Xiamen University Economics 2024 Summer Camp 5 10th Statistics Summer Camp Application Guide

Published on: June 6, 2024 Edited by: Bao Yanmiao

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Xiamen University Economics 2024 Summer Camp 5 10th Statistics Summer Camp Application Guide The content is as follows. For more information about postgraduate entrance examination, please pay attention to the update of our website! Please collect this website, or download our Kaoyanpai APP and Kaoyanpai WeChat official account.

Xiamen University Economics 2024 Summer Camp 5 The 10th Statistics Summer Camp Application Guide Text

The Department of Statistics and Data Science of School of Economics of Xiamen University and Wang Yanan Economic Research Institute of Xiamen University will jointly hold the "Summer Camp of Statistics for National Excellent College Students" from July 9 to 13, 2024. For campers who have performed well in the summer camp, the college will issue outstanding camper certificates. The college will provide campers with round-trip travel fees (based on the price of hard seats) and accommodation in Xiamen during the summer camp.
The Department of Statistics of Xiamen University originated from the Department of Statistics of Xiamen University established in 1950 and was initiated by Mr. Wang Yanan, a leading economist in China. With profound historical accumulation, it is an influential statistics teaching, research and talent training base in China. Since 1980, we have recruited master's degree students in economic statistics. In 1986, we were approved as a doctoral program in economic statistics. In 1987, we were rated as the only national key discipline in statistics in the first round of discipline evaluation. In 2001 and 2007, we were successively rated as national key disciplines. In 2011, we were awarded the first batch of doctorate awards in statistics. In 2012, we were approved to set up a post doctoral mobile station, In 2014, we began to enroll undergraduate, master and doctoral students in mathematical statistics. In 2019, we began to enroll undergraduate students in data science and big data technology. Two undergraduate majors, "Statistics (Science)" and "Economic Statistics", were selected as national "first-class undergraduate" specialty construction sites in 2019 and 2020, respectively. The Statistics Department of Xiamen University was rated as a Class A discipline in the fourth round of discipline evaluation by the Ministry of Education in 2017, selected as the first round of national "double first-class" construction discipline, and selected as the second round of national "double first-class" construction discipline in 2021. In 2021, the "Department of Statistics" of the School of Economics of Xiamen University will be renamed as the "Department of Statistics and Data Science" to serve the national big data strategy and comprehensively promote the "double first-class" construction of the statistical discipline of Xiamen University.
After more than 70 years of construction, the statistics discipline of Xiamen University has achieved fruitful results in the field of economic statistics. Mr. Qian Bohai and Mr. Huang Liangwen enjoy high reputation in the domestic statistics and economics circles. In recent years, the discipline has paid special attention to the reality of China and vigorously promoted the process of internationalization. The competitiveness of the first level discipline of statistics has been constantly improved, forming a distinctive feature of economic statistics, econometrics and mathematical statistics supporting each other and developing together, and actively promoting cross integration and complementary advantages with data science, big data technology and other related disciplines, Build a discipline cluster that attaches equal importance to inheriting traditional advantages and leading the frontiers of disciplines.
According to incomplete statistics, the statistics discipline of Xiamen University in Annals of Statistics Nearly 40 papers were published in the top statistical and metrological journals, such as Biometrika, Econometrica, EconometricTheory, Journal of Business&Economic Statistics, Journal of Economics, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Review of Economics and Statistics, and nearly 30 papers were published in the best domestic journals, such as Economic Research and Statistical Research. It has undertaken nearly 70 national projects (including the Ministry of Education), including 1 National Natural Science Foundation Basic Science Center project, 1 National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars project, 1 National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars project, 4 National Social Science Fund major projects, 3 National Natural Science Foundation key projects, and 1 National Social Science Fund key project, The National Social Science Fund later funded 1 key project, 19 general projects of the National Self Science Fund, and 3 major national statistical science research projects, with a cumulative funding of more than 80 million yuan for vertical research projects.
The statistics discipline of Xiamen University is committed to building a domestic leading and international first-class statistics discipline. Over the years, this discipline has carried forward the advantages of economic statistics, promoted the development of mathematical statistics and related disciplines, and achieved fruitful results, mainly thanks to its profound historical accumulation, disciplinary background, and a high-level and high-quality teaching team with international competitiveness. There are 40 teachers in this discipline, including 13 professors and 12 associate professors, including one national talent (Ministry of Education), one national talent (Foundation Committee), two national youth talents (Ministry of Education), one national youth talent (Foundation Committee), and two national "talent plan" young top talents. It has a national teaching team, national characteristic majors, and a number of national first-class courses and quality courses.
More information can be found on the college website: School of Economics: https://soe.xmu.edu.cn/index.htm , Wang Yanan Economic Research Institute: https://wise.xmu.edu.cn/index.htm
1、 Application conditions
1. Have firm socialist ideals and beliefs, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, abide by discipline and laws, have good moral character, honesty and trustworthiness, correct style of study, healthy body and mind, and do not have any behavior against academic ethics, professional ethics, etc.
2. Third year undergraduate students in mathematics, statistics and economics related majors from national high-level universities or national key universities or "National Basic Discipline Talent Training Base" class (fresh graduates in 2025); Or the third year undergraduate students (2025 fresh graduates) in the corresponding majors of colleges and universities ranking A-or above in theoretical economics or applied economics or statistics in the fourth round of subject evaluation;
3. The applicant must have excellent academic performance and be among the best;
4. Have a strong interest in statistics and are interested in engaging in statistics related research work;
5. There should be recommendation letters from two associate professors and above experts (submitted through the system);
6. English reaches CET-6 (450 or above), IELTS 6.5 or above, or TOEFL 90 or above.
2、 Application method: online application
1. Online application time: 12:00 p.m., April 30, 2024 to 12:00 p.m., June 10, 2024
2. Online registration address: https://seyjszs.xmu.edu.cn/ On the right side of the page, click the summer camp/direct doctoral student registration entry.
Note: In the application stage, only online registration is required. Please sign a letter of commitment of integrity according to the system requirements, fill in the application information truthfully, and upload scanned copies of the original English proficiency certificate (CET-6 or IELTS or TOEFL), undergraduate transcript, score ranking (template downloaded from the application system, must be stamped) certificate, etc. If false information is found and false materials are submitted, relevant qualifications such as excellent campers will be canceled at their own risk.
3. The 2024 Summer Camp for Economics at Xiamen University will have five campuses, and the application guide for the other four campuses will be published separately on the official website. For the corresponding enrollment units and majors of each camp, see: https://soe.xmu.edu.cn/info/1491/637044.htm
3、 Camper selection
Our school will select the best campers according to the applicants' graduation majors, application forms, achievements and rankings, scientific research achievements, awards, foreign language proficiency and comprehensive quality, through comprehensive consideration and evaluation.
4、 Submission and review of application materials
At the time of check-in, the following application materials need to be submitted for on-site review (subject to the actual notice at that time):
1. The application system prints the Application Form for the 2024 National Excellent Undergraduate Summer Camp for Economics of Xiamen University;
2. The original and copy of the certificate or student card;
3. Original and copy of ID card;
4. The original undergraduate transcript and score ranking (must be stamped with the official seal of the educational administration department). The applicant only needs to provide the scores of the first five semesters;
5. Original and photocopy of CET-6 or IELTS or TOEFL transcripts;
6. Original and copy of international and national award certificates;
7. Copies of other supporting materials (such as published papers, other awards or qualification certificates).
5、 Determination of excellent campers
The college will comprehensively evaluate and select the best campers according to the assessment of campers, ideological and political performance, academic integrity performance, professional ability, comprehensive quality and other factors. The specific assessment content of campers will be notified separately.
6、 Contact information
School of Economics, Xiamen University
Contact address: Xiamen University Economic Building N106
mail box: lgf@xmu.edu.cn
Tel: Teacher Li 0592 - 2182136
Wang Yanan Economic Research Institute of Xiamen University
Mailing address: Xiamen University Economic Building N107
mail box: antingwu@xmu.edu.cn
Contact: Mr. Wu 0592-2186170
Other matters not covered herein shall be subject to the relevant regulations of the university.
Xiamen University

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 Xiamen University

Source: http://www.okaoyan.com/xiamendaxue/byxly_904080.html

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