Notice on the Postgraduate Entrance Examination of Central China Normal University in 2020

Published on: May 14, 2020 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit:
 Notice on the Postgraduate Entrance Examination of Central China Normal University in 2020

Notice on the Postgraduate Entrance Examination of Central China Normal University in 2020 The content is as follows. For more information about postgraduate entrance examination, please pay attention to the update of our website! Please collect this website, or download our postgraduate entrance exam APP and postgraduate entrance exam WeChat official account (there are many free postgraduate entrance exam resources to receive, and if you have various postgraduate entrance exam questions, you can also directly add our website's postgraduate sister WeChat to answer questions for free throughout the whole process, so as to help you take the postgraduate entrance exam and strive to get into the ideal graduate school as soon as possible.)

Notice of Postgraduate Entrance Examination and Re examination of Central China Normal University in 2020

According to the Administrative Regulations on the Recruitment of National Postgraduates in 2020 (TJH [2019] No. 6), the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education on Doing a Good Job in the Re examination of National Postgraduates in 2020 (TJH [2020] No. 4) and other documents, and the spirit of the video conference on the re examination of national postgraduates in 2020, in combination with the requirements of epidemic prevention and control and the actual situation of school enrollment, Formulate the work plan for the reexamination of postgraduate enrollment in 2020.
1、 General principles
1. Put the life safety and physical health of teachers and students first, adhere to safety first and life first, consider the epidemic prevention and control requirements and talent selection needs as a whole, and do a good job of reexamination and assessment on the basis of ensuring safety, fairness and scientificity.
2. Adhere to the principle of "recruiting students according to needs, comprehensively measuring, selecting the best, and preferring absence to abuse", strengthen the reexamination assessment, and standardize the transfer admission. Adhere to moral cultivation, optimize talent selection mechanism, innovate reexamination assessment methods, give full play to and standardize the role of grassroots academic organizations and tutor groups in talent selection, use effective incentive measures to stimulate the enthusiasm of tutors, earnestly perform the "host responsibility" of postgraduate reexamination work, and strengthen the evaluation of past studies, consistent performance, scientific research ability Comprehensive examination of comprehensive quality, ideology and morality.
3. Clarify the main responsibilities, deepen information disclosure, strengthen supervision and management, improve the service level, and ensure that the postgraduate enrollment reexamination and admission work is safe, standard, fair, scientific and effective.
2、 Re examination assessment
(1) Organization
1. The leading group for postgraduate enrollment is responsible for the leadership and guidance of the reexamination of postgraduate enrollment, including the allocation of enrollment plans, the formulation of reexamination admission methods, the supervision of the reexamination process, and the approval of the proposed enrollment list.
2. Each unit is the main body responsible for the postgraduate examination and enrollment work of the unit, and the leading group of postgraduate enrollment work of each unit specifically leads and organizes the recruitment reexamination work of the unit. According to the regulations of the university and the online enrollment of students, determine the enrollment plan of each discipline and specialty of the unit, formulate the Detailed Rules for the Reexamination and Admission of Postgraduates of the unit, patrol and check the reexamination process, and review the proposed enrollment list of the unit. Clarify the post responsibilities of the staff participating in the reexamination, ensure that the organization is sound, the responsibilities are assigned to each person, and strengthen accountability.
(2) Re examination score
The retest takes the form of difference. All units take into account the number of online students, the quality of students and the enrollment plan of this year. In principle, 120% - 130% of the enrollment plan is used to calculate the minimum score line for candidates to enter the reexamination. Refer to Re examination Score Line of Master's Entrance Examination of Central China Normal University in 2020
A volunteer candidate who has reached the re examination score line of the corresponding specialty (direction) of our school can participate in the re examination. Candidates who have participated in the summer camp activities of our school and conform to relevant policies can also participate in the re examination. The specific list shall be subject to the list of reexamination published by each unit. The admitted 2020 level exempt students do not need to participate in the reexamination again.
(3) Qualification review
The reexamination qualification review team of each unit shall strictly review the application materials and qualifications of candidates before the reexamination, and those who do not meet the requirements shall not be reexamined.
The identity of ethnic minority examinees shall be subject to the identity card checked at the time of registration, and shall not be changed at the time of re examination. Ethnic minority areas shall be subject to the Brief List of National Ethnic Regional Autonomous Areas published by the relevant departments of the State Council.
Candidates who apply for the "retired college student soldier" special master's graduate enrollment plan should be college students who have been recruited and retired from active service and meet the requirements for master's graduate application ("college students" refer to full-time ordinary undergraduate and junior college students (including higher vocational colleges), graduate students, second bachelor's degree graduates, current students, and new entrants, As well as regular college (higher vocational) graduates, current students and new students enrolled by adult colleges. Before the reexamination, such examinees must review their "Approval for enlistment" and "Withdrawal from active service certificate".
(4) Re examination form
The reexamination work adopts the network remote mode, and in principle, it is conducted in the form of online interview. The members of the reexamination team will assess the examinees on the spot.
(5) Re examination time
The re examination is scheduled to start in mid May.
(6) Re examination content
1. The content of the reexamination should generally include the examination of professional quality and ability, comprehensive quality and ability, and strengthen the comprehensive examination of the past studies, consistent performance, scientific research ability and comprehensive quality of the examinee through the university transcripts, graduation papers, scientific research achievements, expert recommendation letters and other supplementary materials. The interview and assessment time is generally 20 minutes for each candidate. In principle, it includes three parts: foreign language ability test, professional quality and ability, and comprehensive quality and ability. The specific content of the assessment and the method of using the results (the weight of each part) will be determined and announced by each unit according to the characteristics of the discipline.
2. The ideological and political theory examination for candidates applying for the Master of Library and Information Science, Master of Business Administration, Master of Public Administration, and Master of Tourism Management is conducted by the relevant units in the re examination. The examination is conducted in the way of selecting questions to answer questions, and the results are included in the total score of the re examination.
3. The assessment of ideological and political quality and moral character is an important work link to ensure the quality of freshmen. Each unit should send personnel files (or file review opinions) and other materials to the examinee's unit by letter, and comprehensively review the examinee's political and ideological situation in combination with the Review Form of Ideological and Political Performance. The Examination Form of Ideological and Political Performance shall be stamped by the candidate's file or the personnel and political department of the unit where he/she works. Those who fail to pass the ideological and moral assessment will not be admitted.
4. Candidates who take the second round exam with the same educational level (undergraduate graduation and junior college graduation of two years or more) must take at least two major undergraduate courses related to the major they are applying for in the second round exam. The additional subjects must not be the same as those in the first round exam. The additional examination shall be conducted separately and online written examination shall be adopted. The subjects and requirements of the additional examination shall be announced by each unit in the detailed rules of the re examination. Candidates with the same academic qualifications who apply for Master of Law (non law), Master of Business Administration, Master of Public Administration and Master of Tourism Management may not take additional examinations. Enrolled in the School of Education, School of Psychology, School of Literature, Institute of Language, School of Life Sciences, School of Physical Education, School of Information Management, School of Journalism and Communication, Collaborative Innovation Center for Balanced Development of Informatization and Basic Education, China Rural Research Institute The current undergraduate graduates of adult education in various majors from the Wollongong United Research Institute and other units, as well as the self-taught and online education candidates who have not obtained the undergraduate diploma at the time of the second examination, must take an additional examination together with candidates with the same academic qualifications.
5. Incorporate the integrity assessment into the re examination work, and strengthen the requirements for the integrity of candidates. Before the second interview, the examinee must sign a letter of commitment of integrity for the second interview. By taking measures such as "two identifications" (face recognition, ID card recognition), "four comparisons" (registration database, student status database, demographic information database, integrity archive database data comparison), the examinee's identity audit should be strengthened to prevent "substitution". The examinees who have violated the rules in the re examination process should be reported to the university in time once they are found. After verification, they should be seriously dealt with according to the provisions of the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examination and the Interim Measures for Handling Violations of Enrollment in Ordinary Colleges and Universities. The admission qualification should be cancelled and recorded in the "Examinees' Honesty File". Within three months of enrollment, the school will conduct a comprehensive review of all candidates according to relevant requirements. Those who fail the review will be cancelled their student status; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be transferred to the relevant departments for investigation and handling.
(7) Bonus points policy
According to the personnel information database of 2020 related bonus programs issued by the Ministry of Education, our school conducts qualification review on candidates who apply for bonus points. Candidates who are not on the list issued by the Ministry of Education cannot enjoy the bonus points policy.
Candidates who have completed their service and passed the examination in such projects as the "Western University Volunteer Service Plan", the "Three Supports and One Support Plan", the "Rural Compulsory Education Stage School Teachers' Special Post Plan", and the "Volunteer Chinese Teachers Going Abroad", and who have participated in the national postgraduate enrollment examination within three years, will receive 10 points in the total score of the initial examination, and will be admitted preferentially under the same conditions. College students who are enlisted for compulsory military service and retired, and who meet the requirements for entrance examination, and who take part in the national postgraduate entrance examination within three years, will be given 10 points for the total score of the preliminary examination, and will be admitted preferentially under the same conditions. Those included in the special plan of "retired college student soldiers" will no longer enjoy the policy of bonus points for the first test of retired college student soldiers.
Candidates who have completed the service period of the project of "selecting college graduates to work in villages" and are assessed as competent or above, and who have participated in the national postgraduate entrance examination within three years, will be given 10 points in the total score of the initial examination, and will be admitted preferentially under the same conditions, of which 15 points will be added in the total score of the initial examination for graduate students majoring in humanities and social sciences.
3、 Coordination work
In 2020, our school will recruit students for master's degree. The number of online volunteer students is generally sufficient, and majors with saturated students will not accept adjustment in principle; A few majors with unsaturated students can accept the adjustment upon the approval of the school. In principle, the proportion of re examination should not exceed 130%. The unit that receives the source of transferred students shall, in accordance with the relevant requirements, formulate its own method of transfer work and publish it to the public.
4、 Admission Rules
1. The total score shall be the sum of the scores of the initial examination and the re examination according to the corresponding weight, and the calculation formula is: the total score of the initial examination ÷ the full score of the initial examination × 100 × 70%+the re examination score (hundred point system) × 30%=the total score. The score of the second round exam shall be 100%, with two decimal places reserved. Those who fail the second round exam (with a score of less than 60 points) will not be admitted.
2. The method of determining the admission list (admission according to the first level discipline or research direction) shall be subject to the general rules.
3. For the major or direction that does not accept the transferred candidates, each unit shall enroll the candidates from the highest to the lowest according to their total scores, and determine the list of candidates to be admitted. For the major or direction receiving the transferred candidates, each unit shall rank the first volunteer candidates and the transferred candidates in the major or direction respectively. First, one volunteer candidate who passed the second round examination shall be admitted according to the total score from high to low, and the list of candidates to be admitted shall be determined. Then, one volunteer candidate who passed the second round examination shall be admitted according to the total score from high to low, and the list of candidates to be admitted shall be determined, Record until full.
4. For the majors that enroll full-time and part-time postgraduates at the same time, the candidates shall be admitted according to their first wish (full-time or part-time) and their total scores from high to low. If there are not enough online students for part-time candidates, they can be selected from the qualified candidates. On the premise of voluntariness, full-time online examinees of the same major who meet the conditions for part-time application can be guided to adjust to part-time.
5. If the candidate voluntarily gives up the qualification for reexamination due to special reasons, the number of places can be filled by each unit according to the admission rules before reporting to the school.
6. The school will not make an exception to the re examination this year.
7. Upon the review of the reexamination qualification review working group of the examinee's unit, if any examinee does not meet the application conditions or provides false qualification review materials, once verified to be true, he will not be admitted.     
5、 Information disclosure
Each unit has set up a special column for postgraduate enrollment information publicity on the home page of its portal website to make the relevant re examination admission information public throughout the process, mainly including the following contents:
1. Re examination admission method. Each unit shall publish the Detailed Rules for Reexamination Admission to candidates in advance on its website, and the rules for reexamination admission that are not published in advance as required are invalid.
2. Enrollment plan by specialty. Each unit shall determine the sub specialty plan according to the enrollment plan and relevant requirements issued by the school, and explain it in the detailed rules for re examination admission.
3. List of candidates for the second interview. Before the re examination, each unit shall publish the information such as the number and name of the candidates who enter the re examination (including the candidates who are transferred), and the scores of each subject in the preliminary examination on its website, and explain the relevant information of the candidates who participate in the special plan, enjoy the bonus points or care policies in the preliminary examination.
4. Candidates're examination results. After the re examination, each unit must publish the re examination results of all candidates (including those who have not been admitted) on its website as soon as possible. The content mainly includes: examinee number, name, preliminary examination result, re examination result, total score, learning form, whether to enroll or not, and other information. The list shall not be modified during the publicity period. If there is any change, the changed part shall be explained and publicized again. The school will publish the proposed enrollment list of each unit on the website of the Graduate School for 10 working days. Candidates who have not been publicized will not be admitted.
5. Candidate consultation and appeal channels. Each unit shall publish information such as contact department, e-mail, telephone number and mailing address to ensure that relevant channels are unblocked, and assign special personnel to accept reports or complaints.
Complaint hotline: 027-67866925 (Graduate School)
027-67868009 (Discipline Inspection Commission Office)
Report Mailbox:  
6、 Other matters
1. Admission category
Non targeted: The personnel files of non targeted postgraduates must be transferred to the university within the specified time (new students can first submit the certificate of graduation with official seal issued by the educational administration department or college of their school, and then transfer the files before the specified time of our school after graduation). Upon graduation, non targeted postgraduates will be employed in the way of two-way choice between themselves and the employer.
Orientation: Targeted postgraduates (including full-time and part-time) must sign a targeted training contract with the enrollment unit and the employer before being admitted. Upon graduation, employment will be based on targeted contracts. In principle, part-time postgraduate students should recruit on-the-job targeted employment personnel. Candidates who take part in the separate examination can only be admitted as graduate students who return to their original units for targeted employment. Targeted candidates without targeted units (targeted to regions) in the Ethnic Minority Backbone Program can be transferred to personnel files.
2. Learning methods
Full time: within the basic length of schooling or the length of schooling stipulated by the school, full-time study is required.
Part time study: within the basic length of schooling or the length of schooling stipulated by the school, non full-time study is carried out in a variety of ways and flexible time arrangements. Within the specified time limit, graduates who meet the graduation requirements and degree awarding standards will be issued with master's graduate certificates and degree certificates, which indicate that the mode of study is part-time.
For the length of schooling, please refer to the relevant regulations of Huazhong Normal University's 2020 Enrollment Guidelines for Postgraduates with Master's Degree.
3. Tuition fees and scholarships
For tuition fees, please refer to the relevant standards of Huazhong Normal University's Enrolment Manual for Postgraduates with Master's Degree in 2020. Full time postgraduate awards and grants shall be implemented in accordance with the Notice on the Implementation Measures of the Graduate Award and Grants System of Central China Normal University (Trial) (HSHZ [2014] No. 140). Part time postgraduate students will not enjoy the relevant award and subsidy policies during their studies.
4. Re examination fee
Candidates shall pay a retest fee (100 yuan/person time) to participate in the retest. From May 7 to May 10, candidates passed the online payment platform of Finance Department of Central China Normal University( )Pay. The login user name is the examinee number with 15 digits, and the password is the last 6 digits of the examinee's ID card number.
5. Proposed admission procedures
Candidates to be admitted must complete the procedures for admission (transfer of personnel files or submission of targeted contracts) within the time specified by our university (relevant arrangements will be notified). If they fail to go through the procedures for admission within the time limit, the consequences of failure to enroll will be borne by the candidates themselves. All proposed enrollment lists must be submitted to the Ministry of Education for approval before they are officially accepted.
6. The physical examination shall be organized by the university hospital in accordance with relevant national regulations after the school starts.
Central China Normal University

The above adjustment information of the postgraduate entrance examination of Central China Normal University is only a part of the examples of the adjustment information in the public account of "Graduate Entrance Examination and Graduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Center" and the applet of "Graduate Entrance Examination and Graduate Adjustment Center". Because the system restricts the updated adjustment information of the postgraduate entrance examination of Central China Normal University, please go to our public account and applet for screening and viewing, and you can also subscribe. The Graduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Center also has the score line of adjustment over the years, the destination of adjustment volunteers, and the source of graduate entrance examination adjustment students of Central China Normal University, which is very valuable.

Central China Normal University postgraduate entrance examination adjustment information comes from our adjustment applet. Updated information, WeChat search [Graduate School Entrance Examination Adjustment Center] public account In the menu, you can use the [Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Applet] for free to view [Central China Normal University Relocation Information] [Central China Normal University Relocation Score] [Central China Normal University Relocation Source] [Central China Normal University Relocation Destination] And other valuable data.


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