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Talking about the connection between children and primary schools and exploring the truth of education - the first and second activities of the theme training of Nanou base and provincial platform
Author: Gao Ledan Published on: 2024-05-07 Views:

It is an important task to scientifically carry out the "linking up between young and primary schools" to achieve high-quality development of basic education. Establishing scientific guidance and promoting the effective connection between kindergartens and primary schools can slow down the slope of connection and help children smoothly transition from kindergarten to primary school. In order to improve the ability of young teachers to grasp the nodes and follow the "sequence" of teaching based on the theme background of "the connection between kindergarten and primary school", the first and second activities of the theme training of Nanou Base and Provincial Platform were held in Nanou Kindergarten and Wutian Xinyuan Kindergarten respectively on April 30.

Nan Ou Market: Wisdom with Titles

Pre class review

Teacher Zheng Zhizhao of Nan'ou Kindergarten adopted the "Three Truths" Deliberation " How In line with the purpose of "examining for suitability and teaching for understanding", we will talk about the analysis of the big class language activity "Kindergarten is better than primary school is better" , i.e.: Based on children's "real needs", "real level" and "real problems". In the process of theme review, we should base on the perspective of children, understand the "why" of the theme from the "what" of children's experience to the "what to do" of curriculum implementation, so as to better support and promote children's in-depth learning.

Chu Binru, teacher of Wutian Feixia Kindergarten, paid attention to the linkage between kindergarten and primary school in the pre class review, used the project activity of going into primary school to sort out children's experience, alleviate the anxiety of primary school life, and solve the children's questions and answers. At the same time, make adjustments in combination with the two rounds of grinding activities to find out the shortcomings. In the activity, the focus is on debate skills and expression ability, and the difficulty is refutation ability. It emphasizes the improvement of language expression and thinking ability, and stimulates the good wishes of becoming a primary school student.

laba porridge

Nanou Kindergarten With the help of picture books and AI technology, teacher Huang Huidan guided children to combine their existing experience, freely choose camps, fully express their understanding of kindergarten and primary school in the form of debate, and compare the differences between kindergarten and primary school life through scenario simulation and role substitution. From taking turns speaking to From expounding the point of view to refuting the point of view, children's emotions keep rising, and finally The teacher raised the theme of "Kindergarten is good, primary school is good, we will always grow up", recalled and looked forward to the future in a warm atmosphere.

Xu Yuan, teacher of Wutian Feixia Kindergarten, recalled the kindergarten life and the activities of visiting the primary school in the way of picture comparison, which laid the foundation for the later debate. With the help of the "open bar" props, the back and forth of the debate activities will be more "sparking". Finally, children's debate views will be systematically sorted out to enhance further thinking on primary schools and kindergartens.

Xinyuan Yard: orderly and orderly

Gao Ercong, a teacher from Hongyue Jingyuan Kindergarten, combed out the goals and determined the plan of debate activities through the theme review "Entering Primary School". Then analyze the rules and values of the debate contest. The debate contest is used to stimulate children's thinking. Through reflection and optimization of teaching strategies, it helps children review the beauty of kindergarten life in the debate and sprout a vision of primary school life.

Lin Qingyue, teacher of Wutian Xinyuan Kindergarten, reviewed and reflected on her own teaching experience, focusing on how to further build appropriate steps in physical and mental preparation, life preparation, social preparation, learning preparation and other aspects of the work of connecting children with primary schools, and put forward requirements for helping children better integrate physical and mental preparation, breakthrough core literacy and other aspects in the work of home co education.

Zhu Fanfan, a teacher from Hongyue Jingyuan Kindergarten, asked the young debaters to propose the differences between primary schools and kindergartens from their own feelings and experiences through an interesting debate contest, so as to improve their understanding of primary schools. Let the children express their views, so as to ease the transition anxiety of children from kindergarten to primary school, and lay the foundation for the smooth transition to primary school.

Zhou Haizhu, teacher of Wutian Xinyuan Kindergarten, skillfully borrows the desks and chairs of primary schools to create a teaching atmosphere, so that children can compare and summarize the differences between primary schools and kindergartens from multiple perspectives, and help children further understand the characteristics of primary school life and learning. By understanding the reasons why primary schools are different from kindergartens, I am proud of being a primary school student.

Leading by famous teachers

Lin Shenglu, a famous teacher in Wenzhou, made comments on this research and training activity. She highly appreciated the involved discussion carried out by the parks in Nanou Base focusing on the same theme. The pre class review deepened the teachers' understanding and thinking of the curriculum, and repeated grinding gave teachers the opportunity to prepare and adjust before class. At the same time, it points out that debate activities not only test teachers' grasp of the classroom, but also test children's comprehensive application ability, critical thinking and so on. Teachers should support children's free dialogue through various forms. In today's four activities, there are both topic collisions and new topics. Teachers have timely guided and responded to children's debate ideas, thinking from all aspects of the activity, and put forward valuable suggestions to the four executive teachers and four sharing teachers.


Through this activity, teachers have a deeper understanding of the connection between children and primary schools, and also explore more diversified, multi-level, high-quality activities of the connection between children and primary schools. Really give children their voice back to themselves, so that children are full of expectations for primary school Connect "warmth" with "love", "warmth" with "strength", and truly build a young connection with temperature

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