Evaluation Measures for Postgraduate Scholarship of Anhui University of Technology

Published on: July 31, 2021 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit:
 Evaluation Measures for Postgraduate Scholarship of Anhui University of Technology

Evaluation Measures for Postgraduate Scholarship of Anhui University of Technology The content is as follows. For more information about postgraduate entrance examination, please pay attention to the update of our website! Please collect this website, or download our postgraduate entrance exam APP and postgraduate entrance exam WeChat official account (there are many free postgraduate entrance exam resources to receive, and if you have various postgraduate entrance exam questions, you can also directly add our website's postgraduate sister WeChat to answer questions for free throughout the whole process, so as to help you take the postgraduate entrance exam and strive to get into the ideal graduate school as soon as possible.)

Anhui University of Technology Postgraduate Scholarship Evaluation Method Text

While fully implementing the graduate education fee system, our school will further increase the investment in graduate education and improve the graduate award system. The graduate student award and subsidy system of our university consists of scholarships, grants, innovative achievement awards and discipline competition awards. Scholarships include national scholarships, academic scholarships, social donation scholarships, etc; Financial aid includes national financial aid, "three financial aid and one financial aid" post financial aid, national student loan, special hardship subsidy, etc.

(1) Postgraduate Scholarship
1. National Scholarship for Postgraduates: It is used to reward full-time postgraduates with outstanding academic achievements, outstanding scientific research achievements and outstanding social welfare activities. The reward standard for master students is 20000 yuan/student year, and that for doctoral students is 30000 yuan/student year. Those who have won the National Scholarship for Postgraduates can also win academic scholarships.
2. Academic scholarship: used to reward and support full-time graduate students to better complete their studies. In the first academic year of the master's degree, the first academic award of 10000 yuan/student and the second academic award of 8000 yuan/student will be applied for our school as the first volunteer; The first academic year of doctoral students is the first class academic award, with the amount of 12000-18000 yuan per student. The specific amount is determined according to the financial allocation and enrollment situation of that year. Academic scholarships in the second and third academic years shall be comprehensively evaluated according to academic achievements, scientific research achievements, comprehensive quality, etc. The grade and proportion shall be subject to the official documents of the school.
3. Outstanding Freshmen Scholarship: It is used to fund and encourage outstanding full-time graduate students to devote more time and energy to research and study, and promote the improvement of students' innovation spirit and innovation and entrepreneurship ability. The first prize for outstanding freshmen of master's degree students is 20000 yuan, which is awarded to the officially admitted promoted and exempted students and "double first-class universities" of our university Build new graduates of colleges and universities (including transferred students) and new graduates of our university who are the first to apply for the examination and whose average credit scores rank the top 30% of their majors; The second prize prize is 10000 yuan, which is awarded to the first volunteer who applied for our university. The undergraduate graduates who graduated from the relevant disciplines of universities that were rated as B or above in the fourth round of discipline evaluation and the first volunteer who applied for our university and whose average credit score ranks in the top 45% of the profession; The third prize prize is 5000 yuan, which is awarded to the current graduates of the universities with the right to award doctors who apply for our university for the first time and the current graduates of the universities with the right to award doctors who graduated from the fourth round of discipline evaluation and were awarded with the title of B or above. The first prize for outstanding freshmen of doctoral students is 30000 yuan, the second prize is 20000 yuan, and the third prize is 10000 yuan. In addition to the corresponding excellent freshman award, the postgraduate who meets the excellent freshman award can also enjoy an academic award of 10000 yuan and a national grant of 6000 yuan in the first academic year. Those who meet the selection conditions of the university's national graduate scholarship can also apply for national scholarships to participate in the evaluation.
4. Social donation scholarships: various scholarships set up by enterprises or individuals in schools to reward students who are good at both academic and moral qualities.

(2) Postgraduate grants
1. Full time graduate student state grants: used to subsidize the basic living expenses of graduate students, covering all full-time graduate students without fixed wage income in our school. The subsidy standard for master students is 6000 yuan/student year, and that for doctoral students is 13000 yuan/student year, which is 10 months.
2. "Three aids and one supplement" post grants: to meet the needs of training graduate students in many aspects and in an all-round way, the school has set up post grants for graduate students in "three aids and one supplement" to improve the ability of graduate students in management practice and knowledge application.
3. National student loans: in accordance with the relevant regulations on the management of national student loans. Postgraduates who need loans can apply for credit student loans from their home countries before enrollment.
4. Subsidy for special difficulties: It is used to fund graduate students who have serious personal diseases, major personal property losses, major accidents of major family members, and serious natural disasters.

(3) Rewards for innovation achievements
It is used to reward graduate students who have made outstanding achievements in innovative research, high-level academic papers, excellent academic theses and other academic research.

(4) Award for discipline competition
It is used to reward postgraduates who have made outstanding achievements in major national competitions such as the Postgraduate Mathematical Modeling Contest and the Challenge Cup.

(5) The university has set up a program to support graduate students to study and exchange abroad. The funded projects are divided into: studying abroad and participating in international academic conferences held abroad (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan). Build a multi type, multi-level and multi-channel student exchange system for overseas study visits.

Anhui University of Technology

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Source: http://www.okaoyan.com/ahgydx/yjsy_454284.html

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