Graduates' score in the postgraduate entrance examination and re examination of Shanghai University in 2013

Published on: March 20, 2013 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit:
 Graduates' score in the postgraduate entrance examination and re examination of Shanghai University in 2013
Shanghai University Graduate Score National line of postgraduate entrance examination over the years

2023 Shanghai University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Reexamination Score Line)
2022 Shanghai University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Reexamination Score Line)
2021 Shanghai University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Reexamination Score Line)
2020 Shanghai University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score (Postgraduate Retest Score)
Score line of postgraduate entrance examination and re examination of Shanghai University in 2019
Score of Postgraduate Students in 2019 Shanghai University Postgraduate Entrance Examination
2018 Shanghai University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score
2017 Shanghai University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score
Graduates' score in the postgraduate entrance examination and re examination of Shanghai University in 2016
Graduates' score in the postgraduate entrance exam of Shanghai University in 2015

2023 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2022 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2021 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2020 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
National line for postgraduate entrance examination [2006-2022]
2019 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2018 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2017 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2016 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2015 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
National line for postgraduate entrance examination in 2014
2013 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line

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Text of Postgraduate Score Line in the Postgraduate Entrance Examination of Shanghai University in 2013

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Score line of the second round of Shanghai University's 2013 Master's Entrance Examination

college major Score of Shanghai University Reexamination National line
Total score Foreign Languages Politics Single family Total score Foreign Languages Politics Single family
College of Science Mathematics (070100) three hundred and six thirty-nine thirty-nine fifty-nine two hundred and ninety thirty-nine thirty-nine fifty-nine
Physics (070200) two hundred and ninety
Chemistry (070300)
Systems Science (071100)
Statistics (071400)
College of Arts Literature and Art (050101) three hundred and fifty fifty-four fifty-four eighty-one three hundred and fifty fifty-four fifty-four eighty-one
Chinese philology (050103) three hundred and sixty fifty-eight fifty-eight one hundred and ten
Chinese classical philology (050104) three hundred and sixty fifty-four fifty-four eighty-one
Ancient Chinese Literature (050105) three hundred and eighty-one fifty-four fifty-four eighty-one
Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature (050106) three hundred and eighty fifty-four fifty-four eighty-one
Comparative Literature and World Literature (050108) three hundred and sixty-one fifty-four fifty-four eighty-one
Creative Writing three hundred and fifty-seven fifty-four fifty-four eighty-one
Linguistics and Applied Linguistics three hundred and fifty-four fifty-seven fifty-seven one hundred and two
Cultural Studies (0501Z1) three hundred and fifty fifty-four fifty-four eighty-one
History of China (060200) two hundred and ninety-five forty forty one hundred and twenty two hundred and ninety-five forty forty one hundred and twenty
World History (060300)
Master of International Education in Chinese (045300) three hundred and twelve forty-nine forty-nine one hundred three hundred and ten forty forty sixty
School of Foreign Languages English Language and Literature (050201) three hundred and fifty-four fifty-four fifty-four eighty-one three hundred and fifty fifty-four fifty-four eighty-one
Japanese Language and Literature (050205) three hundred and fifty fifty-four fifty-four eighty-one
Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics (050211) three hundred and fifty-four fifty-four fifty-four eighty-one
English Translation (055101) three hundred and seventy-three fifty-four fifty-four eighty-one
School of Management Management Science and Engineering (120100) three hundred and fifty-four fifty-one fifty-one seventy-seven three hundred and forty-five fifty-one fifty-one seventy-seven
Accounting (120201) three hundred and sixty-seven fifty-one fifty-one seventy-seven
Enterprise management (120202) three hundred and fifty fifty-one fifty-one seventy-seven
Tourism management (120203) three hundred and forty-five fifty-one fifty-one seventy-seven
Project Management (085239) two hundred and ninety-five forty forty sixty two hundred and ninety-five forty forty sixty
Logistics Engineering (085240) three hundred and seventeen forty forty sixty
Master of Accounting (125300) two hundred and seven forty-one   eighty-two one hundred and fifty-five forty-one   eighty-two
Master of Engineering Management (125600) one hundred and fifty-five forty-one   eighty-two
law school Law (030100) three hundred and forty forty-two forty-two sixty-three three hundred and fifteen forty-two forty-two sixty-three
Master of Law (non law) (035101) three hundred and fifteen forty-two forty-two sixty-three
College of Communication and Information Engineering Circuit and System (080902) two hundred and ninety-five forty forty sixty two hundred and ninety-five forty forty sixty
Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology (080904)
Communication and Information System (081001)
Signal and information processing (081002)
Biomedical Engineering (083100)
Electronic and Communication Engineering (085208)
College of Computer Engineering and Science Computer System Architecture (081201) two hundred and ninety-five forty forty sixty two hundred and ninety-five forty forty sixty
Computer Software and Theory (081202)
Computer Application Technology (081203)
Software Engineering (053500)
Software Engineering (085212)
College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and Automation Machinery Manufacturing and Automation (080201) three hundred and ten forty-five forty-five eighty two hundred and ninety-five forty forty sixty
Power System and Automation (080802) three hundred and three forty forty sixty
Mechanical and Electronic Engineering (080202) two hundred and ninety-five forty forty sixty
Mechanical Design and Theory (080203)
Precision instruments and machinery (080401)
Testing and metering technology and instruments (080402)
Motors and electrical appliances (080801)
Power Electronics and Power Transmission (080804)
Electrical Theory and New Technology (080805)
Control Theory and Engineering (081101)
Detection technology and automation device (081102)
System Engineering (081103)
Pattern recognition and intelligent system (081104)
Mechanical Engineering (085201)
Control engineering (085210)
School of Materials Science and Engineering Polymer Chemistry and Physics (070305) two hundred and ninety thirty-nine thirty-nine fifty-nine two hundred and ninety thirty-nine thirty-nine fifty-nine
Material Processing Engineering (I) (080503) three hundred and twenty-five forty-five forty-five eighty-five two hundred and ninety-five forty forty sixty
Material Physics and Chemistry (080501) two hundred and ninety-five forty forty sixty
Materials Science (I) (080502)
Materials Science (II) (080502)
Material Processing Engineering (II) (080503)
Metallurgical Engineering (080600) two hundred and eighty thirty-seven thirty-seven fifty-six two hundred and eighty thirty-seven thirty-seven fifty-six
Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics (I) (080903) two hundred and ninety-five forty forty sixty two hundred and ninety-five forty forty sixty
Material Engineering (085204)
Integrated Circuit Engineering (085209)
New display center
College of Environment and Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering and Technology (081700) two hundred and ninety-five forty forty sixty two hundred and ninety-five forty forty sixty
Nuclear Technology and Application (082703)
Environmental Science and Engineering (083000)
Chemical Engineering (085216)
College of Life Sciences Biology (071000) two hundred and ninety thirty-nine thirty-nine fifty-nine two hundred and ninety thirty-nine thirty-nine fifty-nine
Ecology (071300)
Biochemistry (081703) two hundred and ninety-five forty forty sixty two hundred and ninety-five forty forty sixty
Food Science (083201)
Academy of Fine Arts Art Theory (130100) three hundred and twenty thirty-four thirty-four fifty-one three hundred and twenty thirty-four thirty-four fifty-one
Fine Arts (130400)
Design (130500)
Industrial Design Engineering (085237) two hundred and ninety-five forty forty sixty two hundred and ninety-five forty forty sixty
Fine Arts (135107) three hundred and twenty thirty-four thirty-four fifty-one three hundred and twenty thirty-four thirty-four fifty-one
Art Design (135108)
College of Film and Television Arts and Technology Journalism and Communication (050300) three hundred and fifty fifty-four fifty-four eighty-one three hundred and fifty fifty-four fifty-four eighty-one
Art Theory (130100) three hundred and twenty-eight forty thirty-four fifty-one three hundred and twenty thirty-four thirty-four fifty-one
Drama and Traditional Opera (130301) three hundred and twenty thirty-four thirty-four fifty-one
Film Science (130302) three hundred and fifty-three forty-five thirty-four fifty-one
Radio and Television Arts (130303) three hundred and fifty-eight fifty thirty-four fifty-one
Master of Journalism and Communication (055200) three hundred and seventy-three fifty-four fifty-four eighty-one three hundred and fifty fifty-four fifty-four eighty-one
Film (135104) three hundred and twenty-eight forty-five thirty-four fifty-one three hundred and twenty thirty-four thirty-four fifty-one
Radio and TV (135105)
Sydney Business School Management Science and Engineering (120100) 345 (adjustment 360) fifty-one fifty-one seventy-seven three hundred and forty-five fifty-one fifty-one seventy-seven
Enterprise management (120202)
Master of Finance (025100) 340 (adjustment 380) forty-nine forty-nine seventy-four three hundred and forty forty-nine forty-nine seventy-four
College of Social Sciences Philosophy (010100) two hundred and eighty thirty-eight thirty-eight fifty-seven two hundred and eighty thirty-eight thirty-eight fifty-seven
Political Economy (020101) three hundred and forty forty-nine forty-nine seventy-four three hundred and forty forty-nine forty-nine seventy-four
Marxist Theory (030500) three hundred and thirty forty-nine forty-nine seventy-five three hundred and fifteen forty-two forty-two sixty-three
Department of Civil Engineering Civil Engineering (081400) 295 (dispensing 305) 40 (adjustment 45) 40 (adjustment 45) 60 (adjust 85) two hundred and ninety-five forty forty sixty
Building and Civil Engineering (085213) 295 (adjustment 300) 40 (adjustment 45) 40 (adjustment 45) 60 (adjustment 65)
Nanoscience and Technology Center Inorganic Chemistry (II) (070301) two hundred and ninety thirty-nine thirty-nine fifty-nine two hundred and ninety thirty-nine thirty-nine fifty-nine
School of Digital Arts Music and Dancing (130200) three hundred and twenty thirty-four thirty-four fifty-one three hundred and twenty thirty-four thirty-four fifty-one
Music (135101) three hundred and fifty-seven thirty-four thirty-four fifty-one
Art Design (135108) three hundred and fifty-six thirty-four thirty-four fifty-one
Social College Sociology (030301) three hundred and twenty-five forty-two forty-two sixty-three three hundred and fifteen forty-two forty-two sixty-three
Anthropology (030303) three hundred and eighteen forty-two forty-two sixty-three
Folklore (030304) three hundred and fifty-seven forty-two forty-two sixty-three
Master of Social Work (035200) three hundred and twenty-one forty-two forty-two sixty-three
Institute of Mechanics Applied Mathematics (070104) two hundred and ninety thirty-nine thirty-nine fifty-nine two hundred and ninety thirty-nine thirty-nine fifty-nine
General Mechanics and Fundamentals of Mechanics (080101) two hundred and eighty thirty-seven thirty-seven fifty-six two hundred and eighty thirty-seven thirty-seven fifty-six
Solid Mechanics (080102)
Fluid Mechanics (080103)
Engineering Mechanics (080104)
MBA Center Master of Business Administration (125100) one hundred and fifty-five forty-one   eighty-two one hundred and fifty-five forty-one   eighty-two
Microelectronics Center Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics (II) (080903) 295 (dispensing 316) 40 (adjustment 50) 40 (adjustment 50) 60 (adjust 85) two hundred and ninety-five forty forty sixty
School of Economics Finance (020204) three hundred and fifty forty-nine forty-nine seventy-four three hundred and forty forty-nine forty-nine seventy-four
Labor Economics (020207) three hundred and fifty-one
Regional Economics (020202) three hundred and forty-six
World Economics (020105) three hundred and forty
Western Economics (020104)
Population resource management (020106)
International Trade (020206)
Industrial Economics (020205)
Statistics (027000)
Master of Finance (025100)
Master of International Business (025400)
Picture information system Library Science (120501) three hundred and forty-five fifty-one fifty-one seventy-seven three hundred and forty-five fifty-one fifty-one seventy-seven
Information Science (120502)
Archives (120503) three hundred and fifty-eight fifty-one fifty-one seventy-seven
Master of Library and Information Science (125500) one hundred and seventy-five forty-one   eighty-two one hundred and fifty-five forty-one   eighty-two

Shanghai University

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