2018 Jianghan University Postgraduate Reexamination Score Line and Work Plan

Published on: March 20, 2018 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit:
 2018 Jianghan University Postgraduate Reexamination Score Line and Work Plan

2018 Jianghan University Postgraduate Reexamination Score Line and Work Plan The content is as follows. For more information about postgraduate entrance examination, please pay attention to the update of our website! Please collect this website, or download our postgraduate entrance exam APP and postgraduate entrance exam WeChat official account (there are many free postgraduate entrance exam resources to receive, and if you have various postgraduate entrance exam questions, you can also directly add our website's postgraduate sister WeChat to answer questions for free throughout the whole process, so as to help you take the postgraduate entrance exam and strive to get into the ideal graduate school as soon as possible.)

2018 Jianghan University Postgraduate Reexamination Score Line and Work Plan Text

According to the Ministry of Education's Regulations on the Administration of 2018 National Master's Graduate Enrollment (Jiao Tong [2017] No. 9), the Ministry of Education's General Office's Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Adjustment of Master's Graduate Enrollment (Jiao Tong Ting Han [2018] No. 14), and the Ministry of Education's Guidance on Strengthening the Reexamination of Master's Graduate Enrollment (Jiao Tong [2006] No. 4) In accordance with the spirit of the 2018 postgraduate enrollment training conference in Hubei Province, in order to do a good job in the reexamination of our 2018 postgraduate enrollment, we hereby announce the following matters:

  1、 Working principles

Fully implement the Party's educational policy, and regard moral cultivation as the fundamental task of graduate education. Deepen the reform of postgraduate education, promote the reform of postgraduate enrollment and selection system, adhere to the principle of "recruiting students according to needs, comprehensively measuring morality, intelligence and physique, selecting the best, and preferring to lack rather than abuse", and strengthen the examination of candidates' innovative spirit and ability, professional interest and quality with the main line of "steadily implementing reform and strictly regulating enrollment"; Give full play to and standardize the role of the tutor group in the reexamination selection, further explore and improve the innovative talent selection mechanism, and earnestly do a good job in the reexamination of postgraduate enrollment.

   2、 Organizational management

The university has established a leading group for postgraduate enrollment, which is fully responsible for the leadership and overall management of postgraduate enrollment reexamination and enrollment work, formulating methods for postgraduate enrollment reexamination work, organizing and carrying out various reexamination work, coordinating and implementing personnel, sites, equipment, funds, etc. required for reexamination work, supervising and managing enrollment work, and solving problems occurred in enrollment work, Timely investigate and handle according to relevant regulations.

Each enrollment unit shall establish a leading group for the reexamination work, which shall be responsible for student source organization, reexamination proposition and marking, interview organization, reexamination teacher recommendation and professional discipline training, tutor selection, pre admission, security and confidentiality.

   3、 Re examination score

The score line of 2018 postgraduate reexamination of our school implements the score requirements for Class A examinees in the Basic Requirements for the Initial Examination Results of 2018 National Postgraduate Admission Examination Examinees to Enter the Reexamination. See the following table for details:
Degree category Disciplines First level discipline Total score Single subject (full score =100 Points) Single subject (full score >100 Points)
Academic degree Neo Confucianism Materials Science and Engineering two hundred and eighty thirty-eight fifty-seven
Engineering Materials Science and Engineering two hundred and sixty thirty-four fifty-one
Chemical Engineering and Technology
Management Science and Engineering
Management Management Science and Engineering three hundred and thirty forty-four sixty-six
Professional degree education three hundred and twenty forty-four sixty-six
control engineering two hundred and sixty thirty-four fifty-one
clinical medicine three hundred forty one hundred and twenty
Art three hundred and thirty-five thirty-six fifty-four
   4、 Coordination work

1. Adjustment specialty: two academic master's degree authorization degree programs such as chemical engineering and technology, management science and engineering, and three master's degree authorization degree programs such as education, clinical medicine, and control engineering, one of which is short of qualified volunteer students, can accept candidates' adjustment applications.

2. Relevant requirements for coordination:

(1) The basic conditions for candidates who meet the requirements of national documents: those who meet the requirements of the transferred majors; The preliminary examination results meet the basic requirements of the national preliminary examination results of the first volunteer major in the transfer area; The transferred major is the same or similar to that of the first volunteer; The subjects of the preliminary examination are the same or similar to those of the transferred majors, and the subjects of the unified examination should be the same in principle.

(2) If the transferred examinee does not set up mathematics in the preliminary examination subjects, the transferred examinee shall set up mathematics subject and major in the preliminary examination subjects.

(3) Our school accepts transfer applications from candidates with undergraduate degrees full-time and part-time.

(4) The transfer of candidates must be carried out through the "National Master Student Enrollment and Transfer Service System" designated by the Ministry of Education, among which the candidates who are transferred on campus must also fill in the Application Form for Re examination of On campus Transfer (Annex 1), and participate in the re examination after being reviewed and approved by the leaders in charge of the transfer out unit and transfer in unit.

3. Opening time of the transfer platform: From March 24 to April 10, 2017, our school successively opened the transfer system of various disciplines, received the transfer application of candidates, and timely issued the notice of reexamination according to the source of students.

   5、 Re examination work

(1) Qualification examination

Candidates must present their ID cards, the original and copies of their graduation certificates (new undergraduate graduates must hold student cards), admission cards, the Review Form of Ideological and Political Situation of Postgraduates Studying for Master's Degree in Jianghan University in 2018 (see Annex 2), the original university transcripts or copies of transcripts in the archives (stamped with the official seal of the archive unit) when participating in the reexamination.

Self study examination and online education candidates who have not obtained graduation certificates at the time of re examination shall provide certificates and transcripts of pending academic qualifications issued by provincial self-study examination management institutions.

(2) Re examination schedule

Time for the first batch of reexamination: tentatively from April 13 to 15, 2018 (Friday to Sunday).

Time of the second batch of reexamination: The school will organize some colleges (majors) to conduct the second batch and subsequent batches of reexamination according to the situation of students, admission progress, adjustment among majors, etc.

(3) Re examination content

The reexamination of master's degree students in our school consists of four parts: professional ability test, foreign language listening and speaking ability test, comprehensive quality and ability interview, and additional test.

1. Professional ability test: see the List of Subjects for the 2018 Graduate Enrollment Retest of Jianghan University for details of the test content. The test method is written or technical test, and the full score is 100.

2. English ability test: English listening and speaking test, written test, full score 100.

3. Comprehensive quality and ability interview: comprehensively investigate the candidates' learning, scientific research, social practice or actual work performance outside their own disciplines; Check the examinees' dedication, sense of responsibility, discipline, cooperation and mental health; Inspect the humanistic quality of candidates; Inspect the examinee's behavior, expression and etiquette. Full score is 100 points.

4. Additional examination: additional examination in mathematics and additional examination with the same learning ability. The examination method is written, and the full score is 100 points.

(4) Calculation of re examination results

1. The re examination score consists of professional ability test, foreign language ability test, comprehensive quality and ability interview scores, with a total score of 100 points. For the calculation method of reexamination results of each discipline, see the Calculation Method of 2018 Master's Reexamination Results of Jianghan University.

2. Additional test scores are not included in the total score, and 60 points and above are qualified.

3. Bonus points principle: candidates who have completed their service and passed the examination for participating in the "Western Volunteer Service Program for College Students", "Three Supports and One Support Program", "Rural Compulsory Education Stage School Teachers' Special Post Plan", "Volunteer for Chinese Teachers Going Abroad" and other projects, and college students who have reached the conditions for applying for the examination after being recruited to serve in the military and retired from compulsory military service, To participate in the national postgraduate entrance examination within three years, you can enjoy the policy of adding 10 points to the total score of the preliminary examination and giving priority to admission under the same conditions. Candidates who have completed the service period of the project of "selecting college graduates to work in the village" and are assessed to be competent or above, will participate in the national postgraduate entrance examination within three years. The total score of the initial examination will be added by 10 points. Under the same conditions, priority will be given to admission. Among them, the total score of the initial examination will be added by 15 points for graduates of humanities and social sciences. Candidates with "bonus items" must provide relevant certification materials.

(5) Physical examination and mental health test

Our hospital organizes physical examination in accordance with the Guidance on Physical Examination for Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Teaching [2003] No. 3) issued by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and the China Disabled Persons' Federation.

The mental health education center of our school uniformly organizes mental health tests.

(6) Re examination proportion: in combination with the actual situation of the school, the difference re examination form is adopted. In principle, the difference re examination proportion is 120% - 150%, and the proportion of the re examination in the discipline field with a small number of students is not more than 200%.

(7) Explanation of exceptional reexamination: In principle, applicants with exceptional qualifications and applicants with equivalent academic qualifications will not be accepted. For a discipline with insufficient qualified volunteer students, if the examinee's initial public subject score is slightly lower than the national basic requirements, but the professional subject score is particularly excellent or has outstanding performance in scientific research and innovation, he/she can be allowed to participate in the retest. Exceptions should be given to part-time examinees. The proportion of exceptional admission shall be strictly controlled within 3% of the enrollment scale of the unit. Exceptional admission shall not exceed 5 points. It can only be broken by itself, not by both. Only public courses (foreign language or politics) can be broken, not professional courses.

   6、 Admission work

1. 50% of the re examination results and 50% of the initial examination results shall be taken as the admission results.

The formula for calculating the admission score is: total score of the examinee in the initial examination/5+score in the second examination=total score.

2. On the premise that the ideological and political morality is qualified, the re examination results are qualified, and the physical examination is qualified, the candidates will be admitted according to the admission scores from high to low. The candidates who volunteer to apply for our school will be admitted preferentially if they pass the re examination results.

3. If the candidate voluntarily gives up the qualification for reexamination due to special reasons, the number of places can be added according to the admission principle.

4. Those who fail to pass the reexamination qualification review or fail to pass the additional examination will not be admitted.

5. Majored in music performance, with a retest score of more than 80 points, it is qualified.

  7、 Supervision and review

(1) Implement the responsibility system and accountability system. The leading group for postgraduate enrollment is fully responsible for the fairness and impartiality of the re examination process and the re examination results, and supervises the re examination process throughout the process.

(2) Implement supervision system and patrol system. The discipline inspection department of the school conducts comprehensive and effective supervision on the reexamination work.

(3) The whole process of the interview will be videotaped and the video data will be archived for future reference.

(4) Implement the information disclosure system. Our school will disclose the enrollment information accurately, normatively, fully and timely in strict accordance with the regulations, and the publicity period is 10 days.

(5) Within three days after the re examination results are published, each hospital (institute) will accept the re examination of the examinees. The re examination results will be notified to the examinees by the hospital (institute). If the examinees still disagree with the re examination results, the re examination leading group of the hospital (institute) will report to the university enrollment leading group for review.

Report hotline: 84225801 Report e-mail: jw5804@jhun.edu.cn

   8、 Re examination fee

According to the verification of the provincial price bureau, our school hospital will charge 35 yuan as the medical examination fee.

   9、 Tuition standard and scholarship system

According to the spirit of the Notice on Strengthening the Management of Postgraduate Education Tuition Fees Standards and Related Issues (FGJG [2013] No. 887) issued by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education, and the Notice on Postgraduate Education Tuition Fees Standards and Related Issues (EGFGG [2014] No. 11) issued by the Provincial Price Bureau, the Provincial Department of Finance, and the Provincial Department of Education, and in combination with the actual situation of our school, The tuition standard of our master's degree is 8000 yuan/year? Students are charged annually, and part-time graduate students and full-time graduate students are subject to the same payment standards.

Our school has established a relatively complete postgraduate award and scholarship system (Annex 5), and established postgraduate national scholarships, academic scholarships, enterprise scholarships, individual scholarships, national grants, school grants, "three aids and one supplement" post subsidies and other awards and grants. All full-time postgraduate students admitted by our university can obtain academic scholarships, with awards ranging from 8000 yuan/year to 12000 yuan/year. Part time postgraduates do not participate in (enjoy) the national, provincial and municipal government awards and grants, but can participate in (enjoy) the awards and grants set up by the school itself, such as innovation achievement awards, various individual scholarships, etc.

List of Graduate Awards and Grants of Jianghan University
S/N name Reward amount
Reward proportion
one national scholarship twenty thousand 3%
two Academic scholarship first-class twelve thousand 10%
second ten thousand 20%
Third class eight thousand 70%
three Excellent graduate student pacesetter three thousand 2%
four Excellent graduate cadres two thousand 5%
five Advanced individuals in public welfare activities one thousand 5%
six Excellent Award for Cultural and Sports Activities one thousand ——
seven Scientific Research and Innovation Achievement Award 100-100000 ——
eight Excellent graduate students one thousand 10%
nine Yu Shenxiang Scholarship one thousand Proposed by the enterprise
ten Wuhan Supply and Marketing Cooperative Scholarship 1000-2000 Proposed by the enterprise
eleven Inspirational Scholarship for Military Merchants two thousand More than 20 people
twelve Jiuyuan Scholarship four thousand Proposed by the enterprise
thirteen National financial aid for graduate students six thousand 100%
fourteen Graduate school grants three thousand 100%
fifteen "Three aids and one supplement" for graduate students
Post allowance
"Research Assistant" three thousand 100%
Teaching Assistant three thousand 10%
"Assistant management" three thousand 40%
"Student Counselor" three thousand
sixteen Subsidy for special difficulties 500-1000 ——
   10、 Check in address and contact information

1. Check in address

Hall on the first floor of J16, No. 8, Sanjiaohu Road, Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone

2. Contact number

For the contact information of each college, please refer to the 2017 Jianghan University Graduate Enrollment Brochure

Graduate Department: 027-84225310, 84225960

Postgraduate WeChat: Yan jiangda

Graduate Admissions Office of Jianghan University

March 23, 2018

Attachment. 1-2.doc
Jianghan University

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Source: http://www.okaoyan.com/jianghandaxue/kaoyanfushi_209408.html

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