Professional Ranking of Fujian Normal University

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When filling in the form of volunteer majors, you should inquire about the professional rankings of Fujian Normal University and what are the advantages of the majors. I have compiled the following information about the professional rankings of Fujian Normal University for you to understand the ranking of the trump majors of Fujian Normal University and solve the problem of what majors Fujian Normal University is good at.
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Teaching construction

As of June 2016, the school has 6 national scientific research and talent training bases, 3 national experimental teaching demonstration centers, 1 national virtual simulation experimental teaching center, 12 provincial experimental teaching demonstration centers, and 4 national talent training mode innovation experimental areas; It has won 16 first and second prizes of national teaching achievements; Since 2001, it has won 7 first, second and third prizes for national excellent textbooks, and 18 textbooks have been selected into the "12th Five Year Plan" national planning textbooks for undergraduate education in general higher education. It has been successively approved to have 2 national comprehensive reform pilots, 10 characteristic specialty construction sites, 23 national quality courses, quality resource sharing courses, bilingual teaching demonstration courses, 5 national (virtual simulation) experimental teaching demonstration centers, 4 national talent cultivation model innovation experimental zones, and 1 national outstanding teacher education plan. It has four national talent training bases, one college counselor training and research base of the Ministry of Education, and one national key vocational teacher training base of the Ministry of Education. Students have won the Grand Prize, Gold Prize and First Prize in national competitions such as the Challenge Cup, and have been selected into three of the country's 100 outstanding doctoral dissertations.

National scientific research and talent training bases (6): training bases for basic talents in economics, Chinese language and literature, sports and art teachers, musicology, fine arts and geography  
National experimental teaching demonstration centers (3): physics experimental center, chemical comprehensive experimental center, biological experimental center  
National Virtual Simulation Experiment Teaching Center (1): Virtual Simulation Experiment Teaching Center for Biotechnology and Biochemistry
National level talent training mode innovation experimental zone (4): economics base talent training mode innovation experimental zone, sports undergraduate talent training mode innovation experimental zone, music education talent training innovation experimental zone, Chinese base talent training mode innovation experimental zone  
National level professional comprehensive reform pilot (2): physics and pedagogy  
National characteristic majors (10): fine arts, sports, Chinese language and literature, musicology, English, physics, mathematics and applied mathematics, geography, economics, history  
National quality courses (10 courses): subject courses and teaching theory (Chinese), Chinese modern and contemporary prose research, classroom teaching, Taiwan history and culture, special topics of Chinese ancient literature history, advanced physiology, college physics experiments, special topics of Chinese literature research in the 20th century, world folk music, volleyball  
National bilingual teaching demonstration course (1 course): Advanced Physiology
National quality resource sharing courses (16 courses): Taiwan history and culture, subject courses and teaching theory (Chinese), Chinese modern and contemporary prose research, classroom teaching, Taiwan history and culture, Chinese ancient literature history topics, advanced physiology, university physics experiments, 20th century Chinese literature research topics, world folk music, volleyball classroom effective teaching Special Topics of Chinese Literature Research in the 20th Century, Ancient Chinese Literature, Modern and Contemporary Chinese Prose Research, and Development and Management of Tourist Attractions  
Provincial experimental teaching demonstration centers (12): psychological experimental center, digital media technology experimental center, economic management experimental teaching center, digital media experimental center, physical education experimental center, computer experimental center, advanced materials and new energy engineering experimental center, physics experimental center, electrical and electronic experimental center, chemical experimental center, biological experimental center Software Engineering and Digital Media Experiment Center  

Discipline construction

As of June 2016, the university has 1 national key discipline, 3 provincial universities' advantageous discipline innovation platforms (including cultivation), 9 provincial characteristic key disciplines, 26 provincial key disciplines, 19 post doctoral research stations, 19 first level disciplines authorized for doctoral degrees, 37 first level disciplines authorized for master's degrees, 13 master's professional degree authorization points, and also has universities Secondary vocational school teachers are authorized to study for master's degree on the job. Six disciplines ranked among the top 20 of similar disciplines in the third round of national discipline assessment, and three of them ranked among the top 10 of similar disciplines in China. Chemistry has entered the top 1% of the global ESI ranking.
Postdoctoral research mobile stations (19): theoretical economics, pedagogy, psychology, sports, Chinese language and literature, foreign language and literature, Chinese history, mathematics, chemistry, world history, geography, ecology, statistics, optical engineering, Marxist theory, art theory, music and dance, drama and film, art
National Key Discipline (1): Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Innovation platform projects of Fujian's advantageous disciplines (3): resource utilization and environmental conservation in Haixi, industrial microbial breeding and fermentation metabolism regulation technology, information and energy new material engineering and technology  
Key disciplines with Fujian characteristics (9): Chinese language and literature, sports, theoretical economics, music and dance, optical engineering, material science and engineering, Marxist theory, Chinese history, and fine arts  
Provincial key disciplines (26): theoretical economics, law, political science, Marxist theory, pedagogy, psychology, sports science, Chinese language and literature, foreign language and literature, Chinese history, world history, mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography, biology, ecology, optical engineering, material science and engineering, computer science and technology Chemical Engineering and Technology, Environmental Science and Engineering, Software Engineering, Business Administration, Music and Dance, Fine Arts  
Discipline ranking:
On December 28, 2017, the Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center of the Ministry of Education announced the fourth round of national discipline evaluation results. The scores and rankings of Fujian Normal University's participating disciplines are as follows:
S/N School code School name First level discipline code First level discipline name Evaluation results Rank Percentile
one ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University 0305 Marxist theory A- 5%~10%
two ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University 0403 Physical Education A- 5%~10%
three ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University one thousand three hundred and two Music and Dancing A- 5%~10%
four ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University 0501 Chinese Language and Literature B+ 10%~20%
five ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University 0705 geography B+ 10%~20%
six ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University 0201 Theoretical Economics B 20%~30%
seven ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University 0502 Foreign Language and Literature B 20%~30%
eight ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University 0701 mathematics B 20%~30%
nine ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University one thousand three hundred and four Fine Arts B 20%~30%
ten ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University 0401 education B- 30%~40%
eleven ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University 0603 world history B- 30%~40%
twelve ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University 0702 physics B- 30%~40%
thirteen ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University 0710 biology B- 30%~40%
fourteen ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University 0713 ecology B- 30%~40%
fifteen ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University one thousand three hundred and three Drama and Film and Television B- 30%~40%
sixteen ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University 0402 Psychology C+ 40%~50%
seventeen ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University 0602 Chinese history C+ 40%~50%
eighteen ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University 0703 Chemistry C+ 40%~50%
nineteen ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University 0714 statistics C+ 40%~50%
twenty ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University 0803 Optical Engineering C+ 40%~50%
twenty-one ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University 0812 Computer Science and Technology C+ 40%~50%
twenty-two ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University 0301 Law C 50%~60%
twenty-three ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University one thousand two hundred and five Library Information and Archives Management C 50%~60%
twenty-four ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University one thousand three hundred and one Art Theory C 50%~60%
twenty-five ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University 0830 Environmental Science and Engineering C- 60%~70%
twenty-six ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four Fujian Normal University 0835 software engineering C- 60%~70%

First level discipline authorized for doctoral degree
Discipline code Subject name
0201 Theoretical Economics
0305 Marxist theory
0403 Physical Education
0501 Chinese Language and Literature
0502 Foreign Language and Literature
0602 Chinese history
0603 world history
0701 mathematics
0702 physics
0703 Chemistry
0705 geography
0710 biology
0713 ecology
0714 statistics
0803 Optical Engineering
one thousand three hundred and one Art Theory
one thousand three hundred and two Music and Dancing
one thousand three hundred and three Drama and Film and Television
one thousand three hundred and four Fine Arts
Second level discipline authorized for doctoral degree
Discipline code Subject name
040103 history of education
040202 Development and Educational Psychology
First level discipline authorized for master's degree
Discipline code Subject name
0201 Theoretical Economics
0202 Applied Economics
0301 Law
0302 political science
0303 Sociology
0305 Marxist theory
0401 education
0402 Psychology
0403 Physical Education
0501 Chinese Language and Literature
0502 Foreign Language and Literature
0503 Journalism and Communication
0601 archaeology
0602 Chinese history
0603 world history
0701 mathematics
0702 physics
0703 Chemistry
0705 geography
0710 biology
0713 ecology
0714 statistics
0803 Optical Engineering
0805 Materials Science and Engineering
0812 Computer Science and Technology
0817 Chemical Engineering and Technology
0822 Light Industry Technology and Engineering
0830 Environmental Science and Engineering
0831 biomedical engineering
0835 software engineering
one thousand two hundred and two business administration
one thousand two hundred and four public administration
one thousand two hundred and five Library Information and Archives Management
one thousand three hundred and one Art Theory
one thousand three hundred and two Music and Dancing
one thousand three hundred and three Drama and Film and Television
one thousand three hundred and four Fine Arts
one thousand three hundred and five Design
Secondary discipline authorized for master's degree
Subject name Discipline code
010101 Marxist philosophy
010107 Religion
080901 Physical Electronics
081001 Communication and information system
090707 Water and soil conservation and desertification control
Professional degree
Degree category code Degree category name S/N Discipline code Name of professional field
one thousand two hundred and fifty-four Master of Tourism Management one one thousand two hundred and fifty-four tourism management
two thousand five hundred and twenty Master of Applied Statistics two two thousand five hundred and twenty Application statistics
four thousand two hundred and one Master of Education three four hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and one education management
four four hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and two Ideological and political education
five four hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and three chinese
six four hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and four mathematics
seven four hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and five Physics
eight four hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and six Chemistry
nine four hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and seven Biology
ten four hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and eight English
eleven four hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and nine history
twelve four hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and ten Geography
thirteen four hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and eleven music
fourteen four hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and twelve Sports
fifteen four hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and thirteen Fine Arts
sixteen four hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and fourteen Modern Educational Technology
seventeen four hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and fifteen Primary School Education
eighteen four hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and seventeen Science and technology education
nineteen four hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and eighteen preschool education
four thousand three hundred and one Master of Engineering twenty four hundred and thirty thousand one hundred and three Optical Engineering
twenty-one four hundred and thirty thousand one hundred and five Material engineering
twenty-two four hundred and thirty thousand one hundred and thirty Environmental engineering
twenty-three four hundred and thirty thousand one hundred and thirty-nine bioengineering
four thousand six hundred and one MBA twenty-four four thousand six hundred and one business administration
four thousand seven hundred and one Master of Agricultural Extension twenty-five four hundred and seventy thousand one hundred and eleven Agricultural science and technology organizations and services
four thousand nine hundred and one Master of Public Administration twenty-six four thousand nine hundred and one public administration
five thousand four hundred and one Master of Physical Education twenty-seven five hundred and forty thousand one hundred and one physical education
twenty-eight five hundred and forty thousand one hundred and two Sports training
twenty-nine five hundred and forty thousand one hundred and four Social sports guidance
five thousand five hundred and one Master of Arts thirty five hundred and fifty thousand one hundred and one music
thirty-one five hundred and fifty thousand one hundred and five radio and television
thirty-two five hundred and fifty thousand one hundred and seven Fine Arts
thirty-three five hundred and fifty thousand one hundred and eight Art Design
five thousand seven hundred and one Master of International Education in Chinese thirty-four five thousand seven hundred and one Chinese International Education
five thousand eight hundred and one Master of Translation thirty-five five hundred and eighty thousand one hundred and one English translation
thirty-six five hundred and eighty thousand one hundred and two english interpretation
five thousand nine hundred and one Master of Social Work thirty-seven five thousand nine hundred and one Social work
Authorization point for college teachers to study for master's degree on the job
S/N Discipline code Subject name
one 020101 political economics
two 040303 Physical Education and Training
three 050105 Ancient Chinese Literature
four 050106 Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature
five 050103 Chinese philology
six 050402 musicology
seven 060105 Specialized history
eight 070501 physical geography
nine 050108 Comparative Literature and World Literature
ten 071002 zoology
eleven 040202 Development and Educational Psychology
twelve 070305 Polymer Chemistry and Physics
thirteen 080300 Optical Engineering
fourteen 070101 Basic Mathematics
fifteen 040103 history of education
sixteen 020102 History of Economic Thought
seventeen 030205 Marxist Theory and Ideological and Political Education
eighteen 050403 Fine Arts
nineteen 020106 Economics of Population, Resources and Environment
twenty 070502 human geography
twenty-one 030506 Ideological and Political Education (College Counselor)
twenty-two 050101 study of art and literature
twenty-three 050201 English Language and Literature
twenty-four 050102 Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
twenty-five 050104 Chinese classical philology
twenty-six 060107 Modern Chinese History
Authorized point for secondary vocational school teachers to study for master's degree on the job
S/N Discipline code Subject name
one 020205 Industrial Economics
two nine hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and six Computer Application Technology
three nine hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and three Educational Economy and Management
four one hundred and twenty thousand two hundred and three tourism management
five nine hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and twenty-nine human geography
six 050404 Design Art
seven nine hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and twenty-four Vocational and Technical Education

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Fujian Normal University Postgraduate Examination Major Directory:

School of Economics

School of Public Administration

College of Marxism

law school

School of Education

College of Sports Science

College of Arts

School of Foreign Languages

academy of music

Academy of Fine Arts

School of Social History

School of Mathematics and Computer Science

College of Physics and Energy

College of Optoelectronics and Information Engineering

College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

School of Materials Science and Engineering

School of Environmental Science and Engineering

College of Geographical Sciences

College of Life Sciences

School of Communication

School of Software

Tourism College

Overseas Education Institute

Fujian Taiwan Regional Research Center, Cross Strait Cultural Development Collaborative Innovation Center

Party School of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee