
Published on: July 6, 2015 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit: Communication
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 Communication Communication science is a science that studies all human communication behaviors and the laws of the occurrence and development of communication processes, as well as the relationship between communication and people and society. It is also a science that studies social information systems and their operation laws. In short, communication is a subject that studies how human beings use symbols to communicate social information. This major is a new discipline gradually formed in the United States and other developed countries in the middle of the 20th century. It is in harmony with information science, covering a complete system from information communication content to information communication technology, forming the main theme of today's information society, especially in the field of mass communication that attracts the attention of the world, forming a communication theory based, electronic information technology as a communication platform, The professional discipline group of print media, radio, film and television media, and network media promotes each other. The discipline system spans the whole communication field from communicator - information - media - audience - effect, and constitutes a new discipline with wide caliber, thick foundation, and wide adaptability from theoretical communication to applied communication.

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