The elimination rate of the second round postgraduate examination of Civil Aviation University of China

Updated on: 01-15 17:41:29 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit:
 The elimination rate of the second round postgraduate examination of Civil Aviation University of China
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It is estimated that the elimination rate of the second round of the postgraduate entrance examination of Civil Aviation University of China will be about 20%~30%, that is, 12 people will be eliminated in the second round of the postgraduate entrance examination. There may be some differences in the actual situation, but this is generally the case. The elimination rate of the second round of the postgraduate entrance examination of Civil Aviation University of China is close to that of other universities of the same level, which all adopt the form of differential second round examination, so someone will definitely be eliminated. In the process of the postgraduate entrance examination of Civil Aviation University of China, in addition to not letting your total score become the last few, you should pay special attention to one vote veto. Once a veto is applied, no matter how high the score is, it will not be accepted. However, one vote veto is rarely implemented. Only when there is a great conflict with the tutor or he shows extremely bad behavior in the second interview, he will be rejected by one vote.

In order to do a good job in the adjustment of 2021 postgraduate recruitment reexamination of our university, according to the Ministry of Education's Regulations on the Administration of 2021 National Postgraduate Enrollment Work (Teaching Letter [2020] No. 8), the Notice on Doing a Good Job in 2021 National Postgraduate Enrollment Work (Teaching Department [2021] No. 2), the Ministry of Education The Detailed Rules are formulated by Tianjin Education and Examination Institute on the spirit of the work conference on postgraduate enrollment.                             
1、 Organizational management
Our school has four levels of postgraduate reexamination organizations: the school's postgraduate enrollment leading group, the postgraduate enrollment office (Graduate Department), the college's postgraduate enrollment leading group and the college's professional reexamination team.
The leading group for postgraduate enrollment of the university is responsible for examining and approving the reexamination scheme of our university's graduate students, the enrollment plan of disciplines and specialties, and the implementation rules for adjustment work; The Graduate Department, under the leadership of the leading group for graduate enrollment, is specifically responsible for the graduate enrollment work of the whole school; The leading group for graduate student enrollment of the college is responsible for organizing the reexamination of graduate students of the college; The professional reexamination team of the college implements professional comprehensive test, interview and practical ability assessment, and arranges full-time staff to be responsible for the reexamination and coordination as required.
2、 Working principles
1. Adhere to safety first and life first. Put the life safety and health of teachers and students first, strictly implement the requirements for epidemic prevention and control, and do a good job in epidemic prevention and control during the re examination.
2. Adhere to scientific selection. Actively explore and follow the selection rules of high-level professional talents, and adopt diversified inspection methods to ensure the quality of students.

3. Adhere to fairness and justice. Strictly implement the documents and regulations of the Ministry of Education and Tianjin City, achieve transparent policies, fair procedures, open results, sound supervision mechanism, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of candidates.
4. Insist on comprehensive examination and highlight key points. On the basis of a comprehensive investigation of the examinees, it highlights the assessment of professional quality, practical ability and innovative spirit.
5. Insist on objective evaluation. Reasonably design the content of the reexamination, unify the standards, objectively evaluate, and select the best candidates for admission.
6. Adhere to people first, enhance service awareness, improve management level and accept social supervision.
3、 Retest
(1) Time and method of retest
According to the unified arrangement of the Ministry of Education, the reexamination of postgraduate enrollment in 2021 is planned to start around March 28.
In 2021, our postgraduate recruitment reexamination will be conducted online, and the online reexamination platform will use the "Recruitment Remote Interview System" developed by Xuexin Network (official website). The second round exam is conducted in three batches, one for the volunteer candidates and the other for the transfer candidates. Candidates who do not meet the requirements for remote re examination shall apply to the College for technical support.
(2) Basic requirements for candidates to enter the reexamination
1. The candidates participating in the second round examination are qualified candidates who have reached the national score. For reassigned candidates, each major can independently determine the basic requirements for the initial test scores of the reassigned candidates in this major to enter the reexamination in combination with the source of reassigned students and enrollment plan, but they must be disclosed in advance and reported to the Graduate Department for filing.
Candidates who meet the requirements of the "Retired College Student Soldier Plan" can apply for transfer to the "Retired College Student Soldier Plan" for admission,

The preliminary examination results must meet the requirements of the "Retired College Student Soldier Plan" determined by our university, that is, the total score of the national line is reduced by 20 points, and the score of a single subject is reduced by 10 points. Candidates included in the "Retired College Student Soldier Plan" no longer enjoy the bonus policy for retired college student soldiers.
2. In addition to the performance requirements, each major can also put forward other academic requirements for entering the second round exam according to the training needs, but no discriminatory or other unfair regulations are allowed.
3. No exceptional retest.
4. The reexamination takes the form of difference, and the difference ratio is generally not less than 120%. Re examination shall be organized according to the actual list of qualified candidates for disciplines (directions) with less than 120% of qualified candidates.
5. Sign the Letter of Commitment for Integrity Reexamination.
(3) Workflow
1. Re examination announcement
The Research Office announced the basic requirements of the school's second round examination on the website of the Graduate Department in late March; The college publishes the college's reexamination methods and reexamination list on the college's website, and submits the website to the research and recruitment office for filing.
2. Re examination qualification review
Before the retest, candidates should submit supplementary materials such as resident ID card, student ID card, academic degree certificate, academic status verification results, university transcripts, graduation theses, scientific research achievements, expert recommendation letters, etc., and use online retest platform "face recognition", "ID card recognition" and other technologies to comprehensively compare the "application database", "student status database" The "demographic information database" and the "examinee examination integrity archive database" are used to review and verify the identity of candidates. Those who do not meet the requirements will not be re examined. On the day of the second interview, the examinee's identity shall be checked again to prevent "substitute examination". For specific requirements, please refer to "The Candidates of Civil Aviation University of China 2021 Graduate Enrollment Reexamination"

Knowledge "and" Civil Aviation University of China 2021 Master Candidate Recruitment Reexamination Specification ".
Candidates pay the re examination fee through the distance interview system of Xuexin Online, and the standard of the re examination fee is 90 yuan/person time.
3. Basic content and form of retest
The college has carefully designed the contents of the second round exam in accordance with the characteristics of different disciplines and specialties and the characteristics of running schools to ensure that the second round exam is scientific, effective, fair and just.
(1) Professional comprehensive test
The College of Admission prepares comprehensive and open ability test questions (including additional tests for candidates with the same academic qualifications) by itself.
(2) Foreign Language Listening and Speaking Tests
The college organizes tests on the second interview candidates' foreign language listening and speaking skills. Each interview group is equipped with 2 or more examiners. The examiners are teachers who are proficient in foreign languages. Several sets of interview questions are ordered in advance and randomly selected during the test.
(3) Professional courses and comprehensive quality interview
The college reexamination team shall organize professional courses and comprehensive quality interviews, and make detailed records of the interviews.
Several sets of interview questions for professional courses are ordered in advance and randomly selected during the test.
The comprehensive quality interview examines the examinee's comprehensive analysis and expression ability, the mastery of knowledge other than professional courses, scientific research ability, level and achievements, practical ability, team cooperation, ideological and political status, etc.
4、 Dispensing
(1) Basic conditions for reallocation 1. Candidates participating in reallocation must meet the application conditions of the transferred specialty. Examination
Students should fully understand the master students published on the home page of our graduate enrollment work

1. All transfer candidates (including transfer candidates from other units and internal transfer candidates from our school) must fill in the transfer volunteers, confirm the notice of reexamination and the notice of waiting for admission through the "National Postgraduate Enrollment Transfer Service System" of the Ministry of Education.
2. Our school sets the time for the adjustment volunteer to be locked as 36 hours. In principle, the locking period cannot be unlocked. If the examinee really needs to unlock, please apply with the professional contact. After the locking time, the system will automatically unlock, and the candidates can continue to keep the filled transfer volunteers and wait for the selection results of our school, or they can fill in other volunteers on their own.
3. If there are some specialties that need to be re opened for reallocation, the college of the specialty shall issue a reallocation announcement on its official homepage.
(3) Coordination Procedure
1. Sign up. The starting time of our school's reallocation registration is the opening time of the reallocation system of the Research Recruitment Network. The closing time of the opening is subject to the notice of the College of Admission. If some majors need to adjust again, the notice issued by the College of Admission on the college's home page shall prevail.
2. Selection. The enrollment colleges of our school organize the selection of candidates after the adjustment system is closed. The College of Admissions formulates clear methods for adjustment work and adheres to fairness, impartiality and openness; The principle of "who selects, who is responsible, who explains" is based on comprehensive consideration and selection of the best. For transfer candidates who apply for the same major and have the same initial examination subjects, each college shall determine the list of candidates who enter the second examination based on their initial examination results. The selection conditions shall not be the chronological order of the candidates' submission of transfer volunteers, or the non academic standards of the candidates' units, industries, regions, school levels and categories, or other discriminatory conditions. The list of candidates selected to enter the second interview shall be no less than 120% of the adjustment demand. The College of Admissions is responsible for the explanation of the selection of candidates.
The College of Enrollment will send a notice of reexamination to the candidates through the management platform of the reassignment system according to the preliminary list of candidates submitted by each enrollment specialty (direction). as

Candidates who apply for transfer have accepted the notice of waiting for admission from other recruitment units, which is regarded as giving up the transfer wish of our school.
Candidates should pay close attention to the notice in the dispensing system (please do not block the system communication
), must accept or reject the notice of reexamination through the adjustment system within the time limit specified by the College of Enrollment. Those who do not confirm the notice within the time limit will be deemed as automatically giving up the qualification for reexamination, and our school will cancel the notice of reexamination and fill in other candidates. If the notice of reexamination is cancelled due to the delay of confirmation due to personal reasons of the examinee, the responsibility shall be borne by the examinee himself.
3. Retest. The specific requirements and arrangements for the reexamination shall be determined by the College of Admission and released through the college's official website.
4. To be admitted. According to the list of candidates to be admitted submitted by each college, our school will send the notice of candidates to be admitted through the management platform of the transfer system in time. If the examinee has accepted the notice of waiting for admission from other enrollment units, it will be deemed that he/she has voluntarily given up the qualification of waiting for admission from our university.
Candidates should pay close attention to the notice in the dispensing system (please do not block the system communication
You must accept or reject the notice of waiting for admission through the adjustment system within the time limit specified by the College of Admission. Those who do not confirm the notice within the time limit will be deemed as automatically giving up the qualification of waiting for admission, and our school will cancel the notice of waiting for admission and fill in other candidates. If the notice of waiting for admission is cancelled due to the delay of confirmation due to personal reasons of the examinee, the responsibility shall be borne by the examinee himself.
Once the candidate accepts the application for admission, our school will not accept the cancellation of the application for admission. Please make a careful decision when accepting the application.
5、 Admission
(1) Admission Rules
1. The results of the second round examination are the sum of the results of the second round examination. Full score of professional comprehensive test is 100, full score of interview is 150, and full score of foreign language test is 50. The total score of the retest is 100 points after conversion (the conversion method of the hundred point system is determined by each college

According to the discipline conditions, it shall be reported to the Graduate Department for filing and announced to the examinees in advance). If the score after conversion is less than 60 points, it will be regarded as unqualified in the second interview.
2. The weighted sum of the second and first examination results shall be arranged in the order of admission. The weight of the initial examination score is 50% of the total score, and the weight of the second examination score is 50% of the total score.
At the time of admission, a volunteer candidate and a transfer candidate are ranked from high to low according to their total scores. The first candidate who passes the second round exam will be admitted first, and then the transfer candidate will be admitted. The transfer candidates will be ranked and admitted in batches according to the batch of retest. When the total scores are the same, each college shall determine the admission rules according to the characteristics of the discipline and specialty and clearly inform the candidates in the college's reexamination work method.
3. Those with special academic expertise or outstanding cultivation potential, as well as those who have outstanding performance in scientific research or related practice, can be appropriately scored and included in the re examination results after being reviewed and approved by the university's graduate enrollment leading group, and the re examination group meeting will submit explanatory materials for future reference.
4. Ideological politics
The quality and moral quality assessment will not be quantified into the total score, but those who fail the assessment will not be admitted.
(2) Candidates who have one of the following circumstances will not be admitted or disqualified:
1. The re examination result is unqualified. 2. The ideological and political quality and moral quality are not qualified. 3. The additional test score of the same academic level is less than 60 points. 4. Candidates admitted to targeted employment did not submit the targeted employment agreement on time. 5. Failure to submit graduation certificate and other materials required on time. 6. Providing false information.
(3) Admission review

According to the requirements of the Regulations of the Ministry of Education on the Administration of Students in Ordinary Institutions of Higher Learning, our school will conduct a comprehensive review of all candidates within three months after admission. If the student fails to pass the reexamination, his/her student status will be cancelled; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be transferred to the relevant departments for investigation and handling. (4) Our part-time graduate students only recruit on-the-job targeted employment personnel. Postgraduates of targeted employment who are employed according to targeted contracts must sign a targeted employment agreement with our university and the employing unit before being admitted, and then send them to targeted units for employment after graduation. The problems arising from the candidates' application for the master's degree and their units shall be handled by the candidates themselves. If the examinee is unable to re take the exam or cannot be admitted due to this, the enrollment unit will not be responsible. (5) The application information confirmed by the examinee, such as name, ID card number, educational system, and admission category (directional and non directional), will not be modified at the admission stage, and those who do not meet the requirements will not be admitted. (6) The current undergraduate graduates and those who can graduate from the self-study examination and online education at that time will have no admission qualification if they fail to obtain a nationally recognized undergraduate diploma before the enrollment registration date (subject to the enrollment registration date specified by the university).                                                  
6、 Physical examination
According to the requirements of Guiding Opinions on Physical Examination for Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Jiao Tong [2003] No. 3) issued by the Ministry of Education, the former Ministry of Health and the China Disabled Persons' Federation, and in accordance with the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education and the General Office of the Ministry of Health on Cancellation of Hepatitis B Test for Enrollment Physical Examination of Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Jiao Tong [2010] No. 2) Implementation of regulations. The examinee shall go to the hospital above Grade II A for physical examination by himself, and send the valid physical examination report (the date of physical examination is three months from the date of re examination) to the College of Admission within the specified time after accepting the admission. Those who fail the physical examination will not be admitted.

7、 Information publicity
The proposed enrollment list (including examinee number, examinee name, preliminary examination results, re examination results, total scores and other information) will be publicized on the home page of the postgraduate department of our school, and the publicity time will not be less than 10 working days.
Each college opens a column on its own website to publicize the implementation rules of reexamination admission, the number of students enrolled in each discipline and specialty (direction), the list of candidates participating in the reexamination (including candidates' names, candidates' numbers, scores of various subjects in the initial examination, etc.), and the "college student soldier plan" And other special plans, enjoying the bonus points in the preliminary examination or taking care of the policy candidates shall be explained).
8、 Implementation of reexamination plan and emergency measures
Each college shall, according to the requirements of this plan, formulate a reexamination plan by specialty, report it to the Graduate Admissions Office for review and filing, and publish it to the public. Colleges strengthen
The selection, training and management of tutors and staff for the re examination should strengthen the sense of confidentiality, responsibility and political awareness to ensure the safety and stability of the re examination process.
Members of the professional reexamination team are strictly prohibited from using mobile phones during the reexamination process, and must strictly comply with the Specification for the Reexamination of Master Candidate Enrollment of Civil Aviation University of China in 2021. The re examination process should be serious. The interview teacher should not walk around, answer the phone or talk to each other at will. The interview process of candidates must ensure that all members of the interview team are present.
The place where each expert group is located during the second interview shall be recorded and videotaped, and the whole interview process of candidates shall be recorded and videotaped.
The online reexamination platform uses the "Recruitment Remote Interview System" developed by Xuexin Network (official website). If the network, system and other emergencies occur, the "China Mobile Cloud Examination Center" and other technical platforms are selected as alternatives. Before the re examination, the school organizes simulation drills to ensure the safety, smoothness and stability of the re examination process.

In case of problems in the school's network and power supply, this batch of retests will be arranged at another time; If there is a problem with the student's network, they will have a second interview with the next batch of examinees after improving the network.
9、 Supervision and appeal
The school discipline inspection commission office and the supervision office will supervise and inspect the reexamination and admission work. The secretary of the discipline inspection commission of each enrollment college and the discipline inspection committee of the general branch will carry out targeted supervision and inspection on the reexamination and admission work of the training unit, strengthen the supervision on qualification promotion, reexamination organization, adjustment, admission and other aspects, and inspect the reexamination and admission site.

Reporting method:
Civil Aviation University of China Research and Recruitment Office Civil Aviation University of China Supervision Office

Tel.: 022-24092146
Tel.: 022-24092242
Calculation Method of Postgraduate Entrance Examination Results of Civil Aviation University of China
1. The results of the second round examination are the sum of the results of the second round examination.
The full score of the written test is 100, the full score of the interview is 150, and the foreign language test is 50.
The total score of the second round exam is 100 points after conversion. If the total score is less than 60 points after conversion, and the additional score of the same academic level is less than 60 points, the second round exam is unqualified. Those who fail the second round exam will not be admitted.
2. The weighted sum of the second and first examination results shall be arranged in the order of admission.
The weight of the re examination score is 50% of the total score.
3. Those with special academic expertise or outstanding cultivation potential, as well as those who have outstanding performance in scientific research or related practice, can be appropriately scored and included in the re examination results after being reviewed and approved by the leading group for postgraduate enrollment, and the re examination group meeting will submit explanatory materials for future reference.
4. Ideological and political quality and moral quality assessment and physical examination are not quantified and included in the total score, but those who fail the assessment will not be admitted.
Basic forms of postgraduate reexamination in Civil Aviation University of China
1. The candidates participating in the second round examination shall be qualified candidates who have met the Basic Requirements for the Preliminary Examination Results of the National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Candidates to Enter the Second Round Examination.
For reassigned candidates, each major can independently determine the basic requirements for the initial test scores of the reassigned candidates in this major to enter the reexamination in combination with the source of reassigned students and enrollment plan, but they must be disclosed in advance and reported to the Graduate Department for filing.
Candidates who meet the requirements of the "Retired College Student Soldier Plan" can apply for transfer to the "Retired College Student Soldier Plan" for admission, and their initial test scores must meet the requirements of the "Retired College Student Soldier Plan" determined by our university, that is, the total score of the national line is reduced by 20 points, and the score of each subject is reduced by 10 points.
Candidates included in the "Retired College Student Soldier Plan" no longer enjoy the bonus policy for retired college student soldiers.
2. In addition to the performance requirements, each major can also put forward other academic requirements for entering the second round exam according to the training needs, but it is not allowed to limit the source of students according to the unit, industry, region, school level and category, or set other discriminatory conditions.
3. Candidates who participate in the second round exam with the same level of academic ability must take an additional exam in the second round exam on the main undergraduate courses related to the major you are applying for, including at least two written exam subjects.
5、 Basic content and form of retest
1. The college organizes one or two professional comprehensive courses for candidates in the second round exam. The full score of the written examination of professional comprehensive courses is 100, and the examination questions are made by the college itself.
The examination papers are managed by the College in accordance with the requirements of the Management Measures for the Self proposition of the Initial Postgraduate Entrance Examination of Civil Aviation University of China.
The examinee shall be informed of the examination subject and scope in the notice of reexamination at the latest.
2. The foreign language listening and speaking test is organized by the college to test the foreign language listening and speaking level of the second round candidates.
Each interview team shall be equipped with 2 or more examiners.
The examiners must be teachers who are proficient in foreign languages.
Several sets of interview questions shall be prepared in advance.
The test questions must be changed in time during the on-site test.
Candidates will draw lots to determine the interview questions.
The full score of foreign language listening and speaking test is 50.
3. The reexamination team of professional courses and comprehensive quality interview college shall organize professional courses and comprehensive quality interview, and the interview must be recorded in detail.
The full score of the interview is 150.
Several sets of interview questions for professional courses must be ordered in advance.
Candidates will draw lots to determine the interview questions for professional courses.
The purpose of comprehensive quality interview is to know more about the candidates in all aspects, investigate their comprehensive analysis and expression ability, understand their mastery of knowledge other than professional courses, investigate their scientific research ability and level, and understand their scientific research achievements. For example, published articles and papers also include the investigation of the candidates' ideological and political status, understanding of their specialties, hobbies, and other information, wait.
4. All majors of science and engineering can carry out professional course experiment assessment in the re examination.
5. For candidates with the same level of academic qualifications, the reexamination of the main undergraduate courses and experimental ability should be strengthened (whether candidates with the same level of academic qualifications who apply for the law (law) and master's degree in business administration will take additional examinations is determined by the College), and the number of additional subjects for the written examination should not be less than 2.
The additional subjects shall not be the same as the preliminary subjects, and the degree of difficulty shall be strictly controlled according to the requirements of the undergraduate teaching syllabus.
The college is responsible for making test questions.
All examinations are written, and the full score of each examination paper is 100 points.
6、 Normative requirements for retest
Registration materials for postgraduate reexamination of Civil Aviation University of China
1. Candidates must hold the Entrance Examination Permit, second-generation resident ID card, academic certificate, original and copy of degree certificate (new students hold student cards registered every semester) to report.
2. Before the reexamination, the reexamination team should carefully check whether the photos on the examinee's ID card and the Admission Card are consistent with those on the examinee's ID card, the original diploma and other relevant materials are consistent with the registration information.
3. Examination of Candidates' Qualifications Candidates who apply for the Master of Business Administration shall be examined whether their working years after graduation from undergraduate courses have reached three years (as of September 1 of the year of admission, the same below), or they have graduated from higher vocational colleges for five years or have obtained a master's or doctoral degree for two years.
4. In the reexamination stage of the graduation certificate review, the original graduation certificate of non current candidates must be strictly reviewed.
If there is any doubt about the original of the graduation certificate, an investigation shall be carried out in time to the school where the candidate graduated, or the candidate may be required to go to the certification authority designated by the Ministry of Education for certification.
Time of postgraduate re examination of Civil Aviation University of China
(1) The reexamination time of the recommended free postgraduate students is arranged from September to October of the previous year.
(2) The reexamination of other postgraduate students who take part in the unified examination and joint examination is arranged from late March to early April each year.
(3) During the second interview, the examinee shall bear the expenses of board, lodging and transportation.
In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the postgraduate recruitment reexamination and admission work, strengthen the standardized management of the reexamination work, and ensure the selection of the best, fair and just.
According to the spirit of the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education, Tianjin City and the school, this plan is specially formulated.
1、 Principles of re examination
1. Adhere to scientific selection.
Actively explore and follow the selection rules of high-level professional talents, and adopt diversified inspection methods to ensure the quality of students.
2. Adhere to fairness and justice.
Strictly implement the documents and regulations of the Ministry of Education and Tianjin City, achieve transparent policies, fair procedures, open results, sound supervision mechanism, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of candidates.
3. Insist on all aspects of examination and highlight the key points.
On the basis of the examination of all aspects of the examinees, the assessment of professional quality, practical ability and innovative spirit will be highlighted.
4. Insist on objective evaluation.
Reasonably design the content of the reexamination, unify the standards, objectively evaluate, and select the best candidates for admission.
5. Adhere to people first, enhance service awareness, improve management level and accept social supervision.
2、 Re examination organization management
1. The school's leading group for postgraduate enrollment is responsible for examining and approving the management measures for postgraduate reexamination work of our school, the enrollment plan of disciplines and specialties, the enrollment specialty catalog and the reexamination plan, examining and approving the score line of postgraduate enrollment reexamination, supervising and inspecting the performance of the relevant departments for postgraduate enrollment work of the school and the enrollment staff of the college, and putting forward supervision opinions, Urge the rectification and acceptance of complaints and reports related to violations of national enrollment policies, regulations and disciplines, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of candidates and enrollment staff.
Under the leadership of the leading group for postgraduate enrollment, the Graduate Department is specifically responsible for postgraduate enrollment of the whole school.
2. The college must set up a leading group for postgraduate enrollment, with the dean in charge of postgraduate work as the team leader, and the members include discipline leaders, academic backbones, and master's supervisors of related majors.
The leading group for postgraduate enrollment of the college is responsible for organizing the reexamination of the candidates proposed to be accepted by the college, who are exempt from the examination on campus and off campus, as well as the master candidates who take the unified examination. The specific responsibilities are as follows:
(1) According to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and the management measures for the reexamination of master students in our university, we are responsible for formulating the specific reexamination measures for master students in our college.
(2) Strictly manage the re examination staff, and select personnel with strong sense of responsibility, high academic level and good conduct to participate in the re examination.
(3) Be responsible for setting up a reexamination team for postgraduates according to disciplines (specialties). The reexamination team members should be our in-service tutors for postgraduates, and the number should not be less than five.
The leading group for postgraduate enrollment of the college shall select experienced, professional, fair and decent personnel who have no relatives to participate in the reexamination of the college (specialty) to participate in the reexamination.
(4) Be responsible for organizing and holding all the re examination teachers' working meetings, conducting re examination training, so that the re examination teachers can understand the re examination methods, clarify the re examination requirements and work responsibilities, master the re examination methods, and ensure the quality.
(5) Be responsible for conducting confidentiality education for all re examination staff.
The re examination staff shall keep confidential the test questions, answers and scoring standards, the name list of the re examination team, the grouping of candidates, their scores, and their personal information.
(6) Be responsible for organizing the appointment system of professional comprehensive courses and foreign language written examination questions, professional courses and comprehensive quality interview questions, foreign language oral listening questions, and the appointment system of additional subjects with the same academic level.
(7) Responsible for formulating the implementation plan for the comprehensive quality interview and foreign language interview of the college, and carefully formulating the interview scoring standards and assessment indicators.
(8) Be responsible for reviewing the re examination records and results of each professional re examination team, which must be properly kept for future reference.
(9) Be responsible for the explanation and handling of the remaining problems of the candidates who failed to take the second round exam.
3. The college establishes a reexamination team according to disciplines (specialties).
The number of members of the reexamination team is generally not less than 5, with one team leader and four or more members. The team will arrange another recorder.
The leader of the reexamination team shall be determined by the leading group for graduate student enrollment of the college, and the members include the main academic leaders, supervisors or full-time teachers with associate professor or above titles of the discipline (specialty).
Under the guidance of the leading group for postgraduate enrollment work of the college, the written examination, interview and practical ability assessment will be carried out.
4. The College shall arrange full-time staff to be responsible for the re examination and coordination as required.
3、 Preparation for retest
(1) Re examination announcement
1. Announce the reexamination method and reexamination list on the Internet. The Institute will publish the basic requirements for the reexamination of the University on the website of the Graduate Department in the middle and late March. The Institute must publish the reexamination method and reexamination list of the Institute on the website of the Institute, and report the website to the Institute's reexamination office for filing.
2. Time and notice of retest
(1) The reexamination time of the recommended free postgraduate students is arranged from September to October of the previous year.
(2) The reexamination of other postgraduate students who take part in the unified examination and joint examination is arranged from late March to early April each year.
(3) During the second interview, the examinee shall bear the expenses of board, lodging and transportation.
(2) Re examination qualification review
1. Candidates must hold the Entrance Examination Permit, second-generation resident ID card, academic certificate, original and copy of degree certificate (new students hold student cards registered every semester) to report.
2. Before the reexamination, the reexamination team should carefully check whether the photos on the examinee's ID card and the Admission Card are consistent with those on the examinee's ID card, the original diploma and other relevant materials are consistent with the registration information.
3. Examination of Candidates' Qualifications Candidates who apply for the Master of Business Administration shall be examined whether their working years after graduation from undergraduate courses have reached three years (as of September 1 of the year of admission, the same below), or they have graduated from higher vocational colleges for five years or have obtained a master's or doctoral degree for two years.
4. In the reexamination stage of the graduation certificate review, the original graduation certificate of non current candidates must be strictly reviewed.
If there is any doubt about the original of the graduation certificate, an investigation shall be carried out in time to the school where the candidate graduated, or the candidate may be required to go to the certification authority designated by the Ministry of Education for certification.
New students should check whether the enrollment date on their student cards is correct and whether they are registered on time.
According to the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education, our school will not admit new graduates who cannot obtain graduation certificates and degree certificates on time. When will we find out when to cancel the admission qualification.
Regarding the application for the master's degree in school: the examinee must provide the certificate that the postgraduate management department of the enrollment unit agrees to apply for the master's degree, otherwise the candidate will not be admitted.
Graduates of distance education (including network college) must provide the original of national recognized undergraduate or junior college diploma.
Candidates who have passed the national self-taught examination must provide the original undergraduate or junior college diploma.
The academic qualifications and degree certificates obtained overseas must be certified by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education, and their certification certificates must be checked during the re examination.
5. Examination of candidates with the same academic level Fresh graduates of adult education, undergraduate graduates with nationally recognized academic qualifications, and self-taught and online education candidates who did not obtain undergraduate graduation certificates at the time of the second examination shall apply for the examination with the same academic level as undergraduate students.
Examines whether candidates with the same academic qualifications have worked for two years or more after college graduation (MBA majors require five years or more after college graduation), and whether their English has reached CET-4 or other corresponding levels, and whether there are papers published publicly as the first author and transcripts of eight major undergraduate courses related to the major they are applying for.
4、 Basic requirements for candidates to enter the reexamination 1. The candidates participating in the reexamination are qualified candidates who have met the Basic Requirements for the Preliminary Examination Results of the National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Candidates to Enter the Reexamination.
For reassigned candidates, each major can independently determine the basic requirements for the initial test scores of the reassigned candidates in this major to enter the reexamination in combination with the source of reassigned students and enrollment plan, but they must be disclosed in advance and reported to the Graduate Department for filing.
Candidates who meet the requirements of the "Retired College Student Soldier Plan" can apply for transfer to the "Retired College Student Soldier Plan" for admission, and their initial test scores must meet the requirements of the "Retired College Student Soldier Plan" determined by our university, that is, the total score of the national line is reduced by 20 points, and the score of each subject is reduced by 10 points.
Candidates included in the "Retired College Student Soldier Plan" no longer enjoy the bonus policy for retired college student soldiers.
2. In addition to the performance requirements, each major can also put forward other academic requirements for entering the second round exam according to the training needs, but it is not allowed to limit the scope of students by unit, industry, region, school level category, etc., nor to set other discriminatory conditions.
3. Candidates who participate in the second round exam with the same level of academic ability must take an additional exam in the second round exam on the main undergraduate courses related to the major you are applying for, including at least two written exam subjects.
5、 Basic content and form of reexamination 1. The college organizes one or two professional comprehensive courses for reexamination candidates. The full score of the written examination of professional comprehensive courses is 100, and the examination questions are determined by the college itself.
The examination papers are managed by the College in accordance with the requirements of the Management Measures for the Self proposition of the Initial Postgraduate Entrance Examination of Civil Aviation University of China.
The examinee shall be informed of the examination subject and scope in the notice of reexamination at the latest.
2. The foreign language listening and speaking test is organized by the college to test the foreign language listening and speaking level of the second round candidates.
Each interview team shall be equipped with 2 or more examiners.
The examiners must be teachers who are proficient in foreign languages.
Several sets of interview questions shall be prepared in advance.
The test questions must be changed in time during the on-site test.
Candidates will draw lots to determine the interview questions.
The full score of foreign language listening and speaking test is 50.
3. The reexamination team of professional courses and comprehensive quality interview college shall organize professional courses and comprehensive quality interview, and the interview must be recorded in detail.
The full score of the interview is 150.
Several sets of interview questions for professional courses must be ordered in advance.
Candidates will draw lots to determine the interview questions for professional courses.
The purpose of comprehensive quality interview is to know more about the candidates in all aspects, investigate their comprehensive analysis and expression ability, understand their mastery of knowledge other than professional courses, investigate their scientific research ability and level, and understand their scientific research achievements. For example, published articles and papers also include the investigation of the candidates' ideological and political status, understanding of their specialties, hobbies, and other information, wait.
4. All majors of science and engineering can carry out professional course experiment assessment in the re examination.
5. For candidates with the same level of academic qualifications, the reexamination of the main undergraduate courses and experimental ability should be strengthened (whether candidates with the same level of academic qualifications who apply for the law (law) and master's degree in business administration will take additional examinations is determined by the College), and the number of additional subjects for the written examination should not be less than 2.
The additional subjects shall not be the same as the preliminary subjects, and the degree of difficulty shall be strictly in accordance with the requirements of the undergraduate teaching syllabus.
The college is responsible for making test questions.
All examinations are written, and the full score of each examination paper is 100 points.
6、 Normative requirements for retest
1. Recording and video recording must be made during the whole process of the re examination and properly kept for future reference
2. Normative requirements for written examination of professional courses
(1) The printing of the test paper must be standardized, and handwriting or writing on the blackboard is not allowed
(2) The test paper must be sealed, and should be opened on the spot when the exam begins
(3) Examination time: 1.5 to 3 hours for written examination of professional courses, and 3 hours for additional examination of the same learning ability
(4) Arrange candidates' seats in separate rows
(5) The invigilators must be the official on-the-job staff of our school. Generally, one invigilator is allocated for every 10 to 15 candidates, and each invigilator should not be less than 2
(6) The invigilators must adhere to the principle, be responsible and turn off their mobile phones. They are not allowed to smoke, read books and newspapers, chat, doze off or do other things unrelated to invigilators in the examination room
(7) Upon admission, the invigilator must strictly review the candidate's "Admission Card" and valid ID card
(8) When candidates enter the room, guide them to put their schoolbags and materials in front of the classroom or on the windowsill far away from their seats. There should be no objects left in their seats. They are required to turn off their mobile phones and put them in their schoolbags far away from their seats
(9) Before the test, the invigilator should read out the Rules of the Examination Venue and emphasize the discipline of the test
(10) The College must carefully organize the grading of written examinations of professional courses in accordance with the requirements of the Management Measures for Self proposition of the Initial Postgraduate Entrance Examination of Civil Aviation University of China
(11) The written test scores of all candidates participating in the reexamination must be truthfully registered within the specified time, and no missing or wrong registration points are allowed
(12) The written examination papers for the re examination must be kept properly, among which the examination papers for candidates who have been admitted must be kept for three years until the examination papers for candidates who have not been admitted after graduation from school must be kept for one year.
3. Normative requirements for comprehensive quality interview and foreign language listening and speaking test of professional courses
(1) Preparation room
(2) Make and take questions in advance. The number of questions should be sufficient to avoid repeated use
(3) The members of the reexamination team should be masters' supervisors, and each reexamination team should have at least five people. In addition, at least one recorder should be assigned, The reexamination team shall agree on the scoring criteria in advance. The College shall distribute the Record Form for Reexamination of Postgraduates of Civil Aviation University of China to each teacher of the reexamination team. The interview teacher shall be responsible for filling in (6) During the reexamination, the members of the reexamination team shall avoid such irregular behaviors as being late, leaving early, smoking, answering the phone during the process of answering questions, and entering and leaving the examination room at will (7) When the reexamination team negotiates matters related to the reexamination work, it should avoid the examinee (8) The professional course interview focuses on the examinee's mastery of the applied professional knowledge. The comprehensive quality interview focuses on the examinee's comprehensive analysis and expression ability to understand his mastery of knowledge and skills other than professional courses. The foreign language interview should be conducted by a teacher who is proficient in foreign languages, Focus on the examinee's ability of speaking in foreign language (9) The interview time for each examinee in foreign language is about 10 minutes, and the interview time for professional courses and comprehensive quality is about 20 minutes (10) The foreign language test, professional courses and comprehensive quality interview can be conducted separately to avoid the mutual influence of the two aspects of scoring (11) The grouping of examinees can be arranged randomly according to their majors, The first volunteer candidates and the transferred candidates are grouped separately (12) The colleges and departments with a large number of candidates should be fully prepared, strengthen the input of the reexamination team members, and avoid teacher fatigue (13) Carefully record the interview questions and answers of each candidate, give comments, and carefully and completely fill in the Record Form for the Reexamination of Postgraduates of Civil Aviation University of China.
During the interview, the interview results on the interview record sheet shall not be changed.
In case of any error that needs to be corrected, the interview team leader and all members of the interview team must confirm the changed scores, sign next to the changed scores, and be reviewed, confirmed and signed by the school leader in charge of postgraduate enrollment.
After the interview, the interview record and interview information form shall not be changed
(14) Pay attention to the communication and learning between colleges, support and cooperate with the personnel selected by the Graduate Department to attend the interview group (15) During or after the second interview, do not give any promises and hints to the candidates, and avoid any guiding evaluation of the candidates' answers (16) After the second interview, The college must truthfully record the re examination results of all candidates participating in the re examination within the specified time, and prevent missing or wrong scores (17) All re examination materials are kept by the faculty and discipline construction office of the college in a centralized and unified manner, and no one is allowed to change them. Among them, the materials for enrolling candidates must be kept for three years until the materials for leaving the school without enrolling candidates are kept for one year.
7、 The physical examination shall be carried out in accordance with the Guidance on Physical Examination for Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Teaching No. 3) and relevant documents formulated by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and the China Disabled Persons' Federation.
Only those who pass the physical examination can be admitted.
8、 Use of retest results 1. The retest results are the sum of the results of the various ways of retest.
The full score of the written test is 100, the full score of the interview is 150, and the foreign language test is 50.
The total score of the second round exam is 100 points after conversion. If the total score is less than 60 points after conversion, and the additional score of the same academic level is less than 60 points, the second round exam is unqualified. Those who fail the second round exam will not be admitted.
2. The weighted sum of the second and first examination results shall be arranged in the order of admission.
The weight of the re examination score is 50% of the total score.
3. Those with special academic expertise or outstanding cultivation potential, as well as those who have outstanding performance in scientific research or related practice, can be appropriately scored and included in the re examination results after being reviewed and approved by the leading group for postgraduate enrollment, and the re examination group meeting will submit explanatory materials for future reference.
4. Ideological and political quality and moral quality assessment and physical examination are not quantified and included in the total score, but those who fail the assessment will not be admitted.
9、 Information disclosure Our school's reexamination list and proposed enrollment list (including examinee number, examinee name, preliminary examination results, reexamination results, total scores and other information) will be publicized on the postgraduate enrollment website of the Graduate Department for at least 10 working days.
If the candidate fails to fill in the transfer application or provide false information according to the application conditions and transfer requirements, once verified, the candidate's qualification for the second interview or qualification for admission will be cancelled, and the candidate's unit will be notified when necessary.
10、 The college implementing the reexamination plan shall, according to the requirements of this plan, formulate a reexamination plan by specialty, report it to the Graduate Admissions Office for review and filing, and publish it to the public.
11、 Contact department for supervision and appeal of reexamination admission: Civil Aviation University of China Research and Recruitment Office Civil Aviation University of China Supervision Office Tel: 022-24092146 022-24092242 Email:   
12、 This plan will be implemented since March 2019. The above article is the "Notice of Civil Aviation University of China 2019 Postgraduate Enrollment Reexamination" compiled by Zhonggong Postgraduate Entrance Examination Division. I hope it will be helpful to the candidates! More information about the postgraduate entrance exam can be found on the Zhonggong postgraduate entrance exam channel.
China Civil Aviation University Graduate Examination Score National line of postgraduate entrance examination over the years
2021 China Civil Aviation University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score (Postgraduate Retest Score)
2020 Civil Aviation University of China Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score (Postgraduate Retest Score)
2019 Graduate Score of Civil Aviation University of China Postgraduate Entrance Examination
2018 Civil Aviation University of China Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score
2017 Civil Aviation University of China Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score
Graduate Score Line of 2016 Civil Aviation University of China Postgraduate Entrance Examination
Graduate Score Line of 2015 Civil Aviation University of China Postgraduate Entrance Examination
Graduates' score of 2014 Civil Aviation University of China postgraduate entrance examination
Graduates' score of the 2013 Civil Aviation University of China postgraduate entrance exam
2012 Civil Aviation University of China Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score
2011 Civil Aviation University of China Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score

2022 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2021 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2020 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
National line for postgraduate entrance examination [2006-2021]
2019 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2018 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2017 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2016 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2015 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
National line for postgraduate entrance examination in 2014
2013 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2012 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line

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