2022 Ningxia University Discipline Teaching (Ideological and Political) Postgraduate Examination Adjustment Information

Updated on: 2022-03-22T03:00:00 Edited by: Postgraduate Entrance Examination Dispatch Center
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School Province: Ningxia

School name: Ningxia University

College name: Marxism College

Major name: Discipline Teaching (Ideological and Political Education)

Major type: academic master/professional master

Learning mode: full-time/part-time

Number of people recruited: 3

Release channel: official website

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2022 Ningxia University Discipline Teaching (Ideological and Political) Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Information: Fully implement the spirit of the document of the Administrative Regulations on National Postgraduate Enrollment Work in 2022 and the Work Plan of Ningxia University Postgraduate Enrollment Reexamination Work in 2022, and in combination with the actual situation of our school, specially formulate the Implementation Rules of Ningxia University Marxism College Postgraduate Reexamination Work in 2022 {Compile and sort out the applet of "Graduate Entrance Examination Dispatch Center"}.
1、 Re examination requirements
(1) Ensure that the retest work is safe and stable. Strictly implement the relevant regulations of the state and autonomous region on epidemic prevention and control, coordinate the situation of epidemic prevention and control, emergency response level and reexamination work, scientifically organize the reexamination work in accordance with the requirements of division and classification, accurate prevention and control, wrong time and wrong peak, prevention of gathering, etc., effectively guarantee the life safety and health of the examinees and examinees, and ensure that the reexamination work is safe and stable.
(2) Ensure that the re examination work is fair, just and open. Strictly organize and manage the reexamination, scientifically formulate the reexamination plan, carefully design the content of the reexamination, reasonably formulate the scoring standard, and ensure that each link of the reexamination has rules to follow, standardized procedures, and open results.
(3) Ensure scientific selection of talents and objective evaluation. On the basis of a comprehensive investigation of the examinees' morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor, the examination of their professional quality, innovation ability and potential will be highlighted. The reexamination assessment standards shall be strictly enforced, and the assessment results shall be quantified to ensure the quality of enrollment.
2、 Organizational leadership and supervision
Leading Group for the Re examination of 2022 Postgraduate Entrance Examination
Team leader {Arranging the applet of "Graduate School Entrance Examination Adjustment Center"}: Fan Yingyuan
Members: Shen Yandong, Ma Yue, Zhang Yan, Liu Xiangwei, Qian Rongde, Chen Huiping
Discipline Supervision Group for the Retest of 2022 Master's Entrance Examination
Team leader: Shen Yandong
Members: Liu Xiangwei, Qian Rongde, Ding Ying, Liu Yang
3、 Basic Policies for Re examination
(1) The college will publicize the list of reexamination on its website for at least 5 working days.
(2) Re examination proportion
On the basis of meeting the basic requirements of the national preliminary examination results, the number of re examinations shall be determined at a ratio of not less than 120%.
Number of enrollment plans (excluding those who have been promoted or exempted and special programs)
S/N Major name Number of enrollment plans  
one Basic Principles of Marxism eighteen  
two Ideological and political education twenty-eight  
three Discipline Teaching (Ideological and Political Education) eleven  
(3) Re examination content and results
1. Contents of the retest. Including innovation ability, professional quality, comprehensive quality, English listening and speaking level, all the contents of the second interview are arranged in the network remote second interview as a whole. The specific requirements and operating procedures of each link of the network remote reexamination are detailed in the work notice of the Admission Office of the Graduate School of Ningxia University.
2. Professional reexamination. At the beginning of the second round exam, the candidates made a personal statement for 3 minutes, and then randomly selected one set of questions to answer. Each set of questions has 5 questions in total. Each set contains ideological and political education, the basic principles of Marxism, and the localization of Marxism in China. The candidates chose three questions to answer (including one required question). The duration of each candidate's professional comprehensive reexamination shall not be less than 25 minutes.
3. English retest. After the second interview of English listening and speaking, the candidates introduce themselves in English, and then randomly select one set of questions and answer them in English. The English test shall not be less than 5 minutes.
4. Re examination results. The full score of the second examination is 100 points, of which 80% is the examinee's innovation ability, professional quality and comprehensive quality, and 20% is the examinee's foreign language listening and speaking ability. The total score of innovation ability, professional quality, comprehensive quality assessment and retest must be more than 60 points (including 60 points). The results of the retest and the preliminary examination are weighted and added together, and the students are selected according to the order of the total scores. Among them, the weight of preliminary examination results accounts for 70%, and the weight of re examination results accounts for 30%.
(4) Adjust. The basic principles of Marxism, ideological and political education, a volunteer online examinees are full, no need to adjust. Subject teaching (ideological and political education) needs to be adjusted by 3 people. Please pay attention to the official website of the Graduate School of Ningxia University in time.
4、 Re examination organization
(1) Basic arrangements
1. Re examination time:
(1) Foreign language: from 8:00 on March 25, 2022.
(2) Discipline teaching (ideological and political education): starting at 14:00 on March 25, 2022.
(3) Basic principles of Marxism: starting at 8:00 on March 26, 2022.
(4) Ideological and political education: starting at 8:00 on March 26, 2022.
2. Re examination form: the examinee adopts online remote interview (cloud video platform). The interview expert is a five person interview group, located in the conference room of the Marxism Institute on the third floor of Deyan Building in Huaiyuan Campus.
3. Qualification review: Before the re examination, the examinee's resident ID card, student ID card, academic degree certificate, and academic status verification results shall be strictly reviewed and verified through online review, and the examination and verification of the examinee's identity shall be strengthened through comprehensive comparison of "application database", "student status database", "demographic information database", "examinee's examination integrity archive" and other measures. Those who do not meet the regulations of the Ministry of Education and the school will not be re examined.
(2) Physical examination
According to the provisions of the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education and the requirements of the school for epidemic prevention and control, the physical examination of postgraduate candidates is organized uniformly after enrollment.
(3) Pay the retest fee
After passing the qualification examination, candidates must pay the re examination fee in the online qualification examination system. Full time candidates who participate in the re examination need to pay 100 yuan/student for the re examination fee, and part-time candidates need to pay 150 yuan/student for the re examination fee. A candidate who wishes to participate in the second round exam will complete the payment from March 23 to 28. See the documents of the Graduate School for the payment method of the second round exam fee. The paid retest fee will not be refunded for those who fail to participate in the retest due to various reasons after payment.
5、 Notes for candidates for the second interview
(1) Construction of network reexamination conditions. Candidates should complete the construction of software and hardware conditions required for personal network reexamination in advance, including basic networking environment and mobile phone or computer access equipment.
(2) Conduct equipment commissioning. Candidates should complete the equipment commissioning in advance, usually one hour in advance; Pass the system identity verification and enter the exam waiting area.
(3) Sign the letter of commitment. Candidates shall sign a letter of commitment for honesty and confidentiality of test questions before starting the retest, strictly abide by the test discipline and confidentiality requirements, and do not release or disseminate the content related to the test. Once verified, the examinees who have violated the rules during the re examination will be severely punished in accordance with the provisions of the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examination and the Interim Measures for Handling Violations of Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities. The admission qualification will be cancelled and recorded in the Record of Examinees' Honesty and Credit.
(4) Complete relevant tests. Complete the testability assessment according to the system prompts, and get familiar with the system operation processes and relevant requirements in advance.
(5) Carefully complete the interview assessment. Candidates will be interviewed in order after checking their identities through "face recognition" and "ID recognition" in the remote re examination platform. The whole interview process is recorded and recorded by the system.
(6) After the re examination, the examinee shall not inform others of the examination content, record and disseminate the audio and video information of the examination process, or disseminate any information about the re examination content through the network. In case of any of the above behaviors, it will be deemed as a violation of discipline and the examination results will be cancelled. Please do not set up a WeChat group or QQ group privately, or join the WeChat group or QQ group at will, so as not to damage their own interests and cause unnecessary losses.
6、 Admission
(1) Admission shall be made according to the total score of entrance examination from high to low. If the total scores of the entrance examination are equal, admission will be made according to the total scores of the preliminary examination from high to low; If the total scores of the preliminary examination are equal, the students will be admitted according to the sum of political and foreign language scores from high to low.
(2) According to the document of the Ministry of Education, the examinee who does not participate in the reexamination will be deemed as waiver and will not be admitted; Candidates who fail in the overall score of the re examination will not be admitted.
7、 Emergency plan for retest
(1) Network problems
Once the campus network has problems, turn on the mobile phone traffic as a backup network connection. If the network is disconnected or the platform is blocked for more than 3 minutes, change the retest question in time. Candidates need to actively make preparations according to the network conditions of their regions. It is suggested that they select regions in advance where the network environment can meet the requirements of the second interview to participate in the second interview.
(2) Questioning the examinee's identity and ability
If the examiner doubts the student's identity and ability, and suspects that the examinee cheats by using high technology, he or she can ask questions at random and ask for immediate answers. Candidates are required to use double seats. Once they are found to have violated their commitments, they will be disqualified. The college chose Tencent Conference as the backup platform for the re examination system. If the cloud video remote interview system fails to log in due to capacity problems, or the system crashes, or individual candidates fail to log in, immediately use the backup retest system platform for retest, and do not use the telephone retest method. The backup reexamination platform is "Tencent Conference", which requires candidates to download in advance and use it skillfully.
(3) If the reexamination cannot be carried out normally due to network failure, power interruption and other emergencies, or if the College deems it necessary, it may reexamine the relevant candidates with the approval of the school enrollment leading group.
8、 Consultation and appeal telephone
School Discipline Inspection Commission: 0951 - 2061117.
Graduate School: 0951-2061096, E-mail: yzb@nxu.edu.cn
College of Marxism: 0951-2061094, E-mail: 55311278@qq.com
College of Marxism, Ningxia University
March 22, 2022
 2022 Ningxia University Discipline Teaching (Ideological and Political) Postgraduate Examination Adjustment Information

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