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Work Plan of District Education Bureau in March 2021
Author: Lin Junqiong Published on: March 1, 2021 Views:

Office of Wenzhou Ouhai District Education Bureau


District Education Bureau two thousand and twenty-one year three Monthly work plan



Work items

Leading department

Week 1


Initiate early enrollment of graduates for physical examination

Organization and Personnel Section


two thousand and twenty Statistics and analysis of annual education funds

Financial Planning Department


Carry out the theme education activity of "carrying forward the spirit of Lei Feng and striving to be a good teenager with four grades and eight virtues"

Liberal Education (Vocational Education) Section


carding two thousand and twenty-one List of departmental projects entering campus in

Liberal Education (Vocational Education) Section


two thousand and twenty-one Enrollment for Class Meeting Team Competition on Values Education in Primary and Secondary Schools

Liberal Education (Vocational Education) Section


Supervision and inspection of epidemic prevention and control in off campus training institutions

Private Education Division


Guide the whole school (park) to do a good job two thousand and twenty-one Prevention and control of epidemic situation among teachers and students returning to school in the spring semester of

Sports, Health and Arts Department


Hold a seminar on improving and strengthening physical and aesthetic education in primary and secondary schools in Ouhai District

Sports, Health and Arts Department


Various inspections at the beginning of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens

School security department, sports, health and arts, office


Revise and improve the implementation measures for the introduction and cultivation of educational talents (revised)

Talent Exchange Center


Release two thousand and twenty-one Ouhai District Education Infrastructure Renovation and Campus Upgrading Project Plan; start-up two thousand and twenty-one Design of Public Kindergarten in

Infrastructure Center


Handover of Wenzhou Rongyuan School

Infrastructure Center


Formulate and issue the "Ouhai District on comprehensively promoting the construction of" student-centered "beautiful campus space
Ten Measures

Infrastructure Center


Prepare to celebrate the founding of the Communist Party of China one hundred Anniversary series activities

Party building comprehensive service center


Prepare the on-site meeting of "student centered" education reform

Learning centered special class


The second "Luoshan · Tangheyuan" Education Summit Forum on Rule of Law and Society in Junior Middle School was held

Education Research Institute


Construction of student labor practice base (Xianyan) in the start-up area

Educational Equipment Center


two thousand and twenty-one Enrollment for the middle school entrance examination( three month one day -8 Day)

Examination Center

Week 2


Carry out on-site verification of personnel files in primary and secondary schools, and start the verification and compilation of kindergartens in primary and secondary schools

Organization and Personnel Section


arrangement two thousand and twenty-one In the spring of, preschool education was free of childcare fees, secondary vocational school students were free of tuition fees and state grants, compulsory education nutrition meals, living subsidies for boarders and non boarders, and charity relief work

Financial Planning Department


Junior high school classroom change demonstration seminar activity

Liberal Education (Vocational Education) Section


Development“ three point one two ”A series of environmental education activities on Arbor Day

Liberal Education (Vocational Education) Section


convene two thousand and twenty-one The Family Education Work Forum was held in, and the Opinions on the Implementation of Family Education in Ouhai District was revised

Liberal Education (Vocational Education) Section


Research and optimize the layout of school network to reduce the work of weak and small-scale schools

Liberal Education (Vocational Education) Section


Carry out special research on deepening school local cooperation, alliance working mechanism, commissioned school running, etc

Preschool Education Department


Screening and reporting of high-risk students

Sports, Health and Arts Department


Implementation Measures for the Construction of "Sunshine Area" for School and Surrounding Environment Safety

School Safety Department


Promotion of three educational cooperation projects including Tsinghua High School, Zhejiang University and Yuying

Talent Exchange Center


Expansion Project of Chashan Experimental Middle School, Zhanxi Primary School( C-04 )Jingshan Primary School, Wutian Third Primary School Phase II, Guoxi Middle School, Nanbaixiang Planning Kindergarten( B-23 )Green Axis Primary School and Kindergarten are constructed as planned

Infrastructure Center


Hold activities to celebrate "March 8th Women's Day"

Education trade union


Carry out the application work for the construction of the third batch of clean schools (some primary and secondary schools and district public kindergartens)

Party building comprehensive service center


Self inspection, self-evaluation and rectification of "County wide Preschool Education Popularization and Inclusive Area"

Supervision and Evaluation Center, Preschool Education Department


Organize a class meeting on the theme of "building dreams and pursuing dreams" for the preparation of the ninth grade middle school entrance examination

Education Research Institute


Organize a meeting of junior middle school teaching and research leaders in the district and a discussion on the analysis and preparation of the ninth grade model

Education Research Institute


Organize the district primary school teaching work meeting

Education Research Institute


Investigation and implementation of air conditioning installation in junior high schools

Educational Equipment Center

Week 3


Temporary employment personnel report and two thousand and twenty-one Statistics of teacher exchanges in

Organization and Personnel Section


District education system two thousand and twenty-one Breakdown and release of annual special budget

Financial Planning Department


Convene the Youth League Secretary, Young Pioneers General Auxiliary Meeting, and the Ouhai District Labor Education Promotion Forum

Liberal Education (Vocational Education) Section


Pair work of primary and secondary schools in the construction of compulsory education community

Liberal Education (Vocational Education) Section


Investigation and appointment of vice presidents under the rule of law

Private Education Division


start-up two thousand and twenty-one Work related to the festival

Sports, Health and Arts Department


Announce the annual assessment results of the rated safe campus

School Safety Department


Cooperate in the planning and adjustment of Nanpu Temporary Resettlement School; Completion acceptance of Huichang Primary School

Infrastructure Center


Launch the badminton competition for the teaching staff in the whole district

Education trade union


Special guidance on the construction of new teaching routines for junior middle schools in the district

Education Research Institute


Release two thousand and twenty-one Education equipment project in

Educational Equipment Center


two thousand and twenty-one National English Test in the first half of

Examination Center

Fourth week


Initiate the handling of proposals for regional conferences



Launch livelihood projects such as campus upgrading project, facilities and equipment procurement, canteen reconstruction, classroom air conditioning installation, and standardized school creation

Financial Planning Department


Evaluation and recommendation of moral education demonstration schools

Liberal Education (Vocational Education) Section


Basic Skills Competition for Class Teachers of District Primary and Secondary Schools (second round)

Liberal Education (Vocational Education) Section


Application for field survey work of municipal people's livelihood practical project nurseries

Preschool Education Department


Study and implement the spirit of the Seminar on Digital Reform of Zhejiang Education System

Private Education Division


Do a good job in the preliminary work of starting provincial mental health demonstration sites and standardization construction

Sports, Health and Arts Department


Carry out national safety education week for primary and secondary students

School Safety Department


Mobilization and commencement of the relocation and expansion project of the district level professional group

Infrastructure Center


Convene the capital construction work meeting

Infrastructure Center


Do a good job of mutual medical assistance and security for employees

Education trade union


Special regular meeting of the Bureau's Party Committee on building a clean and honest government in the first quarter

Party building comprehensive service center


revise two thousand and twenty-one Detailed Rules for Performance Appraisal (Education) of Nianzhen Street

Supervision and Evaluation Center


Junior high school classroom change demonstration seminar activity

Education Research Institute


Initiate the adjustment of procurement scheme for bulk goods (food materials, school uniforms)

Educational Equipment Center


two thousand and twenty-one English Listening and Speaking Test (Simulation)

Examination Center












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