2022 Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Geriatrics, Anesthesiology, Emergency Medicine, Ultrasonic Medicine Postgraduate Examination and Adjustment Information

Updated on: 2022-04-15T18:16:20 Edit: Postgraduate Entrance Examination Dispatch Center
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School Province: Gansu

School name: Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

College name: temporarily unavailable

Major name: Geriatrics, Anesthesiology, Emergency Medicine, Ultrasound Medicine

Major type: academic master/professional master

Learning mode: full-time/part-time

Number of people recruited: 0

Release channel: official website

Original text link: temporarily unavailable

contact information: Click to view

Reallocation request information:

2022 Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Geriatrics, Anesthesiology, Emergency Medicine, Ultrasonic Medicine Postgraduate Examination Adjustment Information:
Dear candidates
There is still a small amount of adjustment balance in some disciplines of our school. The adjustment system will be opened from 06:00 on April 16, 2022 to 18:00 on April 16, 2022, with a total of 12 hours after the decision of the leading group for graduate enrollment. Candidates who meet the transfer conditions are required to apply on time in strict accordance with our enrollment brochure, professional catalog and transfer requirements within the specified time. The specific disciplines and vacancies accepted are as follows:
S/N College Major code of coordination discipline Major name of coordination discipline Coordination Plan remarks
one The First Clinical Medical College one hundred thousand two hundred and three Geriatrics   4  
two The First Clinical Medical College one hundred thousand two hundred and seventeen Anesthesiology   6  
three The First Clinical Medical College one hundred and five thousand one hundred and seven Emergency medicine   5  
four The First Clinical Medical College one hundred and five thousand one hundred and twenty-four Ultrasonic medicine   3  
After the adjustment, please pay attention to the official website of the Graduate School and each enrollment college in a timely manner, and contact the college and disciplines in a timely manner for matters related to the retest. The specific time of the retest will be announced to the candidates after the determination of each enrollment college.
Graduate School of Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
April 15, 2022
 2022 Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Geriatrics, Anesthesiology, Emergency Medicine, Ultrasonic Medicine Postgraduate Examination and Adjustment Information

The above adjustment information for postgraduate entrance examination in Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is only a part of the examples of adjustment information in the public account of "Graduate Entrance Examination and Postgraduate Entrance Examination and Postgraduate Adjustment Center" and the applet of "Graduate Entrance Examination and Postgraduate Adjustment Center". Because the system limits the updated adjustment information for postgraduate entrance examination in Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, please go to our public account and applet for screening and viewing, and you can also subscribe. The Graduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Center also has the score line of adjustment over the years, the destination of one volunteer for adjustment and the source of graduate adjustment students in Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is very valuable.

The information about the adjustment of postgraduate entrance examination in Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine comes from our adjustment applet. Updated information, WeChat search [Graduate School Entrance Examination Adjustment Center] public account In the menu, you can use the [Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Applet] for free to view [The Most Dispensing Information of Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine] [Dispensing Score of Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine] [Source of Dispensing Students of Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine] [Dispensing Destination of Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine] And other valuable data.