2015 Anhui Engineering University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score

Published on: March 20, 2015 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit: Postgraduate Entrance Examination Re examination
 2015 Anhui Engineering University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score
Anhui University of Engineering Graduate Score National line of postgraduate entrance examination over the years

2022 Anhui Engineering University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score (Postgraduate Retest Score)
2021 Anhui Engineering University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score (Postgraduate Retest Score)
2020 Anhui Engineering University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score (Postgraduate Retest Score)
2019 Anhui Engineering University Postgraduate Entrance Examination and Re examination Score
2018 Anhui Engineering University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score
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2016 Anhui University of Engineering Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score
2015 Anhui Engineering University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score
Graduates' score in the postgraduate entrance examination and re examination of Anhui Engineering University in 2014
Graduates' score line of Anhui University of Engineering's postgraduate entrance examination in 2013

2022 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2021 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2020 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
National line for postgraduate entrance examination [2006-2022]
2019 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2018 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2017 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2016 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2015 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
National line for postgraduate entrance examination in 2014
2013 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line
2012 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Line

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2015 Anhui Engineering University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Re examination Score Line Text

Basic requirements for retest
1、 Political assessment
During the re examination, each college will assess the candidates' ideological and political, moral quality and actual performance, and strictly control the ideological and political level. File transfer and political review will be conducted after the reexamination.
2、 The scores of candidates participating in the second round examination are required to reach the national first class regional second round examination score.
3、 Physical examination requirements
It shall be implemented in accordance with the Guidance on Physical Examination for Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities formulated by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and the China Disabled Persons' Federation. All candidates who have obtained the qualification for re examination must participate in the physical examination organized by the school. The time and place of the physical examination will be notified separately.

2、 Determination of the number of re examinees
According to the requirements of the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education, the proportion of reexamination should be determined above 1:1.2 in principle (the proportion of reexamination can be appropriately reduced for majors with insufficient student resources).

Anhui University of Engineering

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Source: http://www.okaoyan.com/ahgcdx/kyfsx_152969.html