Elimination rate of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University's postgraduate entrance exam

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 Elimination rate of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University's postgraduate entrance exam
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The elimination rate of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University in the second round of postgraduate entrance examination is expected to be around 20%~30%, that is, 12 people will be eliminated in the second round, and the last 2 people will be eliminated. There may be some differences in the actual situation, but this is generally the case. The elimination rate of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University in the second round of postgraduate entrance examination is close to that of other universities of the same level, both of which adopt the form of differential second round examination, so someone is bound to be eliminated. In the process of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University's postgraduate entrance examination, in addition to not letting your total score become the last few, you should pay special attention to one vote veto. Once a veto is applied, no matter how high the score is, it will not be accepted. However, one vote veto is rarely implemented. Only when there is a great conflict with the tutor or he shows extremely bad behavior in the second interview, he will be rejected by one vote.

Postgraduate reexamination is an important part of talent selection in colleges and universities. It plays an important role in improving the quality of talent selection and ensuring the fairness and justice of talent selection. In accordance with the Notice of the Ministry of Education on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment and Admission of National Postgraduates in 2021 (Teaching Department [2021] No. 2) and the requirements for epidemic prevention and control in Guangdong Province, this reexamination work plan is hereby formulated in combination with the actual situation of our school in order to comprehensively do a good job in the reexamination of postgraduates during the epidemic prevention and control period, ensure the health of teachers and students and the smooth implementation of the reexamination work.
I Guiding ideology and principles
Deeply implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on comprehensively promoting the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic and economic and social development, adhere to the principles of health first, moral cultivation, fairness and justice, and quality first, on the basis of ensuring safety, scientificity, and fairness, make overall plans, implement precise policies, strictly manage, strengthen responsibility, and select scientifically, Ensure that the 2021 postgraduate reexamination is carried out smoothly and orderly.
II   Organizational management
1. The school's leading group for postgraduate enrollment is responsible for approving the basic requirements for the school's initial examination results, the school's reexamination admission work plan, and the implementation rules for the reexamination admission work of the college (hereinafter referred to as "the college") where the first level discipline degree authorization points or professional degree authorization points are located, and coordinating the reexamination and admission work of postgraduate enrollment of the whole school. A working group is set up to comprehensively coordinate, handle and report the re examination and admission work, and ensure the smooth implementation of the re examination and admission work.
(1) The Graduate Admissions Office (hereinafter referred to as the "Graduate Admissions Office") is responsible for guiding, coordinating and supervising the reexamination and admission of graduate students.
(2) The College of Medical Information Engineering has set up a network remote re examination technical working group to provide technical support and support for online re examination, and participate in the training work of the re examination group and online operation of secretaries.
2. The leading group for postgraduate enrollment work of each college is responsible for formulating the implementation rules for the reexamination enrollment work of the unit and organizing the implementation. Set up several re examination teams according to actual needs to carry out specific re examination work. The reexamination team is composed of at least 5 people with strong sense of responsibility, rich teaching experience, high academic and foreign language level, and the title of associate professor or above or the equivalent level. The team leader is the supervisor of the master's degree students in the specialty with a senior title. 1-2 secretaries are assigned to record the reexamination, complete identity verification, and operate the reexamination system Coordinate work progress and other related matters.
3. The discipline inspection and supervision department of the university supervises and inspects the reexamination and admission of graduate students.
4. During the organization of the reexamination, each college should give full play to the functions of its epidemic prevention and control working group, do a good job in disinfection and ventilation of the reexamination workplace, ensure that the personal protection of staff is in place, and comply with the epidemic prevention guidelines of keeping social distance.
3、 Basic requirements for examinees to enter the re examination
1. Ordinary examinees: in accordance with the basic requirements (Line A) for the scores of the preliminary examination of the 2021 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination to enter the reexamination published by the Ministry of Education.
2. "Retired college student soldiers" plan: based on the basic requirements (line A) for the preliminary examination results of the 2021 national postgraduate entrance examination to enter the reexamination published by the Ministry of Education, the total score will be reduced by 10 points, and the requirements for single subject scores will remain unchanged.
IV Re examination requirements and procedures
Reexamination is an important part of postgraduate enrollment examination, which is used to examine the ideological and moral character, innovation ability, professional quality and comprehensive quality of candidates. It is a necessary link for postgraduate enrollment. Those who do not participate in the reexamination or who fail in the reexamination will not be admitted.
(1) The proportion of the second interview and the list of a volunteer candidate for the second interview
The differential reexamination is carried out for postgraduate enrollment in our school, and the differential proportion is generally not less than 120%. Each college shall determine the proportion of reexamination for each specialty of the unit according to the source of students, enrollment plan, specialty characteristics and reexamination assessment needs.
On the basis of reaching the basic score line of the reexamination, each college will adopt the total score of the initial examination from high to low, draw up the number of enrollment plans by specialty (or direction) × the proportion of the reexamination, and determine the list of a volunteer candidate for the reexamination (if the last candidate's total score is tied, then those who are tied will enter the reexamination together), and report to the graduate recruitment office for approval.
(2) Qualification examination for postgraduate reexamination
Each college will review the candidates' qualification for the second interview in the form of online remote qualification review. Those who do not meet the requirements or practice fraud will be deemed as having failed the qualification review once verified, and will be disqualified for the second interview. The original of qualification review materials shall be checked again during the enrollment review. Those who do not meet the requirements or practice fraud will be disqualified once verified.
Candidates who have obtained the qualification for re examination shall, within the time specified by each college, prepare the following materials, conduct electronic scanning, name them according to the following document categories and sequences, pack them (name them according to the examination permit number+name), and submit them through the network:
1. The original of the candidate's admission card and valid resident identity card.
2. The original student card of the new student.
3. Original diploma and degree certificate of previous students.
4. Candidates who have obtained academic qualifications and degrees abroad must submit the certification report issued by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education.
5. For candidates with the same academic qualifications, the original transcripts of the examination of 8 relevant undergraduate courses provided by the educational administration department of the teaching school must be submitted.
6. For postgraduate students, they must submit the approval certificate issued by the training unit; Candidates must also provide a certificate of cancellation of their original student status before they plan to enroll.
7. For self-taught examination and online education undergraduates who can obtain a nationally recognized undergraduate diploma before September 1, 2021, they must submit the relevant certificates issued by the provincial self-taught higher education examination office or online education colleges that issue the diploma.
8. For the candidates of the special plan of "retired college student soldiers", they must submit the "Approval for enlistment" and "Withdrawal from active service card".
9. Candidates who meet the requirements of the National Regulations on Enrollment of Postgraduates in 2021 issued by the Ministry of Education and can enjoy the corresponding bonus points policy shall submit a written application and submit relevant supporting materials.
10. Candidates who fail to pass the online verification of academic credentials (student status) at the time of registration shall submit the certification report of Chinese higher education academic credentials (student status) or the electronic registration record form of academic credentials of the Ministry of Education. The new candidates who cannot provide the original student ID card shall submit the online certification report of the Ministry of Education.
(3) Detailed rules for reexamination
1. The reexamination of our graduate students will start in late March. According to the document requirements of the Ministry of Education and the current needs of epidemic prevention and control, our school has determined that this year's reexamination of postgraduate enrollment will be conducted through network remote reexamination in combination with our own actual situation. Each college shall provide epidemic prevention guarantee at the re examination site to ensure the life, health and safety of the re examination staff and the smooth progress of the re examination related work; Strengthen the consulting service for examinees, especially the specific guidance, guidance and service for examinees to participate in the network remote re examination.
2. After the release of the basic score line for the re examination of the college, the college will study and determine the list of candidates for the re examination of the unit according to the source of students and the enrollment plan, and publish it in time after the approval of the graduate recruitment office (the content includes the name of the candidate, the candidate number, the scores of each subject in the preliminary examination, the total score, whether there is a bonus, etc.). Candidates can check the list of re examinations on the college website.
3. The college formulates the detailed rules for the reexamination admission of the unit according to the reexamination work plan of the school. The re examination procedure should be scientific, reasonable, fair and operable. The college's reexamination rules shall be published on the college's website in a timely manner after they are submitted to the research and recruitment office for approval.
The college should conduct system testing and simulation drills on the reexamination platform in advance, and formulate emergency plans for possible emergencies. At the same time, we should strengthen the consulting services for examinees, especially the specific guidance, guidance and services for examinees to participate in the remote reexamination.
The college should take effective measures to strengthen the standardized management of the re examination process. The same network retest software technology platform shall be selected for the same discipline, and the network retest of all disciplines shall be conducted in the "dual machine" mode. Before the re examination, face and ID recognition procedures should be carried out to strengthen the examination and verification of the examinee's identity. It is necessary to establish and complete the "three random" working mechanism of "randomly determining candidates're examination order", "randomly determining members of the tutor group" and "randomly selecting re examination questions". We should sign the Letter of Commitment for Honesty and Credit Reexamination with the examinee before the reexamination begins, so as to strengthen the integrity education of the examinee.
4. The content of the second examination should give consideration to the examination of the examinee's ideological and political quality, subject knowledge structure, scientific research potential and foreign language proficiency. The second interview time shall not be less than 20 minutes. The members of the reexamination team score independently on the spot, and the average score is the interview result of the examinee.
5. The foreign language listening and speaking tests of the candidates are conducted in the second interview, organized by the colleges themselves, and the scores are included in the total scores of the second interview.
6. In addition to taking part in the second interview, candidates with the same academic qualifications must also take at least two major undergraduate courses related to their major. The additional examination subjects shall not be the same as those in the preliminary examination. The additional examination method is written examination. The full score of the examination paper is 100 points, and those above 60 points are qualified. The results of the additional examination will not be included in the total score of the re examination, but those who fail to pass the additional examination will not be admitted.
7. The college must strictly follow the principle of seeking truth from facts during the re examination, and carefully assess the candidates' ideological and political quality and morality, including their political attitude, ideological performance, moral quality, discipline and law compliance, honesty and trustworthiness. The examinee's ideological and political quality and moral character are assessed by means of "correspondence". The real performance materials of the candidates transferred by correspondence shall be stamped by the personnel and political departments of the unit where the candidates' files are located. Those who fail the assessment will not be admitted.
8. During the reexamination process, special personnel shall be designated to make written records and fill in the Record Form of Reexamination of Postgraduate Enrollment in 2021. Each candidate shall have one copy of the reexamination record, which shall be properly kept and filed. The whole process of audio and video recording shall be properly kept by the College for at least one year.
(4) Basic process of retest
1. The college selects members of the reexamination team and relevant staff, prepares reexamination questions, formulates operating procedures for network remote reexamination, organizes full process simulation drills and all-round functional tests, organizes staff to carry out job requirements and online operation training, arranges reexamination sites, and prepares emergency plans in advance.
In view of the particularity of online remote interview, the college has deployed in advance and trained the staff to ensure that they can skillfully use the re examination platform software so that the related work can be carried out smoothly.
2. Before the re examination, the College shall arrange a special person to contact the re examination candidates and conduct system and equipment tests, determine the examination time of the candidates, and confirm that the conditions of the candidates' equipment, software, network and examination environment meet the requirements of the re examination. For candidates who do not meet the requirements of remote reexamination, each college will summarize the candidates' information and report it to the postgraduate recruitment office. According to the candidates' information, the college will apply to coordinate the provincial education, enrollment and examination institutions where the students come from to provide necessary support and assistance.
3. Before the re examination, the College will conduct qualification review and material verification on the candidates, and sign a Letter of Integrity Commitment with the candidates.
4. After candidates enter the re examination system, the secretary of the re examination team will carry out face recognition and identification operations, complete identity verification, arrange candidates to enter the interview room, make on-site records, audio and video recordings, and coordinate other matters of the interview.
5. During the reexamination, the college should check and record the body temperature of the reexamination team members and on-site personnel in advance, and organize the staff to enter the reexamination site orderly.
6. The reexamination team will conduct a comprehensive examination on the candidates in combination with the materials submitted by the candidates.
7. The reexamination team scores independently on site and completes the related work of reexamination records.
(V) The Requirements of Network Remote Re examination for Candidates
1. The examinee shall test the equipment and network in advance according to the requirements of the college to ensure that the equipment has sufficient power and the network connection is normal.
2. The examinee needs two devices with cameras to participate in the retest in the dual seat mode. One device shoots from the front and the other device shoots from the back of the examinee's side at a 45 ° angle. It is necessary to ensure that the examinee's test screen can be clearly seen by the retest expert group.
3. It is not allowed to change the voice or portrait in any way during the second interview. The audio and video of the examinee must be turned on all the time, and the examinee must keep looking at the camera without leaving. During the second interview, the video background must be a real environment, and it is not allowed to use a virtual background or change the video background. Make sure the head, shoulder and hands are in the middle of the video picture. Do not wear masks and hats, do not wear heavy makeup, do not cover the face with hair, ensure that the face is clearly visible, do not wear earrings and headphones, and expose the ears.
4. During the second interview, candidates are not allowed to record videos or recordings.
5. Candidates should choose an independent quiet room to participate in the network remote retest alone. During the whole retest period, the room must be kept quiet and bright, and no other person or voice is allowed in the room. It is not allowed to let others take the test, nor accept others or institutions to help in any way.
6. Candidates are not allowed to access data in any way during the re examination. If the college has special regulations, the regulations of the college shall prevail.
7. In case of equipment or network failure during the retest, take the initiative to maintain communication with the college in the way specified by the college.
(6) Calculation of retest scores
The average score of all members of the reexamination team on the examinee's evaluation score shall be taken for the calculation of the reexamination score, and the score shall be accurate to two decimal places. Those who do not pass the second round exam (i.e. converted to less than 60 points in the percentage system) will not be admitted.
If the college deems it necessary, it can retest the candidates.
5、 Dispensing
(1) Basic conditions for candidates to adjust:
1. Meet the application conditions of the transferred major.
2. The preliminary examination results meet the basic requirements for the national preliminary examination results of the first volunteer major and the transferred major in the first district at the same time.
3. The transferred major is the same or similar to the first volunteer's major, and should be within the same discipline category.
4. The subjects of the preliminary examination are the same or similar to the subjects of the preliminary examination of the transfer in specialty, and the subjects of the national unified proposition of the preliminary examination should be the same as the subjects of the national unified proposition of the transfer in specialty.
5. If the first volunteer candidate for the care profession is transferred to the care profession of this category, his/her preliminary examination results must meet the basic requirements of the national preliminary examination results for the discipline category (category) of the care profession in the first district. If the first volunteer candidate for the non care major is transferred to the care major, his/her preliminary examination results must meet the basic requirements of the national preliminary examination results for the corresponding non care major discipline category (category) in the first district.
6. Candidates who apply for the special plan of "retired college student soldiers", and apply for transfer to the general plan, must meet the basic requirements of the national preliminary examination results in the discipline category (professional degree category) of the relevant majors in Zone 1. Those who meet the conditions can enjoy the policy of bonus points for the initial examination of retired college student soldiers according to regulations.
Candidates who apply for the general plan and meet the requirements of the special plan of "retired college student soldiers" can apply for transfer to the special plan for admission, and their initial test scores must meet the requirements of the special plan of "retired college student soldiers" of our university for re examination. The examinees who are transferred to the special plan of "retired college student soldiers" will no longer enjoy the policy of bonus points for the first test of retired college student soldiers.
7. Postgraduates transferred to our university for master's degree in clinical medicine must meet the requirements of our university for their preliminary examination results in the reexamination. Candidates applying for master's degree in clinical medicine can be transferred to other majors according to relevant policies. Candidates applying for other majors (including medical academic degree) cannot be transferred to a professional degree in clinical medicine.
(2) Receiving coordination procedure
1. All reassigned candidates (including those who accept reassigned candidates from other units and those who accept internal reassigned candidates from their own units) must go through the "National Master Student Enrollment and Adjustment Service System" designated by the Ministry of Education (except for candidates who enjoy the bonus program for retired college student soldiers and those who enjoy minority policies). In accordance with the relevant policies of the Ministry of Education, the College has formulated its own measures for receiving and transferring candidates, detailing the time, basic requirements, working procedures, methods for adjusting and re examining candidates, consultation telephone and other information, and announced them on the College's website in advance. It is not allowed to simply use the non academic standards such as the time sequence of the candidates' submission of the transfer application as the selection basis.
two Information such as the time, basic requirements, working procedures, methods of re examination and consultation telephone number for receiving candidates' transfer will be published on the websites of graduate schools and relevant schools. The duration of each opening of the dispensing system shall not be less than 12 hours. The time for candidates to adjust and volunteer is 36 hours. After the lock up time expires, if the school does not clearly accept the opinions, the lock up will be released, and the examinee can continue to fill in other applications. For the transferred candidates who apply for the same major and have the same subjects in the preliminary examination, the list of candidates selected for the second examination is based on their preliminary examination results.
6、 Admission
1. Total score calculation The total score of the examinee is calculated by adding 50% of the weight of the re examination score and the initial examination score respectively. Priority shall be given to the first volunteer candidates who pass the second round examination in all majors. The majors with sufficient number of first volunteer qualified students shall not be transferred for admission. The first volunteer and transfer candidates are admitted according to their total scores from high to low. Among similar candidates, if the last one on the list of candidates to be admitted has the same total score, those with higher scores in the preliminary examination will be admitted preferentially. If the scores in the preliminary examination are the same, those with higher scores in the major courses in the preliminary examination will be admitted preferentially.
2. The physical examination standards shall be implemented in accordance with the Guiding Opinions on Physical Examination for Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Jiao Tong [2003] No. 3) formulated by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and the China Disabled Persons' Federation, and the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education and the General Office of the Ministry of Health on Cancelling the Examination of Hepatitis B Items for Enrollment of Students in Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Jiao Tong [2010] No. 2). Physical examination shall be carried out uniformly at the time of enrollment. Only those who pass the physical examination can be registered as students; Those who fail to pass the examination can apply for retention of admission qualification for one year if they meet the regulations on student status management. If they still fail to pass the physical examination after the retention period, they will be disqualified from admission.
3. The leading group for postgraduate enrollment of each college shall determine the list of candidates according to their own enrollment plan, reexamination admission rules, total scores of candidates, ideological and political performance, physical and mental health, etc., and report it to the leading group for postgraduate enrollment of the school for review. The approved list of candidates shall be uniformly publicized by the school. Candidates who have not been publicized shall not be admitted.
Those who fail to pass the second round examination and those who fail to pass the additional examination of the same academic qualification (both refer to those who fail to reach 60% of the full score of this item) will not be admitted; Those who fail to pass the ideological and moral assessment will not be admitted.
4. Candidates for targeted employment must sign targeted employment contracts with schools and employers before admission.
5. Fresh undergraduate graduates and those who are eligible for self-study examination and online education will be disqualified from admission if they have not obtained a nationally recognized undergraduate diploma at the time of admission (before September 1). Within three months of enrollment, the university will conduct a comprehensive review of all examinees in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Regulations on the Administration of Students in Ordinary Institutions of Higher Learning. Those who fail to pass the review will be disqualified, and those who fail to pass the review will be handed over to the relevant departments for investigation and handling.
7、 Re examination supervision and reconsideration
one Information publicity
The reexamination admission method and the reexamination implementation rules of each college, the enrollment plan by specialty, the list of candidates participating in the reexamination (including candidates' names, candidates' numbers, scores of each subject in the initial examination, etc.) and the list of candidates to be admitted (including candidates' names, candidates' numbers, scores of the initial examination, results of the reexamination, total scores, etc.) will be published online, The list of candidates to be admitted shall be publicized on the Internet for at least 10 working days. Candidates who have not been publicized shall not be admitted or registered as students.
two Implement supervision and inspection system
The discipline inspection and supervision department and the Graduate School conduct comprehensive and effective inspection and supervision on the re examination work. Designate special personnel to patrol the re examination site, and if necessary, send supervisors to the examination room for on-site supervision. Once the violations during the re examination are verified, they will be seriously dealt with in accordance with the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examination and the Interim Measures for Handling Violations of Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities.
three Implement the reconsideration system
During the publicity period, the school and the leading group of graduate student enrollment work of each college are responsible for receiving the complaints and appeals of candidates. If the complaints and appeals are found to be true after investigation, the leading group for postgraduate enrollment of the university shall instruct the leading group for postgraduate enrollment of the university to review.
4.  Consultation and supervision contact information
Graduate School of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University Tel: 020-39352060
Department of Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University Tel: 020-39352093

Algorithm of Postgraduates' Postgraduate Entrance Examination Results in Guangdong Pharmaceutical University
1. The average score of all members of the reexamination team on the examinee's evaluation score shall be calculated, and the score shall be accurate to two decimal places. Re examination score=professional quality score+foreign language level score+experimental skills/practical ability score.
2. Those who do not pass the re examination (i.e. converted to less than 60 points in the percentage system) will not be admitted.
3. Calculation of total score: The total score of the entrance examination is obtained by adding 50% of the weight of the re examination score and the initial examination score respectively.
4. The scores of each subject of additional examination for candidates with the same academic qualifications are not included in the re examination scores. The additional examination scores must be qualified (above 60 points, including 60 points) to be eligible for admission.
5. Comprehensive quality (mainly ideological and political quality and moral quality) assessment and physical examination are not quantified and included in the total score, but those who fail the assessment will not be admitted. Those with special academic expertise or outstanding cultivation potential, as well as those who have outstanding performance in scientific research or related practice, can be appropriately scored and included in the re examination results after being reviewed and approved by the school's graduate enrollment leading group and having no objection after being publicized, and the re examination group will submit written explanation materials for future reference.
6. If the master's degree program deems it necessary, it can retest the candidates, and those who fail the retest will not be admitted.
Assessment Methods for Postgraduates of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University in Postgraduate Entrance Examination
The reexamination mainly examines: the examinee's mastery of the theoretical knowledge and application skills of the discipline (specialty), the ability to discover, analyze and solve problems using the learned theory, the understanding of the development trend of the discipline and the development potential in the field of the specialty; At the same time, learn about learning, scientific research, social practice or actual work performance outside of the major; Entrepreneurship, sense of responsibility, discipline, collaboration and mental health.
The content of the second examination includes comprehensive quality assessment of professional quality and ability, foreign language spoken and listening level (including professional English level), ideological and political quality and moral quality, with a full score of 100 points. The re examination time shall not be less than 30 minutes for each student. It is divided into three links: structured interview link, semi-structured interview link and experimental skill test (or practical ability test) link. The score of each link is independently determined by each discipline. See the re examination scheme of each degree authorization point for details.
The reexamination team shall hold a meeting before the reexamination to study and determine the scoring standards and rules. During the reexamination, each candidate's answers shall be recorded on site, and the team members shall score independently on site. After the reexamination, the interview records, experimental skills/practical ability test records, together with the Reexamination Registration Form of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University for Postgraduates Studying for Master's Degree, shall be submitted to each reexamination admission working group after being signed by the leader and members of the reexamination group, and then submitted to the research and recruitment office after being summarized.
Arrangement of Physical Examination for Postgraduates of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University
According to the Guiding Opinions on Physical Examination for Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Jiao Tong [2003] No. 3) formulated by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and the China Disabled Persons' Federation, and the Notice on Cancellation of Hepatitis B Test for Enrollment of Students in Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Jiao Tong [2010] No. 2) issued by the General Office of the Ministry of Education and the General Office of the Ministry of Health, All candidates who meet the requirements of the reexamination of our school must go to the First Affiliated Hospital of our school for physical examination before the reexamination; Those out of town candidates who are unable to take physical examination in the First Affiliated Hospital of our school on time due to the long distance can go to the hospital above Grade II A where they are located for physical examination. The physical examination reports dated after March 20, 2019 are valid. The physical examination report shall be submitted at the time of re examination registration. Those who have doubts about the physical examination results will not be admitted if they fail the re examination.
Those who conceal medical history or practice fraud during physical examination will be dealt with according to relevant regulations until their admission qualification is cancelled once verified.
The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University Location: No.19, Nonglinxia Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou
Qualification Examination for Postgraduates of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University
(1) Verification of fresh undergraduate graduates: entrance examination permit, ID card, student card (one original and one copy, on which the examinee's number and major must be indicated), original transcript of academic achievements in the school calendar year (provided by the educational administration department of the school and stamped with the official seal) The Political Examination Form of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University for Postgraduates (downloaded from the enrollment column on the website of the Graduate School, and stamped by the organization department or personnel department of the grass-roots party committee), and a recent one inch photo of myself.
(2) Verification of non current undergraduate graduates: admission card, ID card, graduation certificate (one original and one copy, on which the candidate's number and major must be indicated), copy of academic record in the school calendar year (provided by the personnel department of the unit where the candidate's file is located and stamped with the official seal), political examination form of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University for postgraduate enrollment, and one recent one inch photo of myself.
(3) Candidates with the same academic level must also provide a college diploma, transcripts of more than 8 major undergraduate courses, and relevant certification materials to prove their academic level, scientific research ability or work performance.
(4) If the applicants are informed by the enrollment unit that their academic credentials and student status have not passed the examination of the Ministry of Education when they are confirmed on site or before the preliminary examination, they need to provide the report of student status and academic certification: new graduates need to provide the Online Verification Report of Student Status of the Ministry of Education; Previous graduates shall provide the Electronic Registration Form of Academic Certificates of the Ministry of Education; If online verification is not available, the Certificate Certification Report of Higher Education in China issued by the Ministry of Education shall be provided; Those who hold overseas academic qualifications shall provide the Certificate of Foreign Academic Degrees issued by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education. Those who cannot provide the certification of the above institutions are not allowed to participate in the re examination.
Requirements for postgraduate reexamination of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University
1、 See the reexamination plan of each degree authorization point for the proposed enrollment plan of our school in 2019. In the process of reexamination admission, the school will make appropriate adjustments to the proposed enrollment plan for different majors in the early stage according to the source of students in each major.
2、 Re examination proportion: the specific proportion will be determined by each degree authorization point according to the specific situation and announced in advance in the re examination plan of each degree authorization point.
3、 Determination method of re examination list
The first volunteer candidate: on the basis of reaching the national first zone score line, the total score of the preliminary examination is used from high to low, and the re examination list is determined according to the number of proposed enrollment plans by specialty × the proportion of the re examination. If the last one in the re examination list has the same total score, they will all be included in the re examination list.
The list of candidates to be transferred shall be confirmed according to the method of transfer.
Specific arrangements for the reexamination
This year's reexamination of our school will be carried out in batches, and the time will be arranged by each degree authorization point. See the reexamination plan of each degree authorization point for details. All candidates who have obtained the qualification for re examination (including those who have been transferred) must attend the re examination at our school on time according to the specified date. Those who fail to attend the re examination on time will be deemed to have given up automatically and will no longer retain the qualification for re examination. The re examination work is specifically arranged as follows:
Candidate registration
1. Check in: conduct qualification review.
2. Time and place of registration: see the reexamination plan of each degree authorization point.
In order to fully implement the spirit of the Ministry of Education's Regulations on the Administration of the Enrollment of Master's Students in 2019 (Teaching [2018] No. 5) and do a good job in the reexamination of master's students in our school, the Rules are hereby formulated.
Chapter I Guiding Ideology and Principles
1、 Adhere to the principle of recruiting students according to needs, comprehensively measuring morality, intelligence and physique, selecting the best, and preferring lack to abuse.
2、 Insist on taking the comprehensive quality and professional level of the examinees as the core of the reexamination, select high-level academic professionals with innovative spirit, innovative ability and the ability to engage in scientific research, teaching, management and other work, as well as strong ability to solve practical problems, be able to undertake professional technology or management work High level applied professionals with good professional quality.
3、 We will continue to promote the adjustment and optimization of the structure of graduate education, actively adapt to national needs, and promote the coordinated development of academic and professional degrees.
4、 Adhere to the principle of people-oriented, and earnestly respect and serve candidates in the process of re examination admission, and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.
5、 Strengthen and improve the supervision and inspection mechanism, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of candidates.
Chapter II Organization Management and Requirements
1、 Under the leadership of the leading group for postgraduate enrollment, the Graduate Enrollment Office (hereinafter referred to as the "Graduate Enrollment Office") is responsible for formulating the work method for postgraduate enrollment reexamination of our school and coordinating and organizing the reexamination work of the whole school.
2、 The college (hereinafter referred to as "the college") where the first level discipline degree authorization points or professional degree authorization points are located shall organize and establish a postgraduate reexamination and admission working group composed of party and government leaders, discipline leaders, academic backbones and master's supervisors of the college, and be equipped with 1-2 working secretaries. Implement the team leader responsibility system, and be fully responsible for the specific organization and implementation of the reexamination admission of the unit. According to the relevant policies of the university, the implementation rules for the reexamination of the degree authorization point shall be formulated and announced to the public in advance on the website of the unit. Be responsible for organizing the preliminary review, proposition and examination of professional reexamination candidates in the degree authorization point, reviewing the reexamination records and results of each professional interview team, and sorting and archiving various raw materials and data.
3、 Each degree authorization point shall set up a discipline (specialty) reexamination team according to the enrollment direction, which is responsible for carrying out the professional knowledge and comprehensive ability test of the discipline. The team leader is the tutor of the master's degree with a senior professional title, and the academic degree reexamination team is composed of the tutor of the master's degree or the backbone teachers with a senior professional title who participate in undergraduate teaching; The professional degree reexamination team is composed of graduate tutors, cooperative tutors of the joint training graduate base or industry experts with senior professional titles. The number of the reexamination team shall not be less than 5, and a secretary shall be assigned to record the reexamination for verification. Members of the reexamination team shall participate in the reexamination throughout the whole process.
4、 Each reexamination admission working group is responsible for organizing the training of the reexamination staff in terms of policy, business, discipline, etc. to make them clear about the work discipline, work procedures, evaluation rules and standards, clarify the rights, responsibilities and disciplines of the reexamination staff in the reexamination work, and standardize their work behavior, especially the following points:
(1) All staff participating in the reexamination shall be strictly self disciplined, conscientious and responsible, sign the Letter of Responsibility for Reexamination Work, consciously abide by the relevant regulations of the superior and the school, and earnestly safeguard the fairness and justice of the reexamination admission work.
(2) Staff with immediate family members who apply for examination or transfer their specialties shall implement the challenge system and shall not participate in the re examination.
(3) The staff participating in the reexamination shall not disclose the contents of the reexamination or the situation of the reexamination to candidates in any form.
(4) Those who engage in favoritism or other irregularities in the reexamination work will be severely punished and their enrollment qualifications will be suspended according to relevant regulations.
5、 The list of candidates who have obtained the qualification for reexamination shall be uniformly examined and approved by the Graduate Recruitment Office according to relevant regulations, and then notified to the candidates and all degree authorization points.
6、 All candidates to be admitted shall participate in the reexamination. Those who fail the reexamination or fail to participate in the reexamination shall not be admitted.
Chapter III Re examination
1、 See the reexamination plan of each degree authorization point for the proposed enrollment plan of our school in 2019. In the process of reexamination admission, the school will make appropriate adjustments to the proposed enrollment plan for different majors in the early stage according to the source of students in each major.
2、 Re examination proportion: the specific proportion will be determined by each degree authorization point according to the specific situation and announced in advance in the re examination plan of each degree authorization point.
3、 Determination method of re examination list
The first volunteer candidate: on the basis of reaching the national first zone score line, the total score of the preliminary examination is used from high to low, and the re examination list is determined according to the number of proposed enrollment plans by specialty × the proportion of the re examination. If the last one in the re examination list has the same total score, they will all be included in the re examination list.
The list of candidates to be transferred shall be confirmed according to the method of transfer.
4、 Specific arrangements for the reexamination
This year's reexamination of our school will be carried out in batches, and the time will be arranged by each degree authorization point. See the reexamination plan of each degree authorization point for details. All candidates who have obtained the qualification for re examination (including those who have been transferred) must attend the re examination at our school on time according to the specified date. Those who fail to attend the re examination on time will be deemed to have given up automatically and will no longer retain the qualification for re examination. The re examination work is specifically arranged as follows:
(1) Candidate registration
1. Check in: conduct qualification review.
2. Time and place of registration: see the reexamination plan of each degree authorization point.
3. Qualification review
(1) Verification of fresh undergraduate graduates: entrance examination permit, ID card, student card (one original and one copy, on which the examinee's number and major must be indicated), original transcript of academic achievements in the school calendar year (provided by the educational administration department of the school and stamped with the official seal) The Political Examination Form of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University for Postgraduates (downloaded from the enrollment column on the website of the Graduate School, and stamped by the organization department or personnel department of the grass-roots party committee), and a recent one inch photo of myself.
(2) Verification of non current undergraduate graduates: admission card, ID card, graduation certificate (one original and one copy, on which the candidate's number and major must be indicated), copy of academic record in the school calendar year (provided by the personnel department of the unit where the candidate's file is located and stamped with the official seal), political examination form of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University for postgraduate enrollment, and one recent one inch photo of myself.
(3) Candidates with the same academic level must also provide a college diploma, transcripts of more than 8 major undergraduate courses, and relevant certification materials to prove their academic level, scientific research ability or work performance.
(4) If the applicants are informed by the enrollment unit that their academic credentials and student status have not passed the examination of the Ministry of Education when they are confirmed on site or before the preliminary examination, they need to provide the report of student status and academic certification: new graduates need to provide the Online Verification Report of Student Status of the Ministry of Education; Previous graduates shall provide the Electronic Registration Form of Academic Certificates of the Ministry of Education; If online verification is not available, the Certificate Certification Report of Higher Education in China issued by the Ministry of Education shall be provided; Those who hold overseas academic qualifications shall provide the Certificate of Foreign Academic Degrees issued by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education. Those who cannot provide the certification of the above institutions are not allowed to participate in the re examination.
(2) Physical examination, All candidates who meet the requirements of the reexamination of our school must go to the First Affiliated Hospital of our school for physical examination before the reexamination; Those out of town candidates who are unable to take physical examination in the First Affiliated Hospital of our school on time due to the long distance can go to the hospital above Grade II A where they are located for physical examination. The physical examination reports dated after March 20, 2019 are valid. The physical examination report shall be submitted at the time of re examination registration. Those who have doubts about the physical examination results will not be admitted if they fail the re examination.
Those who conceal medical history or practice fraud during physical examination will be dealt with according to relevant regulations until their admission qualification is cancelled once verified.
The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University Location: No.19, Nonglinxia Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou
(3) Re examination assessment method and arrangement
The reexamination mainly examines: the examinee's mastery of the theoretical knowledge and application skills of the discipline (specialty), the ability to discover, analyze and solve problems using the learned theory, the understanding of the development trend of the discipline and the development potential in the field of the specialty; At the same time, learn about learning, scientific research, social practice or actual work performance outside of the major; Entrepreneurship, sense of responsibility, discipline, collaboration and mental health.
The content of the second examination includes comprehensive quality assessment of professional quality and ability, foreign language spoken and listening level (including professional English level), ideological and political quality and moral quality, with a full score of 100 points. The re examination time shall not be less than 30 minutes for each student. It is divided into three links: structured interview link, semi-structured interview link and experimental skill test (or practical ability test) link. The score of each link is independently determined by each discipline. See the re examination scheme of each degree authorization point for details.
The reexamination team shall hold a meeting before the reexamination to study and determine the scoring standards and rules. During the reexamination, each candidate's answers shall be recorded on site, and the team members shall score independently on site. After the reexamination, the interview records, experimental skills/practical ability test records, together with the Reexamination Registration Form of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University for Postgraduates Studying for Master's Degree, shall be submitted to each reexamination admission working group after being signed by the leader and members of the reexamination group, and then submitted to the research and recruitment office after being summarized.
(4) Additional examination for examinees with the same academic level: examinees with the same academic level must also take additional examinations on two major undergraduate courses different from the preliminary subjects. The degree of difficulty is strictly in accordance with the requirements of the undergraduate syllabus. The examination time is 2 hours for each course, and the full score of the examination paper is 100 points.
(5) Strictly supervise the process, and conduct panoramic audio and video recording throughout the re examination process. The video recording materials shall be kept by each college and submitted to the graduate school.
5、 Re examination results
1. The average score of all members of the reexamination team on the examinee's evaluation score shall be calculated, and the score shall be accurate to two decimal places. Re examination score=professional quality score+foreign language level score+experimental skills/practical ability score.
2. Those who do not pass the re examination (i.e. converted to less than 60 points in the percentage system) will not be admitted.
3. Calculation of total score: The total score of the entrance examination is obtained by adding 50% of the weight of the re examination score and the initial examination score respectively.
4. The scores of each subject of additional examination for candidates with the same academic qualifications are not included in the re examination scores. The additional examination scores must be qualified (above 60 points, including 60 points) to be eligible for admission.
5. Comprehensive quality (mainly ideological and political quality and moral quality) assessment and physical examination are not quantified and included in the total score, but those who fail the assessment will not be admitted. Those with special academic expertise or outstanding cultivation potential, as well as those who have outstanding performance in scientific research or related practice, can be appropriately scored and included in the re examination results after being reviewed and approved by the school's graduate enrollment leading group and having no objection after being publicized, and the re examination group will submit written explanation materials for future reference.
6. If the master's degree program deems it necessary, it can retest the candidates, and those who fail the retest will not be admitted.
Guangdong Pharmaceutical University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score National line of postgraduate entrance examination over the years
2021 Guangdong Pharmaceutical University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score (Postgraduate Retest Score)
2020 Guangdong Pharmaceutical University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score (Postgraduate Retest Score)
2019 Guangdong Pharmaceutical University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Re examination Score
2018 Guangdong Pharmaceutical University Postgraduate Examination Re examination Score Score
2017 Guangdong Pharmaceutical University Postgraduate Examination Re examination Score Score
2016 Guangdong Pharmaceutical University Postgraduate Examination Re examination Score Score
2015 Guangdong Pharmaceutical University Postgraduate Examination Re examination Score Score

2022 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2021 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2020 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
National line for postgraduate entrance examination [2006-2021]
2019 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2018 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2017 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2016 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2015 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
National line for postgraduate entrance examination in 2014
2013 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2012 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line

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