Dalian Ocean University 2022 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line [Exclusive Arrangement]

Published on: August 13, 2022 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit:
 Dalian Ocean University 2022 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line [Exclusive Arrangement]
Dalian Ocean University Graduate Score National line of postgraduate entrance examination over the years

2023 Dalian Ocean University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Retest Score Line)
2022 Dalian Ocean University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Retest Score Line)
2021 Dalian Ocean University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Retest Score Line)
2020 Dalian Ocean University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Retest Score Line)

2023 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2022 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2021 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2020 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
National line for postgraduate entrance examination [2006-2023]
2019 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2018 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2017 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2016 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2015 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
National line for postgraduate entrance examination in 2014
2013 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line

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Dalian Ocean University 2022 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line [Exclusive Arrangement] Text

Specially recommended by the sister of Dalian Ocean University:

1. Please add your WeChat QR code to query the admission score, ranking and number of students in each major last year.
2. Please add your sister's WeChat QR code when you ask her to tutor for the second and first exam.
3. To see the quota and information of our school's adjustment majors, please search the [Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment v] applet on WeChat, or add an elder sister to inquire.
4. If you want to find a schoolmate who is going ashore to provide adjustment guidance, please add the WeChat QR code of the schoolmate next to it.

The Graduate Entrance Examination School has summarized the postgraduate entrance examination admission data of various graduate enrollment schools, including but not limited to: the data of the source and destination of postgraduate entrance examination adjustment, the score line data of postgraduate entrance examination adjustment admission, etc. The space is limited. If you need to know more data, you can add our sister WeChat to help you query, and help you take the postgraduate entrance examination.

Major name Minimum score for admission
Electronic information two hundred and thirty
Law three hundred and eighteen
Law (non law) three hundred and eight
Law three hundred and fifty-four
business administration three hundred and eighty-three
marine science two hundred and ninety
Mechanics two hundred and eighty
Computer Science and Technology three hundred and eighteen
Marxist theory three hundred and thirty-five
Rural development two hundred and fourteen
agricultural engineering two hundred and ninety-nine
Agricultural Engineering and Information Technology two hundred and sixty-eight
Agricultural management two hundred and twenty
Japanese Translation three hundred and seventy-one
biology two hundred and ninety-four
Food processing and safety two hundred and fifty-two
Food Science and Engineering two hundred and eighty-one
Aquatic products two hundred and fifty-four
water conservancy project two hundred and seventy-two
Civil engineering and water conservancy three hundred
English translation three hundred and sixty-seven
Fisheries development two hundred and seventeen
Resource utilization and plant protection two hundred and fifty-four
Lowest score two hundred and fourteen

Dalian Ocean University

add to Dalian Ocean University Sister WeChat , or WeChat search public account“ Postgraduate Examination School Station ”, follow【 Postgraduate Examination School Station 】WeChat official account, WeChat signal input at the small station of postgraduate entrance examination【 Dalian Ocean University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score, Dalian Ocean University Enrollment Ratio, Dalian Ocean University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Group, Dalian Ocean University Sister WeChat, Dalian Ocean University Postgraduate Examination True Questions, Dalian Ocean University Specialty Catalog, Dalian Ocean University Ranking, Dalian Ocean University Guarantee Research, Dalian Ocean University Public Account, Dalian Ocean University Postgraduate Enrollment) 】You can view the corresponding on your phone Postgraduate Entrance Examination Information or Resources of Dalian Ocean University

 Dalian Ocean University Postgraduate Examination Official Account  Official account of postgraduate entrance examination school station

Source: http://www.okaoyan.com/dalianhaiyangdaxue/kaoyanfenshuxian_800789.html
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