2023 Anqing Normal University Education Management Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Information

Updated on: 2023-04-06T11:59:05 Edited by: Postgraduate Entrance Examination Dispatch Center
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School Province: Anhui

School name: Anqing Normal University

College name: Teachers' Education College

Major Name: Education Management

Major type: Master

Learning mode: full-time

Number of people recruited: 0

Release channel: official website

Original text link: temporarily unavailable

contact information: Click to view

Reallocation request information:

2023 Anqing Normal University Education Management Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Information: According to the proposed enrollment results of the 2023 Postgraduate Entrance Examination - Voluntary Re examination of the Teachers' Education College, some majors of the Teachers' Education College plan to accept the adjustment candidates. The matters related to the coordination work are announced as follows:
I Coordination Plan

2、 Dispensing requirements
1. The preliminary examination results (single subject and total scores) meet the basic requirements for the national preliminary examination results of the first volunteer major in Class A regions, and meet the registration conditions specified in our 2023 Master's Admission Brochure.
2. The transferred major is the same or similar to the first volunteer's major, and should be within the same discipline category. The primary examination subjects are the same or similar to the primary examination subjects of the transfer in specialty, and the national unified proposition subjects shall be the same as the national unified proposition subjects of the transfer in specialty.
3. According to the document of the Ministry of Education, part-time postgraduate students only accept on-the-job oriented employment candidates. After the proposed admission is announced, the "Agreement on Targeted Employment for Master's Degree" (in triplicate) must be filled in, signed and sealed by the targeted unit (Party A) and the postgraduate (Party C), and delivered to the Graduate School within the specified time. The school will not bear any responsibility if the examinee cannot be admitted due to the failure to submit on time.
4. Candidates who apply for the education management degree in the Master of Education must submit a certificate of more than 3 years of work experience after graduation from the university; Or the certificate of having graduated from a vocational college recognized by the state or graduated from a university with the same academic qualifications as a university undergraduate and more than 5 years of work experience; Or a certificate of more than 2 years of work experience after obtaining a master's or doctoral degree.
3、 Adjustment and retest time
1. According to the regulations of the Ministry of Education, our school will open the dispensing system on April 6, 2023. The duration of each time the school opens the dispensing system is not less than 12 hours, and the time for candidates to volunteer for dispensing is not more than 36 hours. It will not be unlocked during the locking time. Please carefully fill in the dispensing application. The opening time of our hospital's dispatching system is proposed to be from 10:00 on April 6 (Thursday) to 10:00 on April 7 (Friday), 2023.
2. The list of candidates to be transferred and the specific re examination schedule will be notified later. Please pay close attention to the announcements on the websites of our Graduate School and Teachers' Education School.
4、 Working procedures
1. Candidates fill in the transfer application. All qualified transfer candidates must fill in the application after the opening of the "China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network" transfer system.
2. Examine and approve the list of candidates for transfer. According to the relevant requirements of the Ministry of Education and the University, the College and the Graduate School will jointly examine and approve the list of candidates for re examination, and send the notice of re examination to the candidates through the "Re examination Service System". The candidates must confirm within the specified time, otherwise they will be deemed to have given up automatically.
3. The examinee confirms "to be admitted". After the re examination, our hospital will issue a "waiting for admission" notice to the candidates to be admitted through the "Dispensing Service System", and the candidates should log in the "Dispensing Service System" to confirm within the specified time, otherwise it will be deemed as automatic abandonment.
5、 Adjustment and retest method
The reexamination method for candidates to be transferred shall be implemented in accordance with the implementation rules for reexamination and admission announced on the website of the Teachers' Education College. See the Implementation Rules for the 2023 Reexamination and Admission of Postgraduates by the Teachers' Education College of Anqing Normal University for details( https://jyxy.aqnu.edu.cn/info/1060/4949.htm )。
6、 Contact information
Tel.: 0556-5303728
School of Teacher Education
April 6, 2023
 2023 Anqing Normal University Education Management Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Information

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