Fuzhou University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score 2023

Updated on: March 28, 2024 13:19:26 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli
 Fuzhou University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score 2023
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On the "Fuzhou University Graduate Examination", we collected some real questions and re examination resources for Fuzhou University Graduate Examination, which are free of charge; It also provides paid preliminary examination/re examination/adjustment counseling of Fuzhou University (reasonable fees, internal resources, and guaranteed effects). If you need to receive resources or understand postgraduate counseling, please add the sister WeChat on the website.

The postgraduate entrance examination score 2023 of Fuzhou University must be collected and referenced before choosing a university or a major. It reflects the difficulty of postgraduate entrance examination and the popularity of majors in Fuzhou University. Each year, the postgraduate school will count and sort out the postgraduate entrance examination score 2023 of Fuzhou University at the first time. The following is the postgraduate entrance examination score of Fuzhou University over the years. I hope it will be useful for your postgraduate entrance examination.

Specially recommended by students from Fuzhou University:

1. Please add your WeChat QR code to query the admission score, ranking and number of students in each major last year.
2. Please add your sister's WeChat QR code when you ask her to tutor for the second and first exam.
3. To see the quota and information of our school's adjustment majors, please search the [Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment v] applet on WeChat, or add an elder sister to inquire.
4. If you want to find a schoolmate who is going ashore to provide adjustment guidance, please add the WeChat QR code of the schoolmate next to it.
Fuzhou University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score National line of postgraduate entrance examination over the years
2024 Fuzhou University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Reexamination Score Line)
2023 Fuzhou University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Reexamination Score Line)
2022 Fuzhou University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Reexamination Score Line)
2021 Fuzhou University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Retest Score Line)
2020 Fuzhou University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score (Postgraduate Retest Score)
2019 Fuzhou University Postgraduate Reexamination Score
Score line of postgraduate entrance examination and re examination of Fuzhou University in 2019
2018 Fuzhou University Postgraduate Reexamination Score
2017 Fuzhou University Postgraduate Reexamination Score
2016 Fuzhou University Postgraduate Reexamination Score
2015 Fuzhou University Postgraduate Reexamination Score
2014 Fuzhou University Postgraduate Reexamination Score
2013 Fuzhou University Postgraduate Reexamination Score

2024 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2023 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2022 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2021 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2020 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
National line for postgraduate entrance examination [2006-2024]
2019 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2018 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2017 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2016 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2015 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
National line for postgraduate entrance examination in 2014
2013 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line

The scores of the postgraduate entrance examination are being updated. Please refer to the scores of previous years.

2023 Fuzhou University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Reexamination Score Line)

The 2023 Fuzhou University postgraduate entrance examination score line (postgraduate re examination score line) has not been released yet. We will collect, sort out and release it at the first time. Please pay attention to this page. In addition, the following is the postgraduate entrance examination score line of previous years for your reference, thank you.
Click to view the re examination score line in previous years: 2023 Fuzhou University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Reexamination Score Line)

2023 Fuzhou University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score

The postgraduate entrance examination score of Fuzhou University in 2023 has been announced. The following are the scores of some majors:
The admission score for graduate students majoring in safety engineering is 350.
The admission score of graduate students majoring in safety science and engineering is 292.
The admission score for graduate students majoring in comparative literature and cross-cultural studies is 370.
The admission score for graduate students majoring in material engineering is 275.
The admission score of postgraduates majoring in art design, art, music, etc. is 362.
The admission score for graduate students majoring in logistics engineering and management, industrial engineering and management, and engineering management is 178.
Graduate students majoring in accounting, public administration, business administration, etc. have a score of 197 or 198.
The admission score of graduate students majoring in information management and information system is 340.
In addition, there are graduate students in some majors whose admission score is 273. It should be noted that different majors and enrollment plans may have different requirements for the admission line. Therefore, candidates should carefully check the enrollment brochures of their majors or colleges to understand the specific requirements for the score line.

In 2022, the score line of postgraduate recruitment reexamination of Fuzhou University is as follows

Postgraduate reexamination line:
Control science and engineering: 38 points and 57 points for the single branch line, and 274 points for the retest line.
Special master electronic information: the scores of single branch line are 38 and 57, and that of retest line is 305.
The reexamination line of professional and master electronic information Haixi Lianpei is 294 points.
In addition, different colleges and majors have different scores. For details, please check the official website of the school or consult the enrollment office of the school.
The score of the second round exam of some graduate schools of Fuzhou University in 2022 is as follows
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation              
Major name (code) Number of enrollment plans Number of push exemptions received Number of students to be admitted 1. Number of volunteers on the national line Re examination proportion Number of participants in the second interview Retest line
Motors and electrical appliances eighteen zero eighteen twenty-four zero point zero zero zero seven zero eight three three three twenty-two two hundred and eighty-seven
Power system and its automation thirty-one six twenty-five forty-two zero point zero zero zero seven zero eight three three three thirty three hundred and two
High voltage and insulation technology four one three three zero point zero zero zero seven zero eight three three three three two hundred and ninety-five
Power Electronics and Power Transmission twenty-four one twenty-three forty-two zero point zero zero zero seven zero eight three three three twenty-eight three hundred and three
Electrical Theory and New Technology two zero two two zero point zero zero zero seven zero eight three three three two two hundred and eighty-one
Control Science and Engineering twenty-two one twenty-one twenty-eight zero point zero zero zero seven zero eight three three three twenty-eight two hundred and seventy-four
Electrical engineering+Minnan science and engineering joint training 135+1 3+0 132+1 three hundred and seventy-eight zero point zero zero zero seven zero eight three three three one hundred and sixty-three three hundred and forty
control engineering forty zero forty ninety-three zero point zero zero zero seven zero eight three three three forty-eight three hundred and five
Control engineering Haixi Lianpei (085406) ten zero ten twenty zero point zero zero zero seven zero eight three three three twelve two hundred and ninety-four
School of Civil Engineering      
Major code Major name Total score Single family Single family      
(Full score=100 points) (Full score>100)      
081401 Geotechnical engineering two hundred and seventy-four thirty-eight fifty-seven      
081402 structural engineering two hundred and eighty-six thirty-eight fifty-seven      
081403 Municipal engineering three hundred and twenty-seven thirty-eight fifty-seven      
081405 disaster prevention and mitigation engineering three hundred and fifteen thirty-eight fifty-seven      
081406 Bridge and tunnel works two hundred and ninety thirty-eight fifty-seven      
00814Z2 Traffic safety and disaster prevention engineering two hundred and seventy-three thirty-eight fifty-seven      
0814Z3 Road traffic engineering and disaster prevention two hundred and seventy-three thirty-eight fifty-seven      
081501 Hydrology and water resources two hundred and sixty-seven thirty-five fifty-three      
081503 Hydraulic structure works two hundred and ninety-nine thirty-five fifty-three      
081505 Port, coastal and offshore engineering two hundred and sixty-five thirty-five fifty-three      
085901 Civil engineering (full-time) three hundred and thirty-three thirty-eight fifty-seven      
085901 Civil engineering (part-time)      
085902 Hydraulic engineering (full-time) three hundred and twenty-five thirty-eight fifty-seven      
086100 Transportation (full-time) three hundred and thirty thirty-eight fifty-seven      
one hundred and twenty-five thousand six hundred and one Project management (part-time) one hundred and eighty-nine forty-seven ninety-four      
College of Chemistry            
Re examination specialty name Re examination score            
inorganic chemistry two hundred and ninety-one            
analytical chemistry National Line Class A            
pharmaceutical analysis National Line Class A            
Organic chemistry National Line Class A            
physical chemistry National Line Class A            
Material Chemistry National Line Class A            
Material Physics and Chemistry three hundred and eleven            
New energy materials National Line Class A            
Biochemistry National Line Class A            
Applied chemistry National Line Class A            
pharmacology National Line Class A            
Pharmaceutics National Line Class A            
Pharmaceutical chemistry National Line Class A            
Food Safety and Pharmaceutical Chemistry National Line Class A            
Material engineering three hundred and twenty-four            
Pharmaceutical Engineering National Line Class A            
law school      
Major name Planned enrollment (excluding underemployment) Number of pushed students received Number of students to be admitted Retest line      
Environmental and Resource Protection Law eight zero eight National Line Class A      
Legal Theory five one four National Line Class A      
criminal jurisprudence five two three National Line Class A      
Constitution and Administrative Law four two two National Line Class A      
Procedural law five two three National Line Class A      
Civil and Commercial Law ten three seven National Line Class A      
International Law ten two eight National Line Class A      
Economic Law five two three National Line Class A      
Social Law four zero four National Line Class A      
Law (non law) fifty four forty-six National Line Class A      
Law seventy-eight five seventy-three National Line Class A      
Part-time law twenty-five zero twenty-five National Line Class A      
Part-time law ten zero ten National Line Class A      

The preliminary examination results meet the basic requirements for preliminary examination results in Class A regions of the first volunteer application professional countries
Fuzhou University

90% of the students visited: The True Question of Postgraduate Entrance Examination in Fuzhou University Graduate School of Fuzhou University Admission Brochure of Fuzhou University Contact information of Fuzhou University Fuzhou University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score inquiry of Fuzhou University Postgraduate major of Fuzhou University Fuzhou University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Graduate Supervisor of Fuzhou University Major Ranking of Fuzhou University Bibliography of Fuzhou University Experience of postgraduate entrance examination in Fuzhou University Fuzhou University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Report Postgraduate Entrance Examination in Fuzhou University

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 Fuzhou University Postgraduate Examination Official Account  Official account of Graduate School Entrance Examination School