2022 Information on adjustment of chemical engineering, chemical engineering and technology postgraduate entrance examination of Hainan University

Updated on: 2022-02-26T16:12:40 Edit: Postgraduate Entrance Examination Dispatch Center
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Province: Hainan

School name: Hainan University

College name: College of Chemical Engineering and Technology

Major name: Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Technology

Major type: academic master/professional master

Learning method: temporarily unavailable

Number of people recruited: 7

Publishing channel: online publishing

Original text link: temporarily unavailable

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2022 Information on the adjustment of chemical engineering, chemical engineering and technology postgraduate examination in Hainan University: Graduate recruitment of Jiang Zhongyi's membrane science and technology team in the School of Chemical Engineering and Technology of Hainan University

Team profile: Jiang Zhongyi, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Hainan University, now has 6 members (three graduate supervisors, two doctors and one master) in the membrane science and technology team, of which the team leader is Professor Jiang Zhongyi, male, winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, chair professor of Changjiang Scholars of the Ministry of Education of Hainan University, and leading scientific and technological innovation talent of the National Ten Thousand Talents Program Chief scientist of the National Key R&D Program, head of the innovation team of the Ministry of Science and Technology, academic backbones of the innovation group of the National Foundation, members of the Royal Chemical Society, excellent scientific and technological work pacesetters in Tianjin, outstanding Tianjin scholars, deputy editor in chief of Advanced Membranes, editorial board members of Journal of Membrane Science, Research and other journals. Professor Jiang Zhongyi in Nat Commun., Chem. Soc. Rev., Energy Environment. Sci., Adv. Mater., Adv. Function. Mater., Angelw. Chem. Int. Ed., ACS Catalog., J. Membr. Sci. and other journals published more than 600 SCI papers, and other SCI citations were more than 23000 times (h index=87). Among them, J Membr. Sci. temporarily ranks the fourth in the world in terms of the number of articles published on it. He has been continuously included in the list of highly cited scholars (chemical engineering) in China and the list of highly cited scholars (chemical engineering) in the world. In the "List of Top 100000 Scientists in the World", it ranks fourth in the world and first in the country in chemical engineering and technology discipline, and won four first prizes of provincial and ministerial science and technology as the first person to complete. Responsible for undertaking national key research and development projects, national 863 major projects, national fund key projects, national fund major projects, national fund international cooperation research projects, national fund major research plan integration projects, CNPC projects, Sinopec projects, CNOOC projects and enterprise entrusted projects Provincial and ministerial level and enterprise horizontal cooperation projects. It has also maintained multi-dimensional and in-depth exchanges and cooperation with famous universities at home and abroad, such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Yale University, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of California, Berkeley, University College London, Peking University, Nankai University, etc.

Research direction: Professor Jiang Zhongyi, facing the major national needs and international academic frontiers in the fields of resources, energy and environment, pioneered the new research direction of the membrane field of "bionic and bio inspired membrane and membrane process", and first proposed the new concept of "organic molecular sieve membrane". Research fields include water treatment, carbon capture and conversion, alkane olefin separation, fuel cell, artificial photosynthetic system, etc. It has gradually formed a whole chain innovation and through type R&D pattern from basic research to major common key technologies to industrial application demonstration. Specific research directions are as follows:
1. Ion exchange membrane;
2. Gas separation membrane;
3. Water treatment membrane;
4. Liquid separation membrane;
5. Light enzyme membrane coupling artificial photosynthesis;
6. Semiconductor artificial photosynthesis.

In 2022, it is expected to recruit 2 doctoral students, 3 academic master students and 4 professional master students.
Enrollment target: students majoring in chemical engineering, materials, chemistry, biology and other related majors.

Contact: Liu Yanan Teacher Tel.: 15022547035 E-mail: liuyanan@hainanu.edu.cn
Teacher Huang Libo Tel.: 15622334185 E-mail: 995388@hainanu.edu.cn

Lab Link: http://jiang-lab.com/ 2022 Information on adjustment of chemical engineering, chemical engineering and technology postgraduate entrance examination of Hainan University

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