Instructions for Postgraduates' Postgraduate Entrance Examination of Hohai University in 2020

Published on: May 11, 2020 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit:
 Instructions for Postgraduates' Postgraduate Entrance Examination of Hohai University in 2020

Instructions for Postgraduates' Postgraduate Entrance Examination of Hohai University in 2020 The content is as follows. For more information about postgraduate entrance examination, please pay attention to the update of our website! Please collect this website, or download our postgraduate entrance exam APP and postgraduate entrance exam WeChat official account (there are many free postgraduate entrance exam resources to receive, and if you have various postgraduate entrance exam questions, you can also directly add our website's postgraduate sister WeChat to answer questions for free throughout the whole process, so as to help you take the postgraduate entrance exam and strive to get into the ideal graduate school as soon as possible.)

2020 Hohai University Postgraduate Postgraduate Postgraduate Entrance Examination Notice Text

According to the current epidemic prevention and control requirements and the work deployment of the superior competent department, in order to ensure the safety, fairness and scientificity of the postgraduate reexamination in 2020, and ensure the health of the candidates and teachers, the leading group for postgraduate enrollment in our school has decided that the postgraduate reexamination in 2020 will take the way of network remote reexamination. The reexamination work of our school is expected to be carried out in batches at wrong times in the middle and late May. The specific arrangement will be notified later. Please pay close attention to the official website of the graduate school and each school (department, department). The following is hereby notified about the recent related matters:
1、 Participants
The candidates participating in the second round examination are a volunteer online candidate (including candidates for individual examination, minority high-level backbone talent plan and retired college student soldier special plan). For details, please consult the list published on the website of each college (department, department). Our office will not send another written notice of reexamination.
2、 Confirm re examination subjects
From 12:00 on May 10 to 8:00 on May 12, the examinee confirmed the subjects of the second interview online. The confirmation is carried out through the following website: (The user name logged in to the system is the examination permit number, and the initial password is the valid resident ID card number). If there is any change in the contact information filled in when applying for the exam, please be sure to contact the college before 12:00 on May 12.
3、 Submit relevant materials
The submission of materials shall be in accordance with the Notice on Publicity of the List of Postgraduates' Re examination in 2020 and Submission of Relevant Materials published by each institute (department, department).
4、 Be familiar with the rules of the examination room
Please carefully read the Rules of Hohai University Network Remote Re examination Venue and follow them. See the annex for details.
5、 Pay the retest fee
Before the re examination, the examinee logs into the campus payment platform( ), click the "Off campus payment code payment" button on the top right corner of the home page to pay the retest fee (the personnel number is the ID card number, and the retest fee is 80 yuan/student). Those who have not paid the re examination fee shall not participate in the re examination; No refund will be made if the person who has paid the fee fails to participate in the reexamination due to personal reasons.
6、 Required equipment and environmental requirements
In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the network remote retest, candidates are required to prepare the equipment and environment required for the network remote retest in advance. Before the retest, the test should be conducted according to the requirements of the school, college (department, department).
1. Candidates need to take the second interview independently in a quiet and well lit room, and should not choose Internet cafes, restaurants, outdoor or other noisy places. During the second interview, objects other than those required by the school and the college (department or department) shall not be placed within the visible range. Except the examinee himself, no other person shall enter or stay in the room during the second interview, and no person other than the examinee shall make any noise. The examinee must turn off the electronic equipment irrelevant to the second interview.
2. The main and auxiliary systems will be used for the retest. The main system is the network remote reexamination platform of Hohai University. Considering the small mobile phone screen, call blocking and other problems, it is required to use a computer to log in in principle and place it on the front of the candidates; The secondary system is video conference software, which is mainly used for cloud invigilation and backup. You can use a computer or mobile phone to log in and place it in an appropriate position behind the examinee's side.
3. Basic requirements for equipment configuration: 1 computer and 1 mobile phone. If the camera, microphone, speaker, etc. configured on the computer itself are effective, they can be used directly, otherwise they need to be equipped additionally. The computer operating system is recommended to be Windows 8 or above or Apple OS X, and the latest version of Google Browser should be installed. Download address: During the retest, all unnecessary software, web pages, etc. shall be closed to ensure that there is no pop-up window during the whole retest, and all operations other than those necessary for the retest shall be eliminated.
4. It has a good and stable network. It is recommended to prepare at least two types of wired network, Wi Fi, 4G/5G.
5. Do not wear headphones during the exam. Please ensure that the device is fully charged, running well, and the network connection is normal. Mobile phone charges are sufficient to ensure smooth mobile phone contact during the second interview.
5、 Contact information
1. Graduate Admissions Office of Hohai University
Address: No.1 Xikang Road, Nanjing Post code: 210098
Contact: 025-83786303
2. Contact information of each college (department, department)
S/N College of Admissions contacts contact number
one College of Hydrology and Water Resources Miss Hua 025-83786614
two Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydro-Electric Power Miss Liu 025-83786922
three College of Port, Coastal and Offshore Engineering Miss Hao 025-83786187
four School of Civil Engineering and Transportation Miss Liu 025-83786552
five School of Environment Teacher Zhang 025-83786697
six College of Energy and Electrical Engineering Miss Cao 025-58099096
seven Information Department
(School of Computer and Information Technology)
Miss Zheng 025-58099120
eight Information Department
(College of Internet of Things Engineering)
Miss Jiang 0519-85192040
nine College of Mechanics and Materials Miss Liu 025-83787027
ten School of Earth Science and Engineering Miss Yu 025-58099141
eleven College of Agricultural Science and Engineering
(Former College of Agricultural Engineering)
Teacher Zeng 025-83772052
twelve College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Miss Tang 0519-85191981
thirteen oceanography institute Miss Wang 025-83787813
fourteen College of Science Teacher Shi 025-83786640
fifteen Business School Miss Wang 025-58099220
sixteen Business School
(Former School of Business Management)
Miss Dai 0519-81230653
seventeen School of Public Administration Miss Ruan 025-83787376
eighteen law school Teacher Zhang 025-83787371
nineteen College of Marxism Teacher Tang 025-58099189
twenty School of Foreign Languages Miss Li 025-58099466
twenty-one Department of Physical Education Miss Li 025-83787655
Hohai University

The above adjustment information for postgraduate entrance examination of Hehai University is only a part of the examples of the adjustment information in the public account of "Graduate Entrance Examination and Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Center" and the applet of "Graduate Entrance Examination and Postgraduate Adjustment Center". Because the system restricts the updated adjustment information for postgraduate entrance examination of Hehai University, please go to our public account and applet for screening and viewing, and you can also subscribe. The Graduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Center also has the score line of adjustment over the years, the destination of adjustment volunteers, and the source of graduate entrance examination adjustment students in Hohai University, which is very valuable.

The adjustment information of Hohai University's postgraduate entrance examination comes from our adjustment applet. Updated information, WeChat search [Graduate School Entrance Examination Adjustment Center] public account In the menu, you can use the [Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Applet] for free to view [Most Adjustment Information of Hohai University] [Adjustment Score of Hohai University] [Source of Adjustment Students of Hohai University] [Adjustment Destination of Hohai University] And other valuable data.


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