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Learning promotes improvement, and communication is safe
Author: Pan Zhongzhan Published on: July 19, 2023 Views:

In order to further improve the management and emergency response capabilities of the campus security team, and improve the overall level of campus security work, the Education Bureau organized 50 security cadres to go to Ningbo to carry out a five-day "special training on improving the post ability of school security cadres" by taking advantage of the summer vacation, which is the "golden period" for improving teachers' ability. From July 12 to July 16, a high-end A rich and effective "charging journey".


modular 1: Opening ceremony

The opening ceremony was presided over by Han Xiaodan, Director of the Project Department. Lin Jiandong, Deputy Director of the Education Leading Group Office of the District Party Committee, put forward three requirements to all students at the opening ceremony: first, improve the political position and achieve two "enhancements", that is, enhance the sense of urgency for safety work and the sense of mission for campus safety and stability work; Second, cherish learning and training, and do a good job in two "in place", that is, during the training period, "in place in mind, body and mind"; Third, we should work hard to apply what we have learned and do well in two "services", that is, we should closely link with reality and transform them into serving the safety work of the school and the safety guarantee of teachers and students.


Module 2: Expert Lectures

During the study, we listened to the guidance of five experts. Professor Yu Guizhi from Ningbo Institute of Technology of Zhejiang University gave a lecture entitled "World Change and Sino US Game after the Twentieth National Congress". Professor Yu used a large number of international current affairs cases and humorous language to explain the changes in the world today in simple terms, leading everyone to have a deep understanding of what is "Chinese modernization", and opening up the teachers' international vision and world pattern.

The Case Analysis and Prevention and Control Strategy of School Teachers' Morality Anomie Event, written by the chief of Yinzhou District Health and Sports Science Division Li Minghai, analyzes the problems of teachers' morality and style in campus safety and stability with multiple real cases, warns teachers to "be respectful and afraid, and stop doing something", and puts forward conventional prevention and control strategies.

The topic of Campus Crisis Management and Public Opinion Response by Professor Yan Yilong, a famous campus safety training expert in Zhejiang Province. From three aspects of "strengthening safety awareness", "crisis intervention" and "doing a good job in public opinion response", Professor Yan, combined with typical cases and real school safety accident data, explained the campus safety prevention and response strategies in simple terms. The shocking pictures, groups of frightening data, thought-provoking videos and gory facts have sounded an alarm bell for teachers, making them deeply realize that "there is no trivial matter in safety, and the alarm bell should ring for a long time".

The topic of "Love yourself is the beginning of lifelong romance" by Si Yi'an, Vice Principal of Zhuji Teachers' Training School. From the psychological perspective, President Si started with the importance of happiness and how emotions come into being. He told profound truth in plain language and interpreted psychological problems with vivid examples, so that all students experienced a psychological journey on how to resolve campus security risks.

Professor Song Gaochu, Director of the Teaching and Research Section of Procedural Law of the School of Law and Politics of Zhejiang Normal University, gave us a wonderful lecture on the prevention and control of legal risks in the management of primary and secondary schools. Professor Song used humorous language and various forms to tell us the legal bottom line and details that should be paid attention to in the process of managing schools, teachers and students. Through live example videos, such as campus bullying and canteen management, he put forward constructive suggestions to avoid such incidents. Professor Song is full of dry goods, which has benefited us a lot.


Module 3: Scene Simulation

On the morning of July 14, all the students visited and experienced Ningbo Public Education Practice Base. Under the guidance of the head teacher, the security cadres carefully visited the "Traffic Safety Exhibition Area", "Fire Safety Exhibition Area", "Home Safety Exhibition Area", "Red Cross Emergency Rescue Experience Area", "Building Construction Safety Exhibition Area" and other areas; Immersive experience was conducted on scene design, fire escape drill, phantom imaging technology, etc. in the base, and basic escape and first aid knowledge and skills in different scenes were mastered through personal simulation experience.


Module 4: Investigation and Communication

In the afternoon of the 14th, all the students braved the fierce day to Fenghua Longjin Experimental School to carry out safety work learning exchange. Lv Longfei, secretary of the school, shared "Nurturing Education: Let Every Child Grow for the Future" and made every effort in campus culture, curriculum construction and evaluation system. Liang Haijiang, Vice President in charge of safety, shared with everyone the school safety work of ZE Run Longjin, Safe Accompanying, and created a safe and harmonious campus through four major ways, including "education, responsibility, management and linkage". In particular, the application of the "one link and four members" platform has implemented the closed-loop management of the discovery and disposal of campus security risks, and improved the efficiency of campus security management and analysis. Zhuang Lianbing, the school's security director, shared the experience of campus safety education from the perspective of "new, detailed and integrated". Teacher Ma Xuejiao, the head teacher, shared with the participants his experience in safety education and management of Starting from the Heart and Protecting Children's Lives. Finally, teachers from both places had a relaxed and friendly exchange on campus security.


Module 5: Learning and Exchange

Communication is an important link in learning. All students were divided into three groups: junior high school, primary school and kindergarten. They held in-depth discussions on four topics: how to check and rectify campus security risks, how to implement safety systems into safety rules for teachers and students, how to promote and educate teachers and students to achieve conscious safety behaviors, and how security cadres improve emergency response capabilities, Realize the transformation of theory into the action of serving teachers and students.


Through theoretical learning, field investigation, discussion and exchange and other forms of activities, the training carried out learning and exchange from the perspective of the international situation, management ability improvement, disposal practice and operation, and effectively strengthened the professional ability of security cadres. Safety cannot be loosened. At any time, everyone should strictly abide by the teacher's ethics, guard the safety of students, do a meticulous job in safety, further strengthen legal awareness, constantly improve the ability of risk prevention and emergency response, and strive to "protect students in safety and protect themselves in responsibility".


July 18, 2023


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