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Notice on Recruitment of 605 College Graduates in Hunan Province in 2024 under the "Three Supports and One Support" Plan Subscription+ Enter reading mode

Notice on Recruitment of 605 College Graduates in Hunan Province in 2024 under the "Three Supports and One Support" Plan Subscription+ Enter reading mode Add in Wechat Click me to consult

In order to thoroughly implement the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on guiding college graduates to work at the grass-roots level, implement the decision and deployment of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the provincial party committee and the provincial government to accelerate rural revitalization and do a good job in employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates, according to the recruitment work arrangement of the "three supports and one support" plan of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, In 2024, our province will continue to openly recruit a group of college graduates to work in township institutions to support education, agriculture, medicine, and rural revitalization. Relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

1、 Recruitment quota

In 2024, Hunan Province will publicly recruit 605 "three supports and one support" personnel, with a service period of 2 years. The specific recruitment plan is detailed in the List of "Three Supports and One Support" Post Plan in Hunan Province in 2024 (Annex 1).

2、 Recruitment objects and conditions

(1) Recruitment target

Under 30 years old (born after July 1, 1993), college graduates of 2022, 2023 and 2024 with college degree or above. Graduates of senior class and preparatory technician (technician) class of technical colleges and universities can apply for positions that meet job qualification conditions and are not limited to majors by referring to college and undergraduate degrees respectively.

(2) Recruitment conditions

1. Have the nationality of the People's Republic of China.

2. Abide by the Constitution and laws of the People's Republic of China.

3. Have good conduct and professional ethics.

4. Have the professional or technical conditions required by the post.

5. Adapt to the physical conditions required by the post.

6. Candidates should obtain a graduation certificate and have a nationally recognized academic degree (degree). The completion certificate and dropout certificate do not meet the requirements. Graduates of the 2024 class need to obtain the academic degree certificate before July 10, 2024, and those who study abroad need to be certified by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education before July 10, 2024. Those who have not obtained the academic degree certificate or certificate of qualification will be disqualified.

For doubtful national education qualifications (degrees), the results confirmed by the education administrative departments at or above the provincial level shall prevail; In case of any doubt about the education (degree) of the Party School, the results shall be subject to the confirmation by the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee in coordination with relevant competent business departments; For technical school education in doubt, the results identified by the Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department shall prevail.

The major of applicants shall be filled in strictly according to the graduation certificate. Those whose majors have been listed in Hunan Province 2024 Examination and Recruitment of Civil Servants Professional Guidance Catalogue (Annex 2) but not listed in the recruitment post majors do not meet the application conditions; The municipal and prefectural human resources and social security bureaus shall determine whether the majors they have learned are qualified for the examination if they are not included in the Hunan Province 2024 Examination Guide Catalog for Civil Servants.

7. Those who apply for the volunteer teaching post must have the corresponding teacher qualification certificate or the teacher's professional qualification and the corresponding Putonghua test score sheet before July 10, 2024; Those who apply for the nursing post must have the nurse qualification certificate or obtain the qualification certificate of nurse qualification examination before July 10, 2024; Those who apply for the position of supporting doctors shall apply for the examination according to the relevant requirements of the phased policy of "taking the post first, then taking the examination", and obtain the professional qualification certificate or pass the professional qualification examination specified by the state within the two-year service period (before August 31, 2026), otherwise they will not be resettled after the service period expires.

8. For posts with household registration requirements, the household registration of applicants shall be in the required administrative region on the date of this announcement or during the college entrance examination.

(3) The person who has one of the following circumstances shall not apply for the examination:

1. On duty "three supports and one support" personnel.

2. Full time non 2024 graduates of ordinary colleges and universities (full-time non 2024 graduate students who are studying cannot apply for the examination with undergraduate degree, and so on in other cases).

3. Active servicemen.

4. Persons who have been subject to criminal punishment or dismissed from public office due to crimes, who have not yet been relieved of party discipline, political discipline or are subject to disciplinary review; Persons suspected of violating laws and crimes who are under judicial investigation and have not yet reached a conclusion.

5. Those who have been recorded in the integrity archive of public recruitment candidates of public institutions due to violation of the Regulations on Handling Disciplinary Violations in Public Recruitment of Public Institutions at all levels and all kinds of institutions, and whose record period has not expired.

6. Persons who are listed as the object of joint punishment for dishonesty according to law.

7. Other circumstances stipulated by laws and policies.

The withdrawal shall be subject to the Regulations on Personnel Management Withdrawal of Public Institutions issued by the Organization Department of the Central Committee and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

3、 Sign up

Registration time: 9:00, May 15, 2024 to 17:00, May 23, 2024

Registration method: applicants can log in to the official website of the municipal and prefectural human resources and social security bureaus, the municipal and prefectural personnel examination website, etc. to view local announcements, and register as required. The specific website and contact information are detailed in Hunan Province 2024 "Three Supports and One Support" Plan Recruitment Consultation Phone and Information Release Website (Annex 3), without further notice.

4、 Preliminary qualification review and post plan adjustment

Before 12:00 on May 26, the municipal and prefectural human resources and social security bureaus organized the preliminary qualification review according to the personal information submitted by the applicants and the post qualification conditions. If the applicant fails to pass the qualification examination, he or she may change to another qualified position.

For posts whose number of applicants does not reach the minimum proportion of written examination, the post plan shall be reduced accordingly, and posts that still cannot reach the minimum proportion of written examination after reduction shall be canceled. On May 28, the municipal and prefectural human resources and social security bureaus issued the post reduction (cancellation) and report change announcement, notifying candidates to change to other posts that meet the conditions. From 9:00 on May 29 to 17:00 on May 31, the post change report will be completed.

5、 Written examination

(1) Written examination subjects. The written examination subject is "Comprehensive Ability Test", which is divided into public basic knowledge and writing. The score is 100 points, including 60 points for public basic knowledge and 40 points for writing. The examination duration is 120 minutes. The written examination shall be conducted in a closed book manner. No examination book shall be designated and no training institution shall be entrusted to conduct pre examination training.

(2) Time of written examination. From 9:00 to 11:00 on June 29, 2024, the written examination will be held in the whole province, and 14 cities and prefectures will set up examination areas. From 9:00 on June 25 to 17:00 on June 28, the admission card will be printed. Please see the admission card for the test location. Candidates shall take the exam at the specified time, place and requirements.

(3) Test proportion. The proportion of written examination shall be subject to the List of "Three Supports and One Support" Post Plan of Hunan Province in 2024 (Annex 1).

(4) Disciplinary requirements. The examination shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant discipline requirements of public recruitment of public institutions. Candidates must strictly observe the discipline of the examination room, obey the management of the examination room staff, and accept the safety inspection. In case of plagiarism, assisting in plagiarism, taking the exam with forged certificates, using prohibited communication devices or electronic devices with computing and storage functions, collusion and cheating, or participating in organized cheating, taking the exam on behalf of others or letting others take the exam on their own behalf, and other disciplinary violations, the exam qualification will be canceled, and those suspected of committing crimes will be transferred to the judicial authorities for handling.

(5) Results announcement. After marking, the municipal and prefectural human resources and social security bureaus will release the query announcement of individual written examination results for local posts, and the provincial human resources and social security department will release the provincial unified minimum qualified score line for written examination. Those lower than the minimum qualified score of the written examination will not be included in the on-site qualification review and will be disqualified from the interview.

6、 Site qualification review

(1) The municipal and prefectural human resources and social security bureaus are responsible for the on-site qualification review, and the specific time will be announced by the municipal and prefectural human resources and social security bureaus separately.

(2) Interview proportion and on-site qualification review object. The proportion of interview for recruitment position shall be determined according to the proportion of written examination for the position. The on-site qualification review object of the recruitment post shall be determined in accordance with the interview proportion of the post and the written examination scores of the candidates from high to low. If the last one has the same score in the written examination, the on-site qualification review shall be conducted at the same time. If the on-site qualification review is deemed to meet the application conditions, they will all enter the interview process.

(3) Contents of on-site qualification review. The municipal and prefectural human resources and social security bureaus are responsible for organizing on-site qualification review. Candidates who enter the on-site qualification review process shall go to the places designated by the municipal and prefectural human resources and social security bureaus for on-site qualification review with their own identity cards, admission cards, household registration materials, graduation certificates, academic degree certificates (if new graduates do not submit academic degree certificates, the original and one copy of academic degree certificates shall be issued by their graduation colleges) and qualification certificates required by their positions. If the examinee fails to participate in the on-site qualification examination at the specified time and place, it shall be deemed as giving up automatically; If the on-site qualification review does not meet the conditions, the recruitment qualification will be canceled.

(4) The on-site qualification review objects shall be supplemented. If the applicant gives up the on-site qualification review or fails to pass the qualification review, he/she shall fill in the written examination scores from high to low. If the last one gets the same score in the written test, he will enter the interview at the same time.

(5) The qualification review runs through the whole process of recruitment. If any candidate is found not meeting the recruitment conditions or providing false materials, the recruitment qualification will be cancelled.

7、 Interview

The interview will be held in late July 2024. The interview time will be unified throughout the province and organized by the municipal and prefectural human resources and social security bureaus. The time and place shall be separately notified by the municipal and prefectural human resources and social security bureaus.

The interview score is 100 points. Structured interview is adopted. Unified interview questions throughout the province.

Personnel who have passed the on-site qualification review will be interviewed. If applicants give up the interview, they shall fill in the written examination scores of those who have passed the examination from high to low. If the last one gets the same score in the written examination, he will enter the interview at the same time. After the city/state interview announcement is released, the interviewees will no longer fill in.

If there is no effective competition among the actual number of interviewees for the recruited position (the actual number of interviewees does not exceed the planned number of positions, that is, there is no effective competition), the interview score of the candidates must not be lower than the minimum interview score of the candidates for the physical examination for the effective competitive position on the spot (the same session, the same interviewer group, and the same set of interview questions).

Personal interview results will be announced on the spot.

8、 Score synthesis and ranking

(1) Score synthesis

The comprehensive score is calculated according to the written examination score × 60%+interview score × 40%.

The written test scores and interview scores shall be rounded to two decimal places, and the comprehensive scores shall be rounded to three decimal places.

(2) Score ranking

Rank according to the comprehensive scores from high to low. Those with the same comprehensive scores shall be subject to the written examination

Achievements are ranked.

9、 Physical examination and inspection

(1) Physical examination

According to the ratio of 1:1 for recruitment positions, the candidates for physical examination shall be determined in the order of comprehensive scores from high to low among the interviewees. The physical examination shall be organized by the municipal and prefectural human resources and social security bureaus. See local announcements for physical examination matters. The physical examination shall be carried out in accordance with the General Standards for Physical Examination of Civil Servants (Trial), the Operation Manual for Physical Examination of Civil Servants (Trial) and the special requirements of the industry.

If heart rate, vision, hearing, blood pressure and other items fail to meet the standards of physical examination, they shall be re examined daily; If marginal heart murmur, pathological ECG, pathological murmur, frequent premature beats (confirmed by ECG) and other items fail to meet the standard of physical examination, they shall be re examined on the spot. The hospital for re examination on the same day and on the spot is the hospital for initial physical examination, and the re examination time shall not exceed 17:30 on the same day. If applicants have questions about the results of the physical examination items that are not re examined on the same day or on the spot, they can submit an application for re examination to the physical examination implementing authority within 7 days after receiving the notification of the physical examination conclusion. The re examination on the same day, on the spot and off the same day and off the spot can only be conducted once. The re examination content is the items that have an impact on the physical examination conclusion, and the physical examination result is subject to the re examination conclusion.

If the medical examination is not carried out according to the requirements of the regulations, it shall be deemed as giving up the medical examination. Applicants who practice fraud or deliberately conceal the truth during the physical examination shall be disqualified for recruitment.

(2) Inspection

Those who pass the physical examination enter the investigation procedure. The municipal and prefectural human resources and social security bureaus are responsible for organizing the investigation, focusing on the ideological and political performance, discipline and law compliance, moral quality, job matching and other aspects of the proposed recruits; It is necessary to focus on verifying whether the recruiters meet the prescribed application conditions, whether the registration information and relevant materials provided are true, accurate and effective, whether there are cases of application avoidance, etc., and issue written inspection opinions.

Candidates who fail to meet the required conditions or meet the requirements of the post shall not be determined as candidates to be recruited.

(3) Supplementary

After the interview, if there is a vacancy due to voluntarily giving up the recruitment qualification or failing to pass the physical examination and inspection, the municipal and prefectural human resources and social security bureaus can make up for it from high score to low score among the interview qualified personnel in the same position according to their comprehensive scores, and then enter the physical examination and inspection.

10、 Publicity and work

Publicize the list of proposed recruits on the official website of municipal and prefectural human resources and social security bureaus for 7 working days. Those who report serious problems will be disqualified once verified; If there is no objection to the expiration of the publicity period, or there are problems reflected, but the recruitment is not affected after verification, formal recruitment procedures shall be handled.

11、 Information release

The "three supports and one support" plan's recruitment, registration, written examination, interview, qualification review, physical examination, investigation, shortlisted candidates and other announcements are published on the official website of the municipal and prefectural human resources and social security bureaus and the municipal and prefectural personnel examination website. Please pay attention to the website and check the information in a timely manner.

Annex 1: List of 2024 "Three Supports and One Support" Post Plan of Hunan Province. xlsx

Annex 2: Professional Catalog.xlsx

Annex 3: Consultation Telephone and Information Release Website of Hunan Province's 2024 "Three Supports and One Support" Plan Recruitment Work. docx

Original title: Hunan Province 2024 College Graduates "Three Supports and One Support" Plan Recruitment Announcement



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(Editor in charge: Liu)

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