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2025 Shanghai Civil Servant Test Daily Practice Data Analysis Exercise 2024.4.25 Enter reading mode

2025 Shanghai Civil Servant Test Daily Practice Data Analysis Exercise 2024.4.25 Enter reading mode Add in Wechat Click me to consult

2024-05-14 17:11:48 | Source: Secondary public education
  Practice questions of line test  

Answer 1-5 questions according to the following information.

At the end of 2015, the total mileage of roads nationwide was 4.5773 million kilometers, including 4.0463 million kilometers of technical grade roads, which accounted for 1.0 percentage point higher than that of the previous year.

The mileage of various administrative roads is 185300 km of national roads, 329700 km of provincial roads, 554300 km of county roads, 1113200 km of township roads and 81700 km of special roads, respectively, an increase of 6100 km, 6900 km, 2300 km, 8100 km and 1400 km over the end of the previous year.

The national highway mileage is 123500 kilometers, an increase of 11600 kilometers over the end of last year. Among them, 79600 kilometers of national highways increased by 6500 kilometers. The national highway lane mileage is 548400 kilometers, an increase of 52800 kilometers.

1. From 2012 to 2015, the year with the lowest year-on-year increase of highway density in China is:

A.2012 B.2013 C.2014 D.2015

2. The total highway mileage in 2015 increased compared with that in 2014:

A. Less than 3% B.3%~5%

C. 5%~8% D. More than 8%

3. In 2015, the proportion of the mileage of roads of technical grade III and above in the total mileage of roads is:

A. Less than 20% B. More than 20% C. More than 30% D. More than 40%

4. The correct order of the year-on-year increment of the mileage of all administrative highways in 2015 from low to high is:

A. Special roads, county roads, provincial roads, national roads, township roads

B. Special roads, county roads, national roads, township roads, provincial roads

C. County roads, special roads, national roads, provincial roads, township roads

D. Special roads, county roads, national roads, provincial roads, township roads

5. About the national highway conditions in 2015, the following can be inferred from the above materials:

A. National highway mileage increased by more than 10%

B. The average number of lanes of national expressways is between 5 and 6

C. Less than 10% of the total mileage of roads outside the class

D. The mileage growth of national roads is faster than that of provincial roads

Reference answer and analysis


(Editor in charge: Zhang Jianping)

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