Query time and entrance of the postgraduate entrance examination results of Guangxi University in 2022

Published on: February 21, 2022 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit:
 Query time and entrance of the postgraduate entrance examination results of Guangxi University in 2022

Query time and entrance of the postgraduate entrance examination results of Guangxi University in 2022 The content is as follows. For more information about postgraduate entrance examination, please pay attention to the update of our website! Please collect this website, or download our postgraduate entrance exam APP and postgraduate entrance exam WeChat official account (there are many free postgraduate entrance exam resources to receive, and if you have various postgraduate entrance exam questions, you can also directly add our website's postgraduate sister WeChat to answer questions for free throughout the whole process, so as to help you take the postgraduate entrance exam and strive to get into the ideal graduate school as soon as possible.)

Query time and entry text of the preliminary postgraduate examination results of Guangxi University in 2022

The inquiry time and entrance of the preliminary postgraduate examination results of Guangxi University in 2022 have been released:
Dear candidates
From 12:00 on February 21, 2022, you can log on to China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network   http://yz.chsi.com.cn/apply/cjcx/ Query yourself 202 The details of the preliminary examination results of the two-year postgraduate entrance examination are as follows:
1、 Score Query Description
1. The achievements of management comprehensive ability are shown in the item of "Ideological and Political Theory".
2. In the query system, the corresponding subject scores of the absent, disciplinary and cheating candidates are all displayed as "0".
3. The state will announce the basic requirements for the national master's degree candidates to enter the second round exam at an appropriate time, when candidates can query on the China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network.
2、 Description of score review
The preliminary examination results have been carefully checked by our school according to the regulations. If the examinee has serious questions about the examination results, he/she can apply to our school for review according to the following requirements:
1. The application for review is from 0:00 on February 23 to 24:00 on February 24, and will not be accepted if it is overdue. The application website is http://yjsglxt.gxu.edu.cn/zsxt/CJFH/Default.aspx Candidates need to upload their ID cards and admission cards as attachments to apply. Each candidate can only apply for review of up to two subjects. Due to the need of epidemic prevention and control, only online score review application is accepted, and on-site application is not accepted. Please understand!
2. The review content only includes whether there are missing comments, missing scores and whether the sum of scores of each question is correct during the grading process. The scoring rules and their implementation are not part of the review content. If there is any error (including more or less points) found after review, our school will apply to the superior competent department for correction as required, and notify the examinee by telephone after approval; If there is no error after review, no further notice will be given.
The relevant policies and notices on postgraduate enrollment of our university will be published on the website of Graduate School of Guangxi University as soon as possible. Please pay close attention to them. The consulting telephone of the Admissions Office of the Graduate School of our university is 0771-3231243.
Graduate School of Guangxi University
February 21, 2022
Guangxi University

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 Official account for postgraduate entrance examination of Guangxi University  Official account of postgraduate entrance examination school station

Source: http://www.okaoyan.com/guangxidaxue/kaoyandiaoji_586518.html

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