List of Graduate Tutors of Ningxia Medical University

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 List of Graduate Tutors of Ningxia Medical University
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List of postgraduate tutors of Ningxia Medical University: (Ctrl+F can be used to search)

He Zhongyi Huo Zhenghao Wang Yanrong Zhang Jianzhong Hu Shuting Wang Zhenhai

Name: Hu Shuting
Gender: female
Date of birth: December 1973
Current professional title: associate professor
Date of appointment: 2009
Ethnic group: Han

Selected tutors: 2012
Degree site: Physiology
Research direction: circulatory physiology
School: School of Basic Medicine
Current employer (including hospital/department/institute/center): Department of Physiology, School of Basic Medicine, Ningxia Medical University
Final education: doctoral candidate
Graduation time: June 2016
Graduated from: Second Military Medical University
Final Degree: Doctor
Date of Degree Obtained: June 2016
Graduated from: Second Military Medical University

The scientific research funds in the past five years totaled 550000 yuan, and the currently available scientific research funds totaled 250000 yuan.

Main achievements of scientific research and teaching in the past five years: 3 papers published in journals included in SCI
Types and names of main scientific research projects undertaken at present:
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (81260051): Research on the mechanism of abnormal calcium circulation in myocardial cells during chronic heart failure and the intervention effect of sophoridine, moderator, 2013.1-2016.12.
2. Ningxia Natural Science Foundation (NZ12191): Research on abnormal calcium regulation of myocardial cells and the intervention of sophoridine in chronic heart failure rats, moderator, 2012.9-2014.9.
Training of postgraduates: since 2012, we have assisted in training 2 postgraduates.

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Office telephone: 0951-6980121

Hu Shuting's research group has extensive exchanges and close cooperation with the Second Military Medical University, Tongji University and other universities, and has carried out in-depth research in the direction of circulatory physiology. In the field of patch clamp technology, laser scanning confocal microscope technology, electron microscope technology and other fields, it has carried out in-depth research on the molecular mechanism of calcium circulation and morphological changes of myocardial cells in chronic heart failure.

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Zhang Jianzhong, male, born in March 1957, is a member of the Communist Party of China, doctor, professor, master's supervisor, cooperative doctoral supervisor of Shandong University, and a famous teacher at the autonomous region level. At present, he is the vice president of Ningxia Medical University, the head of the national teaching team, the leader of the key discipline Pathology in the autonomous region, and the head of the high-quality curriculum Pathology in the autonomous region; Member of the 7th Committee of Pathology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, Chairman of Ningxia Pathology Society. He has been engaged in the teaching, scientific research, clinical pathological diagnosis and teaching management of Pathology for a long time. In 1996, he was awarded the National Advanced Individual of "Three Education". In 1997, he was identified as a provincial trans century discipline leader. In 2001, he was selected into the national three-level "Hundred Thousand Talents Project". In 2004, he enjoyed the special allowance of the autonomous region government. In 2006, he was rated as the "Top Ten" advanced individual of health research in the region. In 2007, he was rated as a famous teacher in the autonomous region. He has undertaken more than 10 research projects of the National and Autonomous Region Natural Science Foundation, the Science and Technology Commission, and a number of educational and teaching reform projects at or above the provincial level, and published more than 60 papers. It has won two second prizes of national teaching achievements, seven autonomous region level teaching achievements and seven autonomous region level scientific research achievements.

Wang Yanrong, female, born in March 1957, is a member of the Communist Party of China, master, professor, master's supervisor, cooperative doctoral supervisor of Shandong University, and a famous teacher at the autonomous region level. At present, he is the director of the key laboratory of the Ministry of Education jointly built by the province and ministry to maintain fertility, and the discipline leader of the key discipline Human Anatomy and Histoembryology in the autonomous region. In 1997, he was selected as the "313" talent of the autonomous region, in 1998, he was rated as the national outstanding teacher, in 2007, he was rated as the teaching teacher of the autonomous region, in 2008, he was rated as the outstanding scientific and technological worker of the whole region, in 2010, he was rated as the advanced individual of ethnic unity of the autonomous region, and in 2011, he was awarded the "May Day Women's Pacesetter" by the All China Federation of Trade Unions. It took the lead in building the Comprehensive Experimental Course of Pre clinical Basic Medicine for five-year higher medical education in China, and participated in the creation of the first national teaching team in our school. He has made unique achievements in the research field of mammalian fertility maintenance, presided over 4 National Natural Science Foundation projects, and published more than 40 papers. It has won 6 awards for scientific and technological progress at the autonomous region level, 1 first prize and 2 second prizes for teaching achievements at the autonomous region level.

Huo Zhenghao, male, born in October 1958, is a member of the Communist Party of China, master, professor, master's supervisor, co doctoral supervisor of Shanghai Jiaotong University, and a famous teacher at the autonomous region level. At present, he is the director of the educational affairs office of Ningxia Medical University, the deputy director of the key laboratory of the Ministry of Education jointly built by the province and ministry to maintain fertility, the director of the autonomous region level talent training mode innovation experimental area, the director of the autonomous region's key discipline Genetics, the director of the autonomous region's high-quality course Medical Cell Biology, and the director of the autonomous region level teaching team; Vice chairman of Ningxia Biological Society, director of Teaching Management Research Association of National Higher Medical Education Society, editorial board member of Ningxia Medical Journal. In 2000, he was selected as the "313" talent of the autonomous region. In 2003, he was awarded the "9? 10" education medal of the autonomous region. He presided over 3 educational reform projects in the autonomous region and won one first prize for teaching achievements in the autonomous region; He presided over two National Natural Science Foundation projects, and won one third prize of the Ministry of Health for scientific and technological progress, and three autonomous region scientific and technological progress awards.

He Zhongyi, male, born in April 1961, holds a master's degree, a professor, a master's supervisor, a cooperative doctoral supervisor of Shanghai Jiaotong University, and a famous teacher at the autonomous region level. At present, he is the director of the Science and Technology Department of Ningxia Medical University, and the academic leader of Human Anatomy. In 2002, he was selected as the "313" talent of the autonomous region. In 2005, he won the first prize of the autonomous region's teaching achievement, and in 2005, he was rated as an excellent master's thesis instructor. In 2007, he won the third prize of the autonomous region's scientific and technological progress, the second and third prizes of the autonomous region's excellent natural science papers, and the first and second prizes of the Ningxia Medical Prize. Enjoy the special post of the autonomous region government, and was rated as the autonomous region's famous teacher in 2009. The multimedia courseware of Clinical Applied Anatomy participated in the production won the third prize in the third multimedia courseware competition of the Ministry of Education. He presided over and participated in more than 20 scientific research projects and published more than 30 papers.

Wang Zhenhai, male, Han nationality, chief physician, associate professor, master's supervisor of neurology, doctor of medicine, neurologist of General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University.

► Character experience

Wang Zhenhai, male, born in 1968, chief physician, associate professor, master's supervisor of neurology, doctor of medicine, post doctoral candidate of biomedical engineering of Chongqing Medical University, currently serves as the vice president of the General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University, vice president of the Clinical Medical School, vice president of the General Hospital Group, director of the Stroke Center, executive vice director of the Neurology Center Deputy Director of Ningxia Key Laboratory of Craniocerebral Diseases, Vice President of Medical Branch of Ningxia Doctor's Association, Director of Ningxia Neurology Quality Control Center, Deputy Chief Physician of Neurology Department of General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University, Director of Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Office of Ningxia Key Laboratory of Craniocerebral Diseases. He is currently a member of the 4th Youth Committee of the Neurology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, a member of the Neurobiochemistry Group, a review expert of the national "863" expert database, and a candidate for the Ningxia New Century "313 Talent Project".

► Research direction

Central nervous system infection, cerebrovascular disease and neurobiochemical research.

► Main contributions

He is the editorial board member of Chinese Journal of Neural Regeneration Research (English version, SCI included journals), Chinese Epidemiology and other journals. He has been engaged in clinical, scientific research and teaching of neurology for a long time.

He has presided over and participated in more than 14 scientific research projects, including one national "973" and "863" research projects, two national natural science funds, and one Chinese postdoctoral science fund. He has published 26 academic papers, including 2 SCI journals and 7 Chinese medical journals; He applied for one national invention patent, and in 2006, he was an outstanding doctoral candidate of Chongqing Municipal Education Commission and Chongqing Medical University, and an outstanding scientific and technological worker of the first Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. He participated in the compilation of 6 monographs or textbooks such as Neurology, among which, as the deputy editor in chief, he participated in the compilation of 2 textbooks for national higher medical vocational colleges, and the People's Health Publishing House published 1 supporting textbook for the national higher medical college planning textbook Neurology (sixth edition).

► Award record

Research achievements won two second prizes and one third prize of provincial and ministerial scientific and technological progress awards; One first prize of Ningxia Medical Science and Technology Award; One excellent doctoral thesis award of Chongqing Medical University, one first prize and one second prize of Ningxia Natural Science Excellent Scientific and Technological Paper, three first prizes and one third prize of Ningxia Medical Excellent Academic Paper.

Elderly osteoporosis and bone metabolism in pregnancy
Study on the Mechanism of Diabetic Neuropathy He Lanjie (Qilu, Shandong)
Study on the Mechanism of Chronic Diabetic Complications Zhao Jiajun (Shandong Province), Liu Ping, Quan Jinxing (Gansu Province)
Rheumatic diseases Zhu Hong, Chi Shuhong
Rheumatoid arthritis Liu Rongqing
Interstitial lung disease Chen Juan, Yang Yanjuan, Zhang Shuxiang, Li Xiuzhong, Liu Hua (Gan
Su), Li Fang, Hou Jia, Zhang Kedong
Pulmonary vascular disease Zhou Wei
Interstitial lung disease Lei Fengfeng (Gansu)
Diagnosis and treatment of benign and malignant pleural effusion Xue Qingliang (President Lan)
The Pathogenesis and Clinical Study of Coronary Atherosclerosis Jia Shaobin
Metabolic syndrome and coronary heart disease Yang Ruiying
Basic and Clinical Research on Atherosclerosis and Coronary Heart Disease Xue Li and Xie Ping (Gansu)
Mechanism of atherosclerosis and myocardial remodeling He Jun
Basic and clinical study of coronary heart disease Xu Qingbin, Li Xinghui (Gansu)
The Basic and Clinical Study of Hypertension and Heart Failure Ma Ping
Basic and Clinical Electrophysiology Yang Zhen
Evaluation of cardiovascular disease management effect based on mobile internet platform Liu Fang
Pathogenesis, prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease and pathogenesis of hypertension Chen Yongqing (President Lan)
Basic and Clinical Cardiology Su Xiaoling (Qinghai)
Study on the Mechanism of Pulmonary Hypertension and Right Heart Failure Cao Yunshan (Gansu)
Atherosclerosis mechanism, pulmonary hypertension and right heart function Wang Nan (Gansu)
Ningxia Medical University

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