2021 Chengdu University of Information Engineering Graduate Examination Program for Integrated Program Design

Published on: November 9, 2020 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit:
 2021 Chengdu University of Information Engineering Graduate Examination Program for Integrated Program Design

2021 Chengdu University of Information Engineering Graduate Examination Program for Integrated Program Design The content is as follows. For more information about postgraduate entrance examination, please pay attention to the update of our website! Please collect this website, or download our postgraduate entrance exam APP and postgraduate entrance exam WeChat official account (there are many free postgraduate entrance exam resources to receive, and if you have various postgraduate entrance exam questions, you can also directly add our website's postgraduate sister WeChat to answer questions for free throughout the whole process, so as to help you take the postgraduate entrance exam and strive to get into the ideal graduate school as soon as possible.)

2021 Chengdu University of Information Engineering Postgraduate Examination Outline for Integrated Program Design

Examination stage: full score of preliminary subjects: 150
Examination subject: Comprehensive program design Subject code: 807
Examination method: closed book written examination Duration: 180 minutes
1、 General requirements of the subject
1. Check students' mastery of important concepts, basic theories and basic knowledge of computer programming;
2. Candidates should be proficient in the basic content of C language programming and the basic methods and programming skills of programming;
3. Candidates should be proficient in the method of structured programming and have good programming style;
4. Candidates should master some common algorithms of programming and be able to use algorithms to solve and deal with practical problems.
2、 Assessment contents and requirements
1. C Basics
(1) Master data type, variable and assignment;
(2) Master input and output;
(3) Master basic operators and expressions;
(4) Understand the specification of simple control flow and flow chart representation.
2. Select structural programming
(1) Master relational operators;
(2) Master logical operators;
(3) Master Boolean expression evaluation;
(4) Master if statement;
(5) Master the switch statement;
(6) Understand the flow chart representation of the branch structure.
3. Cycle control
(1) Master the for loop;
(2) Master the while loop;
(3) Master the do while cycle;
(4) Understand the flow chart representation of the loop structure.
4. Use of arrays
(1) Master one-dimensional array;
(2) Master two-dimensional array;
(3) Understand character arrays and strings.
5. Use of functions
(1) Master the function prototype declaration, call and return;
(2) Master function parameters;
(3) Understand variable storage characteristics.
6. Use of pointer
(1) Understand pointer declaration and initialization;
(2) Understand pointers and arrays;
(3) Understand strings and pointers.
7. Structure
(1) Understand structural variables;
(2) Understand structure array;
(3) Understand structure and pointer;
(4) Understand the use of linked lists.
3、 Question structure
The exam includes a variety of questions: single choice questions, correct and wrong questions, program analysis questions, design algorithm flow chart questions, and programming questions.
4、 Other requirements
The specific examination time shall be subject to the Examination Permit.
Chengdu University of Information Engineering

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Source: http://www.okaoyan.com/chengduxinxigongchengdaxue/cankaoshumu_369396.html

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