2021 Information on adjustment for postgraduate entrance examination of TCM informatics in Ningxia Medical University

Update time: 2021-04-01T14:29:00 Edit: Postgraduate Entrance Examination Dispatch Center
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School Province: Ningxia

School name: Ningxia Medical University

College name: College of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Major name: Traditional Chinese Medicine Informatics

Major type: academic master/professional master

Learning mode: full-time

Number of people recruited: 0

Release channel: official website

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2021 Adjustment information for postgraduate entrance examination of TCM informatics in Ningxia Medical University: see the adjustment information published on the official website of the university for specific requirements 2021 Information on adjustment for postgraduate entrance examination of TCM informatics in Ningxia Medical University

The above adjustment information for postgraduate entrance examination of Ningxia Medical University is only a part of the examples of the adjustment information in the public account of "Graduate Entrance Examination Dispatch Adjustment Center" and the applet of "Graduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Center", because the system restricts the updated adjustment information for postgraduate entrance examination of Ningxia Medical University, please go to our public account and applet for screening and viewing, and you can also subscribe. The Graduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Center also has the score line of adjustment over the years, the destination of one volunteer for adjustment and the source of students for postgraduate entrance examination adjustment in Ningxia Medical University, which is very valuable.

Ningxia Medical University postgraduate entrance examination adjustment information comes from our adjustment applet. Updated information, WeChat search [Graduate School Entrance Examination Adjustment Center] public account In the menu, you can use the [Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Applet] for free to view [The Most Dispensing Information of Ningxia Medical University] [The Dispensing Score of Ningxia Medical University] [Source of Dispensing Students of Ningxia Medical University] [The Dispensing Destination of Ningxia Medical University] And other valuable data.