Hebei Medical University Scholarship 2022

The scholarship system of Hebei Medical University mainly includes admission scholarship, postgraduate subsidy, national scholarship, etc. The information of Hebei Medical University scholarship 2022 compiled by the author for you is as follows, for you to understand the common problems of Hebei Medical University scholarship 2022 policy, selection conditions, and when the scholarship will be issued, so as to quickly understand Hebei Medical University Scholarship 2022 Precautions in all aspects of.

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1、 Tuition standard
1. All candidates who plan to enroll for master's degree (those who have not paid) must pay the training fee, which is 7000 yuan/year.
2. For doctoral candidates who should pay training fees according to regulations, the payment standard is 12000 yuan/year.
3. The training fee is paid annually from June 8 to June 14.
2、 Payment method:
1. In Hebei Province, the system of "CCB collecting tuition and miscellaneous fees on behalf of others" can be used to handle payment procedures at any CCB savings outlet. Please provide the payment number (7100409) of Hebei Medical University to the bank when making payment http://www.med126.com Students' names and payment numbers (check the payment list below), and ask the savings outlets for the "receipt of CCB's collection of tuition and miscellaneous fees". If errors are found, they should be corrected immediately.
2. Other provinces and cities are unable to use the system of "CCB collecting tuition and miscellaneous fees on behalf of others" to collect and collate online medical information at www.med126.com. Please use the following account name and account number to remit money through the bank, but the student's name and payment number must be indicated (do not use the name of the parent to remit money).
Account name: Hebei Medical University
Opening bank: Guang'an Street Branch of China Construction Bank in Shijiazhuang
Account: 13001615236050506269
3、 Others
1. At the time of enrollment, you can exchange the "receipt of tuition and miscellaneous fees collected by CCB" or the bank remittance for the uniform receipt of fees issued by the financial department of the school.
2. It is planned to issue the admission notice at the end of June after being approved by the provincial education examination institute.

For Hebei Medical University scholarship, the level of the first year admission grant for postgraduates is determined according to their postgraduate entrance examination results. Students who recommend exemption from the examination can receive awards and grants higher than the tuition fees. Hebei Medical University scholarships can also receive awards and grants higher than the tuition fees based on the excellent results of the postgraduate entrance examination, while other students can receive awards and grants of different grades according to the entrance examination results.
Scholarships of Hebei Medical University, including national scholarships, inspirational scholarships, scholarships of colleges and universities, private scholarships, etc., and the amount of private scholarships varies from college to college.

The academic scholarship standards for graduate students shall not exceed 60% of the national scholarship standards for graduate students at the same stage. The allocation of academic scholarships for graduate students should be inclined to basic disciplines and disciplines (majors and directions) urgently needed by the country. The central universities should dynamically adjust the coverage, grades and award standards of academic scholarships for graduate students according to the actual situation.
Postgraduates who have won academic scholarship awards for postgraduates can also obtain national scholarships for postgraduates, national grants for postgraduates, etc.
The central finance will provide support for the academic scholarship of ordinary colleges and universities (referred to as the central colleges and universities) affiliated to the department according to the standard of 10000 yuan per student per year for doctoral students, 6000 yuan per student per year for postgraduate students, and a certain proportion of the number of students on campus. Colleges and universities affiliated to the central government departments shall distribute academic scholarships for graduate students of that year to the award-winning students in a lump sum before November 30 of each year, and record the academic scholarships obtained by graduate students in student status files.

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Source: Hebei Medical University Scholarship 2022