Hunan University of Technology Reexamination Admission Score

Updated on: March 28, 2024 11:55:11 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli
 Hunan University of Technology Reexamination Admission Score
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As for the "postgraduate entrance examination of Hunan University of Technology", we collected some real questions and re examination resources for the postgraduate entrance examination of Hunan University of Technology for free; It also provides paid preliminary/re examination/adjustment counseling of Hunan University of Technology (reasonable fees, internal resources, guaranteed effects). If you need to receive resources or understand postgraduate counseling, please add the sister WeChat on the website.

The re examination admission score of Hunan University of Technology must be collected and referenced before choosing a university or a major. It reflects the difficulty of postgraduate entrance examination and the popularity of the major in Hunan University of Technology. Each year, the postgraduate school will count and sort out the admission score of the second round exam of Hunan University of Technology at the first time. The following is the score line of the postgraduate entrance examination of Hunan University of Technology over the years. I hope it will be useful for your postgraduate entrance examination.

Specially recommended by the sister of Hunan University of Technology:

1. Please add your WeChat QR code to query the admission score, ranking and number of students in each major last year.
2. Please add your sister's WeChat QR code when you ask her to tutor for the second and first exam.
3. To see the quota and information of our school's adjustment majors, please search the [Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment v] applet on WeChat, or add an elder sister to inquire.
4. If you want to find a schoolmate who is going ashore to provide adjustment guidance, please add the WeChat QR code of the schoolmate next to it.
Entrance Examination Score of Hunan University of Technology National line of postgraduate entrance examination over the years
2024 Hunan University of Technology Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score (Postgraduate Reexamination Score)
2023 Hunan University of Technology Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score (Postgraduate Reexamination Score)
2022 Hunan University of Technology Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score (Postgraduate Retest Score)
2021 Hunan University of Technology Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score (Postgraduate Retest Score)
2020 Hunan University of Technology Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score (Postgraduate Reexamination Score)
2019 Hunan University of Technology Graduate Entrance Examination Re examination Score
2018 Hunan University of Technology Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score
2017 Hunan University of Technology Graduate Entrance Examination Re examination Score Line
2016 Hunan University of Technology Graduate Entrance Examination Re examination Score
2015 Hunan University of Technology Graduate Entrance Examination Re examination Score
Graduates' score of 2014 Hunan University of Technology postgraduate entrance examination
2013 Hunan University of Technology Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score

2024 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2023 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2022 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2021 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2020 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
National line for postgraduate entrance examination [2006-2024]
2019 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2018 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2017 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2016 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2015 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
National line for postgraduate entrance examination in 2014
2013 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line

The basic requirements for the preliminary examination results of the 2024 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination of our university are announced as follows:
1. According to the Ministry of Education's Basic Requirements for the Preliminary Examination Results of the 2024 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Candidates to Enter the Retest (hereinafter referred to as the national line), the following majors of our school will draw their own lines on the basis of meeting the national line of Class A candidates.
College of Admissions major
Major name Total score Single family
(Full score=100 points)
Single family
(Full score > 100)
College of Marxism 030500 Marxist theory three hundred and forty-one forty-seven seventy-one
045102 Discipline Teaching (Ideological and Political Education) three hundred and eighty-one fifty-one seventy-seven
College of Packaging Design one hundred and forty thousand and three hundred Design three hundred and thirty-nine forty one hundred and ten
one hundred and thirty-five thousand and seven hundred Design three hundred and sixty-five forty one hundred and fifteen
School of Electrical and Information Engineering 085800 Energy power three hundred and two thirty-seven fifty-six
school of computing 085400 Electronic information
(Communication technology direction)
three hundred and eight thirty-seven fifty-six
085400 Electronic information
(Computer Technology Direction)
two hundred and eighty-eight thirty-nine fifty-seven
School of Economics and Business one hundred and twenty-five thousand and three hundred accounting two hundred and one fifty-four one hundred and twenty-seven
Business School one hundred and twenty-five thousand and one hundred business administration one hundred and sixty-three thirty-nine seventy-eight
one hundred and twenty-five thousand and two hundred public administration one hundred and seventy-four forty-three eighty-six
one hundred and twenty-five thousand six hundred and four Logistics Engineering and Management one hundred and ninety-eight forty-three eighty-six
law school 030100 Legal Theory three hundred and thirty-eight forty-seven one hundred and one
College of City and Environment 095138 Rural development two hundred and sixty-nine thirty-six seventy-seven
Physical Education Institute 045201 physical education three hundred and thirty forty-two two hundred and nine
academy of music one hundred and thirty-five thousand and two hundred Music (Vocal Direction) three hundred and eighty forty-five one hundred and twenty
one hundred and thirty-five thousand and two hundred Music (Piano Direction) three hundred and sixty-seven forty-two ninety-four
Rail Transit College 085400 Electronic information two hundred and seventy-nine forty fifty-six
2. The rest of the majors are national scores of A-class candidates from the Ministry of Education.
3. The requirements for the preliminary examination results of the candidates of the "Recruitment Plan for Postgraduates of Retired University Soldiers" of our school to enter the second round exam are: on the basis of the national score line of the A-class candidates for the major, the single subject passes the line, with a total score of more than 4 points.
4. The second interview is a competitive second interview. If there are enough qualified students for each enrollment major, the competitive second interview proportion will be determined between 120% and 130%. If there are insufficient qualified students for each major, the second interview will be organized according to the actual number of qualified students. The proportion of the difference between the re examination of the transferred candidates will be determined at 120% - 150%. See the re examination plan issued by each college for details.
Disciplines with fewer enrollment plans and greater student mobility can appropriately expand the proportion of difference retest, but it shall be implemented after being reviewed and approved by the Graduate School.
5. Candidates who enjoy the preferential policies for ethnic minorities (working units and ethnic minority employees whose household registration is in the ethnic autonomous regions announced by the State Council, and who have targeted employment in the original units) shall follow the basic line of the second exam scores corresponding to category B candidates in the Basic Requirements for the First Exam Scores of Candidates for the 2024 National Postgraduate Enrollment Examination to Enter the Second Exam.

Graduation Test Score of Hunan University of Technology in 2023

The score of the second round exam for majors in art design, dance, radio and television, music, etc. is 362. The re examination score of logistics engineering and management specialty is 178 points, accounting specialty is 197 points, public management specialty is 175 points, and business management specialty is 167 points. The re examination score of biology and medicine, civil engineering and water conservancy, energy and power and other majors is 273 points, materials and chemical engineering, machinery and other majors is 273 points, and biomedical engineering is 279 points.
In addition, the postgraduate admission score of packaging engineering, material science and engineering, mechanical engineering and other majors is 273.
Please note that these scores are for reference only, and the specific scores may vary depending on the major, college, number of applicants and difficulty of the exam. It is suggested to visit the official website of Hunan University of Technology or the relevant enrollment information website to obtain more detailed and accurate score information.
The score of 2022 has not been announced yet. The following is the score of 2021 retest for reference. We will update the score of postgraduate entrance examination in 2022 as soon as possible
(1) The enrollment plan is divided into academic plan and professional plan. The leading group for postgraduate enrollment plans the development characteristics, discipline layout, discipline construction, tutor scale, scientific research funds, training quality, student source and other aspects of the school. After the enrollment plan is issued, all colleges must strictly follow it. If any college fails to complete its enrollment plan before 10:00 on April 15, the school will make secondary allocation of the remaining plans according to the source of students.
(2) According to the requirements of the Ministry of Education on carrying out the competitive reexamination and selecting outstanding talents, each college can determine the number of participants in the reexamination within 1.2-1.5 times of the enrollment plan. See the reexamination plan issued by each college for details. Disciplines and majors with fewer enrollment plans can appropriately expand the proportion of difference retest. If there are candidates who exceed the difference range but have the same total score (the last one has the same total score), they can naturally enter the re examination of the specialty. According to the enrollment plan issued by the university, the enrollment plan of each discipline (specialty), the number of re examinees and the list of re examinees of the college shall be arranged in a timely and reasonable manner and announced by each college.
(3) The preliminary score of MPACC candidates entering the second round exam is: total score ≥ 203, English ≥ 46, and comprehensive score ≥ 92.
(4) According to the relevant policies of the Ministry of Education, our school can independently determine the preliminary examination results of the candidates for the "Recruitment Plan for Postgraduates of Retired University Soldiers" and accept the adjustment of candidates for the "Recruitment Plan for Postgraduates of Retired University Soldiers". The preliminary score requirements for the candidates of our school's "Recruitment Plan for Postgraduates of Retired College Soldiers" to enter the second round exam are: single subject (total score=100 points) ≥ 30 points, professional courses (total score=150 points) ≥ 50 points, and single subject (total score=300 points) ≥ 170 points.
(5) Candidates who are qualified for additional points as required by the Ministry of Education (such as the "Western Volunteer Service Program for College Students", the "Three Supports and One Support Program", etc.) should contact the Graduate School Admissions Office in advance with relevant certificates.
(6) Each college can adjust the retest score upward (including the soldier's planned retest score) according to the enrollment plan, student source, discipline and specialty characteristics, etc
(7) No special reexamination and admission will be conducted for all majors.
(8) Those who cheat in the re examination shall not be admitted.
(1) The enrollment plan is divided into academic plan and professional plan. The leading group for postgraduate enrollment plans the development characteristics, discipline layout, discipline construction, tutor scale, scientific research funds, training quality, student source and other aspects of the school. After the enrollment plan is issued, all colleges must strictly follow it. If any college fails to complete its enrollment plan before 10:00 on April 15, the school will make secondary allocation of the remaining plans according to the source of students.
(2) According to the requirements of the Ministry of Education on carrying out the competitive reexamination and selecting outstanding talents, each college can determine the number of participants in the reexamination within 1.2-1.5 times of the enrollment plan. See the reexamination plan issued by each college for details. Disciplines and majors with fewer enrollment plans can appropriately expand the proportion of difference retest. If there are candidates who exceed the difference range but have the same total score (the last one has the same total score), they can naturally enter the re examination of the specialty. According to the enrollment plan issued by the university, the enrollment plan of each discipline (specialty), the number of re examinees and the list of re examinees of the college shall be arranged in a timely and reasonable manner and announced by each college.
(3) The preliminary score of MPACC candidates entering the second round exam is: total score ≥ 203, English ≥ 46, and comprehensive score ≥ 92.
(4) According to the relevant policies of the Ministry of Education, our school can independently determine the preliminary examination results of the candidates for the "Recruitment Plan for Postgraduates of Retired University Soldiers" and accept the adjustment of candidates for the "Recruitment Plan for Postgraduates of Retired University Soldiers". The preliminary score requirements for the candidates of our school's "Recruitment Plan for Postgraduates of Retired College Soldiers" to enter the second round exam are: single subject (total score=100 points) ≥ 30 points, professional courses (total score=150 points) ≥ 50 points, and single subject (total score=300 points) ≥ 170 points.
(5) Candidates who are qualified for additional points as required by the Ministry of Education (such as the "Western Volunteer Service Program for College Students", the "Three Supports and One Support Program", etc.) should contact the Graduate School Admissions Office in advance with relevant certificates.
(6) Each college can adjust the retest score upward (including the soldier's planned retest score) according to the enrollment plan, student source, discipline and specialty characteristics, etc
(7) No special reexamination and admission will be conducted for all majors.
(8) Those who cheat in the re examination shall not be admitted.
Hunan University of Technology

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