2023 China University of Science and Technology Guarantee Research

Updated on: October 13, 2023-13 14:19:50 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli
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[Graduate Examination School okaoyan. com] 2023 China University of Science and Technology Guarantee Research For more information about postgraduate entrance examination, please pay attention to the update of our website! Please collect this website.

 2023 China University of Science and Technology Guarantee Research
There are 921 people on the public list in 2023.
According to the situation in previous years, there may be about 7 compensation plans for national defense science and industry. If there is any supplement, it will be timely revised and pushed.
The research guarantee rate is 48.73%. (See Appendix 2 for details of colleges)

Appendix 1: Reference of Past Insurance Research
Where the 2022 (last) promoted students to guarantee their research:
A total of 907 students were recommended:
Baoyan University has about 734 people, 81%.
19% out of warranty.
Part of the guaranteed research directions are as follows:

Among them, the number of Baoyan Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University and East China Normal University is not accurate through name and specialty comparison.
Newly added latest comparison (inaccurate):
Baoyan Tsinghua University physics 5 people.
Baoyan Renmin University 7.
Baoyan Southeast University, 1 person.
Baoyan Nanjing University, 2 persons.
In addition, there are 6 persons in GF Science and Engineering Compensation Plan.
The whereabouts of the other 25 students are unknown.
Transferred from Boya

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 Conditions of Beijing University Baoyan Summer Camp