shall instruct the reexamination group to review.
7. Strengthen the supervision of the retest process, and strictly prevent fraud, favoritism and malpractice in the retest. Strictly investigate and deal with violations of rules and disciplines. Once verified, the examinees who have violated the rules during the re examination will be severely punished according to the national measures for handling violations of educational examinations and the provisional regulations for handling violations of enrollment in ordinary colleges and universities. Their admission qualifications will be canceled and recorded in the examinee's integrity file.
8. Within three months after enrollment, each hospital should strengthen the reexamination of freshmen, strictly review and investigate those who show great differences in reexamination performance, and seriously deal with those who are identified as impostors or cheating in examinations, and hold them accountable; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be transferred to the relevant departments for investigation and handling.
8、 Re examination admission schedule
Before March 20, each college (research institute) shall submit the list of members and staff of the leading group for reexamination admission, the reexamination inspection and supervision group (including the reexamination secretary and technical support personnel), as well as the time, method and location of the training meeting and simulation drill to the Admissions Office for filing in the prescribed format (reexamination admission work information form), In accordance with the spirit of national documents and the regulations of the university, determine the proportion of reexamination, the score line of reexamination, the list of reexamination candidates, and the implementation rules of reexamination admission, and report to the enrollment office of the university for filing and then publish them on the website.
Before April 15, each college (research institute) shall formulate and organize a second interview simulation drill to train interview teachers and examiners, and carry out and basically complete the second interview. The adjustment of candidates're examination admission is generally not earlier than the end of March.
The final admission list shall be subject to the results approved by the Ministry of Education.
9、 This reexamination admission work plan was reviewed and approved by the school's enrollment work leading group on February 23, 2022. It will be implemented from now on and explained by the school's enrollment office.
10、 Matters not covered herein shall be subject to the Ministry of Education's Administrative Regulations on the Enrollment of National Postgraduates in 2022 and other documents and relevant regulations of the university.
Xiamen University

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Source: http://www.okaoyan.com/xiamendaxue/kaoyanfushi_593508.html

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