List of Graduate Tutors of Guizhou University

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 List of Graduate Tutors of Guizhou University
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List of Graduate Tutors of Guizhou University: (Ctrl+F can be used to search)

Zhang Yongde Yan Zhousheng Zhang Fugui Luo Yanlei Yang Qin Shen Ronghua Zhao Jin Luo Weidong Liu Zhiping He Feng Li Liangrong Huang Weiqi Zhang Zhibin Dragon Chaoyun Hu Yao Dai Jiajia Gong Minqing Zhao Ming Wu Maonian Zhang Zhuhong Peng Changgen Wang Jinrong Peng Yunfei Kuanghuawu Liu Ziyan Wang Yisong Duan Xun Peng Yaxiong Wu Yun Pi Jianyong Pan Ping Farsighted Luo Wenjun Chen Mei Zhang Damin Yang Jing Wang Xueming Jiang Chaohui Du Shipei Meng Chuanliang Liu Yuhong Long Fei distinguished linguist and strong supporter of language reform Yao Kaixue Li Qinwei Zhang Zhengping Chen Xiaowei Fu Jiaxiang Xu Daoyun Li Jianshi Lin Lantao Li Benguang Feng Xiaoxian Hong Mingyong Li Jingbo Du Bin Zhang Dicheng Ruan Zhiqun Zang Xingdong Wang Xianda Wang Wei Li Ping Square print Zhang Linhong Wei Hong Li Weiguo Li Jianjun Peace and security Zhong Jiaping Zhao Shaoqun Tian Lishu Si Yaqin Lu Wei Group Yu Guizhong Jian Jizhi Leng Chuanli Zhuang Yong

Zhuang Yong, male, was born in June 1965. He is a member of the Communist Party of China, secretary of the Party Committee of the Law School of Guizhou University, professor, master's supervisor, and doctoral candidate of the Institute of Taoism and Religious Culture of Sichuan University. Deputy Secretary General of Guizhou Sociology Society, Executive Vice President of Guizhou Social Work Education Association. He has successively served as Deputy Director of Philosophy Department, Director of Sociology Department of Guizhou University, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Deputy Dean and Deputy Director of Academic Affairs Office of Humanities College. He has published more than 40 academic papers, published a monograph, presided over and undertaken four social science topics at the provincial and ministerial levels, and won a third prize for outstanding achievements in social science at the provincial level.

Leng Chuanli, female, born in August 1969, is the dean, member of the Party Committee, professor, doctor of law, and master's supervisor of the Law School of Guizhou University. Graduated from the Economic Law Department of Southwest University of Political Science and Law in June 1991, he has successively served as the Deputy Director of the Law Department of Guizhou University, the Deputy Dean of the Law School of Guizhou University, the Dean of the Law School of Guizhou University, and also served as the director of the Civil Law Research Association of the China Law Society, the director of the Commercial Law Research Association of the China Law Society, and the arbitrator of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission The third academic leader of philosophy and social sciences in colleges and universities in Guizhou Province, Vice President of Guizhou Law Society, Advisory Expert of the Law Working Committee and Finance and Economics Committee of Guizhou Provincial People's Congress, Member of the Administrative Reconsideration Committee of Guizhou Provincial People's Government, Legal Adviser of Guiyang Municipal People's Government, Vice President of Guizhou Arbitration Research Association, Senior Arbitrator of Guiyang Arbitration Commission He is a specially invited researcher of the Law Research Institute of the Guizhou Academy of Social Sciences and the Civil and Commercial Law Research Center of the Guizhou Academy of Social Sciences, a consultant of the Guiyang Television Legal Channel, and a senior visiting scholar of the Peking University School of Law and the Australian National University.
More than 30 high-level professional papers have been published in China Foreign Law Journal, Political Science and Law Forum, Law Review, Jurist, Law Science, Politics and Law, People's Congress Newspapers and Periodicals, Law Forum, People's Justice, Application of Law, Legal Daily and other influential core legal journals. The article "Good Judge in the Eyes of Lawyers" was excerpted from the arguments of Guangming Daily; Papers such as "On Ownership of Donation Balance" and "On the Construction of Human and Physical Entities and Procedural Systems" have been reprinted in full by the NPC's photocopy materials and by well-known websites in the domestic legal circle such as China Civil and Commercial Law Network, Peking University Legal Information Network. He has made pioneering research on the system of personality and things, published a series of papers such as On the Establishment and Protection of Personality and Things in Civil Law, On the Definition and Dynamic Development of Personality and Things, On the Inapplicability of Goodwill Acquisition of Personality Property, On the Construction of Entity and Procedural System of Personality and Things, and On the Jurisprudential Perspective of the Establishment of Personality and Things, and wrote On Personality and Things in Civil Law, It is the first time to comprehensively and systematically construct the theoretical system of personality.
He has won many awards or honors, such as the Excellent Achievement Award of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Guizhou Province, National Excellent Arbitrator, Baosteel Excellent Teacher Award, Provincial Excellent Teaching Achievement Award, Guizhou Provincial Famous Teacher Award of Higher Education, Guiyang Excellent Arbitrator, and Guizhou University Excellent Teacher Award. The course of Civil Law as the lecturer was awarded the university level excellent course of Guizhou University and the excellent course of Provincial Education Department. He has compiled textbooks such as Commercial Law and Principles of Commercial Law, presided over more than 20 provincial and ministerial projects such as the Ministry of Justice and the major bidding project of philosophy and social sciences in Guizhou Province, and presided over the drafting of two local laws and regulations such as the Property Management Regulations of Guizhou Province. He was invited by the Standing Committee of Guizhou Provincial People's Congress, Guizhou Provincial High People's Court, China Southern Power Grid and other dozens of units to give legal lectures.

Jian Jizhi, born in June 1955, Hui nationality, from Taoyuan, Hunan Province, is a professor of the Communist Party of China, a practicing lawyer, and currently serves as the vice president of the Law School of Guizhou University, a member of the Party Committee, and a tutor of master students in economic law. Vice President of Guizhou Arbitration Law Research Association, Executive Director of Guizhou Civil Law and Economic Law Society, Director of Guizhou Litigation Law Society, Arbitrator of Guiyang Arbitration Commission, Vice President of Guizhou Enterprise Legal Research Institute, and Distinguished Researcher of Guizhou Academy of Social Sciences Law Research Institute. His main research interests are economic law, corporate law and contract law. Now, I am teaching Economic Law, Corporate Law for law graduates, Economic Law for MBA graduates, Contract Law and Contract Management. Presided over the Guizhou Social Science Planning Course "Enterprise Legal System and Practice", and served as the subject leader. Presided over the research projects of Guizhou Provincial Education Commission, such as "Research on MBA Education Training Mode in Guizhou Province" and "Research on Legal System of Enterprise State owned Property Rights Transaction", and acted as the project leader. His monograph "Research on the New Company Law and the Legal Practice of State owned Enterprise Restructuring" won the third prize of the seventh excellent achievements in philosophy and social sciences in Guizhou Province in 2007. He has published 28 academic papers in public journals at or above the provincial level. Served as legal adviser to universities and scientific research institutions, legal adviser to many companies and enterprises, and participated in the legal practice of property rights reform of many enterprises and institutions in our province.

Yu Guizhong, male, Han nationality, was born in September 1964 by the beautiful Qingshui River. Graduated from National Yamaguchi University, Japan, Doctor of Law, professor and master's supervisor of Guizhou University. He is also the director of the Procedural Law Research Association of the China Law Society, the vice chairman of Guizhou Civil Law and Economic Law Society, the vice chairman of Guizhou Criminal Law Society, the vice chairman of Guizhou Procedural Law Society, the vice chairman of Guizhou Youth Law Society, the legal adviser of Guizhou Provincial People's Government, the member and arbitrator of Guiyang Arbitration Commission, and the lawyer of Jiren Law Firm.
When he was young and ambitious, he was admitted to China University of Political Science and Law, the highest law school in China, as he wished in September 1988. He began to appreciate the true meaning and fun of law, and began to study and research relentlessly. For more than 10 years, he has successively published a series of papers and periodicals in Renmin University of China, Guizhou Ethnic Studies, Guizhou Social Sciences, Journal of Guizhou University, Journal of Guizhou Normal University, Journal of Guizhou Institute of Education, Journal of Guizhou Institute of Political and Legal Cadre Management, Teaching Research, New Century Essays, Guizhou Law Forum More than 40 academic papers were published in the Contemporary Law Forum and other publications, and two monographs with 600000 words were published in Guizhou People's Publishing House. He has presided over 6 provincial and ministerial research projects. In 2000, the paper "On the Causes and Countermeasures of" Difficulty in Implementation "of China's Civil Affairs" won the third prize for outstanding achievements in philosophy and social sciences in Guizhou Province.
In order to pursue the true meaning of knowledge, explore the legal system of foreign countries, follow the footsteps of the predecessor, Mr. Shen Jiaben, and travel to Japan. The Japanese have heard about their seriousness. It is said that to obtain a doctor's degree, they must go through purgatory considerations. They must not only accept the intensive inspection of bombers and the hard training of stormtroopers by teachers, but also achieve various hard targets that are inhuman. In the face of the trueness and perseverance of the instructors, I learned the preciseness of Mr. Fujino as Mr. Lu Xun said; After visiting the Japanese National Assembly Hall, I realized that democracy and freedom are the spirit of a modern country ruled by law. I have witnessed the comfortable life, beautiful environment, good order and traditional virtues of Japanese people, and I feel my responsibility. I am willing to spend sleepless nights with the stars and spend every period of time in the library. Therefore, although we know that studying in Tokyo is extremely difficult, we always keep in mind the hope of the nation and the determination to revitalize China.

Lu Weiqun, professor, doctor, master's supervisor. Bachelor of Medicine, Master of Demography, Doctor of Sociology. Member of Guizhou Family Planning Technical Expert Committee, member of Guizhou "Population, Health and Public Health Safety Science and Technology Needs" Strategic Group, expert of Guizhou Sino British AIDS Strategy Support Project, and director of Guizhou Society. He won the first prize of the provincial medical and health scientific and technological achievements. Second Prize for Excellent Papers of the Second Central China Science and Technology Promotion Conference; In 2004 and 2008, the second prize of excellent thesis of Guizhou Sociology Society was awarded. In 2003, he was awarded the honorary certificate of "member of the international quinacrine female sterilization research and development leading group" by the International Federation of Family Health (IFFH). In 2005, research achievements in population health and sociology were included in "Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 2005-2006" in the United States. He has been to Thailand, the United States, Chile, Canada, Malaysia and Macao for national academic exchanges.
Presided over and completed 1 project of the National Social Science Fund, 1 project of the Ministry of Personnel, 1 project of the Ministry of Science and Technology, 1 project of the National Population and Family Planning Commission, 2 key projects of the Provincial Science and Technology Department, 1 project of the Provincial Governor's Fund and 12 projects of other departments and bureaus; 3 school level projects and 6 horizontal cooperation projects.
He has published more than 50 scientific and technological papers, of which more than 40 were published by the first author, and 90% were published in core journals. Two articles were included in SCI. They were published on the famous international journal "International Journal of GYNECOLOGY&OBSTETRICS" in 2004 and "Contraception" in 2002 respectively. Compile a monograph.
At present, the courses taught include social survey methods, SPSS statistical analysis, family sociology, sexual sociology, population and family planning, population health, sexual health, etc. Main research directions: population health, marriage, family and gender research (female research).

Si Yaqin, female, Han nationality, was born in April 1963 and graduated from the Department of Philosophy of Guizhou University in July 1984. She is currently a professor and master's supervisor of the Department of Sociology of Guizhou University and a director of the Guizhou Sociology Society. Mainly engaged in the teaching and research of social security and related disciplines.

Main working experience:
From July 1984 to October 1994, he worked as a teacher, assistant and lecturer in the College of Adult Vocational Education of Guizhou University;
From October 1994 to September 2002, he was a lecturer and associate professor in the Department of Philosophy of Guizhou University;
Since September 2002, he has been an associate professor, professor and master's supervisor of the Sociology Department of the Law School of Guizhou University.
During this period, I have studied in famous domestic universities for many times——
From September 1986 to July 1987, he completed advanced studies in the Department of Politics of Southwest Normal University;
From February to July 1995, the School of Economics of Peking University completed advanced studies;
From February 2000 to January 2001, the sociology department of Nanjing University completed advanced studies.

Main teaching and research directions:
Over the past 20 years, he has successively offered courses such as Principles of Marxist Philosophy, Principles of Marxist Political Economy, Introduction to Social Security, Social Insurance, International Comparison of Social Security, Social Security Theory and Practice (postgraduate courses), and accumulated rich teaching experience. In 2005, he was elected as the director of Guizhou Sociology Society. At present, he is mainly engaged in the teaching and research of social security and related disciplines.

Main academic achievements:
Over the years, more than 30 academic papers have been published in academic journals at or above the provincial level, including 6 in core journals and 2 reprinted in full by the NPC's newspapers and periodicals.
On the Source of Cognitive History of Two Main Idealist Philosophical Forms won the second prize of Excellent Scientific Research Achievement of Guizhou Philosophical Society
"On the Protection of the Legal Rights and Interests of Migrant Workers" won the second prize of excellent scientific research achievements of Guizhou Sociology Society.
At the end of 2007, the Rural Residents' Social Security Series (six volumes of nearly 900000 words in total) was designed for the "Rural Bookstore Project" jointly launched by the General Administration of Press and Publication of the People's Republic of China and relevant ministries and commissions of the State Council. In addition to serving as the chief editor of the series, he also undertook the writing of three topics, totaling more than 400000 words. This series of books was published by Guizhou People's Publishing House in May 2008.
In 2009, a series of new policies for rural social security was designed again for the "Rural Bookstore Project" (a total of four volumes of about 800000 words). Among them, the New Policy for Rural Old age Security was published by Guizhou People's Publishing House in February 2010. The New Policy for Rural Medical Security, the New Policy for Rural Social Assistance, and the New Policy for Migrant Workers' Employment Security It will also be published in 2011.

Main honors:
In 1998, he was awarded the title of Excellent Teacher of Guizhou University;
In 2007, he won the "Teaching and Educating Style Award" of Guizhou University.

Main representative academic papers:
Reference Significance of Western Social Security System for Establishing and Improving China's Social Security System (Journal of Guizhou University, the core journal of Chinese humanities and social sciences, 2002, Issue 4)
On the Realistic Function of Philosophy (Guizhou Social Sciences, the national core issue in Chinese, 1999, Issue 3)
On the Protection of the Legal Rights and Interests of Migrant Workers (Guizhou Social Sciences, the national Chinese core journal, 2005, Issue 2)
The Significance and Role of the Pan Pearl River Delta Regional Labor Cooperation in Guizhou Ethnic Areas (the national Chinese core journal Guizhou Ethnic Studies, 2005, Issue 3)
Legal Protection of the Rights and Interests of Migrant Workers -- Interpretation of the Regulations on Labor Security Supervision (Journal of Guizhou University, the core journal of Chinese humanities and social sciences, 2005, Issue 3)
An Analysis of the Role of Labor Security Supervision in the Operation of China's Social Insurance System (Journal of Guizhou Normal University, 2005, Issue 4)
On the contradiction between limited liability of basic medical care and unlimited demand for medical security (Journal of Guizhou University, the core journal of Chinese humanities and social sciences, 2004, Issue 5)

Main academic works:
Editor in Chief:
Series of Social Security Books for Rural Residents (six volumes in total, nearly 900000 words).
Series of New Policies for Rural Social Security (a total of four volumes, about 800000 words)
1. Rural Residents Have a Secure Old Age (Guizhou People's Publishing House, May 2008)
2. Rural Residents Get Medical Treatment (Guizhou People's Publishing House, May 2008)
3. Migrant Workers' Income from Work (Guizhou People's Publishing House, May 2008)
4. New Policies for Rural Old age Security (Guizhou People's Publishing House, February 2010)

Tian Lishu, female, master, graduated from the History Department of Sichuan University in 1987, and was transferred from Yunnan Institute of Political Science and Law Cadre Management to the Law Department of Guizhou University to teach in 1992. Currently, he is a professor of the Law School of Guizhou University, a master's supervisor, the director of the Teaching and Research Section of Legal History, and the discipline leader of the Master's Program of Constitutional and Administrative Law, focusing on the teaching and research of legal history. The courses offered mainly include: the history of China's legal system, the history of China's legal ideology, and the history of China's ancient bureaucracy. Dozens of papers have been published in academic journals at or above the provincial level, and several topics have been hosted and participated in.
Professor Tian Lishu's research on the history of China's legal system focuses on the direction of the history of the legal system of ethnic minorities, and has published a series of papers such as On the National Characteristics of the Legal System of the Yuan Dynasty, Research on the Characteristics of the National Legislation of the Qing Dynasty, and Research on the Basic Principles of the Party's National Legislation during the New Democratic Revolution. Since he has been engaged in the teaching of the course of Chinese legal history for a long time, he has a relatively comprehensive understanding and understanding of the discipline of Chinese legal history, and has paid attention to the development trend of research in the field of Chinese legal history, so he has also written a number of in-depth papers, such as: "Try to describe the historical evolution of China's ancient supervisory system", "From the perspective of history, legal construction and the rise and fall of the country" On the Influence of Chinese Legal Modernization, On the Confucianisation of Laws in the Han Dynasty, On the Protection of Women's Rights by Legislation during the New Democratic Revolution, and The Rule of Law and Officials in Ancient China.
In the history of legal thought, there are also some research achievements. The main papers are: On Han Fei's Legal Thought, On Wang Anshi's Economic and Legal Thought, The Change of the Han Dynasty's Legislative Guiding Ideology, The Synchronization of the Han Dynasty's Legislative Guiding Ideology and Historical Development, and Deng Xiaoping's Research on the Rule of Law.
Professor Tian Lishu not only paid attention to the research on historical and legal issues, but also paid attention to the discussion on practical social issues. He presided over the Humanities and Social Sciences Planning Project of Guizhou Provincial Department of Education in 2004-2005: Research on Poor Groups in Guizhou's Ordinary Colleges and Universities He co chaired the soft topic of Guizhou Provincial Science and Technology Department from 2006 to 2007: the role of science and technology in building a harmonious society in Guizhou. Through a lot of investigation, analysis and demonstration, some original opinions on solving practical problems are put forward. In addition, a personal column was set up in the Legal Life Daily to explain his views on practical issues.

Zhao Shaoqun, female, Hui nationality, born in 1954/10, graduated from Southwest University of Political Science and Law in July 1982 with a bachelor's degree in law. In 1982, he taught in the Law School of Guizhou University, and his main research interests were international law and international trade law. Teach undergraduate students international law, history of international relations and international trade law. In 2004, the Master of International Law Program of the College enrolled students, where they taught basic courses of international law and degree courses of international human rights law and international trade law. In 2002, he was qualified as a professor and employed in the Law School; In 2004, he was qualified as a tutor of Master of International Law. Director of China Society of International Law. Recent research results are as follows: the EU's response to anti-dumping litigation against China - and the enlightenment of the restructuring of enterprises in our province, the topic of Guizhou Higher Education Humanities and Social Sciences Research Base - Population, Social and Legal Research Center (2004/11-2005/11); Introduction to International Trade Law, Guizhou People's Publishing House, 2001; An Analysis of EU Anti dumping Non market Economy Status, 2006 Frontier of Political and Legal Theories (Part II); Performance Grace Period in the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, Guizhou Social Sciences, 2005, Issue 2 (core journal); War Crimes and Armed Conflict under the Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, Politics and Law, 2006, Issue 6 (China's Core Journal of Law); Historical Evolution of the Connotation of War Crimes in International Law, Journal of Guizhou University, Issue 2, 2006 (Core Journal of Chinese Humanities and Social Sciences).

Zhong Jiaping, male, Han nationality, born in 1955 in Guiyang, Guizhou Province, graduated from Sun Yat sen University. He is now a professor of the Law School of Guizhou University, director of the Economic Law Teaching and Research Section, deputy director of the Social Service Center of the Law School of Guizhou University, master's supervisor, member of the People's Government of Guizhou Province for reconsideration, arbitrator of the Guiyang Arbitration Commission, distinguished researcher of the Law Research Institute of the Guizhou Academy of Social Sciences, and practicing lawyer of China Chuanglian Law Firm.

Now he is engaged in major and main research directions: economic law, administrative law, national economic law.

Lectured courses: administrative law, administrative procedural law, environmental law, macro-control law.

The academic achievements since 2000 include:
1. Introduction to Chinese and Foreign Criminal Procedure Law, Guizhou People's Publishing House, July 2003
2. New Theory of Administrative Law, Guizhou People's Publishing House, June 2006
1. How to Perfect the Administrative Reconsideration System under WTO Rules, Journal of Guizhou University, 2006, Issue 3
2. On Building a Harmonious Society and Administrative Legislation, Contemporary Law Forum, 2006, Issue 2
3. On Administrative Compensation Legislation and Building a Harmonious Society, Journal of Guizhou University of Technology, 2005, Issue 4
4. Exploration on the Legal Responsibility of the Main Body of Macro regulation, Journal of Guizhou University of Technology, 2006, Issue 4
5. On the Improvement and Development of Judicial Compensation System, Contemporary Law Forum, 2006, Issue 3
6. The third prize of the Western Legal System Forum for Reforming the Legislation of Reeducation through Labor: the Inevitable Trend of the Construction of the Rule of Law in a Socialist Harmonious Society
7. How to Improve the Administrative Reconsideration System under WTO Rules (won the first prize of the paper review of the Guizhou Administrative Reconsideration Work Theory Seminar)
8. Reflections on the Postposition Principle of Tort Liability in Judicial Compensation, Truth Seeking (core journal), 2006, Issue 3
9. On the Improvement of China's Criminal Compensation Responsibility Principle, Politics and Law (core journal), 2007, Issue 1
10. The first prize of the academic seminar on economic law of 13 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in 2007, Exploration of Legal Responsibility of Macroeconomic Regulation Subjects
11. On Several Issues of Compensation for Mental Damage, Truth Seeking (core journal), 2007, Issue 1
12. "Questioning the Basic Value Orientation of Economic Law's Benefits", the 2005 collection of 13 provincial, district and municipal law societies (first prize)
13. On Administrative Public Interest Litigation -- From the Perspective of Administrative Public Interest Litigation
1. "Research on Legislation in the Western Development after China's Entry into WTO (Taking Guizhou Province as an Example)"
2. "Research on Legislation in the Western Development after China's Entry into WTO"
3. "The legal system construction of the western national economy and the construction of a harmonious society"
4. "Legal consulting service project for property rights system reform

An Heping, male, born in 1958, a researcher of the Law School of Guizhou University and the Population Research Center (Department of Sociology); Master Tutor of Demography, Sociology and MPA; Experts enjoying special government allowance of the State Council; Expert of Expert Committee of National Sustainable Development Experimental Zone; Director of the Professional Committee of Population and Environmental Sociology of the Chinese Society; Member of Guizhou Provincial Population Expert Committee. He has been engaged in research and teaching in the fields of population, resources, environment and sustainable development, demography and sociology for a long time, and has successively obtained 5 domestic leading research achievements. He has published a monograph "Watershed Ecological Economy and Shelterbelt System Construction", and published a monograph "Mathematical Practice and Understanding", "Agricultural System Science and Comprehensive Research", "Statistics and Decision making", "Journal of Water and Soil Conservation" Nearly 80 papers were published in Water and Soil Conservation Bulletin, Population and Economy, Forestry Economy and Population, Resources and Environment; Undergraduate courses include sociology, social survey research methods, rural sociology, econometrics and western economics; The main postgraduate courses include sustainable development theory and management, population resources and environmental economics, development sociology, environmental sociology, population mathematical models, statistics, decision-making and models, etc. Presided over the construction of the school level key course Social Survey Research Methods of Guizhou University.
The current research projects are: Research on the Construction of Sustainable Development Experimental Area; Research on Policies to Promote the Development of Guizhou Circular Economy; Research on Population Aging and Sustainable Development; Research on the Coordinated Development of Population, Economy, Resources and Environment; Duyun Science and Technology Cooperation Project of Establishing Sustainable Development Experimental Zone; Planning project of Qingzhen City to create a sustainable development experimental area, and planning project of Baiyun District of Guiyang City to create a sustainable development experimental area; The planning project of establishing a national sustainable development experimental zone in Bijie region.


The main award-winning projects include:
(1) The comprehensive benefits of water and soil conservation forests in the middle and lower reaches of the Wujiang River were observed and measured. In 1991, it won the third prize of Guizhou Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award (ranking second);
(2) The research on the construction technology of small watershed shelter forest and the establishment of demonstration area in the middle and lower reaches of Wujiang River won the third prize of Guizhou Science and Technology Progress Award in 1994 (ranking fourth);
(3) Research on the construction technology of shelter forest in Nanpan River and Beipan River basins in Guizhou (background), won the third prize of Guizhou Science and Technology Progress Award in 1995 (ranking first);
(4) Research on the classification and evaluation of shelter forest sites in Nanbei Panjiang River Basin (Guizhou part), won the third prize of Guizhou Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award in 1999 (ranking first);
(5) The current situation and countermeasures of population aging in Guizhou Province, the 2006 Chinese Gerontology Society Proceedings, won the Chinese Gerontology Award (second prize for excellent papers) (alone);
(6) The research on the autoregressive distribution lag model of China's population forecast won the third prize certificate, prize and trophy of Guizhou Province Natural Science Excellent Paper in 2005 (alone);
(7) The second prize of excellent thesis of Guizhou Sociology Society in 2002 (only);
(8) In 2004, he won the first prize of excellent thesis of Guizhou Social Society (second author);
(9) The second prize of excellent thesis of Guizhou Sociology Society in 2008.
The papers published by Guizhou University since 2002 include:
(1) Urgent regional classification and strategy of returning farmland to forest in Guizhou Province, Water and Soil Conservation Bulletin, 2006 (3);
(2) Measures for Low efficiency Forest Reconstruction and Ecological Restoration in Huangguoshu Scenic Area, Water and Soil Conservation Bulletin, 2004 (4);
(3) Research on Autoregressive Distribution Lag Model of China's Population Forecast, Statistics and Decision Making, 2005 (8);
(4) Research on Scientific and Technological Issues of Energy and Mineral Development and Recycling Economy in Guizhou Province, Deng Nan, 2005 China Sustainable Development Forum - Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Academic Conference of China Sustainable Development Research Association (Volume I), 140~144, Tongji University Press, 2005;
(5) On Establishing a Province by Ecology and Building a Harmonious Socialist Society,<<Guizhou Law>>Issue 11, 2005;
   (6)The Means Returning Farmland to Forest on Slope Farmland and Agriculture Sustainable Development in Guizhou, Proceedings,12th International Soil Conservation Organization Conference,Volume I,427~432,Tsinghua University Press,2002;
(7) Studies on Chinese population forecast model with autoregressive distributed lag models PROCEEDINGS THE EIGHTH CHINA-JAPAN;
(9) Research on the Impact of Education Level on the Occupational Stratification of Guizhou Population, Journal of Guizhou University • Social Sciences Edition - 2004 (6);
(10) Social and economic benefits evaluation and sustainable countermeasures of returning farmland to forest project, China Population, Resources and Environment, 2007 (3);
(11) On Ecological Construction and Flood Control and Disaster Reduction Countermeasures in Guizhou Mountainous Areas, Guizhou Forestry Science and Technology - 2004 (2); SYMPOSIUM ON STATISTICS(2004),1~4;
(12) Research on Main Sources of Living and Elderly Care Mode of Urban and Rural Elderly in Guizhou Province, Collection of Humanities and Social Sciences Research Base of Guizhou Universities, Research on Population, Society and Legal System (2005 volume), 440~455, Guizhou People's Publishing House;
(13) Construction Mode and Characteristics of China National Agricultural Science and Technology Park, Guizhou Agricultural Science, 2005 (1);
(14) Preliminary Evaluation of Social and Economic Benefits in the Pilot Phase of Guizhou Returning Forest to Forest Project, Forestry Economy, 2003 (4);
(15) The current situation and sociological analysis of the harmonious relationship between the elderly and their children -- Taking the central Guizhou region as an example, the collection of humanities and social science research bases of Guizhou colleges and universities, Population • Society • Legal Research (2005 volume), 456~471, Guizhou People's Publishing House;
(16) Discussion on the needs of rural old-age care and the construction of old-age security system in Guizhou, Collected Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research Base of Guizhou Universities, Population, Society and Legal Research (2005), 432-439, Guizhou People's Publishing House;
(17) Investigation and Research on the Main Sources of Living of Urban and Rural Elderly, Journal of Guizhou University (Social Sciences Edition), 2005 Supplement;
(18) Research on the progress, problems and countermeasures of ecological construction and environmental protection in Guizhou Province, a collection of humanities and social science research bases of Guizhou colleges and universities, population, society and legal research (2006 volume), China Democracy and Legal Publishing House;
(19) Analysis of Current Population Development Problems and Policy Adjustment in China, Journal of Qiandongnan Teachers College for Nationalities - 2006 (4);
(20) Management mode and benefit analysis of agroforestry in karst areas of Guizhou -- Taking Southwest Guizhou as an example, Guizhou Forestry Science-2003 (1);
(21) Research on scientific and technological issues of ecological construction, environmental protection and circular economy, Strategic Research Report on Guizhou Medium and Long term Science and Technology Development Strategic Planning (I), 331~357, Guizhou Medium and Long term Science and Technology Development Planning Leading Group Office, December 2005;
(22) Research Report on Improving the Quality of Life of Rural Elderly in Huaxi District (2006), Gerontology Reference 2007 (2);
(23) Research Report on the Construction of Home based Elderly Care Services in Nanming District, Guiyang City (2006), Gerontology Reference 2007 (3);
(24) Environmental awareness of college students in Guizhou Province and countermeasures for building an environment-friendly society, Deng Nan, 2007 China Sustainable Development Forum (3), 463-467, Heilongjiang Education Press, 2007;
(25) Research on Performance and Sustainable Development of Grain for Green in Guizhou Province, Subtropical Soil and Water Conservation, 2008 (3), P1-4;
(26) Thoughts on creating a sustainable development experimental area to promote ecological civilization demonstration, edited by Guizhou Science and Technology Association, Proceedings of Guizhou Ecological Civilization Construction Symposium (2008), 26-31;
(27) Public participation is the key to building Guizhou into an ecological civilization province. Edited by Guizhou Science and Technology Association, Proceedings of Guizhou Ecological Civilization Construction Symposium (2008), 79-82;
(28) Biodiversity protection and development and utilization of ecotourism resources in Guizhou Province, edited by Guizhou Science and Technology Association, Proceedings of Guizhou Ecological Civilization Construction Symposium (2008), 91-95;
(29) Strengthening the legal construction of local circular economy and ensuring the construction of ecological civilization, edited by Guizhou Science and Technology Association, Proceedings of Guizhou Ecological Civilization Construction Symposium (2008), 91-95.
(30) Pollution status and prevention countermeasures of drinking water sources of Hongfeng Lake and Baihua Lake in Guiyang City, the second collection of Chinese environmental sociology (Nanjing, China, April 2009), 360-367.

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