Wuhan University of Science and Technology Postgraduate Examination Website

College of Mechanical Automation

School of Materials and Metallurgy

College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

School of Information Science and Engineering

College of Computer Science and Technology

School of Management

School of Grammar and Economics

College of Marxism

College of Science

medical college

Urban Construction College

School of Foreign Languages

College of Resources and Environmental Engineering

College of Automotive and Transportation Engineering

College of Art and Design

Physical Education Institute

College of Life Sciences and Health

Clinical College

High performance steel materials and their applications Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center

The specialty catalog of postgraduate enrollment of 2021 Wuhan University of Science and Technology is a matter of great concern to the majority of postgraduate students and their parents. The specialty catalog of enrollment includes specific information about enrollment majors, research directions, examination subjects, learning methods, etc. The following is the specialty catalog of postgraduate enrollment of 2021 Wuhan University of Science and Technology, which is organized by the postgraduate school. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.
Click the following link to view: 2021 Wuhan University of Science and Technology postgraduate enrollment specialty directory

Wuhan University of Science and Technology is a local high-level university jointly built by the province, ministry and ministry. It is one of the selected universities in the national "Basic Capacity Construction Project of Universities in Central and Western China" and one of the "double first-class" key construction universities in Hubei Province. The history of running the school dates back to the craft school established by Zhang Zhidong, governor of Huguang in the late Qing Dynasty, upon the approval of the Qing government in 1898. It was founded as Wuhan Iron and Steel Institute in 1958 and renamed as Wuhan University of Science and Technology in 1999. The graduate education of the university began in 1978, and it is one of the first batch of master's authorization units in China.
The university has a complete range of disciplines and distinctive characteristics. It has built a comprehensive university discipline system that focuses on engineering, combines science with engineering, and coordinates the development of engineering, science, management, medicine, literature, economics, law, philosophy, art and other disciplines. There are 19 schools that hold graduate education
The institute (center) has more than 7000 graduate students of all kinds. The school has 8 mobile postdoctoral research stations and 8 first level disciplines
Doctoral degree authorization points, 38 doctoral degree authorization points in secondary disciplines, 33 master's degree authorization points in primary disciplines, 171 master's degree authorization points in secondary disciplines, and 18 master's professional degree categories. There are 1 national key discipline (cultivation), 10 provincial key disciplines, 5 provincial key disciplines (cultivation), and 2 provincial advantageous characteristic discipline groups. In the fourth round of national discipline assessment, 11 disciplines ranked first among Hubei provincial universities; Materials Science and Engineering, Metallurgy and Mining Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and other three disciplines were selected as the construction discipline of "domestic first-class disciplines" in Hubei Province; Materials science, engineering, chemistry and other three disciplines have entered the top 1% of the global ESI rankings.
The school actively implements the strategy of "strengthening the school with talents", and has more than 2600 teaching staff, including more than 1800 full-time teachers.
It has 5 full-time and double employed academicians, 1 foreign academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering, Changjiang Scholars Award Program, and National Outstanding Young Scholars
In, there were 16 candidates of national and ministerial key talent plans, such as the National Science Fund Project and the National Hundred and Ten Thousand Talents Project
The school has 1 famous teacher, 2 national model teachers, 5 national outstanding teachers, and the "National University Huangdanian Style Teacher Group"
One team, three national teaching teams, three members of the Professional Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, Hubei New Century 100
30 ten million talents, 210 talents in Hubei talent introduction plan, 7 famous teachers in Hubei, and Hubei
There are 4 teacher studios, 34 excellent teachers from Baosteel Education Fund, 29 young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions at the provincial and ministerial levels, 78 people who enjoy special subsidies from the State Council and the People's Government of Hubei Province, and 3 people who have won the "Huo Yingdong Young Teacher Award". The school is the demonstration base for innovative talents training of the "Innovative Talents Promotion Plan" of the Ministry of Science and Technology; The "Discipline Innovation and Talent Introduction Base for Offshore Engineering Steel and Application Performance" was selected into the "Discipline Innovation and Talent Introduction Plan for Colleges and Universities" jointly organized and implemented by the Ministry of Education and the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs.
The university insists on deepening the reform of postgraduate education and teaching, comprehensively promotes the reform of talent training mode, and focuses on building high-level postgraduate education. It has been approved 65 national education quality engineering projects and 4 national teaching achievement awards. The university was recognized by the Ministry of Education as a national "demonstration university for deepening innovation and entrepreneurship education reform", and was recognized by the People's Government of Hubei Province as the first batch of "provincial innovation and entrepreneurship demonstration bases". In recent years, the average employment rate of graduate students has reached over 98%. Students have made outstanding achievements in international and domestic scientific and technological innovation and skill competitions for many times. Since the "13th Five Year Plan", students have won more than 1200 international and national awards; The university ranked 82nd in the "2015-2019 National Discipline Competition Evaluation Results of Ordinary Colleges and Universities" released by the China Association of Higher Education, ranking first among universities in Hubei Province.

The university has strong scientific research strength, and has outstanding advantages and characteristics in iron and steel metallurgy, materials, machinery, chemical industry, control and other fields. The university has established the first national key laboratory of universities in Hubei Province - "National Key Laboratory of Refractory Materials and Metallurgy Jointly Constructed by the Province and the Ministry", the first national engineering research center of universities in Hubei Province - "National Local Joint Engineering Research Center for High Temperature Materials and Lining Technology" The first key laboratory of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment in Hubei provincial colleges and universities - "National Key Laboratory of Environmental Protection, Mining and Metallurgy Resources Utilization and Pollution Control" and the provincial and ministerial collaborative innovation center - "Provincial and ministerial collaborative innovation center for high-performance steel materials and their applications"; It has 2 key laboratories of the Ministry of Education, 1 engineering research center of the Ministry of Education, 1 national collaborative innovation center (joint), 2 Hubei collaborative innovation centers, 8 provincial key laboratories, 3 provincial key research bases of humanities and social sciences, 1 provincial new think tank, 1 provincial engineering research center, 6 provincial engineering technology research centers There are 4 provincial science and technology international cooperation bases, 1 provincial scientific and technological achievements transformation pilot research base, 1 provincial science popularization cultivation base, and 2 Wuhan engineering technology research centers. Since the "13th Five Year Plan", the school has presided over and undertaken more than 320 national projects such as the National "973", "863", the National Science and Technology Support Plan, the National Key Research and Development Plan, the National Natural Science Foundation, the National Social Science Fund and other national projects, and won more than 100 scientific and technological (social science) achievement awards at the provincial and ministerial level and above. The academic papers published by the faculty have been accepted by SCI EI, CPCI-S and other searches included more than 4000 articles; Since 2007, it has won 18 national scientific and technological achievements awards (including 1 first prize, 12 second prizes and 5 second prizes of national technological invention), ranking first among universities in Hubei Province. The university was selected as one of the "Top 100 Universities in Intellectual Property" by the State Intellectual Property Office, and was recognized as one of the first "bases for transformation of scientific and technological achievements and technology transfer" by the Ministry of Education.

The school insists on seeking support through service, seeking sharing through contribution, actively innovating school enterprise and school local cooperation, and has successively cooperated with Baowu Group
More than 30 large enterprises, including Evergrande Group, Ansteel, Liugang, Kunming Iron and Steel, China First Metallurgical Group Corporation, and MCC South, have established comprehensive cooperation relations with relevant cities inside and outside the province, such as Wuhan, Yichang, Xiaogan, Huanggang, Suizhou, Zhanjiang, and established "China Baowu Wuhan University of Science and Technology Carbon Materials Joint Engineering Research Center" and "Wuhan University of Science and Technology Yixing Ceramic and Refractory Materials Research Institute" "Wuhan University of Science and Technology - Laohekou Science and Technology Research Institute" and "Wuhan University of Science and Technology - Xiangzhou District Science and Technology Research Institute" have jointly built "Evergrande Management College" and "Evergrande Football College" with Evergrande Group; It has built 1 Class III Grade A affiliated hospital, 1 Class II hospital (one of the top 100 community health service centers in China) and 7 non directly affiliated hospitals; More than 20 social awards and grants, including "Xu Jiayin Scholarship", "Pu Nai Scholarship", "Niobium Steel Scholarship" and "Shangrao Chamber of Commerce Scholarship", have been established.
The university adheres to the principle of facing the world and opening its school to the outside world. At present, it has established stable academic exchanges and cooperation relationships with nearly 100 universities and scientific research institutes in dozens of countries and regions abroad, and has carried out exchanges and cooperation in many aspects, such as student exchanges, mutual visits of teachers, and joint scientific research. Foreign students studying in China are enrolled in doctoral and master's degree programs of first-class disciplines such as material science and engineering, control science and engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering and technology, safety science and engineering, mining engineering, system science and engineering.
Over the past hundred years, the school has trained more than 200000 professionals for the country and society. A large number of outstanding alumni have grown into academicians at home and abroad, experts and scholars, party and government leaders, and leaders of large steel enterprises. The school is known as the "cradle of high-level metallurgical talents".

Wuhan University of Science and Technology

Description of Major Catalog of Master's Graduate Enrollment in 2021

In 2021, our school plans to enroll postgraduate students in nine disciplines: engineering, science, management, medicine, literature, economics, law, philosophy and art
There are more than 2800 people, including more than 2500 full-time master graduates and more than 300 part-time master graduates. The specific enrollment number is subject to the actual enrollment plan issued by the Ministry of Education. The number of students enrolled in each college (center) listed in the enrollment specialty catalog in 2021 includes the number of students to be recommended to be exempted from examination, the number of students to be jointly trained, and the number of students to be enrolled in separate examinations. The number of students enrolled is only for reference. The number of students enrolled in each specialty should be appropriately adjusted according to the actual number of students to be exempted from examination, online source of students, and social needs during the reexamination.
1、 Application conditions
(1) Those who apply for the national postgraduate entrance examination must meet the following conditions:
1. Citizens of the People's Republic of China.
2. Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have good moral character, and abide by discipline and law.
3. Be in good health and meet the specified physical examination standards (refer to the national Guiding Opinions on Physical Examination for Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities).
4. The academic level of candidates must meet one of the following conditions:
(1) Newly graduated undergraduates with nationally recognized academic qualifications (including graduates from regular colleges and universities, adult colleges and universities, adult higher education held by regular colleges and universities), self-study examinations and online education can graduate undergraduate students at that time, and the candidates can be admitted to the university in the same year before admission (the specific deadline is the date when our university enters the journal in the same year) You must obtain a nationally recognized undergraduate diploma or the Certificate of Foreign Academic Degrees issued by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education, or your admission qualification will be invalid.
(2) A person with a bachelor's degree recognized by the state.
(3) At least 2 years after obtaining a nationally recognized higher vocational college graduation degree (from graduation to the date of admission in the year of admission
Same as) or more than 2 years old, apply for the examination as an undergraduate with the same academic qualification, and must provide the qualified scores of 4 major courses in the undergraduate stage before the second examination.
(4) Undergraduate graduates with nationally recognized academic qualifications shall apply for the examination as graduates with the same academic qualifications.
(5) Persons who have obtained master's or doctor's degrees.
Graduate students in school must obtain the consent of their training unit before applying for the examination, and submit the certificate of "consent to apply for the examination" of their training unit to the Enrollment and Employment Office of the Graduate School of our school before the deadline of online confirmation (on-site confirmation). Candidates who participate in the second round exam with the same academic level, fresh graduates of adult education, and self-taught and online education candidates who have not obtained a bachelor's degree certificate at the time of the second round exam, must take two major undergraduate courses related to the major you are applying for.
(2) Those who apply for the examination of master's degree candidates in business administration (MBA, code 1251), public administration (MPA, code 1252), and engineering management (MEM, code 125601) must meet the following conditions:
1. Meet the requirements of items 1, 2 and 3 in (I).
2. Personnel with more than 3 years of work experience after graduation from the university; Or obtain a national recognized vocational college diploma or
After the completion of the undergraduate course, the person who has reached the same academic level as the undergraduate course and has more than 5 years of work experience; Or master's degree
Persons who have more than 2 years of work experience after their doctorate must apply for "targeted employment".


(3) Those who apply for the examination of master's degree in clinical medicine (professional code starts with 1051) must meet the following conditions:
1. Meet the requirements of items 1, 2 and 3 in (I).
2. Full time college graduates of clinical medicine and former undergraduates.
3. Qualified personnel who have not received standardized training for resident doctors.
(4) Examiners who apply for the master's enrollment plan of "retired college student soldiers" must meet the following conditions:
The examinee shall be a college student who has been enlisted and retired from active service and meets the requirements of the Ministry of Education and our university for postgraduate application. When confirming online (on-site confirmation), the applicant shall provide the original and copy of his/her "Approval for enlistment" and "Certificate for retirement from active service". For details, please refer to the Instruction to the Enrollment Plan of the Master's Degree Candidates of Wuhan University of Science and Technology for "Retired College Student Soldiers" in 2021.
(5) The examiners who apply for the master's enrollment plan for high-level backbone talents of ethnic minorities must meet the following conditions:
1. Those who meet the requirements of the Ministry of Education and our university for postgraduate application must fulfill the agreement to return to regions and units for employment after graduation, and shall not breach the contract. For details, please refer to the Instruction on Enrollment of Master Candidates in the 2021 National Minority High level Key Talents Plan of Wuhan University of Science and Technology.
2. In 2021, our school only accepted candidates of the special plan for high-level backbone talents of ethnic minorities in the clinical medicine specialty (specialty code starts with 1051) of the medical school.
(6) The applicants for the individual examination must meet the following conditions:
1. Meet the requirements of items 1, 2 and 3 in (I).
2. After obtaining a nationally recognized undergraduate degree, he has worked continuously for more than 4 years, has excellent business, and has published research papers
(Technical report) or has become the backbone of the business, with the consent of the examinee's unit and the recommendation of two experts with senior professional and technical titles (at least one of them is an expert of our school), targeted employment of the in-service staff of the unit; Or obtain a master's degree or a PhD
Have worked for more than 2 years after the bachelor's degree, have excellent business, have been approved by the unit where the candidate works, and have two junior college students with senior professional and technical titles
Home recommendation (at least one of whom is an expert of our school), targeted employment of the in-service staff of the unit. Such candidates can be confirmed online (on-site confirmation) only after they pass the qualification examination of the College of Admissions and the Department of Admissions and Employment of the Graduate School.
3. Our school only accepts candidates who apply for part-time targeted employment. Please refer to the Catalogue of Postgraduate Enrollment Specialties of Wuhan University of Science and Technology in 2021 for details of the major of enrollment in the 2021 separate examination.
(7) Receive recommended test free graduate students
In 2021, our school will accept recommended graduate students (including direct doctoral students) who will not participate in the unified examination. Except for business administration (MBA, code: 1251), public administration (MPA, code: 1252), and engineering management (MEM, code: 125601) in the master of engineering management, all other majors in our school accept the promotion and exemption of master students; The first level disciplines (mechanical engineering, material science and engineering, metallurgical engineering, control science and engineering, chemical engineering and technology, mining engineering, safety science and engineering, and system science) of our school accept direct doctoral students. For details, please refer to the Admission Brochure of Wuhan University of Science and Technology for Candidates (including Direct Doctoral Candidates) Accepted and Recommended in 2021. Welcome outstanding fresh undergraduate graduates to contact the Admission and Employment Office of the Graduate School of our university or relevant colleges to study for graduate students without examination.
2、 Registration process
Registration includes online registration and online confirmation (on-site confirmation).
(1) Online registration
1. Candidates will be born at 9:00~22:00 every day from October 10 to October 31, 2020, and log in the "China Postgraduate Enrollment Letter"


Information website (website: http://yz.chsi.com.cn or http://yz.chsi.cn )Browse the application instructions and register according to the online announcement. During the registration period, the examinee can modify the online registration information or fill in the registration information again, but one examinee can only keep one valid registration information. The registration information shall not be modified after the deadline. The examinee shall bear the consequences of failing to register as required, filling in wrong information online or filling in false information, resulting in failure of the examination, re examination or admission.
2. Candidates should carefully understand whether they meet the application conditions and relevant policy requirements before registering. If subsequent online confirmation (on-site confirmation), examination, reexamination or admission cannot be carried out due to non-compliance with the application conditions and relevant policy requirements, the consequences shall be borne by the examinee himself. During the registration period, online verification will be performed on the examinee's education (student status) information, and the examinee can view the verification results of education (student status) online. Candidates can also log into the "China Higher Education Student Information Network" (website:   http://www.chsi.com.cn )Query your education (student status) information.
3. The examinee shall pay the registration fee according to the requirements of the provincial education recruitment and examination institutions. After online confirmation (on-site confirmation), due to the examinee's own reasons, such as inaccurate online reporting information, fraud, etc., which do not meet the requirements of the application conditions, resulting in the refusal of the application site or the enrollment unit, the application fee will not be refunded.
(2) Online confirmation (on-site confirmation)
1. Candidates (excluding those who are recommended to be exempted) shall hold their second-generation ID cards, academic degree certificates (new undergraduate graduates shall hold student cards) and registration numbers to carry out online confirmation (on-site confirmation) according to the requirements of the notice of the application site. Those who fail to make online confirmation (on-site confirmation) within the time limit are invalid.
2. All candidates should carefully check and confirm their online registration information. The registration information will not be modified after being confirmed by the examinee, and all consequences caused by the examinee's filling errors will be borne by him/herself.
3. Self study examination and online education undergraduates who can obtain a nationally recognized undergraduate diploma before admission in the year of admission must go through online confirmation (on-site confirmation) procedures with the relevant certificate issued by the provincial higher education self-study examination office or online education university that issued the diploma.
4. Candidates who have not passed the online education (student status) verification or cannot query the education (student status) information on the "China Higher Education Student Information Network" must provide the education (student status) certification report when confirming online (on-site confirmation). The re examination of candidates' qualifications will be conducted before the re examination, and those who fail the re examination cannot participate in the re examination.
3、 Preliminary and re examination
(1) Time and place of initial test
Time: December 26~27, 2020; Location: arranged by the registration point.
(2) Preliminary examination subjects
Academic graduate students: Unit 1 (ideological and political theory, full score 100), Unit 2 (foreign language, full score
100 points), Unit 3 (Business Class I, full score 150 points; medical class, full score 300 points), Unit 4 (Business Class
2、 Full score: 150).
Professional degree graduate student: Unit 1 (ideological and political theory, full score: 100; comprehensive ability of management joint exam, full score:
200 points), Unit 2 (foreign language, full score: 100 points), Unit 3 (business class I, full score: 150 points; medical science
300 points for each class), Unit 4 (150 points for Business Class II).
101 Ideological and Political Theory, 199 Comprehensive Competence of Management Joint Examination, 201 English I, 202 Russian, 203 Japanese, 204 English II, 301 Mathematics I, 302 Mathematics II, 303 Mathematics III, 306 Comprehensive Competence of Clinical Medicine (Western Medicine) are national unified subjects. Please refer to the examination outline prepared by the Ministry of Education for relevant examination contents. Other subjects are set by our school


For the bibliography or examination outline of the subject, please refer to the catalogue of enrollment majors.
(3) Retest
The time and place of the reexamination will be determined by our school, and the methods and procedures of the reexamination will be announced in late March 2021 (see our research and recruitment website for specific time and requirements http://yxsy.wust.edu.cn )。 During the reexamination, candidates must participate in the ideological and political review organized by our university. Those who fail in the political review will not be admitted. The physical examination will be arranged after the proposed admission, and those who fail the physical examination will not be admitted.
4、 Educational system, learning form and tuition standard
1. The length of schooling is 3 years (except for social work and full-time international business majors, the length of schooling is 2 years).
2. Learning forms are divided into full-time and part-time. In principle, part-time postgraduate students should recruit on-the-job targeted employees
3. Tuition fees shall be subject to the tuition standards of each enrollment specialty approved by the Price Bureau of Hubei Province.
5、 Other matters
1. Candidates can log in to the Research Recruitment Network with their online username and password to download and print the Admission Certificate. Candidates can take the first and second examinations with downloaded and printed "Admission Card" and valid resident ID card.
2. Candidates can download the Wuhan University of Science and Technology Master's Enrollment Brochure in 2021 from the Internet.
3. Our school will release the enrollment information on the Internet in a timely manner. Please check the relevant information on the Internet at any time before the registration, preliminary examination, re examination, admission and other stages, or contact each enrollment college.

Address: No. 947, Heping Avenue, Qingshan District, Wuhan, Hubei Province

Postal Code:

four hundred and thirty thousand and eighty-one

Contact department: Enrollment and Employment Department of Graduate School of Wuhan University of Science and Technology



website: http:// yxsy.wust.edu.cn

Unit code:

ten thousand four hundred and eighty-eight

Email: wustyjsy@wust.edu.cn




Application Conditions for Postgraduate Students of Wuhan University of Science and Technology in 2021


Application conditions

All majors
(Basic conditions)

1. Citizens of the People's Republic of China.
2. Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have good moral character, and abide by discipline and law.
3. Be in good health and meet the specified physical examination standards (refer to the national Guiding Opinions on Physical Examination for Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities).

All majors
(Academic level)

The academic level of candidates must meet one of the following conditions:
1. Undergraduate graduates with nationally recognized academic qualifications (including graduates from ordinary colleges, adult colleges, adult higher education held by ordinary colleges and universities), self-study examinations and online education can graduate undergraduate students at that time, before enrollment (the specific deadline is the enrollment time of our school that year) You must obtain a nationally recognized undergraduate diploma or the Certificate of Foreign Academic Degrees issued by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education.
2. Personnel with a nationally recognized bachelor's degree.
3. Persons who have obtained master's or doctor's degrees.
4. Persons who have attained the same academic level as undergraduate graduates after obtaining a nationally recognized higher vocational college graduation degree for 2 years or more (from graduation to the date of admission) shall apply for the examination with the same academic level, and must provide the qualified scores of 4 major courses at the undergraduate stage before the re examination.
5. Undergraduate graduates with nationally recognized academic qualifications shall apply for the examination as undergraduate graduates with the same academic qualifications.

Special Plan of "Retired College Student Soldiers"

The examinee should be a college student who has been enlisted and retired from active service, and who meets the requirements of the Ministry of Education and our university for postgraduate examination online confirmation (on-site confirmation) should provide the original and copy of his/her "Approval for enlistment" and "Certificate for retirement from active service". See "Retired College Student Soldiers" of Wuhan University of Science and Technology in 2021 for details
Introduction to the Enrollment Plan for Special Postgraduates.

Special Plan for High level Key Talents of Ethnic Minorities

1. Those who meet the requirements of the Ministry of Education and our university for postgraduate application must fulfill the agreement to return to regions and units for employment after graduation, and shall not breach the contract. For details, please refer to the Instruction on Enrollment of Master Candidates in the 2021 National Minority High level Key Talents Plan of Wuhan University of Science and Technology.
2. In 2021, our school only accepted a small number of clinical medicine majors in the medical school (specialty code starts with 1051)
Candidates for the national high-level backbone talent special plan apply for the exam.

Individual examination

1. After obtaining a nationally recognized undergraduate degree, he has worked continuously for more than 4 years, has excellent business, has published research papers (technical reports) or has become a business backbone, and has been approved by the examinee's unit and recommended by two experts with senior professional and technical titles (at least one of them is an expert of our university),
Targeted employment of employees of the unit; Or have worked for more than 2 years after obtaining a master's degree or a doctor's degree, have excellent business, and have been approved by the examinee's unit and recommended by two experts with senior professional and technical titles
(At least one of them is an expert of our school), and the on-the-job employees of the unit are targeted for employment. Such candidates can only be confirmed online (on-site confirmation) after passing the qualification examination of the College of Admission and Graduate School before online confirmation (on-site confirmation).
2. Our school only accepts candidates who apply for part-time targeted employment. 2021
For the specialty of independent examination enrollment, please refer to the Specialty Catalog of Wuhan University of Science and Technology for Postgraduate Enrollment in 2021.


Business Administration (MBA, code 1251), Public Administration (MPA, code 1252), Engineering Management in Master of Engineering Management
(MEM, code 125601) Specialty

Personnel with more than 3 years of work experience after graduation from a university; Or vocational colleges recognized by the state
Graduated degree or bachelor's degree, with the same academic level as bachelor's degree and more than 5 years of work experience
Experienced personnel; Or those who have more than 2 years of work experience after obtaining a master's or doctoral degree,
The application type must be "targeted employment".

Professional degree in clinical medicine
(Major code starts with 1051)

1. Full time college graduates of clinical medicine and former undergraduates.
2. Qualified personnel who have not received standardized training for resident doctors.

1. Graduate students in school must obtain the consent of their training unit before applying for the examination, and submit the certificate of "consent to apply for the examination" of their training unit to the Enrollment and Employment Office of the Graduate School of our school before the deadline of online confirmation (on-site confirmation).
2. Candidates who take the second round exam with the same academic level, fresh graduates of adult education, and self-taught and online students who have not obtained the undergraduate diploma at the time of the second round exam
Education examinees must take 2 major undergraduate courses related to the major they applied for in the second examination.



Wuhan University of Science and Technology

Description of 2021 "Retired College Student Soldiers" Special Master's Enrollment Plan

1、 Registration conditions
Candidates who apply for the "Retired College Student Soldier" special master's enrollment plan should be college students who have been enlisted and retired from active service, and meet the requirements of the Ministry of Education and our university for master's candidates.
Institutions of higher learning refer to full-time public ordinary institutions of higher learning, private ordinary institutions of higher learning and independent colleges (hereinafter referred to as universities) that are approved to establish and implement higher education for academic qualifications in accordance with relevant national regulations.
Students of colleges and universities refer to full-time graduates, current students and new students of ordinary undergraduate and junior colleges (including higher vocational colleges), graduate students, the second bachelor's degree, and current graduates, current students and new students of ordinary undergraduate and junior colleges (higher vocational colleges) recruited by adult colleges and universities.
2、 Registration method
1. Candidates should log into the "China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network" (public website: http:
//Yz.chsi.com.cn, educational website: http://yz.chsi.cn ), register as required.
2. When registering online, candidates should choose to fill in the special plan for retired college student soldiers, and truthfully fill in the relevant information about their enrollment, enlistment, and retirement as required. For online confirmation (on-site confirmation), the original and photocopy of my "Approval for enlistment" and "Certificate of Withdrawal from Active Service" shall be provided.
3. Candidates should carefully understand and fill in the application form in strict accordance with the application conditions and relevant policy requirements. If subsequent online confirmation (on-site confirmation), examination, reexamination or admission cannot be carried out due to non-compliance with the application conditions and relevant policy requirements, the consequences shall be borne by the examinee himself.
3、 Enrollment plan and major
The number of our special enrollment plan for "retired college student soldiers" in 2021 is subject to the actual number finally issued by the Ministry of Education,
For details of enrollment majors, please refer to Wuhan University of Science and Technology Master's Enrollment Major Catalog in 2021.
4、 Examination admission
1. Candidates who apply for the special plan of "retired college student soldiers" must participate in the national master's examination for enrollment as required, or participate in the recommended examination free enrollment as required.
2. In accordance with the relevant policies of the Ministry of Education, our school will independently determine and publish the requirements for the preliminary examination results of candidates applying for the special plan of "retired college student soldiers" to enter the second examination.


Wuhan University of Science and Technology

Introduction to postgraduate enrollment of 2021 National Minority High level Key Talents Program

1、 Enrollment Policy
The enrollment work shall follow the principle of "targeted enrollment, targeted cultivation and targeted employment" and take special measures of "voluntary enrollment, unified examination, separate lineation and selective enrollment".
2、 Enrollment plan and enrollment source
The enrollment plan and enrollment source of our school in 2021 shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education.
3、 Application conditions
Those who apply for the National Master Candidate Enrollment Examination of the High level Key Talents Program for Ethnic Minorities (hereinafter referred to as the Key Talents Program) must meet the following conditions:
1. Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, support the socialist system, safeguard national unity and national unity, and aspire to serve the Western Development and the development of ethnic areas.
2. After graduation, you must fulfill the agreement to return to the region and unit for employment, and you must not breach the contract. On the job candidates are dispatched back to their original work units; Non on-the-job candidates (including fresh undergraduate graduates) are sent back to targeted provinces (districts, cities, corps) for employment.
3. In 2021, our school only accepted the examinee report of the special plan for high-level backbone talents of ethnic minorities in the clinical medicine specialty of the medical school
Candidates must meet the requirements for applying for a master's degree in clinical medicine (professional code starts with 1051).
4、 Registration and examination
1. Before online registration, candidates applying for the backbone talent plan must go to the provincial education management department where the candidates are located to confirm their registration qualifications, obtain the Registration Form for Postgraduate Candidates of the 2021 National Minority High level Backbone Talent Plan and online registration verification code, and conduct online registration and online confirmation (on-site confirmation) within the specified time. The online registration and online confirmation (on-site confirmation) of candidates for the backbone talent plan are consistent with the requirements of ordinary candidates.
2. The key talent plan shall be subject to the identity at the time of application and shall not be changed. Candidates must take part in the national postgraduate entrance examination.
5、 Admission
The admission category of all admitted candidates is targeted employment, and the targeted employment agreement must be signed. The in-service examinee signs an agreement with the school, the unit and the provincial education administrative department; Non on-the-job examinees (including fresh graduates) sign an agreement with the university and the provincial education administrative department where the students are located. After the examinees sign the agreement, the school will issue the admission notice, and all of them will return to the targeted area or unit for employment after graduation.
6、 Others
The tuition and accommodation fees of students during their study at school shall be paid according to the relevant regulations of the school. The school will give rewards and subsidies to eligible students in accordance with the relevant regulations of the state and the school.

Wuhan University of Science and Technology

Description of 2021 level postgraduate funding system
In order to encourage graduate students to devote themselves to study and research, our school has established a sound funding system, including national funding, school funding, social funding, etc.
1、 State funding
1. Subsidize qualified graduate students in accordance with the national award and scholarship policies and standards. The national scholarship standard for master's students is 20000 yuan/person · year, and the national scholarship standard for doctoral students is 30000 yuan/person · year; Master's degree
The national grant standard for postgraduates is 6000 yuan/person · year, and the national grant standard for doctoral students is 13000 yuan/person · year.
2. The school cooperates with financial institutions to provide student loans for some graduate students with living difficulties, with the loan amount not exceeding 12000 yuan/person · year, which shall be implemented in accordance with relevant national regulations.
2、 School funding
1. Academic scholarship:
① Master's degree: 100% coverage of first year students, 8000 yuan/person · year; 2、 The dynamic adjustment is implemented in the third grade, with the first class scholarship of 12000 yuan/person · year, the second class scholarship of 8000 yuan/person · year, and the third class scholarship of 4000 yuan
/Person · year, in accordance with the Measures for the Implementation of Wuhan University of Science and Technology Graduate Award System (Trial).
② Doctoral: 100% academic scholarship for postgraduates, 18000 yuan per person per year, in accordance with the Implementation Measures of Wuhan University of Science and Technology for Postgraduate Scholarship System (Trial).
2. Freshmen scholarship (one-time):
First class: 20000 yuan/person, one of the following conditions must be met:
① The graduate students who are the first to apply for our university and are admitted to our university with the top 30% of the major of their intended admission score;
② According to the ranking of scores or credit points at the undergraduate stage when the recommendation qualification was obtained, the recommended postgraduate who is exempt from examination ranks in the top 1% of the majors (when the number of majors is less than 100, the major ranks first).
Second class: 7000 yuan/person, 100% coverage for other promoted and exempted students except for the first class freshman scholarship.
3. Postgraduate school grants: On the basis of the national grants, the school will arrange additional funds to support full-time non in-service doctoral students and postgraduate students with master's degree and doctoral degree. In principle, the standard for full-time non in-service doctoral students is not less than 8000 yuan/person · year (including
In principle, the subsidy for scientific research funds of secondary school tutors shall not be less than 6000 yuan/person · year); In principle, the standard for master and doctoral consecutive postgraduates should not be less than 7000 yuan per person per year.
4. The school sets up "three assistance" (teaching assistant, research assistant and management assistant) post grants for postgraduates.
5. Scientific research allowance for tutors: the tutors will give corresponding financial support according to the workload of the project research.
6. Postgraduate student funding for continuous postgraduate and doctoral studies: Master promoted students can apply to the university for continuous postgraduate and doctoral studies during the second exam. After the school's approval, they can be trained in the "undergraduate master doctoral" mode. At the undergraduate stage, they can take postgraduate courses and enjoy 5000 yuan from the university

RMB, which will be granted once after obtaining the master's status, and enjoy the corresponding treatment. The school can subsidize their overseas exchange and study during their postgraduate studies.
3、 Social assistance
The school has social scholarships such as "Xu Jiayin", "Niobium Steel", "Lianyuan Steel", "Punai" and "Shou'an", which are used to reward postgraduates who have outstanding achievements in scientific and technological achievements, academic papers, academic achievements, social activities, etc. Among the social scholarships, the maximum amount of the first-class scholarship is 10000 yuan/person, the maximum amount of the first-class scholarship is 5000 yuan/person, and the maximum amount of the second-class scholarship is 4000 yuan/person.
4、 International exchanges
The university strongly supports graduate students to go to nearly 100 internationally renowned universities and research institutes in dozens of countries and regions such as the United States, Germany, Britain, Australia, Austria, Japan, South Korea, the Netherlands and so on for short-term study visits. The funding for graduate students attending international academic conferences can reach 10000 yuan/person, and the funding for short-term study visits abroad can reach 30000 yuan/person, The specific implementation is in accordance with the Management Method of Wuhan University of Science and Technology for Graduate Students to Participate in International Academic Conferences and Short term Visits Abroad.

Dear candidates:
Warmly welcome you to apply for the Master's degree in 2021 of Wuhan University of Science and Technology!
According to the spirit of the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education, combined with the actual situation of our school, after research, it is decided to adjust the examination subjects of some majors from 2021. In order to guide the majority of candidates to review and prepare for the exam, the specialty catalog of postgraduate enrollment in 2021 of all enrollment units of Wuhan University of Science and Technology is now pre released. Please click the name of each enrollment unit in the table below for reference (being updated in succession...).
If the higher education authority adjusts the postgraduate enrollment policy in 2021, the university will timely make corresponding adjustments and make an announcement. It is estimated that the final draft of the major catalog of postgraduate enrollment of Wuhan University of Science and Technology in 2021 will be in September, so please refer to the final published major catalog of enrollment.
If you have any questions, please contact us. Please give priority to email consultation during summer vacation.
Postgraduate Admissions Office Tel: 027-68862830; Email: wustyjsy@wust.edu.cn

Enrollment unit Contact person and telephone Contact E-mail
001 College of Mechanical Automation Miss Zhu 027-68862252 jxxyyz@wust.edu.cn
002 School of Materials and Metallurgy Teacher Zhang 027-68862108 cyxyyz@wust.edu.cn
003 College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Teacher Yu 027-68862338 hgxyyz@wust.edu.cn
004 School of Information Science and Engineering Miss Liu 027-68862349 xxxyyz@wust.edu.cn
005  College of Computer Science and Technology Teacher Xu 027-68893531 jsjxyyz@wust.edu.cn
006 Evergrande Management College Teacher Zhang 027-68862672 glxyyz@wust.edu.cn
007  School of Grammar and Economics Teacher Xu 027-68893239 wfxyyz@wust.edu.cn
008 College of Marxism Miss Yang 027-68893331 mksxyyz@wust.edu.cn
009 College of Science Miss Wang 027-68893248 lxyyz@wust.edu.cn
010 Medical College Miss Pan 027-68893430 yxyyz@wust.edu.cn
011 Urban Construction College Teacher Peng 027-68893616 cjxyyz@wust.edu.cn
012 College of Foreign Languages Teacher Kong 027-68893231 wgyxyyz@wust.edu.cn
013 College of Resources and Environmental Engineering Miss Li 027-68862892 zhxyyz@wust.edu.cn
014 College of Automotive and Transportation Engineering Miss Jiang 027-68897383 qjxyyz@wust.edu.cn
015 College of Art and Design Miss Wang 027-68896966 ysxyyz@wust.edu.cn
016 Physical Education Institute (Evergrande Football Institute) Miss Liu 027-68863363 tykbyz@wust.edu.cn
017 College of Life Sciences and Health Teacher Xu 027-68897343 swyxyz@wust.edu.cn
018 Clinical College Teacher Cheng 027-51228645 lcxyyz@wust.edu.cn
019 High performance steel material and its application
Provincial and ministerial collaborative innovation center
Miss Ma 17771833430 xtcxyz@wust.edu.cn

Graduate School of Wuhan University of Science and Technology
July 22, 2020
Dear candidates
According to the spirit of the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education and the work plan of the university for the reexamination of postgraduate enrollment in 2020, in combination with the enrollment plan and the source of students, some disciplines and majors of our university can accept candidates' application for transfer.

Please refer to the relevant announcements of the admissions college (center) and the information published by the "National Postgraduate Enrollment Reallocation Service System" for the specialty and reallocation requirements received by each admissions college (center), as well as the specific time when the reallocation system was opened. For details of the contents, methods and requirements of the reexamination, please refer to the implementation rules of the reexamination work of each enrollment college (center).
Candidates are requested to register for our school's reassignment reexamination through the "National Postgraduate Enrollment Adjustment Service System" within the specified time.
Graduate School of Wuhan University of Science and Technology
May 20, 2020
9、 Score accounting
1. Total admission score=100 × (preliminary examination score/full score of preliminary examination) × 70%+100 × (re examination score/full score of re examination) × 30%.
2. The full score of the retest is 100 points, 60 points and above are qualified, and those who fail will not be admitted.

Additional subjects of candidates with the same academic qualifications will not be included in the re examination results, but those who fail to pass the additional examination will not be admitted.
3. Those who fail to pass the ideological and political quality and moral quality assessment will not be admitted.
8、 Coordination work
1. The transfer should meet the application conditions of the transferred major, the transferred major is the same or similar to the first volunteer subject, the unified examination subject is the same, and the business course examination subject is the same or similar, and the initial examination score must meet the national line and the re examination score line of the transferred subject.
2. The following conditions must be met for a major with insufficient online student resources to accept excellent candidates:
(1) Basic conditions for adjustment stipulated by the Ministry of Education;
(2) In combination with the specialty characteristics and actual needs of the enrollment discipline, the consistent level of undergraduate studies and preliminary examination results of students are comprehensively considered, and the best students are selected for adjustment.
3. The engineering and learning category - national online enrollment majors with sufficient student resources can use the incremental plan to receive a small number of high-quality candidates after completing the plan published in the enrollment brochure, and must meet the following conditions:
(1) Basic conditions for adjustment stipulated by the Ministry of Education;

(2) Candidates should be graduates of undergraduate courses in 2020, and the type of application is full-time non directional;
(3) In combination with the specialty characteristics and actual needs of the enrollment discipline, the consistent level of undergraduate studies of the candidates should be comprehensively considered, and the initial examination scores must meet the following requirements for the second examination scores.
Disciplines foreign language Business Section 1 Total score
Engineering ≥50 ≥80 ≥320
4. On the premise of meeting the adjustment conditions stipulated by the Ministry of Education, candidates applying for academic majors can accept their adjustment application if there are vacancies in the same or similar majors of professional degrees, but candidates applying for professional degrees cannot be transferred to academic majors (except for clinical medical professional degrees).
5. On the premise of meeting the adjustment conditions stipulated by the Ministry of Education, candidates applying for full-time majors can accept their adjustment application if there are vacancies in the same or similar part-time majors, but candidates applying for part-time majors cannot be transferred to full-time majors.
6. All transfer applications must be completed on the "National Master Student Enrollment and Transfer Service System". The list of candidates to be transferred by each college (center) must be reviewed by the Graduate School before sending a notice of reexamination to the candidates.
7、 Re examination content
The content of the second examination must include professional knowledge, foreign language ability and comprehensive quality, and the full score is 100. The specific reexamination contents and requirements shall be formulated by the leading group of reexamination admission work of each college (center).
1. Professional knowledge: focus on the assessment of the mastery of theoretical knowledge of the profession, and the ability to discover, analyze and solve professional problems using the theoretical knowledge learned; Understanding of the development trend of the discipline, as well as the development potential, innovation spirit and innovation ability in the professional field.
2. Foreign language ability: mainly assess foreign language listening, speaking and comprehensive ability.
3. Comprehensive quality: comprehensively assess the examinee's comprehensive quality and psychological quality, such as ideological and political quality, moral quality, academic attitude, professional thought, knowledge structure, training potential, etc.
4. For candidates with the same academic level who meet the basic requirements of the second round exam (including graduates of vocational colleges and universities who have graduated for two years, fresh graduates of adult colleges and universities, graduates of ordinary colleges and universities, and self-taught and online education candidates who have not obtained a bachelor's degree certificate at the time of the second round exam), we should strengthen our efforts to

Additional examinations for main courses and abilities are organized by each college (center), with full marks of 100. Candidates with the same academic qualifications who apply for MBA, MPA and MEM (code: 125601) may not take additional examinations.
Each college (center) can also strengthen the comprehensive inspection of the examinee's previous studies, consistent performance, scientific research ability, comprehensive quality, ideological and moral character and psychological quality through the examinee's academic transcripts, graduation papers, scientific research achievements, expert recommendation letters and other supplementary materials and other supplementary assessment methods.
1. Online payment: After passing the qualification examination, the examinee will pay a retest fee of 100 yuan on the online remote retest platform announced by our school.
1. Re examination time:
(1) 1. Time for voluntary reexamination. A voluntary reexamination of our school is planned to start in the first half of May. In accordance with the requirements of staggered time and peak shift work, different colleges and different majors will arrange the reexamination in order by time and batch. The specific reexamination time of each discipline and specialty is subject to the arrangement and notice of each college (center).
(2) Adjust the retest time. "National Master Student Enrollment Adjustment Service System" will be launched on May 5
Open on 20th. Our school will carry out the adjustment reexamination work in due time according to the adjustment volunteer registration situation.
1. Way of re examination: according to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control and the actual situation of the school, our school will unify this year

The re examination is carried out by means of network remote re examination of examinees and on-site centralized assessment of expert groups.

Wuhan University of Science and Technology Graduate Sister WeChat

JiaXueJie WeChat, get free questions and join the postgraduate entrance examination group
The postgraduate entrance examination website of Wuhan University of Science and Technology is maintained by postgraduate students of Wuhan University of Science and Technology, which publishes the latest enrollment information of postgraduate students of Wuhan University of Science and Technology, and also provides one-on-one counseling and real questions for postgraduate students of Wuhan University of Science and Technology. If you have questions, please add WeChat to communicate.
  • Graduate Enrollment Network of Wuhan University of Science and Technology
  • School website: www.wust.edu.cn
  • Website of Graduate School: ysxy.wust.edu.cn
  • Tel.: 027-68862830
  • Email: yjsc@wust.edu.cn
  • Mailing address: Enrollment and Employment Office of Graduate School of Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Jianshe 1st Road, Qingshan District, Wuhan, Hubei Province

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