Ningxia Normal University Reexamination Admission Score

Updated on: 2024-03-28 12:01:14 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli
 Ningxia Normal University Reexamination Admission Score
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About the "Ningxia Normal University Graduate Examination", we collected some real questions and re examination resources of Ningxia Normal University graduate examination, which are free of charge; It also provides paid initial/second/adjustment tutoring of Ningxia Normal University (reasonable fees, internal resources, guaranteed effects). If you need to receive resources or understand graduate tutoring, please add the sister WeChat on the website.

The re examination admission score of Ningxia Normal University must be collected and referenced before choosing a school or a major, which reflects the difficulty of postgraduate entrance examination and the popularity of the major in Ningxia Normal University. Each year, the postgraduate school will count and sort out the admission score line of Ningxia Normal University in the first time. The following is the score line of the postgraduate entrance examination of Ningxia Normal University over the years. I hope it will be useful for your postgraduate entrance examination.

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1. Please add your WeChat QR code to query the admission score, ranking and number of students in each major last year.
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3. To see the quota and information of our school's adjustment majors, please search the [Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment v] applet on WeChat, or add an elder sister to inquire.
4. If you want to find a schoolmate who is going ashore to provide adjustment guidance, please add the WeChat QR code of the schoolmate next to it.
Ningxia Normal University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score National line of postgraduate entrance examination over the years
2024 Ningxia Normal University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Retest Score Line)
2023 Ningxia Normal University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Retest Score Line)
2022 Ningxia Normal University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Retest Score Line)
2021 Ningxia Normal University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Retest Score Line)
2020 Ningxia Normal University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score (Postgraduate Retest Score)
2019 Ningxia Normal University Postgraduate Entrance Examination and Retest Score Line
2018 Ningxia Normal University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score
2017 Ningxia Normal University Postgraduate Entrance Examination and Retest Score Line
2016 Ningxia Normal University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score

2024 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2023 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2022 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2021 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2020 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
National line for postgraduate entrance examination [2006-2024]
2019 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2018 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2017 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2016 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2015 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
National line for postgraduate entrance examination in 2014
2013 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line

The scores of the postgraduate entrance examination are being updated. Please refer to the scores of previous years.

2023 Ningxia Normal University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Retest Score Line)

The 2023 Ningxia Normal University postgraduate entrance examination score (postgraduate reexamination score) has not been released yet. We will collect, sort out and release it at the first time. Please pay attention to this page. In addition, the following is the postgraduate entrance examination score line of previous years for your reference, thank you.
Click to view the re examination score line in previous years: 2023 Ningxia Normal University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Retest Score Line) The 2023 Ningxia Normal University postgraduate entrance examination score (postgraduate reexamination score) has not been released yet. We will collect, sort out and release it at the first time. Please pay attention to this page. In addition, the following is the postgraduate entrance examination score line of previous years for your reference, thank you.

In accordance with the Notice of the Ministry of Education on Printing and Distributing the Administrative Provisions on the Enrollment of National Postgraduates in 2022 (TJH [2021] No. 2) and the Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment of National Postgraduates in 2022 (TZS [2022] No. 4), as well as the spirit of relevant meetings of the Autonomous Region Education and Examination Institute, According to the current situation of epidemic prevention and control, and in combination with the actual situation of the school, the work plan for the 2022 postgraduate recruitment reexamination and admission of Ningxia Normal University is hereby formulated.
1、 Re examination principle
(1) Insist on the scientificity of the second interview. Actively explore and follow the selection rules of high-level professional talents, adopt comprehensive and diversified investigation methods and methods, carefully design the content of the retest, and ensure the quality of students.
(2) Adhere to the fairness and impartiality of the second interview. Make policies transparent, procedures open, results open, and supervision mechanisms sound, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of candidates.
(3) Insist on the safety of the retest. Considering the epidemic prevention and control requirements comprehensively, the remote network reexamination mode is adopted to reduce the gathering of personnel and ensure the safety and health of teachers and students.
(4) Adhere to the comprehensiveness of the reexamination. Make a comprehensive examination and highlight the key points. On the basis of the comprehensive investigation of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor, highlight the examination of the examinees' professional quality, foreign language listening and speaking ability, practical ability and innovation spirit.
2、 Re examination organization
(1) The enrollment reexamination work is carried out under the leadership of the Ningxia Normal University Enrollment Committee (Graduate Enrollment Working Group), responsible for the leadership and supervision of all aspects of the reexamination.
(2) The discipline inspection commission of the university supervises the reexamination and admission work throughout the process, the graduate school is responsible for coordinating the enrollment organization and arrangement, and each graduate training school is responsible for enrollment matters.
(3) Each college shall set up a leading group for enrollment reexamination, with the dean of each college as the team leader, and the team leader responsibility system shall be implemented. Formulate the detailed rules for the implementation of the reexamination work of the unit, and submit them to the Graduate School for approval before implementation.
(4) The reexamination work of each discipline (field) and specialty (direction) is organized and carried out under the unified leadership of the training unit. The number of reexamination examiners is generally no more than 5, consisting of supervisor team leader, supervisor, associate professor (doctor) and above. All colleges must provide special training for the staff participating in the re examination, strengthen their awareness of confidentiality, responsibility and the rule of law, improve their ability to use new technologies and equipment, and prepare for the standard and efficient completion of the re examination.
3、 Re examination form and requirements
(1) Re examination form
1. The remote network reexamination method is adopted. It is suggested to use comprehensive and open questions that can select candidates' innovation ability, professional quality and comprehensive quality. The reexamination is an oral test, and the candidates randomly select questions to answer.
2. The retest platform uses China Mobile Cloud Examination Center (download website: ), User Manual for Online Exam Specification of Cloud Exam Center (see Annex 1). The backup retest platform is "Tencent Conference". Before the formal retest, candidates need to install software on the equipment in advance and master relevant operations.
3. The examinee side adopts "double seats". "The first machine" refers to the equipment used for interview. One laptop or desktop computer+camera+microphone+speaker is located in front of the examinee and is used to collect the examinee's audio and video. During the second interview, the examinee shall face the camera and keep upright sitting posture. All kinds of earphones shall not be used, but his hands shall be exposed so that the second interview personnel can clearly see the hand movements. The "second machine" is the equipment used to monitor the interview environment. A mobile phone or laptop or desktop computer (equipped with a camera) is located behind the examinee's side to ensure that the examinee's test screen can be clearly seen by the re examination expert group.
4. The computer shall be installed with the latest version of China Mobile Cloud examination room client (see Annex 2 for corresponding hardware and environmental requirements), and the computer shall ensure stable broadband access. Candidates install the latest version of China Mobile Cloud Exam Room APP on their mobile phones, use their mobile phone numbers to log in to the candidates' terminals, and ensure that the APP has obtained camera and microphone permissions. Candidates' mobile phones must use stable wireless broadband or unimpeded 4G and above networks, and ensure that mobile devices can be turned off for calls, screen recording, screen locking, playing music outside, alarm clock and other applications that may affect the interview, so as to ensure that the mobile phone has sufficient power.
5. Candidates should be in a quiet and clean environment that is bright and suitable, avoiding backlighting, and free from interference. Before the exam starts, the camera should be rotated 360 degrees slowly to show the surrounding environment, so as to ensure that there are no relevant books, articles or other personnel during the second interview. Candidates answer questions as required by the reexamination group. According to the requirements of national education examination confidentiality, the retest questions, questions and answers raised during the retest are classified as national confidential materials. Candidates are not allowed to take photos, record, video, or screen during the retest. They are not allowed to release the relevant information of the retest to the network or disclose it to others. Violators are subject to the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examination (Order No. 18 of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China).
6. In case of any of the following behaviors during the re examination, the re examination score or qualification shall be cancelled:
(1) The video stand is not placed according to the relevant requirements of the remote network retest, there is a dead corner for monitoring, or the surrounding environment is deliberately blocked, affecting observation, and still does not correct after reminding;
(2) There are books, materials, other electronic equipment and other irrelevant personnel within the scope of video monitoring;
(3) Talking with others, exchanging secret signals or gestures during the second interview;
(4) Receiving and delivering goods with irrelevant personnel around during the re examination;
(5) Leaving the seat or video monitoring range without authorization during the second interview;
(6) Refusing or obstructing the reexamination staff to perform their management duties, or infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of other candidates;
(7) Other acts in violation of examination regulations.
(2) Re examination requirements
1. It is necessary to implement the main responsibility. The main person in charge of the school performs the main responsibility. The leader in charge is directly responsible. The Graduate School is responsible for implementing the main responsibility and cultivating the school, the leader of the tutor and the tutor to assume the responsibility of hosting. The responsibilities are clear, the matters are clear, each assumes his or her own responsibility, and fully cooperates to ensure the safety of the research and examination.
2. Comprehensive assessment. Each training college should give full play to the role of reexamination, strengthen the comprehensive inspection and evaluation of students, pay attention to the assessment of academic knowledge, and also strengthen the inspection of examinees' professional ability and quality and research innovation potential; We should not only pay attention to the examinee's exam results, but also pay attention to the consistent performance of students. The reexamination should not only adhere to the policy, but also deepen the reform, actively explore the selection rules of high-level professionals, and make innovative talents stand out.
3. Adhere to the difference reexamination. Each college should announce the difference proportion in advance, and the difference proportion should not be less than 120%. Strengthen the examination of examinees' professional subjects, improve the methods of evaluation, and give full play to the important role of the tutor group in the selection of reexamination. Firmly avoid going through the second interview.
4. Adhere to people first. Enhance service awareness and improve management level. It is necessary to strengthen humanistic care and personalized arrangements, actively take effective measures, strengthen the care and assistance for special groups such as examinees in poor areas and disabled examinees, and ensure that all examinees should take the exam. Strengthen the standardized management of the re examination process, and achieve "three randomness" ("randomly determine the re examination order of candidates", "randomly determine the composition of the tutor group", and "randomly select the re examination questions")
5. Each college is responsible for the specific operation of reexamination enrollment. The Graduate School reviews the reexamination candidate notice and proposed enrollment list of each college, and can send them to candidates only after they pass the review; If the review is not passed, it will be returned to each college, and the problem will be corrected and resubmitted. The whole process of the re examination must be recorded and recorded to make the whole process traceable. The Graduate School shall retain the audio and video data of the second interview for more than one year. It is necessary to unblock the channels for examinees to contact and consult, arrange special personnel to accept the examinees' consultation, and answer questions for examinees through various platforms.
6. Make overall plans for epidemic prevention and control and emergency response. The school should assign special personnel to the epidemic detection and quarantine and material support team to do a good job of disinfection and ventilation in each examination room and temperature measurement and registration of retest personnel during the retest. Carefully sort out the reexamination work environment, study and judge possible emergencies, and strictly follow the relevant provisions of epidemic prevention and control and emergency response plans.
7. Deal with cheating candidates seriously. Cheating candidates shall be seriously dealt with in accordance with the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examination and the Regulations on the Administration of Students in Ordinary Colleges and Universities whenever they are verified and determined. Any cheating gang involving public officials in the education system shall be dealt with seriously in accordance with relevant regulations. If a crime is constituted, the judicial organ shall investigate the criminal responsibility according to law.
4、 Re examination schedule
1. Volunteer candidates and reassigned candidates should adhere to the principle of the same way, the same process, and separate reexamination to arrange the reexamination work.
(1) From March 25 to March 26, a second interview for a volunteer candidate will be held.
On March 25, the examinee qualification review and online debugging were carried out.
The English proficiency test will be conducted from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on March 26, and the comprehensive interview will be conducted from 14:30 p.m. to 18:30 p.m. The additional test for the same academic qualifications will be arranged by the College of Admission.
(2) In the first ten days of April, we began to adjust enrollment. The disciplines (fields) and majors (directions) listed in the Master's Enrollment Announcement (I) released on the official website of the Graduate School are available for transfer. Please pay attention to the adjustment announcement on the official website of the Graduate School.
5、 Examinee qualification review
Strictly examine the qualification of candidates and strictly close the entrance to the reexamination. Candidates sign the Letter of Commitment for Integrity Reexamination online through the reexamination platform. Candidate qualification examination is conducted online. Together with the software platform provider, we will use technologies such as "two recognition" ("face recognition" and "ID recognition"), and take measures such as "four comparison" (comparison of "application database", "student status and education database", "population information database" and "examinee examination integrity archive database") to strengthen the examination and verification of examinees' identities and prevent "substitute examination" for retest.
Before the re examination, candidates must submit the electronic version of the following re examination qualification review materials to the applicant college via email or the re examination platform, and the relevant originals should be kept properly. All candidates should be comprehensively reviewed within three months after enrollment. The examinee must ensure the authenticity of the materials provided, and fraud is strictly prohibited. If fraud is found in the reexamination, the student status of the examinee will be canceled and the relevant responsibility will be investigated. If the circumstances are serious, the examinee will be transferred to the relevant department for investigation and handling.
(1) Fresh undergraduate: scanning copy of my ID card (scanning the front and back of the second-generation ID card), admission card for preliminary examination candidates, student card, recently bareheaded one inch color photo on the front, undergraduate transcript (issued by the educational administration department, stamped with official seal and scanned), online verification report of student status of the Ministry of Education, and assessment form of ideological and political morality of candidates.
(2) Past examinees: scanned copies of their ID cards (scanned front and back of the second-generation ID cards), admission cards for preliminary examinations, recent bareheaded one inch color photos on the front, scanned copies of graduation certificates, electronic registration and filing forms of academic certificates issued by the Ministry of Education, assessment forms of examinees' ideological and political morality, and scanned copies of undergraduate graduation papers.
(3) Candidates with equivalent academic qualifications: scanned copies of their ID cards (scanned front and back of second-generation ID cards), admission cards for preliminary examinations, recently bareheaded one inch color photos on the front, scanned copies of junior college graduation certificates, electronic registration and filing forms of academic certificates issued by the Ministry of Education, assessment forms of candidates' ideological and political morality, scanned copies of junior college graduation theses.
6、 Basic content and form of retest
The second round of examination includes comprehensive interview, English proficiency test and additional examination with the same academic level.
(1) Comprehensive interview
1. Comprehensive interview is required for all disciplines and specialties. The interview takes the form of remote online, highlighting the examinee's professional quality, logical thinking ability, ability to analyze and solve problems, language expression ability, innovation potential and other comprehensive qualities.
2. The examinee's political and ideological performance and moral quality are assessed at the same time as the comprehensive interview, and the results are not quantified and recorded in the total score, but those who fail the assessment will not be admitted.
3. During the comprehensive interview, candidates will randomly select test questions and answer them after online debugging is ready. Each training college needs to order and bag comprehensive interview questions in advance, formulate specific test methods and clear scoring standards, and candidates can select questions online to answer. The comprehensive reexamination is completed and the results are submitted to the Graduate School.
4. The members of the reexamination team must score independently on site, and the staff members should calculate and review accurately. The team leader should inform the examinees immediately after the review to ensure accuracy, fairness and transparency. The scoring records and the materials related to the examinee's answers shall be kept properly by the training college, and no one shall change them. At the end of the reexamination, the summary sheet of the reexamination results of the examinees of each college shall be signed by the leader of the college's enrollment leading group and affixed with the college's official seal before being submitted to the Graduate School.
5. The comprehensive interview adopts the hundred point system, and the full score is 100. The interview duration of each candidate is 10-15 minutes.
(2) English Proficiency Test
1. The English proficiency test adopts the structured instant question and answer form, which is organized and arranged by the College of Foreign Languages, and the corresponding test methods and clear scoring standards are formulated. The test questions (including test papers, answers and scoring standards) are properly kept by the College of Foreign Languages.
2. English proficiency test is divided into academic degree test and professional degree test. Candidates randomly select online test questions and answer them immediately. After the test, the School of Foreign Languages will report the test results to the Graduate School.
3. The score of English proficiency test shall be 100 points, and the interview duration of each candidate shall not exceed 10 minutes in principle.
(3) Additional examination with the same academic level
1. Candidates with the same educational level (including undergraduate graduates with nationally recognized academic qualifications and adult fresh undergraduate graduates) who participate in the re examination must take at least two major undergraduate courses related to the major they are applying for in the re examination. The additional subjects should not be the same as those in the initial examination. The difficulty of the test questions should be strictly in line with the requirements of the undergraduate syllabus.
2. The additional examination for the same academic qualification is organized by each enrollment college. The examination time for each subject is 90 minutes, and the full score is 100 points. The test questions (including test papers, answers and scoring standards) shall be ordered and properly kept by each training unit. After the examination, the scores shall be submitted to the Graduate School.
3. The score of additional subjects will not be included in the total score of the re examination, but if one additional subject has less than 60 points, it will not be accepted.
7、 Score accounting
(1) Check the results of the second examination. The score of the second examination is 100 points, of which 85% is professional basic interview and 15% is English proficiency test.
(2) Submission and release of re examination results. After the re examination, each training college will publish the scores of the hundred mark system and the scores converted by percentage on the Internet and report them to the Graduate School. After being approved by the graduate recruitment working group meeting of the school, each training college will release the notice of admission through the research recruitment website.
(3) Total admission score. The total score of admission is 100 points. It is calculated by the weighted sum of the total score of the second round exam and the total score of the first round exam (converted to the hundred point system), in which the weight of the first round exam score accounts for 70% and the weight of the second round exam score accounts for 30%.
8、 Dispensing
Basic conditions and working procedures for candidates' transfer
(1) Meet the application conditions of the transferred major.
(2) The preliminary examination results meet the basic requirements of the national preliminary examination results of the first volunteer major in the transfer area.
(3) The transferred major is the same or similar to the first volunteer's major, and should be within the same discipline category. According to "combining the source of students, enrollment plan and training practice, independently determine other professional background requirements, but shall not introduce discriminatory or other unfair provisions". Candidates for music, art and sports in the master of education discipline teaching should have corresponding discipline (specialty) foundation. See the detailed rules for implementation of enrollment reexamination published by the College of Enrollment for specific discipline foundation requirements.
(4) The preliminary examination subjects are the same or similar to the preliminary examination subjects of the transfer in specialty, and the national unified proposition subjects of the preliminary examination should be the same as the national unified proposition subjects of the transfer in specialty.
(5) In the national unified proposition subjects, English 1 and English 2 can be regarded as the same; Mathematics I, Mathematics II, Mathematics III, Mathematics (Agriculture) and economic comprehensive ability can be regarded as the same.
(6) Standardize the adjustment and admission procedures. For the transferred candidates who apply for the same major and have the same subjects in the initial examination in the same enrollment unit, the enrollment unit shall select the best candidates according to their initial examination results to determine the scope of candidates for re examination. It is strictly prohibited for any training unit or individual to arbitrarily delimit the scope of candidates for the second round examination. It is not allowed to take the order of time in which candidates submit their transfer wishes, or the non academic standards of the unit, industry, region, school level and category of candidates as the selection conditions, nor to set other discriminatory conditions. The adjustment work shall be coordinated by the Graduate School, and each training school shall operate and cooperate with each other.
9、 Admission
(1) The basic requirements for admission are that the preliminary examination results should meet the basic requirements of the 2022 national preliminary examination results, the political, ideological and moral quality should be qualified, the academic performance should be good, the potential ability quality should be outstanding, the re examination results should be good, and the body should be healthy.
(2) After the first volunteer candidate is accepted for the second interview, the candidate will be transferred for the second interview according to the plan.
(3) Candidates to be admitted who do not accept the indicators vacated, and those dynamically adjusted during the implementation of the plan, can make up for those who have passed the retest.
(4) All candidates to be admitted shall be publicized by the Graduate School. Candidates who have not been publicized shall not be admitted or registered.
(5) However, those who have one of the following circumstances will not be admitted:
1. Those who fail in the re examination (the total score of the re examination is less than 60 points);
2. The additional test scores of the examinees with the same academic qualifications are not included in the total scores of the second round exam, and are taken as the reference scores for admission. One additional test subject has less than 60 points;
3. Candidates who are found to have fraud and violation of discipline at any time;
4. Candidates who fail to submit the physical examination report within the specified time or fail the physical examination;
5. The examinee who enjoys the care policy for ethnic minorities fails to submit the targeted cultivation agreement within the specified time;
6. Within three months after enrollment, the unqualified candidates shall be reexamined in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Regulations on the Administration of Students in Ordinary Colleges and Universities.
10、 Information disclosure
According to the relevant policy requirements of the Ministry of Education, the postgraduate enrollment information of our school is published on the "National Postgraduate Enrollment Information Public Platform", and the relevant information is also released on the official website of the Graduate School of Ningxia Normal University, please pay attention to it in time.
11、 Other precautions
(1) Candidates who pass the reexamination and are proposed to be admitted by our university need to undergo a physical examination. After the physical examination, they should submit a scanned copy of the physical examination report to the Graduate School. After being transferred to be admitted, they should participate in a physical examination and submit a physical examination report in a timely manner.
(2) After the re examination procedure is completed, the candidates to be admitted must go through relevant procedures (such as file access) as soon as possible.
(3) Our school strictly standardizes and implements the policy of adding points to the total score of the preliminary examination for the postgraduate entrance examination. Before the re examination, candidates who add points to the total score of the preliminary examination must submit relevant certification materials to the college of application via email or the re examination platform, and our school will determine whether to participate in the re examination after verification.
(4) The Graduate School of our university is responsible for the external interpretation of matters not covered in this reexamination plan.
(5) The information about the adjustment, reexamination and admission of our school will be published on the official website of the Graduate School. Please pay attention to it.
12、 Contact information of each college

college contacts contact number mailbox
College of Arts Miss Wu 0954-2020809
School of Political History Miss Cheng 0954-2036631
School of Foreign Languages Miss Yao 0954-2035865
School of Mathematics and Accounting Teacher Fang 0954-2079712
College of Physics and Electricity Miss Cheng 0954-2079729
chemical engineering institute Miss Wang 0954-2079701
College of Education and Science Miss Li 0954-2039221
School of Music and Dance Teacher Nie 0954-2024818
Physical Education Institute Miss Ling 0954-2079719
Academy of Fine Arts Talking about teachers fifteen billion one hundred and seventeen million one hundred and forty-six thousand three hundred and thirty-nine

Tel.: 0954-2023221
Contact address: Graduate School on the third floor of Yifu Building, Guyan Campus, Ningxia Normal University
NingXia Teachers University
March 22, 2022

The score line of postgraduates in the 2021 postgraduate entrance examination and retest of Ningxia Normal University refers to the basic requirements for the preliminary examination results of candidates in the 2021 national postgraduate entrance examination (academic degree and professional degree)
NingXia Teachers University

90% of the students visited: The real question of postgraduate entrance examination in Ningxia Normal University Graduate School of Ningxia Normal University Admission Brochure of Ningxia Normal University Contact Information of Ningxia Normal University Ningxia Normal University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score inquiry of Ningxia Normal University Postgraduate major of Ningxia Normal University Ningxia Normal University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Graduate Supervisor of Ningxia Normal University Major Ranking of Ningxia Normal University Bibliography of Ningxia Normal University Experience of Ningxia Normal University in Postgraduate Entrance Examination Ningxia Normal University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Report Problems of Postgraduate Entrance Examination in Ningxia Normal University

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