Graduate Entrance Examination Score of Ningxia University

Updated on: March 28, 2024 11:24:55 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli
 Graduate Entrance Examination Score of Ningxia University
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About the "Ningxia University Graduate Examination", we have collected some real questions and re examination resources of Ningxia University Graduate Examination, which are free of charge; It also provides paid initial/second/adjustment tutoring of Ningxia University (reasonable fees, internal resources, guaranteed effect). If you need to get resources or understand graduate tutoring, please add the sister WeChat on the website.

The postgraduate entrance examination score of Ningxia University must be collected and referenced before choosing a university or a major. It reflects the difficulty of postgraduate entrance examination and the popularity of majors in Ningxia University. Each year, the postgraduate school will count and sort out the postgraduate entrance examination score of Ningxia University at the first time. The following is the postgraduate entrance examination score of Ningxia University over the years. I hope it will be useful for your postgraduate entrance examination.

Specially recommended by the students of Ningxia University:

1. Please add your WeChat QR code to query the admission score, ranking and number of students in each major last year.
2. Please add your sister's WeChat QR code when you ask her to tutor for the second and first exam.
3. To see the quota and information of our school's adjustment majors, please search the [Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment v] applet on WeChat, or add an elder sister to inquire.
4. If you want to find a schoolmate who is going ashore to provide adjustment guidance, please add the WeChat QR code of the schoolmate next to it.
Graduate Entrance Examination Score of Ningxia University National line of postgraduate entrance examination over the years
2024 Ningxia University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Reexamination Score Line)
2023 Ningxia University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Reexamination Score Line)
2022 Ningxia University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Reexamination Score Line)
2021 Ningxia University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Reexamination Score Line)
2020 Ningxia University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score (Postgraduate Retest Score)
Score line of postgraduate entrance examination and re examination of Ningxia University in 2019
2018 Ningxia University Graduate Reexamination Score
2017 Ningxia University Postgraduate Reexamination Score
2016 Ningxia University Postgraduate Reexamination Score
2015 Ningxia University Postgraduate Reexamination Score
Score line of postgraduate reexamination of Ningxia University in 2014
2013 Ningxia University Postgraduate Reexamination Score

2024 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2023 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2022 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2021 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2020 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
National line for postgraduate entrance examination [2006-2024]
2019 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2018 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2017 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2016 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2015 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
National line for postgraduate entrance examination in 2014
2013 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line

Basic requirements for preliminary examination results of candidates in the 2024 postgraduate entrance examination of Ningxia University
According to the preliminary examination results of our university in 2024, and in accordance with the Basic Requirements for the Preliminary Examination Results of the Candidates for the Master's Graduate Entrance Examination of Ningxia University in 2024 approved by the leading group of enrollment of Ningxia University, candidates who meet the basic requirements of our university's re examination are invited to pay attention to the notice of the implementation rules for the re examination of master's graduate students in graduate schools and colleges at any time.
learn   art   learn   position
Name of discipline category (specialty) Total score Single family
(Full score=100 points)
Single family
(Full score > 100)
Philosophy three hundred and twenty-three forty-four sixty-six
economics three hundred and twenty-eight forty-four sixty-six
Law three hundred and twenty-one forty-four sixty-six
Law (030100) 365 (self marking) forty-four sixty-six
Basic Principles of Marxism (030501) 360 (self lineation) forty-four sixty-six
Ideological and Political Education (030505) 358 (self marking) forty-four sixty-six
education three hundred and forty forty-eight one hundred and forty-four
literature three hundred and fifty-five fifty-two seventy-eight
history three hundred and thirty-five forty-six one hundred and thirty-eight
History of China (060200) 340 (self marking) forty-six one hundred and thirty-eight
Neo Confucianism two hundred and seventy-eight thirty-eight fifty-seven
Mathematics (070100) 291 (self marking) thirty-eight fifty-seven
Chemistry (070300) 340 (self marking) thirty-eight fifty-seven
Geography (070500) 284 (self marking) thirty-eight fifty-seven
Biology (071000) 312 (self marking) thirty-eight fifty-seven
Engineering (excluding engineering care) two hundred and sixty-three thirty-four fifty-one
agronomy two hundred and forty-one thirty forty-five
Management three hundred and thirty-seven forty-six sixty-nine
Engineering care
(Mechanics [0801], Hydraulic Engineering [0815])
two hundred and fifty thirty-two forty-eight
Candidates enjoying the care policy for ethnic minorities*
(except for self marking discipline)
251 (full score 500) thirty forty-five
  expert   trade   learn   position
Professional degree name Total score Single family
(Full score=100 points)
Single family
(Full score > 100)
Social work three hundred and twenty-one forty-four sixty-six
Law (Law) (035101)
Law (non law) (035102)
322 (self marking) forty-four sixty-six
education three hundred and forty forty-eight seventy-two
Sports three hundred and three thirty-eight one hundred and fourteen
Translation, News and Communication three hundred and fifty-five fifty-two seventy-eight
museum three hundred and thirty-five forty-six one hundred and thirty-eight
Electronic information, machinery, materials and chemicals, civil engineering and water conservancy two hundred and sixty-three thirty-four fifty-one
Agriculture, veterinary medicine, forestry two hundred and forty-one thirty forty-five
Rural Development (095138) 273 (self marking) thirty forty-five
Business Administration (125100) 167 (self marking) thirty-four sixty-eight
Public management (125200) 173 (self scribing) thirty-eight seventy-six
Accounting (125300) 224 (self marking) forty-seven ninety-four
Tourism management (125400) one hundred and fifty-two thirty-four sixty-eight
Art three hundred and fifty-two thirty-seven fifty-six
Fine Arts and Calligraphy (135600) 363 (self marking) thirty-seven fifty-six
Candidates enjoying the care policy for ethnic minorities*
(except for self marking discipline)
251 (full score 500)
152 (full score 300)
thirty forty-five

The 2023 Ningxia University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Re examination Score Line) has not been released yet. We will collect, sort out and release it at the first time. Please pay attention to this page. In addition, the following is the postgraduate entrance examination score line of previous years for your reference, thank you.
Basic requirements for preliminary test scores of candidates in the 2022 postgraduate entrance examination of Ningxia University
According to the preliminary examination results of our university in 2022, and in accordance with the Basic Requirements for the Preliminary Examination Results of Candidates for the Master's Graduate Entrance Examination of Ningxia University in 2022 approved by the enrollment leading group of Ningxia University, candidates who meet the basic requirements of our university's reexamination are invited to pay attention to the notice on the reexamination work arrangement of graduate schools and graduate students in each school at any time.
Academic degree  
Name of discipline category (specialty) Total score Single subject (full score=100 points) Single subject (full score > 100)  
Philosophy three hundred and four forty-two sixty-three  
economics three hundred and fifty forty-nine seventy-four  
Law three hundred and twenty-five forty-three sixty-five  
Law (030100) 342 (self marking) forty-three sixty-five  
Ideological and Political Education (030505) 344 (self marking) forty-three sixty-five  
education three hundred and forty-one forty-eight one hundred and forty-four  
literature three hundred and fifty-seven fifty-three eighty  
history three hundred and twenty-six forty-three one hundred and twenty-nine  
Neo Confucianism two hundred and eighty thirty-six fifty-four  
Engineering (excluding engineering care) two hundred and sixty-three thirty-five fifty-three  
agronomy two hundred and forty-two thirty forty-five  
Management three hundred and forty-three forty-eight seventy-two  
Engineering Care * Mechanics [0801], Hydraulic Engineering [0815] two hundred and fifty thirty-two forty-eight  
Candidates who enjoy the care policy for ethnic minorities (except for self marking majors) two hundred and fifty-one thirty forty-five  
Professional degree  
Name of professional degree Total score Single subject (full score=100 points) Single subject (full score > 100)  
Law (law), law (non law), social work three hundred and twenty-five forty-three sixty-five  
education three hundred and forty-one forty-eight seventy-two  
Preschool education (045118) 363 (self marking) forty-eight seventy-two  
Sports two hundred and eighty-six thirty-four one hundred and two  
Translation, News and Communication three hundred and fifty-seven fifty-three eighty  
Electronic information, machinery, materials and chemicals, civil engineering and water conservancy two hundred and sixty-three thirty-five fifty-three  
Computer Technology (085404) 297 (self marking) thirty-five fifty-three  
Agriculture, veterinary medicine, forestry two hundred and forty-two thirty forty-five  
Rural Development (095138) 276 (self marking) thirty forty-five  
business administration 169 (self marking) thirty-seven seventy-four  
public administration 177 (self scribing) forty eighty  
accounting 214 (self marking) forty-five ninety  
tourism management one hundred and sixty thirty-seven seventy-four  
Art three hundred and fifty-one thirty-seven fifty-six  
Candidates who enjoy the care policy for ethnic minorities (except for self marking majors) two hundred and fifty-one thirty forty-five  
Special plan
Name of special plan Total score Single subject (full score=100 points) Single subject (full score > 100)
Ethnic Minority Backbone Talent Plan 40 points lower than the national total score of the general plan (class B candidates) of the subject you are applying for and the total score should not be less than 251 points thirty forty-five
Retired college student soldiers plan 300 points one hundred and eighty-five thirty-seven seventy-four
500 points two hundred and sixty-six thirty forty-five
Candidates who enjoy the care policy for ethnic minorities: fewer candidates who apply for the examination are located in the enrollment unit of the second district and have targeted employment in ethnic autonomous regions announced by the State Council after graduation
Undergraduate graduates from minority universities; Or ethnic minority in-service candidates whose work units and household registration are in the ethnic autonomous regions announced by the State Council, and whose targeted employment units are the original units. The information of candidates who enjoy the care policy for ethnic minorities shall be subject to the information filled in and confirmed at the time of registration.


Basic requirements for preliminary examination results of candidates for 2021 postgraduate entrance examination of Ningxia University
According to the preliminary examination results of our university in 2021, the Basic Requirements for the Preliminary Examination Results of the Candidates for the Master's Graduate Entrance Examination of Ningxia University in 2021 has been approved by the enrollment leading group of Ningxia University. Candidates who meet the basic requirements of our university's re examination are invited to pay attention to the notice on the arrangements for the re examination of the graduate school and the graduate students of each school at any time.
  Academic degree
Name of discipline category (specialty) Total score Single subject (full score=100 points) Single subject (full score > 100)
Philosophy two hundred and eighty-nine thirty-eight fifty-seven
economics three hundred and thirty-eight forty-six sixty-nine
Law three hundred and eleven forty-one sixty-two
education three hundred and twenty-seven forty-four one hundred and thirty-two
literature three hundred and forty-five fifty seventy-five
history three hundred and eleven forty one hundred and twenty
Neo Confucianism two hundred and seventy thirty-four fifty-one
Engineering (excluding engineering care) two hundred and fifty-three thirty-four fifty-one
agronomy two hundred and forty-two thirty forty-five
Management three hundred and thirty-one forty-five sixty-eight
Engineering care*
Mechanics [0801], Hydraulic Engineering [0815]
two hundred and forty-three thirty-one forty-seven
Candidates enjoying the care policy for ethnic minorities two hundred and forty-nine thirty forty-five
  Professional degree
Name of professional degree Total score Single subject (full score=100 points) Single subject (full score > 100)
Law (law), law (non law)
Social work
three hundred and eleven forty-one sixty-two
education three hundred and twenty-seven forty-four sixty-six
Sports two hundred and seventy-one thirty-two ninety-six
Translation, News and Communication three hundred and forty-five fifty seventy-five
Electronic information, machinery, materials and chemicals
Civil engineering and water conservancy
two hundred and fifty-three thirty-four fifty-one
Agriculture, veterinary medicine, forestry two hundred and forty-two thirty forty-five
business administration 170 (self marking) thirty-seven seventy-four
public administration 173 (self scribing) thirty-eight seventy-six
accounting 212 (self marking) forty-one eighty-two
tourism management one hundred and sixty thirty-seven seventy-four
Art three hundred and thirty-six thirty-five fifty-three
Candidates enjoying the care policy for ethnic minorities two hundred and forty-nine thirty forty-five
  Special plan
Name of special plan Total score Single subject (full score=100 points) Single subject (full score > 100)
Ethnic Minority Backbone Talent Plan three hundred and four thirty-eight forty-five
Retired college student soldiers plan 300 points one hundred and sixty-eight thirty-eight seventy-six
500 points two hundred and seventy-seven thirty forty-five
Candidates who enjoy the care policy for ethnic minorities: fewer candidates who apply for the examination are located in the enrollment unit of the second district and have targeted employment in ethnic autonomous regions announced by the State Council after graduation
Undergraduate graduates from minority universities; Or ethnic minority in-service candidates whose work units and household registration are in the ethnic autonomous regions announced by the State Council, and whose targeted employment units are the original units. The information of candidates who enjoy the care policy for ethnic minorities shall be subject to the information filled in and confirmed at the time of registration
Ningxia University

90% of the students visited: Graduate School of Ningxia University Admission Brochure of Ningxia University Contact information of Ningxia University Re examination for postgraduate entrance examination of Ningxia University Score inquiry of Ningxia University Postgraduate major of Ningxia University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Report of Ningxia University Graduate Entrance Examination Score of Ningxia University Major Ranking of Ningxia University Bibliography of Ningxia University Graduate Supervisor of Ningxia University Problems of postgraduate entrance examination in Ningxia University The real question of postgraduate entrance examination in Ningxia University Experience of postgraduate entrance examination in Ningxia University Graduate School of Ningxia Medical University Admission Brochure of Ningxia Medical University Contact information of Ningxia Medical University Ningxia Medical University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score inquiry of Ningxia Medical University Postgraduate major of Ningxia Medical University The ratio of postgraduate entrance examination report to record in Ningxia Medical University Graduate Entrance Examination Score of Ningxia Medical University Professional Ranking of Ningxia Medical University Bibliography of Ningxia Medical University Graduate Supervisor of Ningxia Medical University Problems of postgraduate entrance examination in Ningxia Medical University The real question of postgraduate entrance examination in Ningxia Medical University Experience of postgraduate entrance examination in Ningxia Medical University

add to Sister of Ningxia University WeChat , or WeChat search public account“ Home of Graduate Examination School ”, follow【 Home of Graduate Examination School 】WeChat official account, WeChat signal input at Home of Graduate School Entrance Examination School【 The postgraduate entrance examination score of Ningxia University, the enrollment ratio of Ningxia University, the postgraduate entrance examination group of Ningxia University, the student sister WeChat of Ningxia University, the real postgraduate entrance examination question of Ningxia University, the specialty catalog of Ningxia University, the ranking of Ningxia University, the research guarantee of Ningxia University, the public account of Ningxia University, and postgraduate enrollment of Ningxia University) 】You can view the corresponding on your phone Information or resources for postgraduate entrance examination of Ningxia University

 Official account for postgraduate entrance examination of Ningxia University  Official account of Graduate School Entrance Examination School