2022 Guangdong Medical University Master's Admission Notice

Published on: June 16, 2022 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit: of master two thousand and twenty-two
 2022 Guangdong Medical University Master's Admission Notice

2022 Guangdong Medical University Master's Admission Notice The content is as follows. For more information about postgraduate entrance examination, please pay attention to the update of our website! Please collect this website, or download our postgraduate entrance exam APP and postgraduate entrance exam WeChat official account (there are many free postgraduate entrance exam resources to receive, and if you have various postgraduate entrance exam questions, you can also directly add our website's postgraduate sister WeChat to answer questions for free throughout the whole process, so as to help you take the postgraduate entrance exam and strive to get into the ideal graduate school as soon as possible.)

2022 Guangdong Medical University Master's Admission Notice

Our school plans to enroll graduate students in 2022 to obtain personnel files and issue admission notices. Please complete the notice as required. Please wait for the relevant notice of the follow-up doctoral students about the file transfer and address confirmation of direct doctoral students.
1、 Electronic file transfer letter
In order to facilitate the majority of candidates, our school uses electronic file transfer letters.
1. Shift completion time:
Full time non targeted employment candidates to be admitted must transfer their personnel files to Chongqing Medical University before August 30, 2022.
2. Shift address information:
See the issued Notice on Organizational Relations and File Transfer of Postgraduates to be Enrolled in Grade 2022 for the details of the transfer address of each college.
3.  Operation steps of electronic file transfer letter:
L Log in to our school's "postgraduate application service system" (website link: http://yjszsksxt.cqmu.edu.cn/ );
L Choose "Postgraduate Reexamination Admission" as the entry project;
L Select "Admission Result Query" after login;
L Select "Download the file transfer letter", save the electronic file transfer letter PDF, view and print the file transfer letter information with the official seal.
Tips: The user name is the examinee number, and the unmodified password is the ID card number by default. Please contact each college to obtain your own candidate number.
2、 Letter of Admission
1. Sending time:
The expected sending time of admission notice is from mid June to early July.
2. Collection method:
The admission notice can be collected by yourself or by mail in the "postgraduate application service system" of our university. Candidates should pay attention to the relevant notices of each admission college in time.
(1) Self collection: For candidates who choose self collection, please contact each admission college for self collection time, place and requirements.
(2) Mailing: Candidates who choose to mail must ensure that the revised mailing address can be collected by themselves before July 30, 2022, and keep the recipient's telephone unblocked.
3. Confirmation information:
(1) All graduate students (including those who have been promoted or exempted) to be admitted must log in to our "Graduate Application Service System" before May 30, 2022 to modify and confirm the method of receiving the admission notice and mailing address.
(2) Confirm according to the above electronic file transfer letter download operation steps, enter the "Enrollment Result Query" interface, select "Click to confirm the mailing address" to view the mailing address information, select the method of receiving the admission notice (self collection or mailing), modify the mailing address and click Save. If there is no need to modify the address, click Save after confirming that the information is correct.
(3) Mail the paper admission notice according to the correspondence address confirmed by the examinee on the "Graduate Application Service System" of our university. If you do not select the collection method and confirm the address information, the admission notice will be mailed according to the address information that the examinee filled in when registering on the online registration platform for the National Master's Admission Examination.

Special reminder: there is only one admission notice for each candidate. If the examinee fails to log in the system for confirmation at the specified time Collection method and Mailing address and If the candidate fails to receive the admission notice, our school will not bear the consequences and bear the responsibility.

Graduate School of Chongqing Medical University
May 20, 2022
Guangdong Medical University

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Source: http://www.okaoyan.com/guangdongyikedaxue/yanjiushengyuan_794559.html

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