South China University of Technology Graduate Examination Score

Updated on: March 28, 2024 11:24:31 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli
 South China University of Technology Graduate Examination Score
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For the "South China University of Technology Graduate Examination", we collected some of the South China University of Technology postgraduate examination questions and re examination resources for free; It also provides paid tutoring for the preliminary examination/re examination/adjustment of South China University of Technology (reasonable fees, internal resources, guaranteed results). If you need to receive resources or understand graduate tutoring, please add the sister WeChat on the website.

The postgraduate entrance examination score of South China University of Technology must be collected and referenced before choosing a university or a major. It reflects the difficulty of postgraduate entrance examination and the popularity of majors in South China University of Technology. Each year, the school will count and sort out the score line of South China University of Technology's postgraduate entrance examination at the first time. The following is the score line of the postgraduate entrance examination of South China University of Technology over the years. I hope it will be useful for your postgraduate entrance examination.

Specially recommended by the students of South China University of Technology:

1. Please add your WeChat QR code to query the admission score, ranking and number of students in each major last year.
2. Please add your sister's WeChat QR code when you ask her to tutor for the second and first exam.
3. To see the quota and information of our school's adjustment majors, please search the [Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment v] applet on WeChat, or add an elder sister to inquire.
4. If you want to find a schoolmate who is going ashore to provide adjustment guidance, please add the WeChat QR code of the schoolmate next to it.
South China University of Technology Graduate Examination Score National line of postgraduate entrance examination over the years
2024 South China University of Technology Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score (Postgraduate Retest Score)
2023 South China University of Technology Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score (Postgraduate Retest Score)
2022 South China University of Technology Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score (Postgraduate Retest Score)
2021 South China University of Technology Graduate Re examination Score of Higher Education Research Institute
2021 South China University of Technology Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score (Postgraduate Retest Score)
2020 South China University of Technology Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score (Postgraduate Retest Score)
2019 South China University of Technology Graduate Entrance Examination Re examination Score
2018 South China University of Technology Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score
2017 South China University of Technology Graduate Entrance Examination Re examination Score
2016 South China University of Technology Graduate Entrance Examination Re examination Score
2015 South China University of Technology Graduate Entrance Examination Re examination Score
Graduates' score of 2014 South China University of Technology postgraduate entrance examination
2013 South China University of Technology Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score

2024 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2023 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2022 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2021 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2020 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
National line for postgraduate entrance examination [2006-2024]
2019 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2018 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2017 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2016 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2015 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
National line for postgraduate entrance examination in 2014
2013 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line

Basic requirements for preliminary test scores of candidates in 2024 Master's Entrance Examination of South China University of Technology

1、 General plan

Disciplines Category of first level discipline and professional degree
(hereinafter referred to as discipline)
Total score Single subject (full score

=100 points)
Single subject (full score

>100 points)
02 Economics Discipline three hundred and sixty sixty ninety
03 Law 0351 Law three hundred and forty fifty-five eighty-five
0352 Social Work three hundred and thirty-one fifty ninety
Other disciplines three hundred and fifty sixty ninety
04 Pedagogy 0403 Physical Education, 0452 Physical Education three hundred and thirty fifty one hundred and ninety
05 Literature Discipline three hundred and seventy sixty ninety
07 Neo Confucianism Discipline three hundred and ten fifty seventy
08 Engineering 0851 Architecture, 0853 Urban and Rural Planning

Planning, 0862 Landscape Architecture
three hundred and forty

087200 Design three hundred and sixty-two forty ninety
Other disciplines three hundred and ten fifty seventy
10 Medicine 1055 Pharmacy three hundred and thirty sixty one hundred and eighty
Other disciplines three hundred and fifteen fifty one hundred and eighty
12 Management 1251 Business Administration one hundred and sixty-two thirty-nine seventy-eight
1252 Public management one hundred and seventy-five fifty one hundred
125601 Project management one hundred and eighty fifty one hundred
1253 Accounting, 125603 Industry

Engineering and management, 125604 logistics

Engineering and management
two hundred and forty-five sixty one hundred and twenty
Other disciplines three hundred and fifty-five sixty eighty-five
13 Art Discipline three hundred and sixty-two forty ninety
14 Interdisciplinary Discipline three hundred and ten fifty seventy

2、 Candidates applying for the "Retired College Student Soldier" program have a total score of no less than 251 points in the initial examination (the specialty with a full score of 300 points in the initial examination is converted into a 500 point system), which is sorted according to the difference between the total score of candidates and the basic requirements of the subject (see the table above), and a second examination is notified from high to low.
3、 Candidates who apply for the program of "High level Key Talents of Ethnic Minorities" will have a total score of 251 points in the initial examination (the majors with the full score of 300 points in the initial examination will be converted into 500 points), and the list of candidates for the second examination will be determined according to the spirit of the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education and the relevant enrollment brochures of our school.
4、 The total score of the preliminary examination of the examinees who take the separate examination shall not be less than 265.
5、 Participated in such projects as the "Western University Volunteer Service Plan", the "Three Supports and One Support Plan", the "Rural Compulsory Education Stage School Teachers' Special Post Plan", the "Volunteer for Chinese Teachers Going Abroad", and the "Selection of University Graduates to Work in the Village", as well as the general plan for retired college student soldiers to apply for the exam, which is in line with the National Master's Enrollment Management Regulations in 2024 issued by the Ministry of Education Article 62 The policy of adding points to the preliminary examination shall be implemented for the examinees with the prescribed conditions. Relevant candidates should send an email to the Graduate Admissions Office of our university before 17:30 on March 17( )Put forward a written application and provide relevant supporting materials, and the overdue application will not be accepted.
6、 The school line is the minimum performance requirement for candidates to participate in the second round exam. Each college (department) can determine the score requirement or difference retest proportion that is not lower than the school line according to the characteristics of its own discipline (direction), the source of students and the number of enrollment plans.
7、 Our 2024 postgraduate recruitment reexamination will be conducted on the spot, and is expected to start in late March. Please pay attention to the relevant notices issued by our postgraduate recruitment website and the admission colleges (departments), keep your contact information open, and make relevant preparations in time. The specific reexamination arrangement is based on the admission colleges (departments) The detailed rules for the implementation of the reexamination and the reexamination notice issued shall prevail. South China University of Technology announced the basic score line of 2023 postgraduate recruitment reexamination

1、 National Unified Examination

(1) Academic degree

Name of discipline category Total score Single subject (full score

=100 points)
Single subject (full score

>100 points)
02 Economics three hundred and fifty fifty-five ninety
03 Law three hundred and forty sixty eighty
0403 Physical Education three hundred and forty-five fifty two hundred
05 Literature three hundred and seventy sixty ninety
07 Neo Confucianism three hundred and ten fifty seventy
08 Engineering (excluding 087200 Design) three hundred and ten fifty seventy
10 Medicine three hundred and fifteen fifty one hundred and eighty
12 Management three hundred and fifty-five sixty eighty-five
13 Art, 087200 Design three hundred and sixty-two forty ninety

(2) Professional degree

Name of professional degree Total score Single subject (full score

=100 points)
Single subject (full score

>100 points)
0251 Finance, 0254 International Business three hundred and sixty sixty ninety
0351 Law three hundred and thirty-five fifty-five eighty-five
0352 Social Work three hundred and forty fifty ninety
0452 Sports three hundred and forty-five fifty two hundred
0551 Translation, 0552 News and Communication three hundred and seventy sixty ninety
0851 Architecture, 0854 Electronic Information, 0855 Machinery, 0856 Materials and Chemicals, 0857 Resources and Environment, 0858 Energy and Power, 0859 Civil Engineering and Water Conservancy, 0860 Biology and Medicine, 0861 Transportation
three hundred and ten fifty seventy
0853 Urban Planning, Graduation School Arrangement 0953 Landscape Architecture three hundred and forty sixty ninety
1051 Clinical Medicine three hundred and fifteen fifty one hundred and eighty
1055 Pharmacy three hundred and forty sixty one hundred and eighty
1251 Business Administration one hundred and sixty-seven forty-one eighty-two
1252 public management, 125601 project management, 125602 project management one hundred and ninety-five fifty one hundred
1253 Accounting, 125603 Industrial Engineering and Management, 125604 Logistics Engineering and Management two hundred and forty-five sixty one hundred and twenty
1351 Art three hundred and sixty-two forty ninety
2、 Individual examination

The total score of the preliminary examination is not less than 300 points, the score of English and politics is not less than 40 points, and the score of Business Class I and Business Class II is not less than 70 points.

3、 Special plan

Candidates who apply for the "High level Key Talents of Ethnic Minorities" program have a total score of no less than 251 points in the initial examination (the majors with a full score of 300 points in the initial examination are converted into a 500 point system). The list of candidates for the re examination is determined according to the difference between the total score of candidates and the re examination line of the subject school they apply for, and according to the spirit of the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education and the relevant enrollment regulations of our school.

Candidates who apply for the "retired college student soldier" program have a total score of no less than 251 points in the initial examination (the majors with a full score of 300 points in the initial examination will be converted into a 500 point system). The postgraduate entrance examination assignment will be sorted according to the difference between the total score of the candidates and the re examination line of the school in which they apply, and the re examination will be notified from high to low.

4、 Candidates who meet the "three support and one support plan" of the Ministry of Education, "college student village officials", and the western planning project recorded by the Ministry of Education, and other bonus policies, must send an email before 17:30 on March 17( )Submit a written application to the Graduate Admissions Office of our university and provide relevant supporting materials, which will not be accepted if it is overdue.

5、 The school line is the minimum performance requirement for candidates to participate in the second round exam. Each college (department) can determine the score requirement or difference retest proportion that is not lower than the school line according to the characteristics of its own discipline (direction), the source of students and the number of enrollment plans.

6、 In principle, our 2023 postgraduate recruitment reexamination will be conducted on the spot, which is expected to be launched in late March. The specific reexamination arrangement is subject to the reexamination implementation rules and reexamination notice issued by each enrollment college (department).

Graduate Admissions Office of South China University of Technology
March 12, 2023
Basic score of 2022 postgraduate reexamination of South China University of Technology
1、 Academic degree

2、 Professional degree

3、 Individual examination

The total score of 030107 preliminary examination of economic law is not less than 350 points, and the total score of 085800 preliminary examination of energy and power is not less than 290 points. According to the requirements of the Ministry of Education, the difference retest is implemented.

4、 Special plan

Candidates who apply for the "High level Key Talents of Ethnic Minorities" program have a total score of no less than 251 points in the initial examination (the majors with a full score of 300 points in the initial examination are converted into a 500 point system). The list of candidates for the re examination is determined according to the difference between the total score of candidates and the re examination line of the subject school they apply for, and according to the spirit of the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education and the relevant enrollment regulations of our school.

Candidates who apply for the "retired college student soldier" program have a total score of no less than 251 points in the initial examination (the majors with a full score of 300 points in the initial examination will be converted into a 500 point system). They will be ordered according to the difference between the total score of candidates and the re examination line of the school in which they apply, and will be notified of the re examination from high to low.

5、 Candidates who meet the "three support and one support plan" of the Ministry of Education, "college student village officials", and the western planning project recorded by the Ministry of Education, and other bonus policies, must send an email before 17:30 on March 17( )Submit a written application to the Graduate Admissions Office of our university and provide relevant supporting materials, which will not be accepted if it is overdue.

6、 The school line is the minimum performance requirement for candidates to participate in the second round exam. Each college (department) can determine the score requirement or difference retest proportion that is not lower than the school line according to the characteristics of its own discipline (direction), the source of students and the number of enrollment plans.

7、 In principle, the 2022 postgraduate reexamination of our university will be conducted in a network remote manner, and is expected to be launched in late March. The specific reexamination arrangement is subject to the reexamination implementation rules and notice issued by each enrollment college (department).

Graduate School of South China University of Technology

March 12, 2022 Institute of Higher Education two thousand and twenty-one Score line of postgraduate reexamination in
After discussion by the leading group for enrollment of higher education institutions, it was decided that the score line of 2021 postgraduate reexamination was as follows:
Major code and name
Re examination score
foreign country
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Total score
50  50  213    342 
Institute of Higher Education
March 16, 2021
South China University of Technology

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