Official website of School of Grammar and Law, Yanshan University

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Official website of School of Grammar and Law, Yanshan University:

School of Grammar and Law, Yanshan University  

Introduction to School of Grammar and Law of Yanshan University:
The School of Grammar and Law (the School of Public Management) originated from the Marxist Leninist Teaching and Research Office. After the whole school moved south to Qinhuangdao, on the basis of the successive development of the Department of Social Sciences and the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, the School of Grammar and Law was officially established in January 2001, and the School of Public Management was established in January 2013, co operating with the School of Grammar and Law.
The college has seven departments and one center, namely, the Department of Law, the Department of Political Science, the Department of Literature and Journalism, the Department of International Relations, the Department of Public Administration, the Department of Administration, the Department of Philosophy and the MPA Education Center; 7 undergraduate majors, namely law, political science and administration, Chinese language and literature, international politics, public affairs management, radio and television journalism and administration (national first-class undergraduate majors); 1 first level discipline doctoral program: public management; 4 first level discipline master programs, namely public management, philosophy, political science and Chinese language and literature; 1 master degree program of secondary discipline: procedural law; 3 professional degree authorization disciplines: Master of Public Administration (MPA), Master of Law (JM) and Chinese Language International Education (MTCSOL).
The college has more than 109 teaching staff, including 93 teachers (28 professors, 38 associate professors, and nearly 70 teachers who have or are pursuing doctoral degrees). In addition, dozens of first-rate scholars outside the university are invited as guest professors, and more than 60 experienced managers of government agencies, enterprises and institutions are employed as practical experts to participate in the teaching and scientific research work of the college.
The college has one provincial key discipline: administration; Four provincial humanities and social science research bases: Hebei Provincial Philosophy and Social Science Research Base for Local Government Reform and Development, Hebei Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Base, Yanshan University Beijing Tianjin Hebei Collaborative Development Management Innovation Research Center, and Hebei Public Policy Evaluation Research Center; 10 university level humanities and social science research institutions, namely Yanshan University E-government Research Center, Yanshan University International Political Economy Research Institute, Yanshan University Judicial Reform Research Institute, Yanshan University Science and Technology and Public Policy Research Institute, Yanshan University Government and Social Capital Cooperation (PPP) Research Center, Yanshan University Logic and Cognition Research Institute, Yanshan University Public Governance Research Institute Institute of Cross Strait Relations and Regional Development of Yanshan University, Institute of Evaluation and Development of China University of Yanshan University, Institute of Local Legislation of Yanshan University (Qinhuangdao Local Legislation Research and Consulting Base); The college has a number of domestic advanced teaching and research platforms, such as a library and reference center, a decision-making theater, a mock court, a radio and television teaching laboratory, a legal professional training center, an e-government laboratory, and an information-based legal technology exercise center with advanced functions such as mock lawyer affairs and civil service affairs.
In recent years, the college has undertaken more than 300 projects funded by the National Social Science Fund, the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project of the Ministry of Education, various social science funds in Hebei Province and Qinhuangdao City, and dozens of horizontal projects; More than 50 provincial and ministerial awards for outstanding achievements in social sciences; Nearly 3000 papers have been published, including more than 300 papers collected by SSCI, CSSCI, SCD, EI, etc., and more than 40 papers reprinted by Xinhua Digest, People's Congress of the People's Republic of China, etc; He has published more than 30 monographs and 10 textbooks (including one national textbook for the 11th Five Year Plan and one provincial textbook for quality courses).
The college began to enroll undergraduate students in 1998 and graduate students in 2002. There are more than 2600 students, including more than 600 master students (including MPA) and more than 1900 undergraduate students.
The college pays attention to academic exchanges and teaching cooperation with the outside world. It has held many international, national and regional academic conferences, such as the National Forum on Philosophy Discipline Construction and Development, the International Workshop and Academic Seminar on "China, Europe and the World in the Age of Globalization", and the International Seminar on Public Administration Reform in East Asia, It has maintained a stable cooperative relationship with some famous teaching and research institutions at home and abroad, and has sent dozens of teachers to exchange and study abroad.
School of Grammar and Law, Yanshan University
1. College Office, Tel: 0335-8057029
2. Scientific Research and Postgraduate Department, Tel: 0335-8062620
3. Academic Affairs Department, Tel: 0335-8050261
4. Student Department, Youth League Committee, Tel: 0335-8053530
5. Counselor, Student Affairs Center, Tel: 0335-8050667
6. MPA Education Center, Tel: 0335-8057076
7. Teaching Steering Committee, Tel: 0335-8048261
8. Laboratory (Reference Room), Tel: 0335-8060024

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