Master's Admission Brochure of Guizhou University in 2018

Published on: March 11, 2020 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit:
 Master's Admission Brochure of Guizhou University in 2018

Master's Admission Brochure of Guizhou University in 2018 The content is as follows. For more information about postgraduate entrance examination, please pay attention to the update of our website! Please collect this website, or download our postgraduate entrance exam APP and postgraduate entrance exam WeChat official account (there are many free postgraduate entrance exam resources to receive, and if you have various postgraduate entrance exam questions, you can also directly add our website's postgraduate sister WeChat to answer questions for free throughout the whole process, so as to help you take the postgraduate entrance exam and strive to get into the ideal graduate school as soon as possible.)

Main body of Guizhou University 2018 Master's Admission Brochure

Guizhou University It is a key university under the national "211 Project". It was founded in 1902 and went through the period of Guizhou University, provincial Guizhou University, National Guizhou Institute of Agriculture and Industry, and National Guizhou University. In October 1950, it was named Guizhou University. In November 1951, Comrade Mao Zedong inscribed the name of the university. In August 1997, the former Guizhou University, Guizhou Agricultural College, Guizhou Art College and Guizhou Agricultural Management Cadre College were merged into Guizhou University. In August 2004, it merged with the former Guizhou University of Technology to form a new Guizhou University.

Guizhou University began to enroll and train graduate students in 1978. After years of construction, there are now 1 national key discipline, 8 key construction disciplines of the third phase of the "211 Project", 28 provincial key disciplines, 23 provincial characteristic key disciplines, 9 first level discipline doctoral degree authorization points, 45 first level discipline master degree authorization points, including Master of Law (JM), Master of Business Administration (MBA, EMBA) 12 kinds of professional master's degree authorization points, including Master of Public Administration (MPA), Master of Engineering (ME), Master of Agricultural Extension (MAE), Master of Veterinary Medicine (VMM), Master of Social Work (MSW), Master of Arts (MAF), Master of Translation (MTI), Master of Finance (MF), Master of Chinese International Education (MTCSOL), Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA). Postgraduate education covers 11 disciplines including literature, history, philosophy, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, economics, management, law and art.
At present, there are more than 9000 graduate students in various schools, and a multi-level and multi type degree and graduate education system has been formed, including doctors, academic masters, professional masters, etc.
In 2018, it is planned to enroll 133 doctoral students and 3300 master students (subject to the number of enrollment plans issued by the Ministry of Education).
Welcome to visit our website for relevant information.
1、 Registration time and examination time
(1) Online registration time: 9:00-22:00 every day from October 10 to 31, 2017. If the application is overdue, it will not be reported again, nor can the registration information be modified. The online forecast time is from September 24 to September 27, 2017, 9:00-22:00 every day.
(2) On site confirmation time: according to the regulations of Guizhou Provincial Examination Institute.
(3) Date and time of initial examination: December 23-24, 2017.
2、 Application conditions
(1) Those who apply for the national postgraduate entrance examination of our university must meet the following conditions:
1. Citizens of the People's Republic of China.
2. Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have good moral character, and abide by discipline and law.
3. The physical condition meets the physical examination requirements stipulated by the state and the enrollment unit.
4. The academic level of candidates must meet one of the following conditions:
(1) Newly graduated undergraduates with nationally recognized academic qualifications (including graduates from ordinary universities, adult universities, and adult higher education held by ordinary universities), as well as self-taught examination and online education, will be eligible for graduation at that time. They must obtain a nationally recognized undergraduate diploma before September 1, 2018.
(2) A person with a bachelor's degree recognized by the state.
(3) Undergraduate graduates who have obtained a nationally recognized higher vocational college degree for at least 2 years (from graduation to September 1, 2018, the same below) or more, as well as a nationally recognized degree, and who meet the specific academic requirements of the recruitment unit for candidates according to the training objectives of the unit, shall apply for the examination as undergraduate graduates with the same academic qualifications.
(4) Persons who have obtained master's or doctor's degrees.
Graduate students in school must obtain the consent of their training unit before applying for the examination.
(2) Those who apply for the entrance examination for master's degree of our university shall follow the following regulations.
1. Those who apply for the admission examination for master's degree in law (non law) must meet the following conditions:
(1) Meet the requirements in (I).
(2) Before applying for the exam, the major studied is non law major (graduates of law major [code 0301] in the undergraduate specialty catalogue of ordinary colleges and universities, graduates of law at the junior college level and graduates of law in the form of self-study exam are not allowed to apply for the exam).
2. Those who apply for the postgraduate entrance examination for the degree of law (law) must meet the following conditions:
(1) Meet the requirements in (I).
(2) The major you studied before you applied for the examination was law (only graduates of law [code 0301] in the law category of the undergraduate specialty catalog of ordinary colleges and universities, graduates of law at the junior college level and graduates of law in the form of self-study examination can apply for the examination).
3. The applicants for the master's degree examination in business administration and public administration must meet the following conditions:
(1) Meet the requirements of items 1, 2 and 3 in (I).
(2) Personnel with more than 3 years of work experience after graduation from a university; Or those who have more than 5 years of working experience and have the same academic qualifications as college graduates after obtaining a national recognized vocational college degree; Or has obtained a master's degree or a doctor's degree and has more than 2 years of work experience.
The relevant examination and enrollment policies for postgraduates of master of business administration are also implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Opinions of the Ministry of Education on Further Regulating the Education of Postgraduates of Master of Business Administration (Jiao Yan [2016] No. 2).
4. Personnel who take part in the postgraduate entrance examination for other professional degrees except law (non law), law (law), business administration and public administration must meet the requirements in (I).
(3) All disciplines (categories) and majors (fields) that can accept the application of fresh graduates can accept the promoted and exempted students.
(4) During the registration period, online verification will be carried out on the candidate's education (student status) information, and the verification results will be fed back within three days after the candidate submits the registration information. Candidates can check the results of academic degree (student status) verification online at any time. Candidates can also log into the "China Higher Education Student Information Network" to query their academic qualifications (student status) information before or during registration. Candidates who fail to pass the verification of academic credentials (student status) shall go to the authoritative certification authority of student status and academic credentials for certification in time, and submit the certification report to the examination site for verification when confirming on site.
(5) Other application conditions shall be implemented in accordance with the 2018 National Regulations on Enrollment of Postgraduates.
3、 Special plan for retired college student soldiers
In 2018, the Ministry of Education issued a special plan for 15 retired college student soldiers. The special plan of "retired college student soldiers" in our school only enrolls professional master's degree students.
Candidates who apply for the "retired college student soldier" special master's graduate enrollment plan should be college students who have been recruited and retired from active service and meet the requirements for master's graduate application ("college students" refer to full-time ordinary undergraduate and junior college students (including higher vocational colleges), graduate students, second bachelor's degree graduates, current students, and new entrants, As well as regular college (higher vocational) graduates, current students and new students enrolled by adult colleges. When registering, candidates should choose to fill in the special plan for retired college student soldiers, and fill in relevant information about their enrollment, enlistment, and retirement as required. When confirming on the spot, they should submit their "Approval for enlistment" and "Exit from active service card".
4、 Fees
Guizhou University will standardize the charging standard for master's degree students according to the latest graduate education charging policy issued by the Ministry of Education: the charging standard for academic degrees is 6500-8000 yuan/student/academic year; Professional degree fees are 7000-13000 yuan/student/academic year; The tuition of EMBA for senior executives is 98000 yuan per student.  
5、 Basic length of schooling and learning methods
(1) The academic degree of master's degree is for three years, and the learning mode is "full-time".
(2) The length of schooling for professional degree master students is two to three years, and there are two kinds of learning methods, namely "full-time" and "part-time".
6、 Reward and subsidy system
Guizhou University implements the national scholarship and scholarship system. The school has academic scholarships, freshman scholarships, etc. In addition, "three assistant" posts are also set. All qualified full-time graduate students can apply for the above awards, grants and "three assistance" positions.
7、 Others
1. Our school does not hold any tutoring class for postgraduate entrance examination and does not provide reference books for postgraduate entrance examination. Candidates can prepare their own reference books according to the enrollment brochure.
2. Other matters not covered in the reexamination and admission methods shall be formulated by the university separately.
3. Any postgraduate who applies for the examination (including transfer) of our university shall be deemed to have carefully read this enrollment brochure and accepted the provisions and requirements of this enrollment brochure.
4. The postgraduate enrollment office of Guizhou University is responsible for the interpretation of this enrollment brochure (Tel: 0851-88292217).
Guizhou University

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