Charge Policy for Postgraduates and Freshmen of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology

Published on: August 1, 2019 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit:
 Charge Policy for Postgraduates and Freshmen of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology

Charge Policy for Postgraduates and Freshmen of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology The content is as follows. For more information about postgraduate entrance examination, please pay attention to the update of our website! Please collect this website, or download our postgraduate entrance exam APP and postgraduate entrance exam WeChat official account (there are many free postgraduate entrance exam resources to receive, and if you have various postgraduate entrance exam questions, you can also directly add our website's postgraduate sister WeChat to answer questions for free throughout the whole process, so as to help you take the postgraduate entrance exam and strive to get into the ideal graduate school as soon as possible.)

Shenyang University of Chemical Technology Postgraduate Freshmen Fee Policy Text

According to the requirements of the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education and the Liaoning Provincial Department of Education on deepening the reform of postgraduate education, the following preferential policies for fees and admission are formulated for the recruitment and adjustment of postgraduate students in 2014.
1. This policy is applicable to full-time graduate students enrolled in 2014.
2. Charging standard: academic 8000 yuan/person/year, professional 7000 yuan/person/year.
3. Incentive and subsidy policies
1) National financial aid: All kinds of full-time graduate students whose files have been transferred to our school enjoy the national financial aid, with the standard of 6000 yuan/person/year, which is paid monthly with 100% coverage.
2) National scholarship: according to the national policy, the award standard for the winners is 20000 yuan, which is paid in one time. The number of awards will be determined according to the indicators issued by Liaoning Province to our school.
3) Academic scholarship: Academic scholarship is shared by the provincial finance and the school. Academic scholarship is divided into three levels, covering 60%. The first class award is 8000 yuan, the proportion is 10%; The second prize is 6000 yuan, 20%; The third class award is 4000 yuan, accounting for 40%. The specific selection and distribution methods shall be formulated separately according to the superior documents.
4) Freshmen Scholarship: 6000 yuan will be awarded to the first volunteer candidates from "985" and "211" colleges who apply for our university and are admitted, or those who transfer to our university from "985" and "211" colleges.
5) Special scholarship: It is established by the school or by the society, enterprises and individuals to reward outstanding graduate students who have outstanding performance in a certain aspect or in a specific discipline/specialty.
6) Post allowance of "three assistants" for postgraduates: refers to the post remuneration obtained by postgraduates through part-time work in the university, including assistant management allowance, assistant research allowance and assistant teaching allowance.
Management assistance allowance: according to the demand, a certain number of management assistance posts are arranged every year to assist the staff to participate in the work of related management posts. Allowance standard: 300 yuan/person/month, paid monthly.
Research aid allowance: The research aid allowance is disbursed from the research project funds of the tutor, and the grade and amount of the allowance are determined by the tutor.
Teaching assistant allowance: the school will provide 10% of the total number of students with teaching assistant posts, which will be paid by the school budget. The teaching assistant position is set by the secondary college or tutor according to the teaching needs, and the allowance standard is approved by the graduate school, with an average of 600-800 yuan per item.
7) Excellent Master's Thesis Award: The award is selected in accordance with the Interim Measures for the Selection of Excellent Master's Thesis of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, accounting for about 10% of the number of fresh graduates.
8) Subsidy for poverty-stricken students: appropriate tuition reduction or exemption for postgraduates with special difficulties, or application
Green channel. The specific implementation shall be in accordance with the Measures of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology for Financial Assistance for Difficult Postgraduates.
Graduate School
Shenyang University of Chemical Technology

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