Report on Adjustment of 50205 Japanese Language and Literature Postgraduate Examination in Harbin Normal University

Published on: April 17, 2022 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit:
 Report on Adjustment of 50205 Japanese Language and Literature Postgraduate Examination in Harbin Normal University

Report on Adjustment of 50205 Japanese Language and Literature Postgraduate Examination in Harbin Normal University The content is as follows. For more information about postgraduate entrance examination, please pay attention to the update of our website! Please collect this website, or download our postgraduate entrance exam APP and postgraduate entrance exam WeChat official account (there are many free postgraduate entrance exam resources to receive, and if you have various postgraduate entrance exam questions, you can also directly add our website's postgraduate sister WeChat to answer questions for free throughout the whole process, so as to help you take the postgraduate entrance exam and strive to get into the ideal graduate school as soon as possible.)

Harbin Normal University 50205 Japanese Language and Literature Postgraduate Examination Adjustment Report

The following contents are sorted out by the [Graduate School Entrance Examination Adjunct Center]. The latest reallocation information, reallocation score, reallocation destination source and other information can be searched by WeChat for the "Graduate School Entrance Examination Adjunct Center" applet.

Professional situation:

harbin normal university
Department name: Dongyu University
Major code and name: 50205 Japanese Language and Literature
Professional rating: B-
Learning mode: full-time

Source of adjustment over the years:

Source of transferred students (statistics from a volunteer college): 2 from Ningbo University, 2 from Jilin University, 1 from Liaoning University, 1 from Huazhong Normal University, 1 from Southeast University, year of transfer: 2019, number of transferred students: 7, minimum score of transfer: 356, maximum score of transfer: 407, median score of transfer: 368.
1. Name of volunteer college: Ningbo University, year of adjustment: 2019, total score of preliminary examination: 407;
1. Name of volunteer college: Ningbo University, year of adjustment: 2019, total score of preliminary examination: 375;
1. Name of volunteer college: Liaoning University, year of adjustment: 2019, total score of preliminary examination: 370;
1. Name of volunteer college: Central China Normal University, year of adjustment: 2019, total score of preliminary examination: 368;
1. Name of volunteer college: Jilin University, year of adjustment: 2019, total score of preliminary examination: 366;
1. Name of volunteer college: Jilin University, year of adjustment: 2019, total score of preliminary examination: 358;
1. Name of volunteer college: Southeast University, year of adjustment: 2019, total score of preliminary examination: 356.

Re examination score:

Total score: 355, single subject 2: 80, single subject 1: 53, year of adjustment: 2021
Total score: 355, single subject 2: 78, single subject 1: 52, year of adjustment: 2020
Total score: 355, single subject 2: 77, single subject 1: 51, year of adjustment: 2019
Total score: 345, single subject 2: 83, single subject 1: 55, year of adjustment: 2018

Research direction of coordination specialty:

Adjustment year: 2021, adjustment direction: 01 - Japanese culture
Examination subjects: (245) Second Foreign Language English (Japanese major), professional courses: (824) Comprehensive Japanese, professional courses: (624) Practical Japanese (grammar, reading), public courses: (101) Ideological and political theory
Year: 2021, adjustment direction: 02 Japanese Literature
Examination subjects: (245) Second Foreign Language English (Japanese major), professional courses: (824) Comprehensive Japanese, professional courses: (624) Practical Japanese (grammar, reading), public courses: (101) Ideological and political theory
Year: 2021, adjustment direction: 03 - Japanese linguistics and Japanese education
Examination subjects: (245) Second Foreign Language English (Japanese major), professional courses: (824) Comprehensive Japanese, professional courses: (624) Practical Japanese (grammar, reading), public courses: (101) Ideological and political theory
Year: 2022, adjustment direction: 01 - Japanese culture
Examination subjects: (245) English as a second language, professional courses: (824) Comprehensive Japanese (Japanese social overview, Japanese literature, Japanese, professional courses: (624) Practical Japanese (grammar, reading), public courses: (101) Ideological and political theory
Year: 2022, adjustment direction: 02 Japanese Literature
Examination subjects: (245) English as a second language, professional courses: (824) Comprehensive Japanese (Japanese social overview, Japanese literature, Japanese, professional courses: (624) Practical Japanese (grammar, reading), public courses: (101) Ideological and political theory
Year: 2022, adjustment direction: 03 Japanese linguistics and Japanese education
Examination subjects: (245) English as a second language, professional courses: (824) Comprehensive Japanese (Japanese social overview, Japanese literature, Japanese, professional courses: (624) Practical Japanese (grammar, reading), public courses: (101) Ideological and political theory

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