Colleges and universities for postgraduate entrance examination and enrollment of economic statistics

Published on: September 11, 2022 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit:
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 Colleges and universities for postgraduate entrance examination and enrollment of economic statistics

The annual enrollment and college data of a specialty are the data that must be viewed before taking the postgraduate entrance examination. The applet of the Graduate Entrance Examination Dispatch Center analyzes the enrollment and college data of the specialty from the perspective of the majors and the number of people who have taken the postgraduate entrance examination in the past years. The number of enrollment and college data in 2022 indicates that the competition of the specialty in this college is not fierce. The following is the source of students and the information of colleges and universities of the graduate adjustment major in 2022. The data to be updated can be queried by adding our sister WeChat. You can also search the official account or applet of "Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Center" on WeChat.

Enrollment institutions I. Number of volunteers Number of reallocators
Anhui University of Finance and Economics one one
Dongbei University of Finance and Economics three three
Henan University of Economics and Law two two
Xiamen University one  
Shandong University of Finance and Economics two two
Sichuan University two  
Yunnan University of Finance and Economics one one
Zhejiang University one  
Renmin University of China one  
Zhongnan University of Economics and Law four  
Central University of Finance and Economics one  
total nineteen nine

Postgraduate Entrance Examination in Economics
