What is the difference between the national line and the school score line

Updated on: 2022-03-27 13:13:12 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit:
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[Graduate Examination School okaoyan. com] What is the difference between the national line and the school score line For more information about postgraduate entrance examination, please pay attention to the update of our website! Please collect this website.

1、 Definition of national line

The national line for postgraduate entrance examination refers to the "national line for postgraduate entrance examination", "national line for postgraduate entrance examination", "national line for postgraduate entrance examination", "national line for postgraduate entrance examination", "national line for re examination", "national line for re examination" and "basic line for re examination of postgraduate entrance examination". (Note: This score line is very important. Only after passing the national line can you be admitted or adjusted.)

It is the Ministry of Education's basic requirements and standards for applicants for the unified examination, MBA and master of law professional degrees to enter the reexamination, including the total score requirements and single subject score requirements, according to the training objectives of master students, in combination with the annual enrollment plan, the source of students and the overall preliminary examination results; Unified basic score requirements for entering the second round exam are implemented for fresh undergraduate graduates and non fresh graduates.

Generally, it can be divided into professional courses and public courses. According to different regions, the standard of score is different. The national line for postgraduate entrance examination is an important basis for candidates to enter the postgraduate reexamination, so it is of great significance for candidates to pass the line. Theoretically, it can be adjusted after crossing the national line. Therefore, the national line is the minimum standard that the Party needs to reach.

What do you need to pay attention to when the national line for postgraduate entrance examination is announced? In fact, there are four types of data to be clear. The first is the line in Area A and Area B; The second is the professional subject line, which determines whether you can adjust; The third is the school's score, which determines whether you can enter the second round exam; The fourth is the admission line, which determines whether you can get an offer.

First of all, let me introduce to you that the national line has not only the requirements for the total score but also the requirements for the single subject score. You must pass the total score line and the single subject line at the same time to have the opportunity to be admitted.

A lot of students are asking that not many schools have their own lineations, yes, but these colleges and universities that have their own lineations are generally higher than the national line, so you must cross the national line before you can enter the admission process. Schools that do not have the right to draw their own professional courses will also have their own score line, but this score line is generally slightly higher or equal to the national line.

List of 34 self marking universities:

Tsinghua University, Peking University, University of Science and Technology of China, Fudan University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Tianjin University, China Agricultural University, Harbin University of Technology, Sichuan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Jilin University, Zhejiang University, Lanzhou University, Chongqing University, Dalian University of Technology, Shandong University, Renmin University of China, Beijing University of Technology, Nankai University Beijing Normal University, Nanjing University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Southeast University, Wuhan University, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Central South University, Northeast University, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xiamen University, Hunan University, South China University of Technology, Sun Yat sen University, Tongji University.

2、 Difference between Zone A and Zone B

According to different regions, the national retest scores of postgraduate examinations are also different. Zone A has the highest score, followed by Zone B. The scores of these two types of regions usually differ by 2 to 10 points.

District A is mostly a strong province in education, with many educational resources, and most famous schools are concentrated in District A, so the competition is fierce due to the large number of applicants.

Area B is mostly a province with weak education, and the competition of examinees in Area B is relatively small. The national line is based on different regions, and the standard of score line is different, that is, Zone A line and Zone B line.

Specific list of Zone A and Zone B:

Area A: 21 provinces (cities) including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Shandong, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Chongqing, Sichuan and Shaanxi;

Zone B: Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Hainan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang and other 10 provinces (regions).

3、 Disciplinary lines, cinemas and professional lines

1. National line

According to the division of each discipline category, the score line of each discipline category is formed.

According to the popularity and difficulty of the subject, the level of the score varies.

It should be noted that the general principle of reallocation is to reallocate between the same majors, that is, the engineering majors can only be reallocated within the engineering majors, and can only be reallocated within similar majors. The range of reallocation cannot be too large.

Generally, transfers are made between the same majors, or between different schools and the same majors. Decision on adjustment after the national line is announced

You'd better contact the school you want to transfer as soon as possible to find out whether the school accepts candidates of your own specialty

2. Theater line and school score line

After talking about the national line, let's introduce the college line.

The college line is the reexamination qualification line determined by each enrollment unit on the basis of the national line according to the surplus and shortage of students in the relevant majors of the school. Generally, the school directly adopts the national line. Therefore, the college line is the real reexamination line. What is the difference between the national line and the college line?

In short, the national line is the admission qualification line, and the cinema line is the reexamination qualification line. In other words, the cinema line decides whether to enter the second round exam, and the national line decides whether to go to graduate school. Therefore, those who have passed the national line and passed the theater line are well prepared for the re examination, those who have passed the national line and failed to pass the theater line are connected and adjusted, and those who have failed to pass the national line in World War II or find jobs.

The college line is the reexamination qualification line determined by each enrollment unit on the basis of the national line according to the surplus and shortage of students in the relevant majors of the school. Generally, the school directly adopts the national line. Therefore, the college line is the real reexamination line.

3. Professional admission line

Some students may want to ask: What is the admission line of my major?

In fact, the professional admission line is another line. Because every major has a hot and unpopular point, the admission of each major will naturally form the highest and lowest points. Usually, the lowest score of a major is called the major admission score line. The specialty line is the lowest score of the specialty.

After passing the cinema line, students who can enter the second round exam can refer to the professional admission line in previous years to measure whether they are more or less sure of being admitted. Students who still have a certain gap with the professional admission line must pay attention to the adjustment in the second interview, so there are few colleges and universities that can be selected when preparing for adjustment after the second interview is cancelled.

After deciding to take the postgraduate entrance examination, these common sense must be clarified, especially in the professional line and college line, which is crucial for the second interview and adjustment!