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Improve the happiness index of teachers to help the construction of "main city education" - the 2024 District Education Trade Union Work Conference was successfully held
Author: Fu Xuexian Published on: March 24, 2024 Views:


On the morning of March 20, the 2024 District Education Trade Union Working Conference was held in Ouhai District No. 2 Experimental Primary School, with a total of 120 people from primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, trade union chairmen of directly affiliated units and leaders of grass-roots organizations more than People attended the meeting. The conference is organized by district education Bureau Union Chairman Du Chaired by Zhiping, Deputy Director of the Education Leading Group Office of the District Committee Lin Jiandong came to the meeting for guidance.

At the meeting, Ouhai District No. 2 Experimental Primary School Trade union chairman Ma Xiaoou Work《 Runxin Cohesion Congealing and walking together 》Typical speech, positive school Explore and innovate the "1+1+4+N" working mode, focus on one main line, strengthen one construction, pay close attention to four key points, and implement N measures, Run the heart and work together with all the teaching staff, Boost the development of various undertakings of the school Ouhai District Foreign Language School vice-principal Chen Zhanhua As a district teacher The person in charge of the badminton club, with the theme of "Feathers, You Meet and Share Happiness", shared the club's development, highlights and characteristic work, which inspired the participants.


Ouhai District No. 2 Experimental Primary School Trade union chairman Ma Xiaoou Work《 Runxin Cohesion Congealing and walking together 》Typical speeches


Ouhai District Foreign Language School vice-principal Chen Zhanhua do Typical speech of "Feather" You Meet and Share Happiness "

Fu Xuexian, the chairman of the district education trade union, summarized the work of the district education trade union in 2023 and deployed the main work in 2024. In 2024, Ouhai District Education Trade Union will focus on the main line of "building a whole career care project for teachers", focus on the two central tasks of "serving the overall situation, serving teachers", and focus on the implementation of seven aspects of work, including "political learning, team building, position building, attention to the physical and mental health of teachers and staff, democratic supervision and management, community activities, and resource development and integration", Constantly improve the sense of happiness of the majority of teaching staff, and contribute to the trade union's strength for the brand of "learning in Ouhai".

Education Leading Group Office of District Party Committee Vice- Director Lin Jiandong Director Fully affirmed the district education trade union Remarkable achievements in 2023, and three points of guidance on doing a good job of trade union work in 2024. First, we should stress politics, improve our position, anchor goals, and effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and mission of doing a good job of trade union work. Second, we should stress responsibility, focus on the center and highlight the key points, and contribute to the promotion of Ouhai's "main city education". Third, we should focus on innovation, change ideas, improve capabilities, and constantly enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of trade union organizations.


The meeting also Commend advanced collectives and individuals in trade union work and community work in 2023.

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