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Forwarding the Notice on Doing Well in the Third Provincial Community Education Micro course Selection Activity
Author: Xie Jiancheng Published on: November 6, 2019 Views:

Member units of the district community education work committee, community schools (branch schools), primary and secondary schools (kindergartens):

    Now《 Notice on Doing Well in the Third Provincial Community Education Micro course Selection Activity 》(Zhejiang Social Education Office [ 2019] No. 4), please do a good job in reporting and recommendation. to Before November 19, the micro course resources shall be stored in a USB flash disk (including video files, electronic declaration forms and summary forms), and submitted to the 425 Office of the District Education Bureau (4th floor of the 8th building of the district government) together with the paper stamped declaration forms and summary forms. At the same time, the electronic copies of the declaration forms and summary forms shall be sent to the mailbox : seven hundred and thirty-five million three hundred and fifty thousand eight hundred and forty-three Contact: Zhang Hongguang, Tel: 13567786899。

Notice on Doing Well in the Third Provincial Community Education Micro course Selection Activity


Zhejiang Social Education Office [ 2019 No.4

Community universities (city universities, community education guidance centers) in districts and cities, and community colleges in counties (cities, districts):

According to Zhejiang Community Education Guidance Center According to the requirements of the 2019 Key Points of Work (ZSJ [2019] No. 3), after research, it is decided to carry out the third selection activity of excellent micro courses of community education in the province, and the relevant matters are notified as follows:

1、 Selection and category of works

1. Optional. The works to be evaluated can be selected and sent by relevant units such as cities divided into districts, counties (cities, districts), towns (streets), communities (villages), or by community educators themselves.

2. Series. The works participating in this evaluation are divided into three series: 2019 community education micro curriculum, community education into rural cultural auditorium, and Yangtze River Delta community (elderly) education and learning resources. Each work can freely choose one or more corresponding series.

2、 Work requirements

1. Selection requirements. The works to be evaluated are divided into two forms: single micro class and multiple micro classes, mainly video. A single micro class has a relatively complete structure, focusing on one problem, and the duration is limited to 10 minutes. Multiple micro courses are composed of no less than three single micro courses with internal knowledge or technology system, and closely revolve around the same theme. Reasonable media form and production technology shall be adopted for production. For specific requirements, please refer to Zhejiang Radio and Television University Micro course Construction Specification (Trial) (June 2014) and Zhejiang Radio and Television University Multimedia Learning Resources Construction Technical Specification (Trial) (November 2012) (see the "Download Area" of "Zhejiang Community Education Network").

2. Originality requirements. The works and relevant materials to be evaluated must be original by the sending unit or individual, and shall not be copied or infringe the copyright of others. If the work is found to infringe the copyright of others or contain any harmful information, its qualification for evaluation will be cancelled. If you use other people's music, pictures, videos and other resources in your works, please give a detailed explanation in text, and indicate the source and source. Those without explanation shall be deemed as original, and the author shall bear corresponding legal liability.

3、 Award setting and application promotion

This activity sets up several first, second and third prizes for outstanding works to be evaluated and commends them. The selected excellent micro course resources will be passed through Zhejiang Community Education Network( )Zhejiang Lifelong Learning Online( )Third Age School( )And other network platforms for teachers and community residents to learn from.

Among them, the provincial community education guidance center will recommend the best works that choose to apply for the Yangtze River Delta community (elderly) education micro course series to participate in the Yangtze River Delta micro course selection activities, and the specific requirements will be notified separately.

4、 Submission requirements

1. Community universities (city universities, community education guidance centers) in districts and cities should review the application materials for micro courses in their jurisdictions and recommend the best. No more than 15 excellent micro courses can be recommended.

2. When submitting, all localities should store the micro course resources in a unified U disk (including video files of micro courses, electronic declaration forms and summary forms), mail them together with the paper sealed declaration forms and summary forms to the office of Zhejiang Community Education Guidance Center, and send the electronic version of the declaration forms and summary forms to the email address: , until November 22.

5、 Contact:

Contact: Zhao Shihong, Dong Hong;

Telephone: 0571-88904355

Address: Jiaogong Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou Room 1123, Block A, No. 42;

Postal code: 310012。  

Attachment: 1. Application Form for the Selection of Excellent Micro Courses of Community Education in the Province

2. Summary of the provincial community education excellent micro course selection activities

Zhejiang Community Education Guidance Center Office

October 21, 2019

enclosure one

Provincial community education excellent micro course selection activity declaration form

Declaring unit or individual


postal address


Postal code


contact number




Micro class






A. Community Education Microcourse B. Community Education in Rural Cultural Auditorium

C. Community (elderly) education and learning resources in the Yangtze River Delta


A. Citizenship   B. Scientific knowledge    C. Vocational skills    D. Life and leisure


A. Single micro lesson B. Multiple micro lessons (number of videos     )

Video (total) duration


intended for

A. Teenagers    B. Older people              C. Other personnel


Only municipal and above honors are listed.

Introduction (including design purpose, featured highlights, etc., no more than 100 words)






Declaration unit (person) commitment:

The declared work does not involve unauthorized copyright of others, and promises that the unit (person) will bear the consequences of copyright disputes caused by citing other people's works; The content of the work complies with the provisions of national laws and regulations, and promises that the legal liability caused by the illegal content of the work shall be borne by the unit (person); Agree to the requirements of this activity notice, and accept the expert review organized by this selection activity.

The sponsor of the event is authorized to enjoy the right of online dissemination of the works, and to recommend the best to participate in relevant national competitions, resource exchange and publication.

Seal (or signature):      


Opinions of the unit


Seal (or signature):      



Note: 1. Please tick "√" directly on the option number to select the type, category and type of micro course. 2. The course type can be single or multiple.

enclosure two

Provincial community education excellent micro course selection activity Summary


Submitting unit : (official seal)                                          Contact name:                              

Contact number:                          hand    Machine:                            Submission date:                 





Name of micro class

intended for


mobile phone

the unit to which one belongs

Course introduction (no more than 100 words)





























































Note: one This form is to be filled in by each city divided into districts.

two If there are multiple micro courses in the form, please mark the number of videos at the same time.

three "Course series", please refer to the attachment one The selected item of "Course Series" can be filled in the letter serial number directly, and you can select one or more options.


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